To incorporate the gravitational influence of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) in planetary ephemerides, uniform-ring models are commonly employed. In this paper, for representing the KBO population residing in Neptune's 2:3 mean motion resonance (MMR), known as the Plutinos, we introduce a three-arc model by considering their resonant characteristics. Each `arc' refers to a segment of the uniform ring and comprises an appropriate number of point masses. Then the total perturbation of Plutinos is numerically measured by the change in the Sun-Neptune distance ($\Delta d_{SN}$). We conduct a comprehensive investigation to take into account various azimuthal and radial distributions associated with the resonant amplitudes ($A$) and eccentricities ($e$) of Plutinos, respectively. The results show that over a 100-year period: (1) at the smallest $e=0.05$, the Sun-Neptune distance change $\Delta d_{SN}$ caused by Plutinos decreases significantly as $A$ reduces. It can deviate from the value of $\Delta d_{SN}$ obtained in the ring model by approximately 100 km; (2) as $e$ increases in the medium range of 0.1-0.2, the difference in $\Delta d_{SN}$ between the arc and ring models becomes increasingly significant; (3) at the largest $e\gtrsim0.25$, $\Delta d_{SN}$ can approach zero regardless of $A$, and the arc and ring models exhibit a substantial difference in $\Delta d_{SN}$, reaching up to 170 km. Then the applicability of our three-arc model is further verified by comparing it to the perturbations induced by observed Plutinos on the positions of both Neptune and Saturn. Moreover, the concept of the multiple-arc model, designed for Plutinos, can be easily extended to other MMRs densely populated by small bodies.
The $n=1$ photon ring is an important probe of black hole (BH) properties and will be resolved by the Black Hole Explorer (BHEX) for the first time. However, extraction of black hole parameters from observations of the $n=1$ subring is not trivial. Developing this capability can be achieved by building a sample of $n=1$ subring simulations, as well as by performing feature extraction on this high-volume sample to track changes in the geometry, which presents significant computational challenges. Here, we present a framework for the study of $n=1$ photon ring behavior and BH property measurement from BHEX images. We use KerrBAM to generate a grid of $\gtrsim10^6$ images of $n=1$ photon rings spanning the entire space of Kerr BH spins and inclinations. Intensity profiles are extracted from images using a novel feature extraction method developed specifically for BHEX. This novel method is highly optimized and outperforms existing EHT methods by a factor of ${\sim}3000$. Additionally, we propose a novel, minimal set of geometric measurables for characterizing the behavior of the $n=1$ subring geometry. We apply these measurables to our simulation grid and test spin recovery on simulated images using: (i) gradient boosting, a machine learning algorithm; and (ii) an extension of Deep Horizon, a deep learning framework. We find $\gtrsim90$\% correct recovery of BH properties using the machine/deep learning approaches, and characterize the space of resolution-dependent geometric degeneracies. Finally, we test both approaches on GRMHD simulations of black hole accretion flows, and report accurate recovery of spin at the expected inclination of M87*.
Super Jupiters are giant planets with several Jupiter masses. It remains an open question whether these planets originate with such high masses or grow through collisions. Previous work demonstrates that warm super Jupiters tend to have more eccentric orbits compared to regular-mass warm Jupiters. This correlation between mass and eccentricity may indicate that planet-planet interactions significantly influence the warm giant planet demographics. Here we conducted a detailed characterization of a warm super Jupiter, TOI-2145b. This analysis utilized previous observations from TESS and Keck/HIRES, enhanced by new Rossiter-McLaughlin effect data from the NEID spectrometer on the 3.5 m WIYN Telescope. TOI-2145b is a $5.68^{+0.37}_{-0.34} M_{\rm Jup}$ planet on a moderate eccentricity ($e = 0.214^{+0.014}_{-0.014}$), 10.26-day orbit, orbiting an evolved A-star. We constrain the projected stellar obliquity to be $\lambda = 6.8^{+2.9}_{-3.8}$$^\circ$ from two NEID observations. Our $N$-body simulations suggest that the formation of super Jupiter TOI-2145b could involve either of two scenarios: a high initial mass or growth via collisions. On a population level, however, the collision scenario can better describe the mass-eccentricity distribution of observed warm Jupiters.
We present NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array observations of CO(8-7), (9-8), and (10-9) lines, as well as the underlying continuum for two far-infrared luminous quasars: SDSS J2054-0005 at $\rm z=6.0389$ and SDSS J0129-0035 at $\rm z=5.7788$. Both quasars were previously detected in CO (2-1) and (6-5) transitions, making them candidates for studying the CO Spectral Line Energy Distribution (SLED) of quasars at $z \sim 6$. Utilizing the radiative transfer code CLOUDY, we fit the CO SLED with two heating mechanisms, including the photo-dissociation region (PDR) and X-ray-dominated region (XDR) for both objects. The CO SLEDs can be fitted by either a dense PDR component with an extremely strong far-ultraviolet radiation field (gas density $ n_{\rm H} \sim 10^6 \, \rm cm^{-3}$ and field strength $G_0 \gtrsim 10^6$) or a two-component model including a PDR and an XDR. However, the line ratios, including \tir and previous \cii and \ci measurements, argue against a very high PDR radiation field strength. Thus, the results prefer a PDR+XDR origin for the CO SLED. The excitation of the high-J CO lines in both objects is likely dominated by the central AGN. We then check the CO (9-8)-to-(6-5) line luminosity ratio $r_{96}$ for all $z \sim 6$ quasars with available CO SLEDs (seven in total) and find that there are no clear correlations between $r_{96}$ and both \fir and the AGN UV luminosities. This further demonstrates the complexity of the CO excitation powered by both the AGN and nuclear star formation in these young quasar host galaxies.
Core ellipticals, massive early-type galaxies have an almost constant inner surface brightness profile. The size of the core region correlates with the mass of the finally merged black hole. Here we report the first Euclid-based dynamical mass determination of a supermassive black hole. We study the centre of NGC 1272, the second most luminous elliptical galaxy in the Perseus cluster, combining the Euclid VIS photometry coming from the Early Release Observations of the Perseus cluster with VIRUS spectroscopic observations at the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. The core of NGC 1272 is detected on the Euclid VIS image. Its size is $1.29\pm 0.07''$ or 0.45 kpc, determined by fitting PSF-convolved core-Sérsic and Nuker-law functions. The two-dimensional stellar kinematics of the galaxy is measured from the VIRUS spectra by deriving optimally regularized non-parametric line-of-sight velocity distributions. Dynamical models of the galaxy are constructed using our axisymmetric and triaxial Schwarzschild codes. We measure a black hole mass of $(5\pm3) \times 10^9 M_\odot$, in line with the expectation from the $M_{\rm BH}$-$r_{\rm b}$ correlation, but eight times larger than predicted by the $M_{\rm BH}$-$\sigma$ correlation (at $1.8\sigma$ significance). The core size, rather than the velocity dispersion, allows one to select galaxies harboring the most massive black holes. The spatial resolution, wide area coverage, and depth of the \Euclid (Wide and Deep) surveys allow us to find cores of passive galaxies larger than 2 kpc up to redshift 1.
Aims. Our goal is twofold. First, to detect new clusters we apply the newest methods for the detection of clustering with the best available wide-field sky surveys in the mid-infrared because they are the least affected by extinction. Second, we address the question of cluster detection's completeness, for now limiting it to the most massive star clusters. Methods. This search is based on the mid-infrared Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE), to minimize the effect of dust extinction. The search Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS) clustering algorithm is applied to identify clusters, after excluding the bluest, presumably foreground sources, to improve the cluster-to-field contrast. The success rate for cluster identification is estimated with a semi-empirical simulation that adds clusters, based on the real objects, to the point source catalog, to be recovered later with the same search algorithm that was used in the search for new cluster candidates. As a first step, this is limited to the most massive star clusters with a total mass of 104 $M_\odot$. Results. Our automated search, combined with inspection of the color-magnitude diagrams and images yielded 659 cluster candidates; 106 of these appear to have been previously identified, suggesting that a large hidden population of star clusters still exists in the inner Milky Way. However, the search for the simulated supermassive clusters achieves a recovery rate of 70 to 95%, depending on the distance and extinction toward them. Conclusions. The new candidates, if confirmed, indicate that the Milky Way still harbors a sizeable population of still unknown clusters. However, they must be objects of modest richness, because our simulation indicates that there is no substantial hidden population of supermassive clusters in the central region of our Galaxy.
Next-generation gravitational wave (GW) observatories, such as the Einstein Telescope (ET) and Cosmic Explorer, will observe binary neutron star (BNS) mergers across cosmic history, providing precise parameter estimates for the closest ones. Innovative wide-field observatories, like the Vera Rubin Observatory, will quickly cover large portions of the sky with unprecedented sensitivity to detect faint transients. This study aims to assess the prospects for detecting optical emissions from BNS mergers with next-generation detectors, considering how uncertainties in neutron star (NS) population properties and microphysics may affect detection rates. Starting from BNS merger populations exploiting different NS mass distributions and equations of state (EOSs), we model the GW and kilonova (KN) signals based on source properties. We model KNe ejecta through numerical-relativity informed fits, considering the effect of prompt collapse of the remnant to black hole and new fitting formulas appropriate for more massive BNS systems, like GW190425. We include optical afterglow emission from relativistic jets consistent with observed short gamma-ray bursts. We evaluate the detected mergers and the source parameter estimations for different geometries of ET, operating alone or in a network of current or next-generation GW detectors. Finally, we estimate the number of detected optical signals simulating realistic observational strategies by the Rubin Observatory. ET as a single observatory will enable the detection of about ten to a hundred KNe per year by the Rubin Observatory. This improves by a factor of $\sim 10$ already when operating in the network with current GW detectors. Detection rate uncertainties are dominated by the poorly constrained local BNS merger rate, and depend to a lesser extent on the NS mass distribution and EOS.
The standard magnetorotational instability (SMRI) is widely believed to be responsible for the observed accretion rates in astronomical disks. It is a linear instability triggered in the differentially rotating ionized disk flow by a magnetic field component parallel to the rotation axis. Most studies focus on axisymmetric SMRI in conventional base flows with a Keplerian profile for accretion disks or an ideal Couette profile for Taylor-Couette flows, since excitation of nonaxisymmetric SMRI in such flows requires a magnetic Reynolds number Rm more than an order of magnitude larger. Here, we report that in a magnetized Taylor-Couette flow, nonaxisymmetric SMRI can be destabilized in a free-shear layer in the base flow at Rm $\gtrsim$ 1, the same threshold as for axisymmetric SMRI. Global linear analysis reveals that the free-shear layer reduces the required Rm, possibly by introducing an extremum in the vorticity of the base flow. Nonlinear simulations validate the results from linear analysis and confirm that a novel instability recently discovered experimentally (Nat. Commun. 13, 4679 (2022)) is the nonaxisymmetric SMRI. Our finding has astronomical implications since free-shear layers are ubiquitous in celestial systems.