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Papers for Wednesday, Nov 06 2024

Papers with local authors

Recent developments in deep learning techniques have offered an alternative and complementary approach to traditional matched filtering methods for the identification of gravitational wave (GW) signals. The rapid and accurate identification of GW signals is crucial for the progress of GW physics and multi-messenger astronomy, particularly in light of the upcoming fourth and fifth observing runs of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA. In this work, we use the 2D U-Net algorithm to identify the time-frequency domain GW signals from stellar-mass binary black hole (BBH) mergers. We simulate BBH mergers with component masses from 5 to 80 $M_{\odot}$ and account for the LIGO detector noise. We find that the GW events in the first and second observation runs could all be clearly and rapidly identified. For the third observing run, about $80\%$ GW events could be identified. In particular, GW190814, currently unknown, is a special case that can be identified by the network, while other binary neutron star mergers and neutron star-black hole mergers can not be identified. Compared to the traditional convolutional neural network, the U-Net algorithm can output the time-frequency domain signal images rather than probabilities, providing a more intuitive investigation. Moreover, some of the results through U-Net can provide preliminary inference on the chirp mass information. In conclusion, the U-Net algorithm can rapidly identify the time-frequency domain GW signals from BBH mergers and potentially be helpful for future parameter inferences.

M. Libralato, L. R. Bedin, M. Griggio, D. Massari, J. Anderson, J.-C. Cuillandre, A. M. N. Ferguson, A. Lançon, S. S. Larsen, M. Schirmer, F. Annibali, E. Balbinot, E. Dalessandro, D. Erkal, P. B. Kuzma, T. Saifollahi, G. Verdoes Kleijn, M. Kümmel, R. Nakajima, M. Correnti, G. Battaglia, B. Altieri, A. Amara, S. Andreon, C. Baccigalupi, M. Baldi, A. Balestra, S. Bardelli, A. Basset, P. Battaglia, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, A. Caillat, S. Camera, V. Capobianco, C. Carbone, J. Carretero, S. Casas, M. Castellano, G. Castignani, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, C. Colodro-Conde, G. Congedo, C. J. Conselice, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, F. Courbin, H. M. Courtois, M. Cropper, A. Da Silva, H. Degaudenzi, G. De Lucia, J. Dinis, F. Dubath, X. Dupac, S. Dusini, M. Fabricius, M. Farina, S. Farrens, F. Faustini, S. Ferriol, P. Fosalba, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Fumana, S. Galeotta, B. Garilli, K. George, W. Gillard, B. Gillis, C. Giocoli, P. Gómez-Alvarez, A. Grazian, F. Grupp, L. Guzzo, S. V. H. Haugan, J. Hoar, H. Hoekstra, W. Holmes, F. Hormuth, A. Hornstrup, P. Hudelot, K. Jahnke, M. Jhabvala, E. Keihänen, S. Kermiche, A. Kiessling, M. Kilbinger, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, R. Laureijs, D. Le Mignant, S. Ligori, P. B. Lilje, V. Lindholm, I. Lloro
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2411.02487
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2411.02487

The instruments at the focus of the Euclid space observatory offer superb, diffraction-limited imaging over an unprecedented (from space) wide field of view of 0.57 deg$^2$. This exquisite image quality has the potential to produce high-precision astrometry for point sources once the undersampling of Euclid's cameras is taken into account by means of accurate, effective point spread function (ePSF) modelling. We present a complex, detailed workflow to simultaneously solve for the geometric distortion (GD) and model the undersampled ePSFs of the Euclid detectors. Our procedure was successfully developed and tested with data from the Early Release Observations (ERO) programme focused on the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. Our final one-dimensional astrometric precision for a well-measured star just below saturation is 0.7 mas (0.007 pixel) for the Visible Instrument (VIS) and 3 mas (0.01 pixel) for the Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP). Finally, we present a specific scientific application of this high-precision astrometry: the combination of Euclid and Gaia data to compute proper motions and study the internal kinematics of NGC 6397. Future work, when more data become available, will allow for a better characterisation of the ePSFs and GD corrections that are derived here, along with assessment of their temporal stability, and their dependencies on the spectral energy distribution of the sources as seen through the wide-band filters of Euclid.

Soumendra Kishore Roy, Lieke A. C. van Son, Anarya Ray, Will M. Farr
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2411.02494
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2411.02494

Next-generation gravitational wave detectors are expected to detect millions of compact binary mergers across cosmological distances. The features of the mass distribution of these mergers, combined with gravitational wave distance measurements, will enable precise cosmological inferences, even without the need for electromagnetic counterparts. However, achieving accurate results requires modeling the mass spectrum, particularly considering possible redshift evolution. Binary neutron star (BNS) mergers are thought to be less influenced by changes in metallicity compared to binary black holes (BBH) or neutron star-black hole (NSBH) mergers. This stability in their mass spectrum over cosmic time reduces the chances of introducing biases in cosmological parameters caused by redshift evolution. In this study, we use the population synthesis code COMPAS to generate astrophysically motivated catalogs of BNS mergers and explore whether assuming a non-evolving BNS mass distribution with redshift could introduce biases in cosmological parameter inference. Our findings demonstrate that, despite large variations in the BNS mass distribution across binary physics assumptions and initial conditions in COMPAS, the mass function remains redshift-independent, allowing a 2% unbiased constraint on the Hubble constant - sufficient to address the Hubble tension. Additionally, we show that in the fiducial COMPAS setup, the bias from a non-evolving BNS mass model is less than 0.5% for the Hubble parameter measured at redshift 0.4. These results establish BNS mergers as strong candidates for spectral siren cosmology in the era of next-generation gravitational wave detectors.

Joshua J. Ziegler, Paul R. Shapiro, Taha Dawoodbhoy, Paz Beniamini, Pawan Kumar, Katherine Freese, Pierre Ocvirk, Dominique Aubert, Joseph S. W. Lewis, Romain Teyssier, Hyunbae Park, Kyungjin Ahn, Jenny G. Sorce, Ilian T. Iliev, Gustavo Yepes, Stefan Gottlober
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2411.02699
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2411.02699

Dispersion measures (DM) of fast radio bursts (FRBs) probe the density of electrons in the intergalactic medium (IGM) along their lines-of-sight, including the average density versus distance to the source and its variations in direction. While previous study focused on low-redshift, FRBs are potentially detectable out to high redshift, where their DMs can, in principle, probe the epoch of reionization (EOR) and its patchiness. We present the first predictions from large-scale, radiation-hydrodynamical simulation of fully-coupled galaxy formation and reionization, using Cosmic Dawn (``CoDa")~II to model the density and ionization fields of the universe down to redshifts through the end of the EOR at $z_{re}\approx6.1$. Combining this with an N-body simulation CoDa~II--Dark Matter of the fully-ionized epoch from the EOR to the present, we calculate the mean and standard deviation of FRB DMs as functions of their source redshift. The mean and standard deviation of DM increase with redshift, reaching a plateau by $z(x_{HII}\lesssim0.25)\gtrsim8$, i.e. well above $z_{re}$. The mean-DM asymptote $\mathcal{DM}_{max} \approx 5900~\mathrm{pc\, cm^{-3}}$ reflects the end of the EOR and its duration. The standard deviation there is $\sigma_{DM, max}\approx497 ~\mathrm{pc\, cm^{-3}}$, reflecting inhomogeneities of both patchy reionization and density. Inhomogeneities in ionization during the EOR contribute $\mathcal{O}(1$ per cent) of this value of $\sigma_{DM,max}$ from FRBs at redshifts $z\gtrsim 8$. Current estimates of FRB rates suggest this may be detectable within a few years of observation.

R. Zhang, Guo-Jian Wang, Yuxi, Lu, Sufen Guo, S. Lucatello, Xiaoting Fu, Haifeng Wang, Luqian Wang, J. Schiappacasse-Ulloa, Jianxing Chen, Zhanwen Han
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2411.02743
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2411.02743

Context. Open clusters (OCs) are valuable probes of stellar population characteristics. Their age and metallicity provide insights into the chemical enrichment history of the Milky Way. By studying the metallicity of OCs, we can explore the spatial distribution of composition across the Galaxy and understand stellar birth radii through chemical tagging. However, inferring the original positions of OCs remains a challenge. Aims. This study investigates the distribution of metallicity in the solar neighborhood using data from Gaia DR3 and LAMOST spectra. By measuring accurate ages and metallicities, we aim to derive birth radii and understand stellar migration patterns. Methods. We selected 1131 OCs within 3 kpc of the Sun from Gaia DR3 and LAMOST DR8 low-resolution spectra (R=1800). To correct the LAMOST data, we incorporated high-resolution spectra from GALAH DR3 (R=28000) using an artificial neural network. The average metallicity of the OCs was derived from reliable [Fe/H] values of their members. We examined the metallicity distribution across the Galaxy and calculated birth radii based on age and metallicity. Results. The correction method reduces the systematic offset in LAMOST data. We found a metallicity gradient as a function of Galactocentric distance and guiding radii. Comparisons with chemo-dynamic simulations show that observed metallicity values are slightly lower than predicted when uncertainties are ignored, but the metallicity gradients align with previous studies. We also inferred that many OCs near the Sun likely originated from the outer Galactic disk.

Ji-Guo Zhang, Yi-Fan Jiang, Ze-Wei Zhao, Jing-Zhao Qi, Jing-Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2411.03126
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2411.03126

The Macquart relation and time-delay cosmography are now two promising ways to fast radio burst (FRB) cosmology. In this work, we propose a joint method that combines strongly lensed and unlensed FRBs for improving cosmological parameter estimation by using simulated FRB data from the future sensitive coherent all-sky monitor survey, which is expected to detect a large number of FRBs including galaxy-galaxy strongly lensed events. We find that using a detectable sample of 100,000 localized FRBs including $40$ lensed events can simultaneously constrain the Hubble constant and the equation of state of dark energy, with high precision of $\varepsilon(H_0)=0.4\%$ and $\varepsilon(w)=4.5\%$ in the simplest dynamical dark energy model. The joint analysis of unlensed and lensed FRBs significantly improves the constraint on $H_0$, which could be more effective than combining either the unlensed FRBs with future gravitational wave (GW) standard sirens or the lensed FRBs with CMB. Furthermore, combining the full FRB sample with the CMB+BAO+SNe data yields $\sigma(H_0)=0.29~{\rm km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}$, $\sigma(w_0)=0.046$, and $\sigma(w_a)=0.15$ in the two-parameter dynamical dark energy model, which outperform the results from the CMB+BAO+SNe+GW data. This reinforces the cosmological implications of a multi-wavelength observational strategy in optical and radio bands. We conclude that the future FRB observations will shed light on the nature of dark energy and also the Hubble tension if enough events with long-duration lensing are incorporated.

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Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) have historically been stigmatized and regarded as pseudoscience due to a general lack of robust evidence. Recently, however, the subject has gained interest among astronomers and the military. This review explores how astronomers can enhance our understanding of these enigmatic phenomena by focusing on empirical tests of specific hypotheses (e.g. the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitations) rather than solely collecting and categorizing data. We compare the investigation of UAP to the process of calibration and interpretations of astronomical discoveries and propose a toy model involving a network of neuro-interface extraterrestrial probes to model exotic UAP. This model aids in predicting probe signatures and behaviour, improving detection methods, and addressing ethical concerns in UAP research.

L. A. C. van Son, S. K. Roy, I. Mandel, W. M. Farr, A. Lam, J. Merritt, F. S. Broekgaarden, A. Sander, J. J. Andrews

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Both detailed and rapid population studies alike predict that binary black hole (BHBH) formation is orders of magnitude more efficient at low metallicity than high metallicity, while binary neutron star (NSNS) formation remains mostly flat with metallicity, and black hole-neutron star (BHNS) mergers show intermediate behavior. This finding is a key input to employ double compact objects as tracers of low-metallicity star formation, as spectral sirens, and for merger rate calculations. Yet, the literature offers various (sometimes contradicting) explanations for these trends. We investigate the dominant cause for the metallicity dependence of double compact object formation. We find that the BHBH formation efficiency at low metallicity is set by initial condition distributions, and conventional simulations suggest that about one in eight interacting binary systems with sufficient mass to form black holes will lead to a merging BHBH. We further find that the significance of metallicities in double compact object formation is a question of formation channel. The stable mass transfer and chemically homogeneous evolution channels mainly diminish at high metallicities due to changes in stellar radii, while the common envelope channel is primarily impacted by the combined effects of stellar winds and mass-scaled natal kicks. Outdated giant wind prescriptions exacerbate the latter effect, suggesting BHBH formation may be much less metallicity dependent than previously assumed. NSNS formation efficiency remains metallicity independent as they form exclusively through the common envelope channel, with natal kicks that are uncorrelated with mass. Forthcoming GW observations will provide valuable constraints on these findings

Nico Winkel, Vardha N. Bennert, Raymond P. Remigio, Tommaso Treu, Knud Jahnke, Vivian U, Aaron J. Barth, Matthew Malkan, Bernd Husemann, Xuheng Ding, Simon Birrer

The origin of the tight scaling relation between the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBHs; $M_{\rm BH}$) and their host-galaxy properties remains unclear. Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) probe phases of ongoing SMBH growth and offer the only opportunity to measure $M_{\rm BH}$ beyond the local Universe. However, determining AGN host galaxy stellar velocity dispersion $\sigma_\star$, and their galaxy dynamical masses $M_{\rm dyn}$, is complicated by AGN contamination, aperture effects and different host galaxy morphologies. We select a sample of AGNs for which $M_{\rm BH}$ has been independently determined to high accuracy by state-of-the-art techniques: dynamical modeling of the reverberation signal and spatially resolving the broad-line region with VLTI/GRAVITY. Using IFU observations, we spatially map the host galaxy stellar kinematics across the galaxy and bulge effective radii. We find that that the dynamically hot component of galaxy disks correlates with $M_{\rm BH}$; however, the correlations are tightest for aperture-integrated $\sigma_\star$ measured across the bulge. Accounting for the different $M_{\rm BH}$ distributions, we demonstrate - for the first time - that AGNs follow the same $M_{\rm BH}$-$\sigma_\star$ and $M_{\rm BH}$-$M_{\rm bulge, dyn}$ relations as quiescent galaxies. We confirm that the classical approach of determining the virial factor as sample-average, yielding ${\rm log }f= 0.65 \pm 0.18$, is consistent with the average $f$ from individual measurements. The similarity between the underlying scaling relations of AGNs and quiescent galaxies implies that the current AGN phase is too short to have altered BH masses on a population level. These results strengthen the local calibration of $f$ for measuring single-epoch $M_{\rm BH}$ in the distant Universe.

Andrea Cozzumbo, Ulyana Dupletsa, Rodrigo Calderón, Riccardo Murgia, Gor Oganesyan, Marica Branchesi

Multi-messenger (MM) observations of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers provide a promising approach to trace the distance-redshift relation, crucial for understanding the expansion history of the Universe and, consequently, testing the nature of Dark Energy (DE). While the gravitational wave (GW) signal offers a direct measure of the distance to the source, high-energy observatories can detect the electromagnetic counterpart and drive the optical follow-up providing the redshift of the host galaxy. In this work, we exploit up-to-date catalogs of $\gamma$-ray bursts (GRBs) supposedly coming from BNS mergers observed by the Fermi $\gamma$-ray Space Telescope and the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, to construct a large set of mock MM data. We explore how combinations of current and future generations of GW observatories operating under various underlying cosmological models would be able to detect GW signals from these GRBs. We achieve the reconstruction of the GW parameters by means of a novel prior-informed Fisher matrix approach. We then use these mock data to perform an agnostic reconstruction of the DE phenomenology, thanks to a machine learning method based on forward modeling and Gaussian Processes (GP). Our study highlights the paramount importance of observatories capable of detecting GRBs and identifying their redshift. In the best-case scenario, the GP constraints are 1.5 times more precise than those produced by classical parametrizations of the DE evolution. We show that, in combination with forthcoming cosmological surveys, fewer than 40 GW-GRB detections will enable unprecedented precision on $H_\mathrm{0}$ and $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$, and accurately reconstruct the DE density evolution.

Aravind P. Ravi, Stefano Valenti, Yize Dong, Daichi Hiramatsu, Stan Barmentloo, Anders Jerkstrand, K. Azalee Bostroem, Jeniveve Pearson, Manisha Shrestha, Jennifer E. Andrews, David J. Sand, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Michael Lundquist, Emily Hoang, Darshana Mehta, Nicolas Meza Retamal, Aidan Martas, Saurabh W. Jha, Daryl Janzen, Bhagya Subrayan, D. Andrew Howell, Curtis McCully, Joseph Farah, Megan Newsome, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, Giacomo Terreran, Moira Andrews, Alexei V. Filippenko, Thomas G. Brink, Weikang Zheng, Yi Yang, Jozsef Vinko, J. Craig Wheeler, Nathan Smith, Jeonghee Rho, Reka Konyves-Toth, Claudia P. Gutierrez

We present supernova (SN) 2023ufx, a unique Type IIP SN with the shortest known plateau duration ($t_\mathrm{PT}$ $\sim$47 days), a luminous V-band peak ($M_{V}$ = $-$18.42 $\pm$ 0.08 mag), and a rapid early decline rate ($s1$ = 3.47 $\pm$ 0.09 mag (50 days)$^{-1}$). By comparing observed photometry to a hydrodynamic MESA+STELLA model grid, we constrain the progenitor to be a massive red supergiant with M$_\mathrm{ZAMS}$ $\simeq$19 - 25 M$_{\odot}$. Independent comparisons with nebular spectral models also suggest an initial He-core mass of $\sim$6 M$_{\odot}$, and thus a massive progenitor. For a Type IIP, SN 2023ufx produced an unusually high amount of nickel ($^{56}$Ni) $\sim$0.14 $\pm$ 0.02 M$_{\odot}$, during the explosion. We find that the short plateau duration in SN 2023ufx can be explained with the presence of a small hydrogen envelope (M$_\mathrm{H_\mathrm{env}}$ $\simeq$1.2 M$_{\odot}$), suggesting partial stripping of the progenitor. About $\simeq$0.09 M$_{\odot}$ of CSM through mass loss from late-time stellar evolution of the progenitor is needed to fit the early time ($\lesssim$10 days) pseudo-bolometric light curve. Nebular line diagnostics of broad and multi-peak components of [O I] $\lambda\lambda$6300, 6364, H$\alpha$, and [Ca II] $\lambda \lambda$7291, 7323 suggest that the explosion of SN 2023ufx could be inherently asymmetric, preferentially ejecting material along our line-of-sight.

We develop a hybrid GNN-CNN architecture for the reconstruction of 3-dimensional continuous cosmological matter fields from discrete point clouds, provided by observed galaxy catalogs. Using the CAMELS hydrodynamical cosmological simulations we demonstrate that the proposed architecture allows for an accurate reconstruction of both the dark matter and electron density given observed galaxies and their features. Our approach includes a learned grid assignment scheme that improves over the traditional cloud-in-cell method. Our method can improve cosmological analyses in situations where non-luminous (and thus unobservable) continuous fields need to be estimated from luminous (observable) discrete point cloud tracers.

Jennifer E. Andrews, Manisha Shrestha, K. Azalee Bostroem, Yize Dong, Jeniveve Pearson, M. M. Fausnaugh, David J. Sand, S. Valenti, Aravind P. Ravi, Emily Hoang, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Ilya Ilyin, Daryl Janzen, M.J. Lundquist, Nicolaz Meza, Nathan Smith, Saurabh W. Jha, Moira Andrews, Joseph Farah, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, D. Andrew Howell, Curtis McCully, Megan Newsome, Craig Pellegrino, Giacomo Terreran, Patrick Wiggins, Brian Hsu, Collin T. Christy, Xiofeng Wang, Jialian Liu, Liyang Chen

We present a comprehensive multi-epoch photometric and spectroscopic study of SN 2024bch, a nearby (19.9 Mpc) Type II supernova (SN) with prominent early high ionization emission lines. Optical spectra from 2.9 days after the estimated explosion reveal narrow lines of H I, He II, C IV, and N IV that disappear by day 6. High cadence photometry from the ground and TESS show that the SN brightened quickly and reached a peak M$_V \sim$ $-$17.8 mag within a week of explosion, and late-time photometry suggests a $^{56}$Ni mass of 0.050 M$_{\odot}$. High-resolution spectra from day 8 and 43 trace the unshocked circumstellar medium (CSM) and indicate a wind velocity of 30--40 km s$^{-1}$, a value consistent with a red supergiant (RSG) progenitor. Comparisons between models and the early spectra suggest a pre-SN mass-loss rate of $\dot{M} \sim 10^{-3}-10^{-2}\ M_\odot\ \mathrm{yr}^{-1}$, which is too high to be explained by quiescent mass loss from RSGs, but is consistent with some recent measurements of similar SNe. Persistent blueshifted H I and [O I] emission lines seen in the optical and NIR spectra could be produced by asymmetries in the SN ejecta, while the multi-component H$\alpha$ may indicate continued interaction with an asymmetric CSM well into the nebular phase. SN 2024bch provides another clue to the complex environments and mass-loss histories around massive stars.

Federico Lelli (1), Tobias Mistele (2), Stacy S. McGaugh (2), James M. Schombert (3), Pengfei Li (4) ((1) INAF - Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, (2) Case Western Reserve University, (3) University of Oregon, (4) Nanjing University)

Galaxies obey a set of strict dynamical laws, which imply a close coupling between the visible matter (stars and gas) and the observed dynamics (set by dark matter in the standard cosmological context). Here we review recent results from weak gravitational lensing, which allows studying the empirical laws of galaxy dynamics out to exceedingly large radii in both late-type galaxies (LTGs) and early-type galaxies (ETGs). We focus on three laws: (1) the circular velocity curves of both LTGs and ETGs remain indefinitely flat out to several hundreds of kpc; (2) the same baryonic Tully-Fisher relation is followed by LTGs and ETGs; (3) the same radial acceleration relation (RAR) is followed by LTGs and ETGs. Combining galaxy data with Solar System data, the RAR covers about 16 orders of magnitude in the Newtonian baryonic acceleration. Remarkably, these empirical facts were predicted a priori by MOND.

Yoo Jung Kim, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Jonathan Lin, Julien Lozi, Sébastien Vievard, Yinzi Xin, Daniel Levinstein, Nemanja Jovanovic, Sergio Leon-Saval, Christopher Betters, Olivier Guyon, Barnaby Norris, Steph Sallum

Spectroastrometry, which measures wavelength-dependent shifts in the center of light, is well-suited for studying objects whose morphology changes with wavelength at very high angular resolutions. Photonic lantern (PL)-fed spectrometers have potential to enable measurement of spectroastrometric signals because the relative intensities between the PL output SMFs contain spatial information on the input scene. In order to use PL output spectra for spectroastrometric measurements, it is important to understand the wavelength-dependent behaviors of PL outputs and develop methods to calibrate the effects of time-varying wavefront errors in ground-based observations. We present experimental characterizations of the 3-port PL on the SCExAO testbed at the Subaru Telescope. We develop spectral response models of the PL and verify the behaviors with lab experiments. We find sinusoidal behavior of astrometric sensitivity of the 3-port PL as a function of wavelength, as expected from numerical simulations. Furthermore, we compare experimental and numerically simulated coupling maps and discuss their potential use for offsetting pointing errors. We then present a method of building PL spectral response models (solving for the transfer matrices as a function of wavelength) using coupling maps, which can be used for further calibration strategies.

F. Calura (1), R. Pascale (1), O. Agertz (2), E. Andersson (3), E. Lacchin (4), A. Lupi (5), M. Meneghetti (1), C. Nipoti (6), A. Ragagnin (1), J. Rosdahl (7), E. Vanzella (1), E. Vesperini (8), A. Zanella (9) ((1) INAF-OAS, Bologna, Italy, (2) Lund University, Sweden, (3) American Museum of Natural History, USA, (4) Universita' di Padova, Italy, (5) Universita' dell'Insubria, Italy, (6) Universita' di Bologna, Italy, (7) CRAL, Lyon, France, (8) Indiana University, USA, (9) INAF-Oss. di Padova, Italy)

Star clusters stand at the crossroads between galaxies and single stars. Resolving the formation of star clusters in cosmological simulations represents an ambitious and challenging goal, since modelling their internal properties requires very high resolution. This paper is the third of a series within the SImulating the Environment where Globular clusters Emerged (SIEGE) project, where we conduct zoom-in cosmological simulations with sub-parsec resolution that include the feedback of individual stars, aimed to model the formation of star clusters in high-redshift proto-galaxies. We investigate the role of three fundamental quantities in shaping the intrinsic properties of star clusters, i. e., i) pre-supernova stellar feedback (continuous or instantaneous ejection of mass and energy through stellar winds); ii) star formation efficiency, defined as the fraction of gas converted into stars per freefall time, for which we test 2 different values (epsi_ff=0.1 and 1), and iii) stellar initial mass function (IMF, standard vs top-heavy). All our simulations are run down to z=10.5, which is sufficient for investigating some structural properties of the emerging clumps and clusters. [Abridged] The prescription for a continuous, low-intensity feedback, along with the adoption of epsi_ff=1, produces star clusters with maximum stellar density values up to 10^4 M_sun pc^(-2), in good agreement with the surface density-size relation observed in local young star clusters (YSCs). Therefore, a realistic stellar wind description and a high star formation effiency are the key ingredients that allow us to achieve realistic star clusters characterised by properties comparable to those of local YSCs. In contrast, the other models produce too diffuse clusters, in particular the one with a top-heavy IMF.

Radio-to-$\gamma$-ray signals, recently found narrowly confined near the characteristic $2.4R_{500}$ scaled radii of galaxy clusters and groups, have been associated with their virial (structure-formation accretion) shocks based on spectro-spatial characteristics. By stacking high-latitude GMIMS radio data around MCXC galaxy clusters, we identify ($3\sigma$-$4\sigma$) excess radially-polarized emission at the exact same scaled radius, providing directional support, and indicating tangential magnetic fields induced by the shocked inflow. The results suggest a strong mass dependence, a flat energy spectrum, and a high polarization fraction, consistent with synchrotron emission from electrons accelerated by strong virial shocks. The narrow radial range of such stacked virial-shock signals suggests that although the shocks are theorized to have diverse, irregular morphologies, they share similar $\sim 2.4R_{500}$ minimal radii.

F. Muratore, A. P. Milone, F. D'Antona, E. J. Nastasio, G. Cordoni, M. V. Legnardi, C. He, T. Ziliotto, E. Dondoglio, M. Bernizzoni, M. Tailo, E. Bortolan, F. Dell'Agli, L. Deng, E. P. Lagioia, C. Li, A. F. Marino, P. Ventura

Nearly all star clusters younger than ~600 Myr exhibit extended main sequence turn offs and split main sequences (MSs) in their color-magnitude diagrams. Works based on both photometry and spectroscopy have firmly demonstrated that the red MS is composed of fast-rotating stars, whereas blue MS stars are slow rotators. Nevertheless, the mechanism responsible for the formation of stellar populations with varying rotation rates remains a topic of debate. Potential mechanisms proposed for the split MS include binary interactions, early evolution of pre-main sequence stars, and the merging of binary systems, but a general consensus has yet to be reached. These formation scenarios predict different fractions of binaries among blue- and red-MS stars. Therefore, studying the binary populations can provide valuable constraints that may help clarify the origins of the split MSs. We use high-precision photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to study the binaries of three young Magellanic star clusters exhibiting split MS, namely NGC 1818, NGC 1850, and NGC 2164. By analyzing the photometry in the F225W, F275W, F336W, and F814W filters for observed binaries and comparing it to a large sample of simulated binaries, we determine the fractions of binaries within the red and the blue MS. We find that the fractions of binaries among the blue MS are higher than those of red-MS stars by a factor of ~1.5, 4.6, and ~1.9 for NGC 1818, NGC 1850, and NGC 2164, respectively. We discuss these results in the context of the formation scenarios of the split MS.

RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) are easy to identify thanks to their large photometric variation and short periods. All stars in the RRL instability strip are pulsators is often a hidden assumption in most stellar population studies using RRLs. Non-variable stars in the instability strip have been discovered for Cepheids and $\delta$ Scuti, and in this paper, we report the discovery of non-variable filed stars in the RRL instability strip. Using a high-quality sample selected from Gaia DR3, we find at least 15% of the stars in the empirical instability strip where the variable fraction is > 0.7 have near-zero photometric variations or variations that are significantly smaller than typical RRLs. The non-variable stars are mostly bright and close by, on cold orbits in the Galactic plane. Metallicity from Gaia BP/RP spectra suggests the non-variable stars have an average metallicity is ~ -0.5 dex, with a peak at 0. The discovery of these non-variable stars in the RRL instability strip challenges our understanding of stellar physics and further investigation is needed to understand the origin of these stars.

The presence of a strong, large-scale magnetic field in an accretion flow leads to extraction of the rotational energy of the black hole (BH) through the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) process, believed to power relativistic jets in various astrophysical sources. We study rotational energy extraction from a BH surrounded by a highly magnetized thin disk by performing a set of 3D global GRMHD simulations. We find that the saturated flux threading the BH has a weaker dependence on BH spin, compared to highly magnetized hot (geometrically thick) accretion flows. Also, we find that only a fraction ($10-70$ per cent) of the extracted BZ power is channeled into the jet, depending on the spin parameter. The remaining energy is potentially used to launch winds or contribute to the radiative output of the disk or corona. Our simulations reveal that the presence of a strong magnetic field enhances the radiative efficiency of the disk, making it more luminous than its weakly magnetized counterpart or the standard disk model. We attribute this excess luminosity primarily to the enhanced magnetic dissipation in the intra-ISCO region. Our findings have implications for understanding X-ray corona formation and black hole spin measurements, and interpreting black hole transient phenomena.

Joseph M. Akana Murphy, Rafael Luque, Natalie M. Batalha, Ilaria Carleo, Enric Palle, Madison Brady, Benjamin Fulton, Luke B. Handley, Howard Isaacson, Gaia Lacedelli, Grzegorz Nowak J. Orell-Miquel, Hannah L. M. Osborne, Vincent Van Eylen, María Rosa Zapatero Osorio

We present a revised mass measurement for HD 119130 b (aka K2-292 b), a transiting planet ($P = 17$ days, $R_\mathrm{p} = 2.63^{+0.11}_{-0.10}$ $R_\mathrm{\oplus}$) orbiting a chromospherically inactive G dwarf, previously thought to be one of the densest sub-Neptunes known. Our follow-up Doppler observations with HARPS, HARPS-N, and HIRES reveal that HD 119130 b is, in fact, nearly one-third as massive as originally suggested by its initial confirmation paper. Our revised analysis finds $M_\mathrm{p} = 8.8 \pm 3.2$ $M_\mathrm{\oplus}$ ($M_\mathrm{p} < 15.4$ $M_\mathrm{\oplus}$ at 98\% confidence) compared to the previously reported $M_\mathrm{p} = 24.5 \pm 4.4$ $M_\mathrm{\oplus}$. While the true cause of the original mass measurement's inaccuracy remains uncertain, we present the plausible explanation that the planet's radial velocity (RV) semi-amplitude was inflated due to constructive interference with a second, untreated sinusoidal signal in the data (possibly rotational modulation from the star). HD 119130 b illustrates the complexities of interpreting the RV orbits of small transiting planets. While RV mass measurements of such planets may be precise, they are not necessarily guaranteed to be accurate. This system serves as a cautionary tale as observers and theorists alike look to the exoplanet mass-radius diagram for insights into the physics of small planet formation.

We conduct experiments on both real and synthetic radial velocity (RV) data to quantify the impact that observing cadence, the number of RV observations, and undetected companions all have on the accuracy of small planet mass measurements. We run resampling experiments on four systems with small transiting planets and substantial public data from HIRES in order to explore how degrading observing cadence and the number of RVs affects the planets' mass measurement relative to a baseline value. From these experiments, we recommend that observers obtain 2--3 RVs per orbit of the inner-most planet and acquire at minimum 40 RVs. Following these guidelines, we then conduct simulations using synthetic RVs to explore the impact of undetected companions and untreated red noise on the masses of planets with known orbits. While undetected companions generally do not bias the masses of known planets, in some cases, when coupled with an inadequate observing baseline, they can cause the mass of an inner transiting planet to be systematically overestimated on average.

S. Purkayastha (1), N. Kanekar (1), S. Kumari (1), J. Rhoads (2), S. Malhotra (2), J. Pharo (3), T. Ghosh (4) ((1) National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India, (2) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA, (3) Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany, (4) Green Bank Observatory, USA)

We have used the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to map H{\sc i} 21\,cm emission from the Green Pea galaxy GP~J1148+2546 at $z\approx0.0451$, only the second measurement of the H{\sc i} spatial distribution of a Green Pea. The VLA H{\sc i} 21\,cm image, the DECaLS optical image, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy show that GP~J1148+2546 has two neighbours, the nearer of which is only $\approx 17.5$~kpc away, and that the H{\sc i} 21\,cm emission extends in an inverted ``C'' shape around the Green Pea and its companions, with the highest H{\sc i} column density between the two neighbouring galaxies. The starburst in GP~J1148+2546 is likely to have been triggered by the ongoing merger with its neighbours, although the velocity field and velocity dispersion images do not show clear merger signatures at the Green Pea location. The H{\sc i} mass of the Green Pea and its immediate surroundings is $(3.58 \pm 0.37) \times 10^9 \, M_\odot$, a factor of $\approx 7.4$ lower than the total H{\sc i} mass of the system of three interacting galaxies, while the H{\sc i} depletion timescale of GP~J1148+2546 is $\approx 0.69$~Gyr, much shorter than that of typical galaxies at $z \approx 0$. We detect damped Ly$\alpha$ absorption and Ly$\alpha$ emission from the Green Pea in a Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph spectrum, obtaining a high H{\sc i} column density, $\approx 2.0 \times 10^{21}$~cm$^{-2}$, and a low Ly$\alpha$ escape fraction, $\approx 0.8$\%, consistent with the relatively low value ($\approx 5.4$) of the ratio O32~$\equiv$~[O{\sc iii}]$\lambda 5007 + \lambda 4959$/[O{\sc ii}]$\lambda$3727,3729.

Matthew S. Clement, Elisa V. Quintana, Kevin B. Stevenson

The discovery of seven ~Earth-mass planets, orbiting the 0.09 solar mass M-Dwarf TRAPPIST-1 captivated the public and sparked a proliferation of investigations into the system's origins. Among other properties, the resonant architecture of the planets has been interpreted to imply that orbital migration played a dominant role in the system's early formation. If correct, this hypothesis could imply that all of the seven worlds formed far from the star, and might harbor enhanced inventories of volatile elements. However, multiple factors also contradict this interpretation. In particular, the planets' apparent rocky compositions and non-hierarchical mass distribution might evidence them having formed closer to their current orbital locations. In this paper, we investigate the latter possibility with over 600 accretion simulations that model the effects of collisional fragmentation. In addition to producing multiple TRAPPIST-like configurations, we experiment with a number of different models for tracking the evolution of the planets' volatile contents and bulk iron-to-silicate ratios. We conclude that a trend in bulk iron contents is the more likely explanation for the observed radial trend of decreasing uncompressed densities in the real system. Given the degree of radial mixing that occurs in our simulations, in most cases we find that all seven planets finish with similar volatile contents. Another confounding quality of the TRAPPIST-1 system is the fact that the innermost planets are not in first-order resonances with one-another. By applying a tidal migration model to our most promising accretion model results, we demonstrate cases where higher-order resonances are populated.

We analyse the energy spectral density properties of Gravitational waves from Galactic binary populations in the~\text{mHz} band targeted by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna mission. Our analysis is based on combining BPASS with a Milky Way analogue galaxy from the Feedback In Realistic Environment (FIRE) simulations and the GWs these populations emit. Our investigation compares different functional forms of gravitational wave (GW) ESDs, namely the single power-law, broken power-law, and single-peak models, revealing disparities within and among Galactic binary populations. We estimate the ESDs for six different Galactic binary populations and the ESD of the total Galactic binary population for LISA. Employing a single power-law model, we predict a total Galactic binary GW signal amplitude $\alpha$ = $2.0^{+0.2}_{-0.2} \times 10^{-8}$ and a slope $\beta$ = $-2.64 ^{+0.03}_{-0.04}$ and the ESD $\rm h^2 \Omega_{GW}$ = $1.1 ^{+0.1}_{-0.1} \times 10^{-9}$ at 3~\text{mHz}. For the Galactic WDB binary GW signal $\alpha = 1^{+0.02}_{-0.02} \times 10^{-10}$, $\beta = -1.56 ^{+0.03}_{-0.03}$ and $\rm h^2 \Omega_{GW} = 18 ^{+1}_{-1} \times 10^{-12}$. Our analysis underscores the importance of accurate noise parameter estimation and highlights the complexities of modelling realistic observations, prompting future exploration into more flexible models.

Philipp M. Srivastava, Ugur Demir, Aggelos Katsaggelos, Vicky Kalogera, Elizabeth Teng, Tassos Fragos, Jeff J. Andrews, Simone S. Bavera, Max Briel, Seth Gossage, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Matthias U. Kruckow, Camille Liotine, Kyle A. Rocha, Meng Sun, Zepei Xing, Emmanouil Zapartas

Modeling of large populations of binary stellar systems is an intergral part of a many areas of astrophysics, from radio pulsars and supernovae to X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, and gravitational-wave mergers. Binary population synthesis codes that employ self-consistently the most advanced physics treatment available for stellar interiors and their evolution and are at the same time computationally tractable have started to emerge only recently. One element that is still missing from these codes is the ability to generate the complete time evolution of binaries with arbitrary initial conditions using pre-computed three-dimensional grids of binary sequences. Here we present a highly interpretable method, from binary evolution track interpolation. Our method implements simulation generation from irregularly sampled time series. Our results indicate that this method is appropriate for applications within binary population synthesis and computational astrophysics with time-dependent simulations in general. Furthermore we point out and offer solutions to the difficulty surrounding evaluating performance of signals exhibiting extreme morphologies akin to discontinuities.

Ryan J. French, Laura A. Hayes, Maria D. Kazachenko, Katharine K. Reeves, Chengcai Shen, Juraj Lörinčík

We present simultaneous X-ray and spectral ultraviolet (UV) observations of strikingly-coherent oscillations in emission from a coronal looptop and fan structure, during the impulsive phase of a long-duration M-class solar flare. The 50 s oscillations are observed near in-phase by Solar Orbiter/STIX, GOES, and IRIS Fe XXI intensity, Doppler and non-thermal velocity. For over 5 minutes of their approximate 35 minute duration, the oscillations are so periodic (2-sigma above the power law background), that they are better described as 'periodic pulsations' than the more-widely documented 'quasi-periodic pulsations' often observed during solar flares. By combining time-series analysis of the the multi-instrument datasets with comparison to MHD simulations, we attribute the oscillations to the magnetic tuning fork in the flare looptop-fan region, and betatron acceleration within the lower-altitude flare loops. These interpretations are possible due to the introduced 'Sliding Raster Method' (SliRM) for analysis of slit spectrometer (e.g. IRIS) raster data, to increase the temporal cadence of the observations at the expense of spatial information.

A.J. Nayana, Raffaella Margutti, Eli Wiston, Ryan Chornock, Sergio Campana, Tanmoy Laskar, Kohta Murase, Melanie Krips, Giulia Migliori, Daichi Tsuna, Kate D. Alexander, Poonam Chandra, Michael Bietenholz, Edo Berger, Roger A. Chevalier, Fabio De Colle, Luc Dessart, Rebecca Diesing, Brian W. Grefenstette, Wynn V. Jacobson-Galan, Keiichi Maeda, Benito Marcote, David Matthews, Dan Milisavljevic, Alak K. Ray, Andrea Reguitti, Ava Polzin

We present the results from our extensive hard-to-soft X-ray (NuSTAR, Swift-XRT, XMM-Newton, Chandra) and meter-to-mm wave radio (GMRT, VLA, NOEMA) monitoring campaign of the very nearby (d $=6.9$ Mpc) Type II SN2023ixf spanning $\approx$ 4--165 d post-explosion. This unprecedented dataset enables inferences on the explosion's circumstellar medium (CSM) density and geometry. Specifically, we find that the luminous X-ray emission is well modeled by thermal free-free radiation from the forward shock with rapidly decreasing photo-electric absorption with time. The radio spectrum is dominated by synchrotron radiation from the same shock, and the NOEMA detection of high-frequency radio emission may indicate a new component consistent with the secondary origin. Similar to the X-rays, the level of free-free absorption affecting the radio spectrum rapidly decreases with time as a consequence of the shock propagation into the dense CSM. While the X-ray and the radio modeling independently support the presence of a dense medium corresponding to an \emph{effective} mass-loss rate $\dot{M} \approx 10^{-4}\, \rm M_{\odot}\,yr^{-1}$ at $R = (0.4-14) \times 10^{15}$ (for $v_{\rm w}=\rm 25 \,km\,s^{-1}$), our study points at a complex CSM density structure with asymmetries and clumps. The inferred densities are $\approx$10--100 times those of typical red supergiants, indicating an extreme mass-loss phase of the progenitor in the $\approx$200 years preceding core collapse, which leads to the most X-ray luminous Type II SN and the one with the most delayed emergence of radio emission. These results add to the picture of the complex mass-loss history of massive stars on the verge of collapse and demonstrate the need for panchromatic campaigns to fully map their intricate environments.

Surface temperature distribution is crucial for thermal property-based studies about irregular asteroids in our Solar System. While direct numerical simulations could model surface temperatures with high fidelity, they often take a significant amount of computational time, especially for problems where temperature distributions are required to be repeatedly calculated. To this end, deep operator neural network (DeepONet) provides a powerful tool due to its high computational efficiency and generalization ability. In this work, we applied DeepONet to the modelling of asteroid surface temperatures. Results show that the trained network is able to predict temperature with an accuracy of ~1% on average, while the computational cost is five orders of magnitude lower, hence enabling thermal property analysis in a multidimensional parameter space. As a preliminary application, we analyzed the orbital evolution of asteroids through direct N-body simulations embedded with instantaneous Yarkovsky effect inferred by DeepONet-based thermophysical this http URL asteroids (3200) Phaethon and (89433) 2001 WM41 as examples, we show the efficacy and efficiency of our AI-based approach.

Aafia Zainab, Artur Avakyan, Victor Doroshenko, Philipp Thalhammer, Ekaterina Sokolova-Lapa, Ralf Ballhausen, Nicolas Zalot, Jakob Stierhof, Steven Haemmerich, Camille M. Diez, Philipp Weber, Thomas Dauser, Katrin Berger, Peter Kretschmar, Katja Pottschmidt, Pragati Pradhan, Nazma Islam, Chandreyee Maitra, Joel B. Coley, Pere Blay, Robin H. D. Corbet, Richard E. Rothschild, Kent Wood, Andrea Santangelo, Ulrich Heber, Joern Wilms

The eROSITA instrument on board Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma has completed four scans of the X-ray sky, leading to the detection of almost one million X-ray sources in eRASS1 only, including multiple new X-ray binary candidates. We report on analysis of the X-ray binary 1eRASS J085039.9-421151, using a ~55\,ks long NuSTAR observation, following its detection in each eROSITA scan. Analysis of the eROSITA and NuSTAR X-ray spectra in combination with X-shooter data of the optical counterpart provide evidence of an X-ray binary with a red supergiant (RSG) companion, confirming previous results, although we determine a cooler spectral type of M2-3, owing to the presence of TiO bands in the optical and near infrared spectra. The X-ray spectrum is well-described by an absorbed power law with a high energy cutoff typically applied for accreting high mass X-ray binaries. In addition, we detect a strong fluorescent neutral iron line with an equivalent width of ~700\,eV and an absorption edge, the latter indicating strong absorption by a partial covering component. It is unclear if the partial absorber is ionised. There is no significant evidence of a cyclotron resonant scattering feature. We do not detect any pulsations in the NuSTAR lightcurves, possibly on account of a large spin period that goes undetected due to insufficient statistics at low frequencies or potentially large absorption that causes pulsations to be smeared out. Even so, the low persistent luminosity, the spectral parameters observed (photon index, $\Gamma<1.0$), and the minuscule likelihood of detection of RSG-black hole systems, suggest that the compact object is a neutron star.

Accurate time series analysis is essential for studying variable astronomical sources, where detecting periodicities and characterizing power spectral density (PSD) are crucial. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram, commonly used in astronomy for analyzing unevenly sampled time series data, often suffers from noise introduced by irregular sampling. This paper presents a new high-pass filter (HPF) periodogram, a novel implementation designed to mitigate this sampling-induced noise. By applying a frequency-dependent high-pass filter before computing the periodogram, the HPF method enhances the precision of PSD estimates and periodicity detection across a wide range of signal characteristics. Simulations and comparisons with the Lomb-Scargle periodogram demonstrate that the HPF periodogram improves accuracy and reliability under challenging sampling conditions, making it a valuable complementary tool for more robust time series analysis in astronomy and other fields dealing with unevenly sampled data.

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revealed a population of red and compact sources at $z \gtrsim 5$ known as "Little Red Dots" (LRDs) that are likely active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Here we present a comprehensive study of the variability of 314 LRDs with multi-epoch JWST observations in five deep fields: UDS, GOODS-S, GOODS-N, Abell 2744, and COSMOS. Our analyses use all publicly available JWST NIRCam imaging data in these fields, together with multi-epoch JWST MIRI images available. We measure the significance of the variabilities (signal-to-noise ratio or ${\rm SNR}_{\rm var}$) for all LRDs and statistically evaluate their variabilities using the ${\rm SNR}_{\rm var}$ distributions. We pay particular attention to the systematic offsets of photometric zero points among different epochs that seem to commonly exist. The derived ${\rm SNR}_{\rm var}$ distributions of the LRDs, including those with broad H$\alpha$/H$\beta$ emission lines, follow the standard Gaussian distribution, and are generally consistent with those of the comparison samples of objects detected in the same images. This finding suggests that the LRD population on average does not show strong variability, which can be due to super-Eddington accretion of the black holes in AGNs. Alternatively, they are dominated by galaxies. We also find eight strongly variable LRD candidates with variability amplitudes of 0.24 - 0.82 mag. The rest-frame optical SEDs of these variable LRDs should have significant AGN contribution. Future JWST observations will provide more variability information of LRDs.

Yerong Xu, Ciro Pinto, Erin Kara, Stefano Bianchi, William Alston, Francesco Tombesi

The time lag between soft and hard X-ray photons has been observed in many active galactic nuclei (AGN) and can reveal the accretion process and geometry around supermassive black holes (SMBHs). High-frequency Fe K and soft lags are considered to originate from the light-travel distances between the corona and the accretion disk, while the propagation of the inward mass accretion fluctuation usually explains the low-frequency hard lags. Ultra-fast outflows (UFOs), with a velocity range of 0.03-0.3c, have also been discovered in numerous AGN and are believed to be launched from the inner accretion disk. However, it remains unclear whether UFOs can affect the X-ray time lags. As a pilot work, we aim to investigate the potential influence of UFOs on X-ray time lags of AGN in a small sample. By performing the UFO-resolved Fourier spectral timing analysis of archival XMM-Newton observations of three AGN with transient UFOs: PG 1448+273, IRAS 13224-3809, and PG 1211+143, we compare their X-ray timing products, such as lag-frequency and lag-energy spectra, of observations with and without UFO obscuration. Our results find that in each AGN, low-frequency hard lags become weak or even disappear when they are accompanied by UFOs. In the high-frequency domain, soft lags remain unchanged while the Fe K reverberation lags tentatively disappear. The comparison between timing products of low- and high-flux observations on another three AGN without UFOs (Ark 564, NGC 7469, and Mrk 335) suggests that the disappearance of low-frequency hard lags is likely related to the emergence of UFOs, not necessarily related to the source flux. We conclude that the presence of UFOs can affect X-ray time lags of AGN by suppressing the low-frequency hard lags, which can be explained by an additional time delay introduced by UFOs or disk accretion energy carried away by UFOs.

Mingjing Chen, Yufei Zhang, Wenjuan Fang, Zhonglue Wen, Weiguang Cui

With the advent of next-generation surveys, constraints on cosmological parameters are anticipated to become more stringent, particularly for the total neutrino mass. This study forecasts these constraints utilizing galaxy clusters from the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST). Employing Fisher matrix analysis, we derive the constraint $\sigma(M_\nu)$ from cluster number counts, cluster power spectrum, and their combination. The investigation ranges from the standard cosmological model with neutrinos $\nu\Lambda$CDM to the inclusion of dynamic dark energy in the $\nu w_0 w_a$CDM model, revealing a minor impact of dark energy on neutrino constraints. We examine the largest source of systematic uncertainty arising from the mass-observable relation and find that, with perfect knowledge of the scaling relation parameters, CSST clusters have the potential to enhance precision, tightening constraints to $0.034$ eV. We also study the effects of the maximum redshift $z_{max}$ and other uncertainties, including redshift, halo mass function, and bias. Furthermore, we emphasize the significance of accounting for the growth-induced scale-dependent bias (GISDB) effect, which is expected to have an impact of 1.5 to 2.2 times on the final constraint.

The UV-optical variability of quasars appears to depend on black-hole mass $M_{\rm BH}$ through physical timescales in the accretion disc. Here, we calculate mean emission radii, $R_{\rm mean}$, and orbital timescales, $t_{\rm orb}$, of thin accretion disc models as a function of emission wavelength from 1000 to 10000 Angstrom, $M_{\rm BH}$ from $10^6$ to $10^{11}$ solar masses, and Eddington ratios from 0.01 to 1. At low $M_{\rm BH}$, we find the textbook behaviour of $t_{\rm orb}\propto M_{\rm BH}^{-1/2}$ alongside $R_{\rm mean} \approx$ const, while towards higher masses the growing event horizon imposes $R_{\rm mean} \propto M_{\rm BH}$ and thus a turnover into $t_{\rm orb}\propto M_{\rm BH}$. We fit smoothly broken power laws to the numerical results and provide analytic convenience functions for $R_{\rm mean}(\lambda,M_{\rm BH},L_{3000})$ and $t_{\rm orb}(\lambda,M_{\rm BH},L_{3000})$ in terms of the observables $\lambda$, $M_{\rm BH}$, and the monochromatic luminosity $L_{3000}$. We then calculate variability structure functions for the ~2200 brightest quasars in the sky with estimates for $M_{\rm BH}$ and $L_{3000}$, using lightcurves from NASA/ATLAS orange passband spanning more than 7 years. The median luminosity of the accretion disc sample is $\log L_{\rm bol}/(\mathrm{erg\,s}^{-1})\approx 47$ and the median $\log M_{\rm BH}/M_\odot\approx 9.35$. At this high mass, the theoretical mass dependence of disc timescales levels off and turns over. The data show a weak dependence of variability on $M_{\rm BH}$ consistent with the turnover and a model where disc timescale drives variability amplitudes in the form $\log A/A_0=1/2\times\Delta t/t_{\rm orb}$, as suggested before. In the future, if the black-hole mass is known, observations of variability might be used as diagnostics of the physical luminosity in accretion discs, and therefore constrain inclination or dust extinction.

The lensing convergence field describing the weak lensing effect of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation is expected to be subject to mild deviations from Gaussianity. We perform a suite of full-sky lensing simulations using ray tracing through multiple lens planes - generated by combining $N$-body simulations on smaller scales and low-to-intermediate redshifts with realisations of Gaussian random fields on large scales and at high redshifts. We quantify the non-Gaussianity of the resulting convergence fields in terms of a set of skewness and kurtosis parameters and show that the non-Gaussian information in these maps can be used to constrain cosmological parameters such as the cold dark matter density $\Omega_\mathrm{c} h^2$ or the amplitude of primordial curvature perturbations $A_\mathrm{s}$. We forecast that for future CMB lensing observations, combining the non-Gaussian parameters with the Gaussian information can increase constraining power on $(\Omega_\mathrm{c} h^2, A_\mathrm{s})$ by $30$-$40\%$ compared to constraints from Gaussian observables alone. We make the simulation code for the full-sky lensing simulation available for download from GitHub.

Fangfei Lan, Malin Ejdbo, Joachim Moeyens, Bei Wang, Anders Ynnerman, Alexander Bock

We introduce NEOviz, an interactive visualization system designed to assist planetary defense experts in the visual analysis of the movements of near-Earth objects in the Solar System that might prove hazardous to Earth. Asteroids are often discovered using optical telescopes and their trajectories are calculated from images, resulting in an inherent asymmetric uncertainty in their position and velocity. Consequently, we typically cannot determine the exact trajectory of an asteroid, and an ensemble of trajectories must be generated to estimate an asteroid's movement over time. When propagating these ensembles over decades, it is challenging to visualize the varying paths and determine their potential impact on Earth, which could cause catastrophic damage. NEOviz equips experts with the necessary tools to effectively analyze the existing catalog of asteroid observations. In particular, we present a novel approach for visualizing the 3D uncertainty region through which an asteroid travels, while providing accurate spatial context in relation to system-critical infrastructure such as Earth, the Moon, and artificial satellites. Furthermore, we use NEOviz to visualize the divergence of asteroid trajectories, capturing high-variance events in an asteroid's orbital properties. For potential impactors, we combine the 3D visualization with an uncertainty-aware impact map to illustrate the potential risks to human populations. NEOviz was developed with continuous input from members of the planetary defense community through a participatory design process. It is exemplified in three real-world use cases and evaluated via expert feedback interviews.

Xuerong Guo, Yinan Ke, Yifan Xiao, Huaxi Chen, ChenChen Miao, Pei Wang, Di Li, Han Wang, Chenwu Jin, Ling He, Yi Feng, Yongkun Zhang, Jiaying Xu, Guangyong Chen

Fast Radio Burst (FRB) is an extremely energetic cosmic phenomenon of short duration. Discovered only recently and with yet unknown origin, FRBs have already started to play a significant role in studying the distribution and evolution of matter in the universe. FRBs can only be observed through radio telescopes, which produce petabytes of data, rendering the search for FRB a challenging task. Traditional techniques are computationally expensive, time-consuming, and generally biased against weak signals. Various machine learning algorithms have been developed and employed, which all require substantial data sets. We here introduce the FAST dataset for Fast Radio bursts EXploration (FAST-FREX), built upon the observations obtained by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). Our dataset comprises 600 positive samples of observed FRB signals from three sources and 1000 negative samples of noise and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Furthermore, we provide a machine learning algorithm, Radio Single-Pulse Detection Algorithm Based on Visual Morphological Features (RaSPDAM), with significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy for FRB search. We also employed the benchmark comparison between conventional single-pulse search softwares, namely PRESTO and Heimdall, and RaSPDAM. Future machine learning algorithms can use this as a reference point to measure their performance and help the potential improvements.

Alice P. Curtin, Ketan R. Sand, Ziggy Pleunis, Naman Jain, Victoria Kaspi, Daniele Michilli, Emmanuel Fonseca, Kaitlyn Shin, Kenzie Nimmo, Charanjot Brar, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Gwendolyn M. Eadie, B. M. Gaensler, Antonio Herrera-Martin, Adaeze L. Ibik, Ronny C. Joseph, Jane Kaczmarek, Calvin Leung, Robert Main, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Ryan McKinven, Juan Mena-Parra, Cherry Ng, Ayush Pandhi, Aaron B. Pearlman, Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Mawson W. Sammons, Paul Scholz, Kendrick Smith, Ingrid Stairs

The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst (CHIME/FRB) project has discovered the most repeating fast radio burst (FRB) sources of any telescope. However, most of the physical conclusions derived from this sample are based on data with a time resolution of $\sim$1 ms. In this work, we present for the first time a morphological analysis of the raw voltage data for 118 bursts from 32 of CHIME/FRB's repeating sources. We do not find any significant correlations amongst fluence, dispersion measure (DM), burst rate, and burst duration. Performing the first large-scale morphological comparison at timescales down to microseconds between our repeating sources and 125 non-repeating FRBs, we find that repeaters are narrower in frequency and broader in duration than non-repeaters, supporting previous findings. However, we find that the duration-normalized sub-burst widths of the two populations are consistent, possibly suggesting a shared physical emission mechanism. Additionally, we find that the spectral fluences of the two are consistent. When combined with the larger bandwidths and previously found larger DMs of non-repeaters, this suggests that non-repeaters may have higher intrinsic specific energies than repeating FRBs. We do not find any consistent increase or decrease in the DM ($\lessapprox 1$ pc cm$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$) and scattering timescales ($\lessapprox 2$ ms yr$^{-1}$) of our sources over $\sim2-4$ year periods.

Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) offer an independent method for searching for ultralight dark matter (ULDM), whose wavelike nature induces periodic oscillations in the arrival times of radio pulses. In addition to this gravitational effect, the direct coupling between ULDM and ordinary matter results in pulsar spin fluctuations and reference clock shifts, leading to observable effects in PTAs. The second data release from the European PTA (EPTA) indicates that ULDM cannot account for all dark matter in the mass range $m_{\phi} \in [10^{-24.0}, 10^{-23.3}] \text{ eV}$ based solely on gravitational effects. In this work, we derive constraints on the coupling coefficients by considering both gravitational and coupling effects. Our results demonstrate that EPTA provides stronger constraints on these couplings than previous PTA experiments, and it establishes similar or even tighter constraints compared to other precise experiments, such as atomic clock experiments.

Measurement of a jet geometry transition region is an important instrument of assessing the jet ambient medium properties, plasma bulk motion acceleration, parameters of a black hole and location of a jet launching radius. In this work we explore the possibility of a presence of a core shift break, associated with the geometry and jet physical properties transition. We obtain the relations on the core shift offset jump due to a change in a core shift exponent. The condition of a proper frame magnetic field continuity and the core shift break can be used as an instrument to refine the magnetic field estimates upstream the break. This method is applied to the jet in NGC 315. We speculate that the localised in a flow plasma heating either by reconnection or due to particles acceleration at the shock will also lead to a core shift break, but of a different type, than the one observed in NGC 315. We propose to use the multi-frequency core shift measurements to increase the number of sources with a detected jet shape break and to boost the accuracy of assessing the properties of a jet geometry transition region.

Nikki Zabel, Alessandro Loni, Marc Sarzi, Paolo Serra, Arjun Chawla, Timothy A. Davis, Dane Kleiner, S. Ilani Loubser, Reynier Peletier

We combine new and archival MUSE observations with data from the MeerKAT Fornax Survey and the ALMA Fornax Cluster Survey to study the ionised, atomic, and molecular gas in six gas-rich dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster in detail. We compare the distributions and velocity fields of the three gas phases with each other, with MUSE white-light images, and with the stellar velocity fields. Additionally, we derive the resolved molecular Kennicutt-Schmidt relation for each object, and compare these with existing relations for field galaxies and for the Fornax and Virgo clusters. Finally, we explore global measurements such as gas deficiencies and star formation rates to paint as complete a picture of their evolutionary state as possible. We find that all six gas-rich dwarf galaxies have very disturbed ISM, with all three gas phases being irregular both in terms of spatial distribution and velocity field. Most objects lie well below the Kennicutt-Schmidt relations from the literature. Furthermore, they are quite deficient in HI (with def_HI between ~1 and ~2 dex), and moderately deficient in H2 (with def_H2 between ~0 and ~1), suggesting that, while both cold gas phases are affected simultaneously, HI is removed in significant quantities before H2. We suggest that these dwarfs are on their first infall into the cluster, and are in the process of transitioning from star-forming to passive. A combination of tidal interactions, mergers/pre-processing, and ram pressure stripping is likely responsible for these transformations.

The recent discovery of examples of intermediate-mass helium stars have offered new insights into interacting binaries. These observations will allow significant improvements in our understanding of helium stars. However, in the creation of these stars their companions may accrete a significant amount of helium-rich stellar material. These creates stars with unusual composition profiles -- stars with helium-rich cores, hydrogen-rich lower envelopes and a helium-rich outer envelope. Thus the mean molecular weight reaches a minimum in the the middle of the star rather than continuously decreasing outwards in mass. To demonstrate this structure we present Cambridge STARS model calculations of an example interacting binary systems where the helium-rich material is transferred, and compare it to one where the composition of the accreted mass is fixed to the companion's surface composition. We show that the helium-rich material leads to the accretor being 0.2 dex hotter and 0.15 dex more luminous than models where the composition is not helium rich. We use a simple BPASS v2.2 population model to estimate that helium-rich mass transfer occurs in 23 per cent of massive binaries that undergo mass transfer. This suggests this is a common process. This binary process has implications for the discrepancy between spectroscopic and gravitational masses of stars, the production of ionizing photons and possibly the modelling of high redshift galaxies.

Thomas Ceulemans, Frederik De Ceuster, Leen Decin, Jeremy Yates

Spectral line observations are an indispensable tool to remotely probe the physical and chemical conditions throughout the universe. Modelling their behaviour is a computational challenge that requires dedicated software. In this paper, we present the first long-term stable release of Magritte, an open-source software library for line radiative transfer. First, we establish its necessity with two applications. Then, we introduce the overall design strategy and the application/programmer interface (API). Finally, we present three key improvements over previous versions: (1) an improved re-meshing algorithm to efficiently coarsen the spatial discretisation of a model; (2) a variation on Ng-acceleration, a popular acceleration-of-convergence method for non-LTE line transfer; and, (3) a semi-analytic approximation for line optical depths in the presence of large velocity gradients.

The atomic and molecular compounds of cometary ices serve as valuable knowledge into the chemical and physical properties of the outer solar nebula, where comets are formed. From the cometary atmospheres, the atoms and gas-phase molecules arise mainly in three ways: (i) the outgassing from the nucleus, (ii) the photochemical process, and (iii) the sublimation of icy grains from the nucleus. In this paper, we present the radio and millimeter wavelength observation results of Oort cloud non-periodic comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) band L and the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) band 6. We do not detect continuum emissions and an emission line of atomic hydrogen (HI) at rest frequency 1420 MHz from this comet using the GMRT. Based on ALMA observations, we detect the dust continuum emission and rotational emission lines of methanol (CH$_{3}$OH) from comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). From the dust continuum emission, the activity of dust production (Af$\rho$) of comet ZTF is 2280$\pm$50 cm. Based on LTE spectral modelling, the column density and excitation temperature of CH$_{3}$OH towards C/2022 E3 (ZTF) are (4.50$\pm$0.25)$\times$10$^{14}$ cm$^{-2}$ and 70$\pm$3 K. The integrated emission maps show that CH$_{3}$OH was emitted from the coma region of the comet. The production rate of CH$_{3}$OH towards C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is (7.32$\pm$0.64)$\times$10$^{26}$ molecules s$^{-1}$. The fractional abundance of CH$_{3}$OH with respect to H$_{2}$O in the coma of the comet is 1.52%. We also compare our derived abundance of CH$_{3}$OH with the existence modelled value, and we see the observed and modelled values are nearly similar. We claim that CH$_{3}$OH is formed via the subsequential hydrogenation of formaldehyde (H$_{2}$CO) on the grain surface of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF).

Margarita Hernanz, Marco Feroci, Yuri Evangelista, Aline Meuris, Stéphane Schanne, Gianluigi Zampa, Chris Tenzer, Jörg Bayer, Witold Nowosielski, Malgorzata Michalska, Emrah Kalemci, Müberra Sungur, Søren Brandt, Irfan Kuvvetli, Daniel Alvarez Franco, Alex Carmona, José-Luis Gálvez, Alessandro Patruno, Jean in' t Zand, Frans Zwart, Andrea Santangelo, Enrico Bozzo, Shuang-Nan Zhang, Fangjun Lu, Yupeng Xu, Riccardo Campana, Ettore Del Monte, Francesco Ceraudo, Alessio Nuti, Giovanni Della Casa, Andrea Argan, Gabriele Minervini, Matias Antonelli, Valter Bonvicini, Mirko Boezio, Daniela Cirrincione, Riccardo Munini, Alexandre Rachevski, Andrea Vacchi, Nicola Zampa, Irina Rashevskaya, Francesco Ficorella, Antonino Picciotto, Nicola Zorzi, David Baudin, Florent Bouyjou, Olivier Gevin, Olivier Limousin, Paul Hedderman, Samuel Pliego, Hao Xiong, Rob de la Rie, Phillip Laubert, Gabby Aitink-Kroes, Lucien Kuiper, Piotr Orleanski, Konrad Skup, Denis Tcherniak, Onur Turhan, Ayhan Bozkurt, Ahmet Onat


The eXTP mission is a major project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with a large involvement of Europe. Its scientific payload includes four instruments: SFA, PFA, LAD and WFM. They offer an unprecedented simultaneous wide-band Xray timing and polarimetry sensitivity. A large European consortium is contributing to the eXTP study, both for the science and the instrumentation. Europe is expected to provide two of the four instruments: LAD and WFM; the LAD is led by Italy and the WFM by Spain. The WFM for eXTP is based on the design originally proposed for the LOFT ESA M3 mission, that underwent a Phase A feasibility study. It will be a wide field of view X-ray monitor instrument working in the 2-50 keV energy range, achieved with large-area Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs), similar to the ones used for the LAD but with better spatial resolution. The WFM will consist of 3 pairs of coded mask cameras with a total combined field of view (FoV) of 90x180 degrees at zero response and a source localisation accuracy of ~1 arc min. The main goal of the WFM is to provide triggers for the target of opportunity observations of the SFA, PFA and LAD, in order to perform the core science programme, dedicated to the study of matter under extreme conditions of density, gravity and magnetism. In addition, the unprecedented combination of large field of view and imaging capability, down to 2 keV, of the WFM will allow eXTP to make important discoveries of the variable and transient X-ray sky, and provide X-ray coverage of a broad range of astrophysical objects covered under 'observatory science', such as gamma-ray bursts, fast radio bursts, gravitational wave electromagnetic counterparts. In this paper we provide an overview of the WFM instrument, explaining its design, configuration, and anticipated performance.

This paper presents a novel approach to constrain the $\mu$- and y- distortions in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) using the COBE/FIRAS data. The analysis draws from the concept of blackbody radiation inversion (BRI), a mathematical technique typically used to determine the temperature distribution from a radiated power spectrum. We study the deviations from the ideal blackbody spectrum or the spectral distortions by incorporating first a non-zero chemical potential $\mu$ via the Bose-Einstein distribution and then the Compton parameter $y$ while keeping the monopole temperature constant. We infer the results as probability distribution functions on these distortions. Finally, we derive $\mu = (8.913 \pm 0.736) \times 10^{-5}$ and $y = (1.532 \pm 0.092) \times 10^{-5}$ at a $68\%$ confidence interval. The results are consistent with prior values and provide tighter constraints on the CMB spectral distortion and synergies of the primordial Universe.

Anastasiia Plotnikova, Lorenzo Spina, Bridget Ratcliffe, Giada Casali, Giovanni Carraro

In this study we address whether the age--metallicity relation (AMR) deviates from the expected trend of metallicity increasing smoothly with age. We also show the presence (or absence) of two populations, as recently claimed using a relatively small dataset. Moreover, we studied the Milky Way thin disk's chemical evolution using solar twins, including the effect of radial migration and accretion events. In particular, we exploited high-resolution spectroscopy of a large sample of solar twins in tandem with an accurate age determination to investigate the Milky Way thin disk age--metallicity relationship. Additionally, we derived the stars' birth radius and studied the chemical evolution of the thin disk. We discovered that statistical and selection biases can lead to a misinterpretation of the observational data. An accurate accounting of all the uncertainties led us to detect no separation in the AMR into different populations for solar twins around the Sun (-0.3 < [Fe/H] < 0.3 dex). This lead us to the conclusion that the thin disk was formed relatively smoothly. For the main scenario of the Milky Way thin disk formation, we suggest that the main mechanism for reaching today's chemical composition around the Sun is radial migration with the possible contribution of well-known accretion events such as Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage (GES) and Sagittarius (Sgr).

Parametric strong lensing studies of galaxy clusters often display misleading features: group/cluster scale dark matter components without any stellar counterpart, offsets between both components larger than what might be allowed by neither Cold Dark Matter nor self interacting Dark Matter models, or significant unexplained external shear components. I am revisiting mass models where such misleading (and interesting) features have been reported, adopting the following working hypothesis: any group or cluster scale dark matter clump introduced in the modelling should be associated with a luminous counterpart, and any well motivated and reliable prior should be considered, even when this degrades the fit. The goal is to derive a physically motivated description of the dark matter component which might be compared to theoretical expectations. I succeed doing so in galaxy clusters AS 1063, MACS J0416 and MACS J1206, finding that the shape of the inner dark matter component has a flat density profile. These findings may be useful for the interpretation within dark matter scenario, such as self-interacting dark matter. I fail in Abell 370: a three dark matter clumps mass model (each clump being associated with its stellar counterpart) is unable to reproduce the observational constraints with a precision smaller than 2.3 arcsec. In order to provide a sub arcsec precision, I need to describe the dark matter distribution using a four dark matter clumps model, as found in earlier works. Examining the total projected mass maps, I however find a good agreement between the total mass and the stellar distribution in Abell 370, both being, to first order, bimodal. I interpret the misleading features as being symptomatic of the lack of realism of a parametric description of the dark matter distribution. I encourage caution and criticism on the outputs of parametric strong lensing modelling.

J.-F. Donati, P.I. Cristofari, S.H.P. Alencar, Á. Kóspál, J. Bouvier, C. Moutou, A. Carmona, J. Gregorio-Hetem, C.F. Manara, E. Artigau, R. Doyon, M. Takami, H. Shang, J. Dias do Nascimento, F. Ménard, E. Gaidos, the SPIRou science team

This paper presents near-infrared spectropolarimetric and velocimetric observations of the young planet-hosting T Tauri star PDS 70, collected with SPIRou at the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope from 2020 to 2024. Clear Zeeman signatures from magnetic fields at the surface of PDS 70 are detected in our data set of 40 circularly polarized spectra. Longitudinal fields inferred from Zeeman signatures, ranging from -116 to 176 G, are modulated on a timescale of 3.008$\pm$0.006 d, confirming that this is the rotation period of PDS 70. Applying Zeeman-Doppler imaging to subsets of unpolarized and circularly polarised line profiles, we show that PDS 70 hosts low-contrast brightness spots and a large-scale magnetic field in its photosphere, featuring in particular a dipole component of strength 200-420 G that evolves on a timescale of months. From the broadening of spectral lines, we also infer that PDS 70 hosts a small-scale field of 2.51$\pm$0.12 kG. Radial velocities derived from unpolarized line profiles are rotationally modulated as well, and exhibit additional longer-term chromatic variability, most likely attributable to magnetic activity rather than to a close-in giant planet (with a 3sigma upper limit on its minimum mass of ~4 Mjup at a distance of ~0.2 au). We finally confirm that accretion occurs at the surface of PDS 70, generating modulated red-shifted absorption in the 1083.3-nm He i triplet, and show that the large-scale magnetic field, often strong enough to disrupt the inner accretion disc up to the corotation radius, weakens as the star gets fainter and redder (as in 2022), suggesting that dust from the disc more easily penetrates the stellar magnetosphere in such phases.

While the observation of the 21 cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization is an instrumental challenge, the interpretation of a prospective detection is still open to questions regarding the modelling of the signal and the Bayesian inference techniques that bridge the gap between theory and observations. To address some of these questions, we present Loreli II, a database of nearly 10 000 simulations of the 21 cm signal run with the Licorice 3D radiative transfer code. With Loreli II, we explore a 5-dimensional astrophysical parameter space where star formation, X-ray emissions, and UV emissions are varied. We then use this database to train neural networks and perform Bayesian inference on 21 cm power spectra affected by thermal noise at the level of 100 hours of observation with the Square Kilometer Array. We study and compare three inference techniques : an emulator of the power spectrum, a Neural Density Estimator that fits the implicit likelihood of the model, and a Bayesian Neural Network that directly fits the posterior distribution. We measure the performances of each method by comparing them on a statistically representative set of inferences, notably using the principles of Simulation-Based Calibration. We report errors on the 1-D marginalized posteriors (biases and over/under confidence) below $15 \%$ of the standard deviation for the emulator and below $25 \%$ for the other methods. We conclude that at our noise level and our sampling density of the parameter space, an explicit Gaussian likelihood is sufficient. This may not be the case at lower noise level or if a denser sampling is used to reach higher accuracy. We then apply the emulator method to recent HERA upper limits and report weak constraints on the X-ray emissivity parameter of our model.

M. Vrard, M. H. Pinsonneault, Y. Elsworth, M. Hon, T. Kallinger, J. Kuszlewicz, B. Mosser, R. A. Garcia, J. Tayar, R. Bennett, K. Cao, S. Hekker, L. Loyer, S. Mathur, D. Stello

Evolved cool stars have three distinct evolutionary status: shell Hydrogen-burning (RGB), core Helium and shell Hydrogen burning (RC), and double shell burning (AGB). Asteroseismology can distinguish between the RC and the other status, but distinguishing RGB and AGB has been difficult seismically and spectroscopically. The precise boundaries of different status in the HR diagram have also been difficult to establish. In this article, we present a comprehensive catalog of asteroseismic evolutionary status, RGB and RC, for evolved red giants in the Kepler field. We carefully examine boundary cases to define the lower edge of the RC phase in radius and surface gravity. We also test different published asteroseisemic methods claiming to distinguish AGB and RGB stars against a sample where AGB candidates were selected using a spectrocopic identification method. We used six different seismic techniques to distinguish RC and RGB stars, and tested two proposed methods for distinguishing AGB and RGB stars. These status were compared with those inferred from spectroscopy. We present consensus evolutionary status for 18,784 stars out of the 30,337 red giants present in the Kepler data, including 11,516 stars with APOGEE spectra available. The agreement between seismic and spectroscopic classification is excellent for distinguishing RC stars, agreeing at the 94% level. Most disagreements can be traced to uncertainties in spectroscopic parameters, but some are caused by blends with background stars. We find a sharp lower boundary in surface gravity at log(g) = 2.99+/-0.01 for the RC and discuss the implications. We demonstrate that asteroseismic tools for distinguishing AGB and RGB stars are consistent with spectroscopic evolutionary status at near the RC but that the agreement between the different methods decreases rapidly as the star evolves.

Bárbara L. Miranda Marques, Alberto Rodríguez-Ardila, Marcos A. Fonseca-Faria, Swayamtrupta Panda

Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) and Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) sources are compact radio galaxies (RGs), with jets extending up to 20 kpc and ages <10^3 years. They are considered to have evolved into Fanaroff-Riley RGs, but the real scenario to explain the compact sources remains unsolved. The young compact jets make GPS/CSS ideal for studying feedback in the nuclear region of AGNs because the jets are just starting to leave this region. Numerical simulations and jet power estimates suggest that compact sources can drive outflows on scales several times larger than the radio source itself, but the lack of suitable data limits comparisons between theory and observation. We carried out an optical spectroscopic study of 82 CSS/GPS with SDSS-DR12 data to investigate the influence of compact jets in the gas. We found outflowing gas components in the [OIII]\lambda5007 emission lines in half of our sample. The kinetic energy of the outflowing gas in compact sources is comparable to that observed in extended RGs, indicating that the compact jets can drive powerful outflows similar to those in FR RGs. The observed anti-correlation between the kinetic power of the outflow and the radio luminosity suggests an interaction between the young jet and the interstellar medium (ISM). This finding provides significant observational support for previous simulations of jet-ISM interactions and supports the evolutionary scenario for RGs. However, the lack of sources with high kinetic efficiency indicates that some compact galaxies may be frustrated sources.

J. R. Pardo, C. De Breuck, D. Muders, J. González, J. P. Pérez-Beaupuits, J. Cernicharo, C. Prigent, E. Serabyn, F. M. Montenegro-Montes, T. Mroczkowski, N. Phillips, E. Villard

Due to the importance of a reference atmospheric radiative transfer model for both planning and calibrating ground-based observations at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths, we have undertaken a validation campaign consisting of acquiring atmospheric spectra under different weather conditions, in different diurnal moments and seasons, with the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX), due to the excellent stability of its receivers and the very high frequency resolution of its backends. As a result, a data set consisting of 56 spectra within the 157.3-742.1 GHz frequency range, at kHz resolution (smoothed to $\sim$2-10 MHz for analysis), and spanning one order of magnitude ($\sim$ 0.35-3.5 mm) in precipitable water vapour columns, has been gathered from October 2020 to September 2022. These data are unique for their quality and completeness and, due to the proximity of APEX to the Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array (ALMA), they provide an excellent opportunity to validate the atmospheric radiative transfer model currently installed in the ALMA software. The main issues addressed in the study are possible missing lines in the model, line shapes, vertical profiles of atmospheric physical parameters and molecular abundances, seasonal and diurnal variations and collision induced absorption (CIA), to which this paper is devoted, in its N$_2$-N$_2$ + N$_2$-O$_2$ + O$_2$-O$_2$ (dry), and N$_2$-H$_2$O + O$_2$-H$_2$O (``foreign'' wet) mechanisms. All these CIA terms should remain unchanged in the above mentioned ALMA atmospheric model as a result of this work.

Cosmic ray measurements have inspired numerous interesting applications over several decades worldwide. These applications encompass non-invasive cosmic ray muon tomography, which enables the imaging of concealed dense objects or structures, the monitoring of area-averaged soil moisture with cosmic ray neutrons in agriculture and climate studies, real-time monitoring of the dynamical changes of the space and earth weather, etc. The demand for a quantitative characterization of cosmic ray shower particles near the Earth's surface is substantial, as it provides realistic particle spectra and rates for these diverse applications. In this study, we introduce Earth Cosmic Ray Shower (ECRS), a GEANT4-based software designed to simulate cosmic ray particle interactions in the atmosphere. ECRS incorporates the U.S. Standard Atmospheric Model and integrates a time-dependent geomagnetic field based on the Tsyganenko and IGRF models. Additionally, we present two case studies illustrating variations in the location-dependent average particle energy for muons, electrons, neutrons, and gammas at sea level. An outlook of this project is provided toward the conclusion.

Solar and stellar externally occulted coronagraphs share similar concepts, but are actually very different because of geometric characteristics. Solar occulters were first developed with a simple geometric model of diffraction perpendicular to the occulter edges. We apply this mere approach to starshades, and introduce a simple shifted circular integral of the occulter which allows to illustrate the influence of the number of petals on the extent of the deep central dark zone. We illustrate the reasons for the presence of an internal coronagraph in the solar case and its absence in the exoplanet case.

Understanding the scaling relation between baryonic observables and dark matter halo properties is crucial not only for studying galaxy formation and evolution, but also for deriving accurate cosmological constraints from galaxy surveys. In this paper, we constrain the stellar-to-halo mass relation of galaxy groups identified by the Galaxy and Mass Assembly survey, using weak lensing signals measured by the Kilo-Degree Survey. We compared our measured scaling relation with predictions from the FLAMINGO hydrodynamical simulations and the L-Galaxies semi-analytical model. We find general agreement between our measurements and simulation predictions for haloes with masses ${\gtrsim}10^{13.5}\ h_{70}^{-1}{\rm M}_{\odot}$, but observe slight discrepancies with the FLAMINGO simulations at lower halo masses. We explored improvements to the current halo model framework by incorporating simulation-informed scatter in the group stellar mass distribution as a function of halo mass. We find that including a simulation-informed scatter model tightens the constraints on scaling relations, despite the current data statistics being insufficient to directly constrain the variable scatter. We also tested the robustness of our results against different statistical models of miscentring effects from selected central galaxies. We find that accounting for miscentring is essential, but our current measurements do not distinguish among different miscentring models.

Munazza K. Alam, Peter Gao, Jea Adams Redai, Nicole L. Wallack, Nicholas F. Wogan, Artyom Aguichine, Anne Dattilo, Lili Alderson, Natasha E. Batalha, Natalie M. Batalha, James Kirk, Mercedes López-Morales, Annabella Meech, Sarah E. Moran, Johanna Teske, Hannah R. Wakeford, Angie Wolfgang

We present the first broadband near- to mid-infrared (3-12 microns) transmission spectrum of the highly-irradiated (T_eq = 981 K) M dwarf rocky planet L 168-9 b (TOI-134 b) observed with the NIRSpec and MIRI instruments aboard JWST. We measure the near-infrared transit depths to a combined median precision of 20 ppm across the three visits in 54 spectroscopic channels with uniform widths of 60 pixels (~0.2 microns wide; R~100), and the mid-infrared transit depths to 61 ppm median precision in 48 wavelength bins (~0.15 microns wide; R~50). We compare the transmission spectrum of L 168-9 b to a grid of 1D thermochemical equilibrium forward models, and rule out atmospheric metallicities of less than 100x solar (mean molecular weights <4 g mol$^{-1}$) to 3-sigma confidence assuming high surface pressure (>1 bar), cloudless atmospheres. Based on photoevaporation models for L 168-9 b with initial atmospheric mass fractions ranging from 2-100%, we find that this planet could not have retained a primordial H/He atmosphere beyond the first 200 Myr of its lifetime. Follow-up MIRI eclipse observations at 15 microns could make it possible to confidently identify a CO2-dominated atmosphere on this planet if one exists.

Daniel P. Violette, Amanda Steinhebel, Abhradeep Roy, Ryan Boggs, Regina Caputo, David Durachka, Yasushi Fukazawa, Masaki Hashizume, Scott Hesh, Manoj Jadhav, Carolyn Kierans, Kavic Kumar, Shin Kushima, Richard Leys, Jessica Metcalfe, Zachary Metzler, Norito Nakano, Ivan Peric, Jeremy Perkins, Lindsey Seo, K.W. Taylor Shin, Nicolas Striebig, Yusuke Suda, Hiroyasu Tajima

A next-generation medium-energy (100 keV to 100 MeV) gamma-ray observatory will greatly enhance the identification and characterization of multimessenger sources in the coming decade. Coupling gamma-ray spectroscopy, imaging, and polarization to neutrino and gravitational wave detections will develop our understanding of various astrophysical phenomena including compact object mergers, supernovae remnants, active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts. An observatory operating in the MeV energy regime requires technologies that are capable of measuring Compton scattered photons and photons interacting via pair production. AstroPix is a monolithic high voltage CMOS active pixel sensor which enables future gamma-ray telescopes in this energy range. AstroPix's design is iterating towards low-power (~1.5 mW/cm$^{2}$), high spatial (500 microns pixel pitch) and spectral (<5 keV at 122 keV) tracking of photon and charged particle interactions. Stacking planar arrays of AstroPix sensors in three dimensions creates an instrument capable of reconstructing the trajectories and energies of incident gamma rays over large fields of view. A prototype multi-layered AstroPix instrument, called the AstroPix Sounding rocket Technology dEmonstration Payload (A-STEP), will test three layers of AstroPix quad chips in a suborbital rocket flight. These quad chips (2x2 joined AstroPix sensors) form the 4x4 cm$^{2}$ building block of future large area AstroPix instruments, such as ComPair-2 and AMEGO-X. This payload will be the first demonstration of AstroPix detectors operated in a space environment and will demonstrate the technology's readiness for future astrophysical and nuclear physics applications. In this work, we overview the design and state of development of the ASTEP payload.

The magneto-hydrodynamic decay of primordial magnetic fields can distort the black-body spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) by draining magnetic energy into thermal plasmas and photons. The current limits on CMB distortion place constraints on small-scale primordial magnetic fields. The constraints crucially depend on the decay laws of primordial magnetic fields. Recent numerical simulations reveal that non-linear effects play a significant role in the magnetic field decay although these effects are neglected in previous works. In this paper, by adopting a reconnection-driven turbulent decay as a non-linear evolution model, we demonstrate the potential impact of non-linear effects on CMB spectral distortions. The reconnection-driven turbulent decay model is an analytical description which provides the consistent results with numerical simulation. Our results rule out magnetic fields with shorter coherence lengths. While the result is independent of the spectral index of the magnetic energy spectrum, it is influenced by the magnetic helicity fraction.

We combine stellar mass functions and the recent first JWST-based galaxy-black hole scaling relations at $z=6$ to for the first time compute the supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass volume density at this epoch, and compare this to the integrated SMBH mass growth from the population of UV-luminous quasars at $z>6$. We show that even under very conservative assumptions almost all growth of SMBH mass at $z>6$ does not take place in these UV-luminous quasars, but must occur in systems obscured through dust and/or with lower radiative efficiency than standard thin accretion disks. The `Soltan argument' is not fulfilled by the known population of bright quasars at $z>6$: the integrated SMBH mass growth inferred from these largely unobscured active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the early Universe is by a factor $\ge$10 smaller than the total SMBH mass volume density at $z=6$. This is valid under a large range of assumption about luminosity, mass functions, and accretion modes, and is likely still a factor >2 smaller when accounting for known obscuration fractions at this epoch. The resulting consequences are: >90%, possibly substantially more, of SMBH-buildup in the early Universe does not take place in luminous unobscured quasar phases, but has to occur in obscured systems, with dust absorbing most of the emitted UV-visible AGN emission, potentially with accretion modes with super-Eddington specific accretion rates. This is consistent with short lifetimes for luminous quasar phases from quasar proximity zone studies and clustering. This would remove the empirical need for slow SMBH growth and hence exotic `high-mass seed' black holes at early cosmic time. It also predicts a large population of luminous but very obscured lower-mass quasars at $z>6$, possibly the JWST `Little Red Dots'. This finding might severe impact on how we will diagnose SMBH growth at $z=7$ to 15 in the future.

Freja Thoresen, Igor Drozdovskiy, Aidan Cowley, Magdelena Laban, Sebastien Besse, Sylvain Blunier

This paper presents a novel method for mapping spectral features of the Moon using machine learning-based clustering of hyperspectral data from the Moon Mineral Mapper (M3) imaging spectrometer. The method uses a convolutional variational autoencoder to reduce the dimensionality of the spectral data and extract features of the spectra. Then, a k-means algorithm is applied to cluster the latent variables into five distinct groups, corresponding to dominant spectral features, which are related to the mineral composition of the Moon's surface. The resulting global spectral cluster map shows the distribution of the five clusters on the Moon, which consist of a mixture of, among others, plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, and Fe-bearing minerals across the Moon's surface. The clusters are compared to the mineral maps from the Kaguya mission, which showed that the locations of the clusters overlap with the locations of high wt% of minerals such as plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine. The paper demonstrates the usefulness of unbiased unsupervised learning for lunar mineral exploration and provides a comprehensive analysis of lunar mineralogy.

It is common practice, both in dynamical modelling and in idealised numerical simulations, to assume that galaxies and/or dark matter haloes are spherical and have isotropic velocity distributions, such that their distribution functions are ergodic. However, there is no good reason to assume that this assumption is accurate. In this paper we use idealised $N$-body simulations to study the tidal evolution of subhaloes that are anisotropic at infall. We show that the detailed velocity anisotropy has a large impact on the subhalo's mass loss rate. In particular, subhaloes that are radially anisotropic experience much more mass loss than their tangentially anisotropic counterparts. In fact, in the former case, the stripping of highly radial orbits can cause a rapid cusp-to-core transformation, without having to resort to any baryonic feedback processes. Once the tidal radius becomes comparable to the radius of the core thus formed, the subhalo is tidally disrupted. Subhaloes that at infall are tangentially anisotropic are far more resilient to tidal stripping, and are never disrupted when simulated with sufficient resolution. We show that the preferential stripping of more radial orbits, combined with re-virialisation post stripping, causes an isotropisation of the subhalo's velocity distributions. This implies that subhaloes that have experienced significant mass loss are expected to be close to isotropic, which may alleviate the mass-anisotropy degeneracies that hamper the dynamical modelling of Milky Way satellites.

C. Moya-Sierralta, J. González-López, L. Infante, L. F. Barrientos, W. Hu, S. Malhotra, J. Rhoads, J. Wang, I. Wold, Z. Zheng

The epoch of reionization is a landmark in structure formation and galaxy evolution. How it happened is still not clear, especially regarding which population of objects was responsible for contributing the bulk of ionizing photons toward this process. Doubly-peaked Lyman-Alpha profiles in this epoch are of particular interest since they hold information about the escape of ionizing radiation and the environment surrounding the source. We wish to understand the escape mechanisms of ionizing radiation in Lyman-Alpha emitters during this time and the origin of a doubly-peaked Lyman-alpha profile as well as estimating the size of a potential ionized bubble. Using radiative transfer models, we fit the line profile of a bright Lyman-Alpha emitter at $z\sim 6.9$ using various gas geometries. The line modeling reveals significant radiation escape from this system. While the studied source reveals significant escape ($f_{esc}$(LyA) $\sim0.8$ as predicted by the best fitting radiative transfer model) and appears to inhabit an ionized bubble of radius $R_{b}\approx 0.8^{+0.5}_{-0.3}\,pMpc\left(\frac{t_{\rm age}}{10^{8}}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}}$.Radiative transfer modeling predicts the line to be completely redwards of the systemic redshift. We suggest the line morphology is produced by inflows, multiple components emitting Ly$\alpha$, or by an absorbing component in the red wing. We propose that CDFS-1's profile holds two red peaks produced by winds within the system. Its high $f_{esc}$(Lya) and the low-velocity offset from the systemic redshift suggest that the source is an active ionizing agent. Future observations will reveal whether a peak is present bluewards of the systemic redshift or if multiple components produce the profile.

We demonstrate how the composition of two unsupervised clustering algorithms, $\texttt{AstroLink}$ and $\texttt{FuzzyCat}$, makes for a powerful tool when studying galaxy formation and evolution. $\texttt{AstroLink}$ is a general-purpose astrophysical clustering algorithm built for extracting meaningful hierarchical structure from point-cloud data defined over any feature space, while $\texttt{FuzzyCat}$ is a generalised soft-clustering algorithm that propagates the dynamical effects of underlying data processes into a fuzzy hierarchy of stable fuzzy clusters. Their composition, $\texttt{FuzzyCat}$ $\circ$ $\texttt{AstroLink}$, can therefore identify a fuzzy hierarchy of astrophysically- and statistically-significant fuzzy clusters within any point-based data set whose representation is subject to changes caused by some underlying process. Furthermore, the pipeline achieves this without relying upon strong assumptions about the data, the change process, the number/importance of specific structure types, or much user input -- thereby making itself applicable to a wide range of fields in the physical sciences. We find that for the task of structurally decomposing simulated galaxies into their constituents, our context-agnostic approach has a substantial impact on the diversity and completeness of the structures extracted as well as on their relationship within the broader galactic structural hierarchy -- revealing dwarf galaxies, infalling groups, stellar streams (and their progenitors), stellar shells, galactic bulges, and star-forming regions.

Giant flares from magnetars can reach, for a fraction of a second, luminosities greater than 10$^{47}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in the hard X-ray/soft $\gamma$-ray range. This makes them visible at distances of several megaparsecs. However, at extragalactic distances (farther than the Magellanic Clouds) they are difficult to distinguish from the short $\gamma$-ray bursts, which occur much more frequently. Since magnetars are young neutron stars, nearby galaxies with a high rate of star formation are optimal targets to search for magnetar giant flares (MGFs). Here we report the results of a search for MGFs in observations of the Virgo cluster and in a small sample of nearby galaxies obtained with the IBIS instrument on the INTEGRAL satellite. From the currently known MGF sample we find that their energy distribution is well described by a power law with slope $\gamma$=2 (with 90% c.l. interval [1.7-2.2]). From the lack of detections in this extensive data set (besides 231115A in M82) we derive a 90% c.l. upper limit on the rate of MGF with $E>3\times10^{45}$ erg of $\sim2\times10^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$ per magnetar and a lower limit of $R(E)>\sim4\times10^{-4}$ yr$^{-1}$ magnetar$^{-1}$ for $E<10^{45}$ erg.

E. Yushkov (1 and 2), I.N. Pashchenko (3), D.D. Sokoloff (1 and 4), G. Chumarin (1) ((1) Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, (2) Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI), Moscow, Russia, (3) Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, (4) IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia)

Radio interferometric observations of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) jets reveal the significant linear polarization of their synchrotron radiation that changes with frequency due to the Faraday rotation. It is generally assumed that such depolarization could be a powerful tool for studying the magnetized plasma in the vicinity of the jet. However, depolarization could also occur within the jet if the emitting and rotating plasma are co-spatial (i.e. the internal Faraday rotation). Burn obtained very simple dependence of the polarization on the wavelength squared for the discrete source and resolved slab that is widely used for interpreting the depolarization of AGN jets. However it ignores the influence of the non-uniform large scale magnetic field of the jet on the depolarization. Under the simple assumptions about the possible jet magnetic field structures we obtain the corresponding generalizations of Burn's relation widely used for galaxies analysis. We show that the frequency dependencies of the Faraday rotation measure and polarization angle in some cases allow to estimate the structures of the jets magnetic fields.

Gravity gradient noise in gravitational wave detectors originates from density fluctuations in the adjacency of the interferometer mirrors. At the Einstein Telescope, this noise source is expected to be dominant for low frequencies. Its impact is proposed to be reduced with the help of an array of seismometers that will be placed around the interferometer endpoints. We reformulate and implement the problem of finding the optimal seismometer positions in a differentiable way. We then explore the use of first-order gradient-based optimization for the design of the seismometer array for 1 Hz and 10 Hz and compare its performance and computational cost to two metaheuristic algorithms. For 1 Hz, we introduce a constraint term to prevent unphysical optimization results in the gradient-based method. In general, we find that it is an efficient strategy to initialize the gradient-based optimizer with a fast metaheuristic algorithm. For a small number of seismometers, this strategy results in approximately the same noise reduction as with the metaheuristics. For larger numbers of seismometers, gradient-based optimization outperforms the two metaheuristics by a factor of 2.25 for the faster of the two and a factor of 1.4 for the other one, which is significantly outperformed by gradient-based optimization in terms of computational efficiency.

The design of starshades, i.e. external occulters for stellar coronography, relies on the fast and precise computation of their associated diffraction patterns of incoming plane waves in the telescope aperture plane. We present here a method based on a polygonal approximation of the occulter's shape, that allows fast computation of their diffraction patterns in the Fresnel approximation, without aliasing artefacts. It is competitive with respect to methods based on direct 2D Fourier transforms, or Boundary Diffraction Wave algorithms.

T. Souverin (1), J. Neveu (1, 3), M. Betoule (1), S. Bongard (1), P. E. Blanc (5), J. Cohen Tanugi (2, 6), S. Dagoret-Campagne (3), F. Feinstein (4), M. Ferrari (5), F. Hazenberg (1), C. Juramy (1), L. Le Guillou (1), A. Le Van Suu (5), M. Moniez (3), E. Nuss (2), B. Plez (2), N. Regnault (1), E. Sepulveda (1), K. Sommer (2) ((1) Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Université de Paris, LPNHE, (2) LUPM, Université Montpellier, CNRS, (3) Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, IJCLab, (4) CPPM, Université d'Aix-Marseille, CNRS, (5) Observatoire de Haute-Provence, Université d'Aix-Marseille, CNRS, (6) LPC, IN2P3/CNRS, Université Clermont Auvergne)

The number of type Ia supernova (SNe Ia) observations will grow significantly within the next decade, mainly thanks to the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) undertaken by the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile. With this improvement, statistical uncertainties will decrease, and flux calibration will become the main uncertainty for the characterization of dark energy. Currently, the astronomical flux scale is anchored on the numerical models of white dwarf atmospheres from the CALSPEC catalog, and every error on the model can induce a bias over cosmological parameters inference. The StarDICE experiment proposes a new calibration reference that only relies on observations from the optical watt defined by the NIST towards the magnitude of standard stars. It is currently operating at l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence and has been collecting data since the beginning of 2023. To overcome the photometric calibration uncertainty and reach a sub-percent precision, the instrument throughput has been calibrated with a Collimated Beam Projector. It will be monitored on-site with a LED-based artificial star source calibrated with NIST photodiodes. In this proceeding, we will first illustrate how an error in the photometric calibration can impact the SNe Ia distance moduli and thus bias the measurement of cosmological parameters. Then we will present the StarDICE experiment and how we can recalibrate the CALSPEC catalog at the millimagnitude level on the NIST scale with photometric analysis.

J. P. Carvajal, F. E. Bauer, I. Reyes-Jainaga, F. Förster, A. M. Muñoz Arancibia, M. Catelan, P. Sánchez-Sáez, C. Ricci, A. Bayo

A significant challenge in the study of transient astrophysical phenomena is the identification of bogus events, with human-made Earth-orbiting satellites and debris remain a key contaminant. Existing pipelines effectively identify satellite trails but can miss more complex signatures, such as collections of dots known as satellite glints. In the Rubin Observatory era, the scale of the operations will increase tenfold with respect to its precursor, the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), requiring crucial improvements in classification purity, data compression, pipeline speed and more. We explore the use of the 2D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on difference images as a tool to improve satellite detection algorithms. Adopting the single-stamp classification model from the Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events (ALeRCE) broker as a baseline, we adapt its architecture to receive a cutout of the FFT of the difference image, in addition to the three (science, reference, difference) ZTF image cutouts (hereafter stamps). We study different stamp sizes and resolutions for these four channels, aiming to assess the benefit of including the FFT image, especially in scenarios with data compression and processing speed requirements (e.g., for surveys like the Legacy Survey of Space and Time). The inclusion of the FFT improved satellite detection accuracy, with the most notable increase observed in the model with the smallest field of view (16''), where accuracy rose from 66.9% to 79.7% (a statistically significant improvement of ~13% with a 95% confidence interval of 7.8% to 17.8%). This result demonstrates the effectiveness of FFT in compressing relevant information and extracting features that characterize satellite signatures in larger difference images. We show how FFTs can be leveraged to cull satellite and space debris signatures from alert streams.

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and, despite its proximity, this binary system still imposes intriguing questions about its current characteristics and past evolution. Bond et. al. (arXiv:1703.10625) published decades of astrometric measurements of the Sirius system, determining the dynamical masses for Sirius A and B, and the orbital period. We have used these determinations, combined with photometric determinations for luminosity and spectroscopic determinations of effective temperature ($T_{eff}$) and metallicity, to model the evolution of the Sirius system using MESA (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics). We have constructed a model grid calculated especially for this system and were able to obtain, for Sirius B, a progenitor mass of $6.0 \pm 0.6 M_{\odot}$, yielding a white dwarf mass of $1.015 \pm 0.189 M_{\odot}$. Our best determination for age of the system is $203.6 \pm 45$ Myr with a metallicity of 0.0124. We have compared our best fit models with the ones computed using TYCHO, YREC, and PARSEC, establishing external uncertainties. Our results are consistent with the observations and support a non-interacting past.

Amy H. Knight, Lauren Rhodes, Douglas J. K. Buisson, James H. Matthews, Noel Castro Segura, Adam Ingram, Matthew Middleton, Timothy P. Roberts

The neutron star low-mass X-ray binary, EXO 0748--676, recently returned to outburst after a $\sim$ 16 year-long quiescence. Since its return, there has been a global effort to capture the previously unseen rise of the source and to understand its somewhat early return to outburst, as it is typical for a source to spend longer in quiescence than in outburst. Here, we report on the simultaneous optical and X-ray detection of a type I X-ray burst, captured by XMM-Newton during a DDT observation on 30th June 2024. The data show 3 X-ray eclipses consistent with the known ephemeris and one type I X-ray burst at 60492.309 MJD. The X-ray burst is reprocessed into the optical band and captured by XMM-Newton's Optical Monitor during a 4399 s exposure with the B filter in image + fast mode. We determine that the optical peak lags the X-ray peak by 4.46 $\pm$ 1.71s. The optical and X-ray rise times are similar, but the optical decay timescale is shorter than the X-ray decay timescale. The reprocessing site is likely within a few light seconds of the X-ray emitting region, so the companion star, accretion disc and ablated material are all plausible.

M. Pursiainen, T. L. Killestein, H. Kuncarayakti, P. Charalampopoulos, J. Lyman, R. Kotak, G. Leloudas, D. Coppejans, T. Kravtsov, K. Maeda, T. Nagao, K. Taguchi, K. Ackley, V. S. Dhillon, D. K. Galloway, A. Kumar, D. O'Neill, D. Steeghs

We present the analysis of optical data of a bright and extremely-rapidly evolving transient, AT2024wpp, whose properties are similar to the enigmatic AT2018cow (aka the Cow). AT2024wpp rose to a peak brightness of c=-21.9mag in 4.3d and remained above the half-maximum brightness for only 6.7d. The blackbody fits to the multi-band photometry show that the event remained persistently hot (T>20000K) with a rapidly receding photosphere (v~11500km/s) until the end of the photometric dataset at +16.1d post-discovery. This behaviour mimics that of AT2018cow, albeit with a several times larger photosphere. The spectra are consistent with blackbody emission throughout our spectral sequence ending at +21.9d, showing a tentative, very broad emission feature at 5500Å -- implying that the optical photosphere is likely within a near-relativistic outflow. Furthermore, reports of strong X-ray and radio emission cement the nature of AT2024wpp as a likely Cow-like transient. AT2024wpp is only the second event of the class with optical polarimetry. Our BVRI observations obtained from +6.1 to +14.4d show a low polarisation of P<0.5% across all bands, similar to AT2018cow that was consistent with P~0% during the same outflow-driven phase. In the absence of evidence for a preferential viewing angle, it is unlikely that both events would have shown low polarisation in the case that their photospheres were aspherical. As such, we conclude that the near-relativistic outflows launched in these events are likely highly spherical, but polarimetric observations of further events are crucial to constrain their ejecta geometry and stratification in detail.

In collisions of galaxy clusters, the lack of displacement between dark matter and galaxies suggests that the dark matter scattering depth is small. This yields an upper limit on the dark matter cross section if the dark matter column density is known. We investigate a bias in such constraints: the measured column density (along the line of sight, using gravitational lensing) is lower than that experienced by a dark matter particle, as follows. Dark matter halos are triaxial and generally collide along their major axes, yielding a high scattering column density -- but the merger is obvious only to observers whose line of sight is nearly perpendicular to that axis, yielding a low observed column density. We trace lines of sight through merging halos from the BigMDPL n-body simulation, both with and without mock observational effects. We find that a hypothetical skewer through the halo along the merger axis (more precisely, along the current separation vector of the two halos) has twice the column density of a typical line of sight. With weak lensing measurements, which involve some spatial averaging, this ratio is reduced to 1.25, suggesting that existing constraints on the scattering cross section are biased high by about 25%.

Luis Fernando Galicia Cruztitla, Diego Mauricio Gomez Coral

This work reviews the current state of the antideuteron ($\bar{d}$) production cross-sections in cosmic ray interactions and its uncertainties, considering the coalescence model and measurements in accelerator experiments. These cross-sections have been included in a simulation of cosmic rays propagation in the Galaxy using GALPROP v.57, with updated parameters of the diffusive reacceleration model. An estimation of the expected antideuteron flux at Earth is presented.

We investigate decays of hypothetical unstable new physics particles into metastable species such as muons, pions, or kaons in the early Universe, when temperatures are in the MeV range, and study how they affect cosmic neutrinos. We demonstrate that decays of the metastable particles compete with their annihilations and interactions with nucleons, which reduces the production of high-energy neutrinos and increases energy injection into the electromagnetic sector. This energy reallocation alters the impact of the new physics particles on the effective number of neutrino degrees of freedom, $N_{\text{eff}}$, modifies neutrino spectral distortions, and may induce asymmetries in neutrino and antineutrino energy distributions. These modifications have important implications for observables such as Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Microwave Background, especially in light of upcoming CMB observations aiming to reach percent-level precision on $N_{\rm eff}$. We illustrate our findings with a few examples of new physics particles and provide a computational tool available for further exploration.

e investigate the cosmological impact of hypothetical unstable new physics particles that decay in the MeV-scale plasma of the Early Universe. Focusing on scenarios where the decays produce metastable species such as muons, pions, and kaons, we systematically analyze the dynamics of these particles using coupled Boltzmann equations governing their abundances. Our results demonstrate that the metastable species can efficiently annihilate or interact with nucleons, which often leads to their disappearance prior to decay. The suppression of decay significantly alters the properties of cosmic neutrinos, impacting cosmological observables like Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Microwave Background. To support further studies, we provide a public Mathematica code that traces the evolution of these metastable particles and apply it to several new physics models.

We consider near-horizon collisions between two particles moving freely in the Schwarzschild metric in the region outside the horizon. One of them emerges from a white hole. We scrutiny when such a process can lead to the indefinitely large growth of the energy in the center of mass frame in the point of collision. We also trace how the kinematics of collision manifests itself in preserving the principle of kinematic censorship according to which the energy released in any event of collision cannot be literally infinite. According to this principle, the energy released in any event of collision, must remain finite although it can be made as large as one likes. Also, we find that particle decay near the singularity leads to unbounded release of energy independently of its initial value.

Pierluca Carenza, Maurizio Giannotti, Jordi Isern, Alessandro Mirizzi, Oscar Straniero

Stars have been recognized as optimal laboratories to probe axion properties. In the last decades there have been significant advances in this field due to a better modelling of stellar systems and accurate observational data. In this work we review the current status of constraints on axions from stellar physics. We focus in particular on the Sun, globular cluster stars, white dwarfs and (proto)-neutron stars.

This review article provides the basics and discusses some important applications of thermal field theory, namely the combination of statistical mechanics and relativistic quantum field theory. In a first part the fundamentals are covered: the density matrix, the corresponding averages and the treatment of fields of various spin in a medium. A second part is dedicated to the computation of thermal Green's function for scalars, vectors and fermions with path-integral methods. These functions play a crucial role in thermal field theory, as explained here. A more applicative part of the review is dedicated to the production of particles in a medium and to phase transitions in field theory, including the process of vacuum decay in a general theory featuring a first-order phase transition. To understand this review, the reader should only have a good knowledge of non-statistical quantum field theory.

R. Sekhar Chivukula, Joshua A. Gill, Kirtimaan A. Mohan, George Sanamyan, Dipan Sengupta, Elizabeth H. Simmons, Xing Wang

We revisit the phenomenology of dark-matter (DM) scenarios within radius-stabilized Randall-Sundrum models. Specifically, we consider models where the dark matter candidates are Standard Model (SM) singlets confined to the TeV brane and interact with the SM via spin-2 and spin-0 gravitational Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes. We compute the thermal relic density of DM particles in these models by applying recent work showing that scattering amplitudes of massive spin-2 KK states involve an intricate cancellation between various diagrams. Considering the resulting DM abundance, collider searches, and the absence of a signal in direct DM detection experiments, we show that spin-2 KK portal DM models are highly constrained. We confirm that within the usual thermal freeze-out scenario, scalar dark matter models are essentially ruled out. In contrast, we show that fermion and vector dark matter models are viable in a region of parameter space in which dark matter annihilation through a KK graviton is resonant. Specifically, vector models are viable for dark matter masses ranging from 1.1 TeV to 5.5 TeV for theories in which the scale of couplings of the KK modes is of order 40 TeV or lower. Fermion dark matter models are viable for a similar mass region, but only for KK coupling scales of order 20 TeV. In this work, we provide a complete description of the calculations needed to arrive at these results and, in an appendix, a discussion of new KK-graviton couplings needed for the computations, which have not previously been discussed in the literature. Here, we focus on models in which the radion is light, and the back-reaction of the radion stabilization dynamics on the gravitational background can be neglected. The phenomenology of a model with a heavy radion and the consideration of the effects of the radion stabilization dynamics on the DM abundance are being addressed in forthcoming work.

Spherically symmetric Einstein-æther (EÆ) theory with a Maxwell-like kinetic term is revisited. We consider a general choice of the metric and the æther field, finding that:~(i) there is a gauge freedom allowing one always to use a diagonal metric; and~(ii) the nature of the Maxwell equation forces the æther field to be time-like in the coordinate basis. We derive the vacuum solution and confirm that the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) and photon ring are enlarged relative to general relativity (GR). Buchdahl's theorem in EÆ theory is derived. For a uniform physical density, we find that the upper bound on compactness is always lower than in GR. Additionally, we observe that the Newtonian and EÆ radial acceleration relations run parallel in the low pressure limit. Our analysis of EÆ theory may offer novel insights into its interesting phenomenological generalization: Æther--scalar--tensor theory (ÆST).

The coalescence of binary black holes and neutron stars increases the entropy in the universe. The release of entropy from the inspiral stage to the merger depends primarily on the mass and spin vectors of the compact binary. In this study, we report a novel application of entropy to study the demographics of the compact binaries reported by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration. We compute an astrophysical distribution of the Merger Entropy Index ($\mathcal{I}_\mathrm{BBH}$) - a mass-independent measure of the efficiency of entropy transfer for black hole binaries - for all the events reported in the LVK Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalogs. We derive $\mathcal{I}_\mathrm{BBH}$ for six astrophysically motivated population models describing dynamical and isolated formation channels. We find that $\mathcal{I}_\mathrm{BBH}$ offers a new criterion to probe the formation channels of LVK events with compact objects in the upper $(\gtrsim 60~M_\odot)$ and lower ($\lesssim 5~M_\odot$) mass-gaps. For GW190521, an event with both objects in the upper mass gap, $\mathcal{I}_\mathrm{BBH}$ distribution strongly favors second-generation mergers. For GW230529, a new event with the primary object in the lower mass gap, we note that $\mathcal{I}_\mathrm{BBH}$ mildly favors it with neutron star - black holes events. Our work provides a new framework to study the underlying demographics of compact binaries in the data-rich era of gravitational-wave astronomy.

L. Cacciapuoti, A. Busso, R. Jansen, S. Pataraia, T. Peignier, S.Weinberg, P. Crescence, A. Helm, J. Kehrer, S. Koller, R. Lachaud, T. Niedermaier, F.-X. Esnault, D. Massonnet, D. Goujon, J. Pittet, A. Perri, Q. Wang, S. Liu, W. Schaefer, T. Schwall, I. Prochazka, A. Schlicht, U. Schreiber, P. Laurent, M. Lilley, P. Wolf, C. Salomon

The Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) mission is developing high performance clocks and links for space to test Einstein's theory of general relativity. From the International Space Station, the ACES payload will distribute a clock signal with fractional frequency stability and accuracy of 1E-16 establishing a worldwide network to compare clocks in space and on the ground. ACES will provide an absolute measurement of Einstein's gravitational redshift, it will search for time variations of fundamental constants, contribute to test topological dark matter models, and perform Standard Model Extension tests. Moreover, the ground clocks connected to the ACES network will be compared over different continents and used to measure geopotential differences at the clock locations. After solving some technical problems, the ACES flight model is now approaching its completion. System tests involving the laser-cooled Cs clock PHARAO, the active H-maser SHM and the on-board frequency comparator FCDP have measured the performance of the clock signal delivered by ACES. The ACES microwave link MWL is currently under test. The single-photon avalanche detector of the optical link ELT has been tested and will now be integrated in the ACES payload. The ACES mission concept, its scientific objectives, and the recent test results are discussed here together with the major milestones that will lead us to the ACES launch.

David S. Pereira, João Ferraz, Francisco S. N. Lobo, José P. Mimoso

This review delves into the pivotal primordial stage of the universe, a period that holds the key to understanding its current state. To fully grasp this epoch, it is essential to consider three fundamental domains of physics: gravity, particle physics, and thermodynamics. The thermal history of the universe recreates the extreme high-energy conditions that are critical for exploring the unification of the fundamental forces, making it a natural laboratory for high-energy physics. This thermal history also offers valuable insights into how the laws of thermodynamics have governed the evolution of the universe's constituents, shaping them into the forms we observe today. Focusing on the Standard Cosmological Model (SCM) and the Standard Model of Particles (SM), this paper provides an in-depth analysis of thermodynamics in the primordial universe. The structure of the study includes an introduction to the SCM and its strong ties to thermodynamic principles. It then explores equilibrium thermodynamics in the context of the expanding universe, followed by a detailed analysis of out-of-equilibrium phenomena that were pivotal in shaping key events during the early stages of the universe's evolution.

We present a review of the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity (SSMG) theory, representing a geometric extension of standard general relativity, based on a connection introduced by Friedmann and Schouten in 1924. The semi-symmetric connection is a connection that generalizes the Levi-Civita one, by allowing for the presence of a simple form of the torsion, described in terms of a torsion vector. The Einstein field equations are postulated to have the same form as in standard general relativity, thus relating the Einstein tensor constructed with the help of the semi-symmetric connection, with the energy-momentum tensor. The inclusion of the torsion contributions in the field equations has intriguing cosmological implications, particularly during the late-time evolution of the Universe. Presumably, these effects also dominate under high-energy conditions, and thus SSMG could potentially address unresolved issues in General Relativity and cosmology, such as the initial singularity, inflation, or the $^7$Li problem of the Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis. The explicit presence of torsion in the field equations leads to the non-conservation of the energy-momentum tensor, which can be interpreted within the irreversible thermodynamics of open systems, as describing particle creation processes. We also review in detail the cosmological applications of the theory, and investigate the statistical tests for several models, by constraining the model parameters via comparison with several observational datasets.

Extreme mass-ratio hyperbolic encounters (EMRHEs) around the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) will be observable at the future gravitational-wave (GW) detectors in space, such as LISA and Taiji. Here we consider such EMRHEs in the presence of surrounding matter distribution including baryonic accretion disk and dark matter (DM) spike, and estimate their effects on the orbital evolution and GW waveforms. We find that large possible impacts come from the gravitational potential of accretion disk, while the influence of DM spike is small. We also illustrate that environments can leave distinctive imprints on the GW waveforms, but resolving such modifications is found to be challenging for LISA-like detectors in the near future.

Carlo Giunti, Konstantin Kouzakov, Yu-Feng Li, Alexander Studenikin

Neutrinos are neutral in the Standard Model, but they have tiny charge radii generated by radiative corrections. In theories Beyond the Standard Model, neutrinos can also have magnetic and electric moments and small electric charges (millicharges). We review the general theory of neutrino electromagnetic form factors, which reduce, for ultrarelativistic neutrinos and small momentum transfers, to the neutrino charges, effective charge radii, and effective magnetic moments. We discuss the phenomenology of these electromagnetic neutrino properties and we review the existing experimental bounds. We briefly review also the electromagnetic processes of astrophysical neutrinos and the neutrino magnetic moment portal in the presence of sterile neutrinos.

GWtuna is a fast gravitational-wave search prototype built on Optuna (optimisation software library) and JAX (accelerator-orientated array computation library) [1, 2]. Using Optuna, we introduce black box optimisation algorithms and evolutionary strategy algorithms to the gravitational-wave community. Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) and Covariance Matrix Adaption Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) have been used to create the first template bank free search and used to identify binary neutron star mergers. TPE can identify a binary neutron star merger in 1 second (median value) and less than 1000 matched-filter evaluations when 512 seconds of data is searched over. A stopping algorithm is used to curtail the TPE search if the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold has been reached, or the SNR has not improved in 500 evaluations. If the SNR threshold is surpassed, CMA-ES is used to recover the SNR and the template parameters in 9,000 matched filter iterations taking 48 seconds (median value). GWtuna showcases alternatives to the standard template bank search and therefore has the potential to revolutionise the future of gravitational-wave data analysis.