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Papers for Friday, Nov 08 2024

Papers with local authors

Brendan J. McKee, Benjamin T. Montet, Samuel W. Yee, Joel D. Hartman, Joshua N. Winn, Jorge H. C. Martins, André M. Silva
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2411.04192
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2411.04192

TOI-2818 b is a hot Jupiter orbiting a slightly evolved G-type star on a 4.04-day orbit that shows transit timing variations (TTVs) suggestive of a decreasing orbital period. In the most recent year of TESS observations, transits were observed $\sim$8 minutes earlier than expected for a constant period. The implied orbital decay rate is $1.35 \pm 0.25$ s yr$^{-1}$, too fast to be explained by tidal dissipation even considering the evolved nature of the host star. Radial velocity monitoring rules out the possibility that the apparent change in period is due to a steady acceleration of the star by a long-period companion. Apsidal precession due to the tidal distortion of the planet is also physically implausible. The most plausible explanation for the TTVs appears to be gravitational perturbations from a hitherto undetected planet with mass $\lesssim$$10\,M_\oplus$ that is in (or near) a mean-motion resonance with the hot Jupiter. Such a planet could be responsible for the observed TTVs while avoiding detection with the available radial velocity and transit data.

All other papers

Mayura Balakrishnan, Rory Bowens, Fernando Cruz Aguirre, Kaeli Hughes, Rahul Jayaraman, Emily Kuhn, Emma Louden, Dana R. Louie, Keith McBride, Casey McGrath, Jacob Payne, Tyler Presser, Joshua S. Reding, Emily Rickman, Rachel Scrandis, Teresa Symons, Lindsey Wiser, Keith Jahoda, Tiffany Kataria, Alfred Nash, Team X

We present the mission concept "Mission to Analyze the UltraViolet universE" (MAUVE), a wide-field spectrometer and imager conceived during the inaugural NASA Astrophysics Mission Design School. MAUVE responds to the 2023 Announcement of Opportunity for Probe-class missions, with a budget cap of \$1 billion, and would hypothetically launch in 2031. However, the formulation of MAUVE was an educational exercise and the mission is not being developed further. The Principal Investigator-led science of MAUVE aligns with the priorities outlined in the 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey, enabling new characterizations of exoplanet atmospheres, the early-time light curves of some of the universe's most explosive transients, and the poorly-understood extragalactic background light. Because the Principal Investigator science occupies 30% of the observing time available during the mission's 5 yr lifespan, we provide an observing plan that would allow for 70% of the observing time to be used for General Observer programs, with community-solicited proposals. The onboard detector (THISTLE) claims significant heritage from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on Hubble, but extends its wavelength range down to the extreme UV. We note that MAUVE would be the first satellite in decades with the ability to access this regime of the electromagnetic spectrum. MAUVE has a field of view of 900" x 900" a photometric sensitivity extending to $m_{UV}\leq 24$, and a resolving power of $R\sim1000$. This paper provides full science and mission traceability matrices for this concept, and also outlines cost and scheduling timelines aimed at enabling a within-budget mission and an on-time launch.

Samantha N. Hasler, L. C. Mayorga, William M. Grundy, Amy A. Simon, Susan D. Benecchi, Carly J. A. Howett, Silvia Protopapa, Heidi B. Hammel, Daniel D. Wenkert, S. Alan Stern, Kelsi N. Singer, Simon B. Porter, Pontus C. Brandt, Joel W. Parker, Anne J. Verbiscer, John R. Spencer, the New Horizons Planetary Science Theme Team

We present flux measurements of Uranus observed at phase angles of 43.9°, 44.0°, and 52.4° by the Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC) on the New Horizons spacecraft during 2023, 2010, and 2019, respectively. New Horizons imaged Uranus at a distance of about 24-70 AU (2023) in four color filters, with bandpasses of 400-550 nm, 540-700 nm, 780-975 nm, and 860-910 nm. High-phase-angle observations are of interest for studying the energy balance of Uranus, constraining the atmospheric scattering behavior, and understanding the planet as an analog for ice giant exoplanets. The new observations from New Horizons provide access to a wider wavelength range and different season compared to previous observations from both Voyager spacecraft. We performed aperture photometry on the New Horizons observations of Uranus to obtain its brightness in each photometric band. The photometry suggests that Uranus may be darker than predicted by a Lambertian phase curve in the Blue and Red filters. Comparison to simultaneous low-phase Hubble WFC3 and ground-based community-led observations indicates a lack of large-scale features at full-phase that would introduce variation in the rotational light curve. The New Horizons reflectance in the Blue (492 nm) and Red (624 nm) filters does not exhibit statistically significant variation and is consistent with the expected error bars. These results place new constraints on the atmospheric model of Uranus and its reflectivity. The observations are analogous to those from future exoplanet direct-imaging missions, which will capture unresolved images of exoplanets at partial phases. These results will serve as a "ground-truth" with which to interpret exo-ice giant data.

Ting-Yi Lu, Charlotte A. Mason, Andrei Mesinger, David Prelogović, Ivan Nikolić, Anne Hutter, Samuel Gagnon-Hartman, Mengtao Tang, Yuxiang Qin, Koki Kakiichi

Ionized bubble sizes during reionization trace physical properties of the first galaxies. JWST's ability to spectroscopically confirm and measure Lyman-alpha (Ly$\alpha$) emission in sub-L* galaxies opens the door to mapping ionized bubbles in 3D. However, existing Lya-based bubble measurement strategies rely on constraints from single galaxies, which are limited by the large variability in intrinsic Ly$\alpha$ emission. As a first step, we present two bubble size estimation methods using Lya spectroscopy of ensembles of galaxies, enabling us to map ionized structures and marginalize over Ly$\alpha$ emission variability. We test our methods using Gpc-scale reionization simulations of the intergalactic medium (IGM). To map bubbles in the plane of the sky, we develop an edge detection method based on the asymmetry of Ly$\alpha$ transmission as a function of spatial position. To map bubbles along the line-of-sight, we develop an algorithm using the tight relation between Ly$\alpha$ transmission and the line-of-sight distance from galaxies to the nearest neutral IGM patch. Both methods can robustly recover bubbles with radius $\gtrsim$10 comoving Mpc, sufficient for mapping bubbles even in the early phases of reionization, when the IGM is $\sim70-90\%$ neutral. These methods require $\gtrsim$0.002-0.004 galaxies/cMpc$^3$, a $5\sigma$ Ly$\alpha$ equivalent width upper limit of $\lesssim$30Å for the faintest targets, and redshift precision $\Delta z \lesssim 0.015$, feasible with JWST spectroscopy. Shallower observations will provide robust lower limits on bubble sizes. Additional constraints on IGM transmission from Ly$\alpha$ escape fractions and line profiles will further refine these methods, paving the way to our first direct understanding of ionized bubble growth.

F. Dux, M. Millon, C. Lemon, T. Schmidt, F. Courbin, A. J. Shajib, T. Treu, S. Birrer, K. C. Wong, A. Agnello, A. Andrade, A. A. Galan, J. Hjorth, E. Paic, S. Schuldt, A. Schweinfurth, D. Sluse, A. Smette, S. H. Suyu

We report the discovery of the first example of an Einstein zig-zag lens, an extremely rare lensing configuration. In this system, J1721+8842, six images of the same background quasar are formed by two intervening galaxies, one at redshift $z_1 = 0.184$ and a second one at $z_2 = 1.885$. Two out of the six multiple images are deflected in opposite directions as they pass the first lens galaxy on one side, and the second on the other side -- the optical paths forming zig-zags between the two deflectors. In this letter, we demonstrate that J1721+8842, previously thought to be a lensed dual quasar, is in fact a compound lens with the more distant lens galaxy also being distorted as an arc by the foreground galaxy. Evidence supporting this unusual lensing scenario includes: 1- identical light curves in all six lensed quasar images obtained from two years of monitoring at the Nordic Optical Telescope; 2- detection of the additional deflector at redshift $z_2 = 1.885$ in JWST/NIRSpec IFU data; and 3- a multiple-plane lens model reproducing the observed image positions. This unique configuration offers the opportunity to combine two major lensing cosmological probes: time-delay cosmography and dual source-plane lensing since J1721+8842 features multiple lensed sources forming two distinct Einstein radii of different sizes, one of which being a variable quasar. We expect tight constraints on the Hubble constant and the equation of state of dark energy by combining these two probes on the same system. The $z_2 = 1.885$ deflector, a quiescent galaxy, is also the highest-redshift strong galaxy-scale lens with a spectroscopic redshift measurement.

In this letter, we present a new formulation of loss cone theory as a reaction-diffusion system, which is orbit averaged and accounts for loss cone events through a sink term. This formulation can recover the standard approach based on boundary conditions, and is derived from a simple physical model that overcomes many of the classical theoretical constraints. The relaxed distribution of disruptive orbits in phase space has a simple analytic form, and it predicts accurately the pericentre of tidal disruption events at disruption, better than other available formulas. This formulation of the problem is particularly suitable for including more physics in tidal disruptions and the analogous problem of gravitational captures, e.g. strong scatterings, gravitational waves emission, physical stellar collisions, and repeating partial disruptions - that can all act on timescale shorter than two-body relaxation. This allows to explore in a simple way dynamical effects that might affect tidal disruption events rates, tackling the expected vs observed rate tension and the over-representation of E+A galaxies.

Raphaela Fernandes de Melo, Linda Lombardo, Arthur Alencastro Puls, Donatella Romano, Camilla Juul Hansen, Sophie Tsiatsiou, Georges Meynet

Context. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are the most abundant elements throughout the universe, after hydrogen and helium. Studying these elements in low-metallicity stars can provide crucial information on the chemical composition in the early Galaxy and possible internal mixing processes that can alter the surface composition of the stars. Aims. This work aims to investigate the chemical abundance patterns for CNO elements and Li in a homogeneously analyzed sample of 52 metal-poor halo giant stars. Methods. We used high-resolution spectra with a high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) to carry out a spectral synthesis to derive detailed C, N, O, and Li abundances for a sample of stars with metallicities in the range of -3.58 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.79 dex. Our study was based on the assumption of one-dimensional (1D) local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) atmospheres. Results. Based on carbon and nitrogen abundances, we investigated the deep mixing taking place within stars along the red giant branch (RGB). The individual abundances of carbon decrease towards the upper RGB while nitrogen shows an increasing trend, indicating that carbon has been converted into nitrogen. No signatures of ON-cycle processed material were found for the stars in our sample. We computed a set of galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models, implementing different sets of massive star yields, both with and without including the effects of stellar rotation on nucleosynthesis. We confirm that stellar rotation is necessary to explain the highest [N/Fe] and [N/O] ratios observed in unmixed halo stars. The predicted level of N enhancement varies sensibly in dependence of the specific set of yields that are adopted. For stars with stellar parameters similar to those of our sample, heavy elements such as Sr, Y, and Zr appear to have unchanged abundances despite the stellar evolution mixing processes.

Michelle Lochner, Lawrence Rudnick

this https URL and catalogue of interesting radio sources and png cutouts available at this https URL

Modern telescopes generate catalogs of millions of objects with the potential for new scientific discoveries, but this is beyond what can be examined visually. Here we introduce Astronomaly: Protege, an extension of the general purpose machine learning-based active anomaly detection framework Astronomaly. Protege is designed to provide well-selected recommendations for visual inspection, based on a small amount of optimized human labeling. The resulting sample contains rare or unusual sources which are simultaneously as diverse as the human trainer chooses, and of scientific interest to them. We train Protege on images from the MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey, leveraging the self-supervised deep learning algorithm Bootstrap Your Own Latent to find a low-dimensional representation of the radio galaxy cutouts. By operating in this feature space, Protege is able to recommend interesting sources with completely different morphologies in image space to those it has been trained on. This provides important advantages over similarity searches, which can only find more examples of known sources, or blind anomaly detection, which selects unusual, but not necessarily scientifically interesting sources. Using an evaluation subset, we show that, with minimal training, Protege provides excellent recommendations and find that it is even able to recommend sources that the authors missed. We briefly highlight some of Protege's top recommendations, which include X- and circular-shaped sources, filamentary structures and one-sided structures. These results illustrate the power of an optimized human-machine collaboration such as Protege to make unexpected discoveries in samples beyond human-accessible scales.

Measurement of the power spectrum of high redshift 21 cm emission from neutral hydrogen probes the formation of the first luminous objects and the ionization of intergalactic medium by the first stars. However, the 21 cm signal at these redshifts is orders of magnitude fainter than astrophysical foregrounds, making it challenging to measure. Power spectrum techniques may be able to avoid these foregrounds by extracting foreground-free Fourier modes, but this is exacerbated by instrumental systematics that can add spectral structure to the data, leaking foreground power to the foreground-free Fourier modes. It is therefore imperative that any instrumental systematic effects are properly understood and mitigated. One such systematic occurs when neighboring antennas have undesired coupling. A systematic in Phase II data from the MWA was identified which manifests as excess correlation in the visibilities. One possible explanation for such an effect is mutual coupling between antennas. We have built a numerical electromagnetic software simulation of the antenna beam using FEKO to estimate the amplitude of this effect for multiple antennas in the MWA. We also calculate coupling predicted by the re-radiation model which is found to be somewhat lower than the coupling coefficients produced by the simulation. We find that with many approximations both types of mutual coupling predictions are somewhat lower than the minimum necessary to detect the brightest 21 cm models. However more work is necessary to better validate the required level of coupling and to verify that approximations did not under estimate the level of coupling.

Identifying and removing binary stars from stellar samples is a crucial but complicated task. Regardless of how carefully a sample is selected, some binaries will remain and complicate interpretation of results, especially via flux contamination of survey photometry. One such sample is the data from the Gaia spacecraft, which is collecting photometry and astrometry of more than $10^{9}$ stars. To quantify the impact of binaries on Gaia photometry, we assembled a sample of known binary stars observed with adaptive optics and with accurately measured parameters, which we used to predict Gaia photometry for each stellar component. We compared the predicted photometry to the actual Gaia photometry for each system, and found that the contamination of Gaia photometry because of multiplicity decreases non-linearly from near-complete contamination ($\rho \leq 0''.15$) to no contamination (binary projected separation, or $\rho > 0''.3$). We provide an analytic relation to analytically correct photometric bias in a sample of Gaia stars using the binary separation. This correction is necessary because the Gaia PSF photometry extraction does not fully remove the secondary star flux for binaries with separations with $\rho \lesssim 0''.3$. We also evaluated the utility of various Gaia quality-of-fit metrics for identifying binary stars and found that RUWE remains the best indicator for unresolved binaries, but multi-peak image fraction probes a separation regime not currently accessible to RUWE.

The motion of bodies ejected from the Earth was studied, and the probabilities of collisions of such bodies with the present terrestrial planets were calculated. The dependences of these probabilities on velocities, angles and points of ejection of bodies were studied. These dependences can be used in the models with different distributions of ejected material. On average, about a half and less than 10\% of initial ejected bodies remained moving in elliptical orbits in the Solar System after 10 and 100 Myr, respectively. A few ejected bodies collided with planets after 250 Myr. As dynamical lifetimes of bodies ejected from the Earth can reach hundreds of million years, a few percent of bodies ejected at the Chicxulub and Popigai events about 36-65 Myr ago can still move in the zone of the terrestrial planets and have small chances to collide with planets, including the Earth. The fraction of ejected bodies that collided with the Earth was greater for smaller ejection velocity. The fractions of bodies delivered to the Earth and Venus probably did not differ much for these planets and were about 0.2-0.3 each. Such obtained results testify in favour of that the upper layers of the Earth and Venus can contain similar material. The fractions of bodies ejected from the Earth that collided with Mercury and Mars did not exceed 0.08 and 0.025, respectively. The fractions of bodies collided with Jupiter were of the order of 0.001. In most calculations the fraction of bodies collided with the Sun was between 0.2 and 0.5. Depending on parameters of ejection, the fraction of bodies ejected into hyperbolic orbits could vary from 0 to 1. Small fractions of material ejected from the Earth can be found on other terrestrial planets and Jupiter, as the ejected bodies could collide with these planets. Bodies ejected from the Earth could deliver organic material to other celestial objects, e.g. to Mars.

Ludovica Crosato Menegazzi, Sho Fujibayashi, Masaru Shibata, Aurore Betranhandy, Koh Takahashi

We assess the variance of supernova(SN)-like explosions associated with the core collapse of rotating massive stars into a black hole-accretion disc system under changes in the progenitor structure. Our model of the central engine evolves the black hole and the disc through the transfer of matter and angular momentum and includes the contribution of the disc wind. We perform two-dimensional, non-relativistic, hydrodynamics simulations using the open-source hydrodynamic code Athena++, for which we develop a method to calculate self-gravity for axially symmetric density distributions. For a fixed model of the wind injection, we explore the explosion characteristics for progenitors with zero-age main-sequence masses from 9 to 40 $M_\odot$ and different degrees of rotation. Our outcomes reveal a wide range of explosion energies with $E_\mathrm{expl}$ spanning from $\sim 0.3\times10^{51}$~erg to $ > 8\times 10^{51}$~erg and ejecta mass $M_\mathrm{ej}$ from $\sim 0.6$ to $> 10 M_\odot$. Our results are in agreement with some range of the observational data of stripped-envelope and high-energy SNe such as broad-lined type Ic SNe, but we measure a stronger correlation between $E_\mathrm{expl}$ and $M_\mathrm{ej}$. We also provide an estimate of the $^{56}$Ni mass produced in our models which goes from $\sim0.04\;M_\odot$ to $\sim 1.3\;M_\odot$. The $^{56}$Ni mass shows a correlation with the mass and the angular velocity of the progenitor: more massive and faster rotating progenitors tend to produce a higher amount of $^{56}$Ni. Finally, we present a criterion that allows the selection of a potential collapsar progenitor from the observed explosion energy.

B.J. Wargelin, S.H. Saar, Z.A. Irving, J.D. Slavin, P. Ratzlaff, J.-D. do Nascimento Jr

Proxima Cen (GJ 551; dM5.5e) is one of only about a dozen fully convective stars known to have a stellar cycle, and the only one to have long-term X-ray monitoring. A previous analysis found that X-ray and mid-UV observations, particularly two epochs of data from Swift, were consistent with a well sampled 7 yr optical cycle seen in ASAS data, but not convincing by themselves. The present work incorporates several years of new ASAS-SN optical data and an additional five years of Swift XRT and UVOT observations, with Swift observations now spanning 2009 to 2021 and optical coverage from late 2000. X-ray observations by XMM-Newton and Chandra are also included. Analysis of the combined data, which includes modeling and adjustments for stellar contamination in the optical and UV, now reveals clear cyclic behavior in all three wavebands with a period of 8.0 yr. We also show that UV and X-ray intensities are anti-correlated with optical brightness variations caused by the cycle and by rotational modulation, discuss possible indications of two coronal mass ejections, and provide updated results for the previous finding of a simple correlation between X-ray cycle amplitude and Rossby number over a wide range of stellar types and ages.

Kumail Zaidi, David A. Wake, Danilo Marchesini, Kartheik Iyer, Adam Muzzin, Casey Papovich, Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Karl Glazebrook, Ivo Labbé

We present a comprehensive analysis of the observed Stellar-to-Halo mass relationship (SHMR) spanning redshifts from 0.2 to 4.5. This was enabled through galaxy clustering and abundance measurements from two large (effective area ~ 1.61 deg^2) and homogeneously prepared photometric catalogs - UltraVISTA ultra-deep stripes DR3 (COSMOS) and FENIKS v1 (UDS). To translate these measurements into the SHMR, we introduce a novel halo occupation distribution (HOD) fitting approach (``smooth-$z$'') whereby HOD parameters between neighboring z-bins are connected via physically motivated continuity (smoothing) priors. As a result, the high constraining power at z <~ 2, due to a much wider dynamical range in stellar mass (~ 3 dex), helps constrain the SHMR at z >~ 2, where that range shrinks down to <~ 1 dex. We find that the halo mass is tightly coupled to star formation: the halo mass with peak integrated star-forming efficiency (SFE), M_h^peak remains constant within ~ 10^12.2 - 10^12.4 Msolar throughout the redshifts probed. Furthermore, we show that if we had relied on COSMOS alone (as opposed to COSMOS+UDS), as has been done by many preceding studies, M_h^peak would be systematically lower by up to ~0.15 dex at z < 1.5, highlighting the importance of mitigating cosmic variance. Finally, for the first time, we show how the SFE evolves with redshift as halos grow in mass along their progenitor merger trees, instead of at fixed halo masses.

Hao-Tse Huang, Allison W. S. Man, Federico Lelli, Carlos De Breuck, Laya Ghodsi, Zhi-Yu Zhang, Lingrui Lin, Jing Zhou, Thomas G. Bisbas, Nicole P. H. Nesvadba

We present new ALMA observations of a starburst galaxy at cosmic noon hosting a radio-loud active galactic nucleus: PKS 0529-549 at $z=2.57$. To investigate the conditions of its cold interstellar medium, we use ALMA observations which spatially resolve the [CI] fine-structure lines, [CI] (2-1) and [CI] (1-0), CO rotational lines, CO (7-6) and CO (4-3), and the rest-frame continuum emission at 461 and 809 GHz. The four emission lines display different morphologies, suggesting spatial variation in the gas excitation conditions. The radio jets have just broken out of the molecular gas but not through the more extended ionized gas halo. The [CI] (2-1) emission is more extended ($\approx8\,{\rm kpc}\times5\,{\rm kpc}$) than detected in previous shallower ALMA observations. The [CI] luminosity ratio implies an excitation temperature of $44\pm16$ K, similar to the dust temperature. Using the [CI] lines, CO (4-3), and 227 GHz dust continuum, we infer the mass of molecular gas $M_{\mathrm{mol}}$ using three independent approaches and typical assumptions in the literature. All approaches point to a massive molecular gas reservoir of about $10^{11}$ $M_{\odot}$, but the exact values differ by up to a factor of 4. Deep observations are critical in correctly characterizing the distribution of cold gas in high-redshift galaxies, and highlight the need to improve systematic uncertainties in inferring accurate molecular gas masses.

The exploration of kilometre-sized trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) is one of the ultimate goals in the search for the origin and evolution of the Solar System. However, such exploration is challenging because these small bodies are too faint to be directly detected. One potential avenue for detecting and investigating small and faint TNOs is the monitoring of stellar occultation events. This paper reviews the concept and methodology of monitoring observations of stellar occultations by small, unidentified TNOs, focusing on our observational programme, Organized Autotelescopes for Serendipitous Event Survey (OASES). OASES aims to detect and investigate stellar occultations by unidentified TNOs using multiple amateur-sized telescopes equipped with commercial Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) cameras. Through the monitoring observations conducted so far, OASES has found one possible occultation event by a kilometre-sized TNO. The paper also discusses future developments of the OASES project and deliberates on the potential of movie observations in expanding the frontiers of outer Solar System research. This article is part of the themed issue "Major Advances in Planetary Sciences thanks to Stellar Occultations".

Chang-Hao Chen, Luis C. Ho, Ruancun Li, Ming-Yang Zhuang

We investigate the host galaxy properties of eight little red dots (LRDs) selected from the JWST UNCOVER survey, applying a new technique ({\tt\string GalfitS}) to simultaneously fit the morphology and spectral energy distribution using multi-band NIRCam images covering $\sim 1-4\,\mu {\rm m}$. We detect the host galaxy in only one LRD, MSAID38108 at $z = 4.96$, which has a stellar mass of $\log (M_*/M_{\odot}) = 8.66^{+0.24}_{-0.23}$, an effective radius $R_e=0.66^{+0.08}_{-0.05}$ kpc, and a Sérsic index $n=0.71^{+0.07}_{-0.08}$. No host emission centered on the central point source is found in the other seven LRDs. We derive stringent upper limits for the stellar mass of a hypothetical host galaxy by conducting realistic mock simulations that place high-redshift galaxy images under the LRDs. Based on the black hole masses estimated from the broad H$\alpha$ emission line, the derived stellar mass limits are at least a factor of 10 lower than expected from the $z \approx 0$ scaling relation between black hole mass and host galaxy stellar mass. Intriguingly, four of the LRDs (50\% of the sample) show extended, off-centered emission, which is particularly prominent in the bluer bands. The asymmetric emission of two sources can be modeled as stellar emission, but the nature of the other two is unclear.

Understanding the interstellar chemistry in low-metallicity environments is crucial to unveil physical and chemical processes in the past Galaxy or those in high-redshift galaxies, where the metallicity was significantly lower compared to the present-day solar neighborhood. This is also important for the understanding of the diversity of the chemical evolution in various regions of our Galaxy. Nearby low-metallicity laboratories, such as the outskirts of our Galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and the other gas-rich dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, will provide important insights for this purpose. In the last decade, there has been great progress in astrochemical studies of interstellar molecules in low-metallicity star-forming regions. Do molecular abundances simply scale with the metallicity? If not, which processes govern the chemistry in the low-metallicity interstellar medium? In this proceeding, I will discuss the role of metallicity in the chemical evolution of star-forming regions based on recent observations of interstellar molecules in low-metallicity environments.

Forward modeling the galaxy density within the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (EFT of LSS) enables field-level analyses that are robust to theoretical uncertainties. At the same time, they can maximize the constraining power from galaxy clustering on the scales amenable to perturbation theory. In order to apply the method to galaxy surveys, the forward model must account for the full observational complexity of the data. In this context, a major challenge is the inclusion of redshift space distortions (RSDs) from the peculiar motion of galaxies. Here, we present improvements in the efficiency and accuracy of the RSD modeling in the perturbative LEFTfield forward model. We perform a detailed quantification of the perturbative and numerical error for the prediction of momentum, velocity and the redshift-space matter density. Further, we test the recovery of cosmological parameters at the field level, namely the growth rate $f$, from simulated halos in redshift space. For a rigorous test and to scan through a wide range of analysis choices, we fix the linear (initial) density field to the known ground truth but marginalize over all unknown bias coefficients and noise amplitudes. With a third-order model for gravity and bias, our results yield $<1\,\%$ statistical and $<1.5\,\%$ systematic error. The computational cost of the redshift-space forward model is only $\sim 1.5$ times of the rest frame equivalent, enabling future field-level inference that simultaneously targets cosmological parameters and the initial matter distribution.

Tanmoy Dutta (IIT Hyderabad, India), Mayukh Pahari (IIT Hyderabad, India), Anish Sarkar (IIT Hyderabad, India), Sudip Bhattacharyya (TIFR, India), Yash Bhargava (TIFR, India)

`Z' type neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries typically show a `Z'-like three-branched track in their hardness intensity diagram. However, a few such `Z' sources show an additional branch known as the extended flaring branch (EFB). EFB has been poorly studied, and its origin is not known. It is thought to be an extension of the flaring branch (FB) or associated with Fe K$\alpha$ complex or an additional continuum due to the radiative recombination continuum (RRC) process. Using AstroSat observations, we have detected the EFB from two `Z' sources, GX 340+0 and GX 5-1, and performed a broadband spectral analysis in the 0.5-22 keV energy range. During EFB, both sources show the presence of a significant RRC component with absorption edges at $7.91^{+0.16}_{-0.15}$ keV and $8.10^{+0.16}_{-0.17}$ keV, respectively along with blackbody radiation and thermal Comptonisation. No signature of RRC was detected during the FB, which is adjoint to the EFB. No Fe K$\alpha$ complex is detected. Interestingly, inside EFB dips of GX 5-1, for the first time, we have detected flaring events of 30-60s, which can be modelled with a single blackbody radiation. During the FB to EFB transition, an increase in the blackbody radius by a factor of 1.5-2 is observed in both sources. Our analysis strongly suggests that EFB is not an extension of FB or caused by the Fe K$\alpha$ complex. Rather, it is caused by a sudden expansion of the hot, thermalised boundary layer and subsequent rapid cooling.

It is well known that multiple Galactic thermal dust emission components may exist along the line of sight, but a single-component approximation is still widely used, since a full multi-component estimation requires a large number of frequency bands that are only available with future experiments. In light of this, we present a reliable, quantitative, and sensitive criterion to test the goodness of all kinds of dust emission estimations. This can not only give a definite answer to the quality of current single-component approximations; but also help determine preconditions of future multi-component estimations. Upon the former, previous works usually depend on a more complicated model to improve the single-component dust emission; however, our method is free from any additional model, and is sensitive enough to directly discover a substantial discrepancy between the Planck HFI data (100-857 GHz) and associated single-component dust emission estimations. This is the first time that the single-component estimation is ruled out by the data itself. For the latter, a similar procedure will be able to answer two important questions for estimating the complicated Galactic emissions: the number of necessary foreground components and their types.

Recent discoveries of gravitational wave sources have advanced our knowledge about the formation of compact object binaries. At present, many questions about the stellar origins of binary neutron stars remain open. We explore the evolution of binary neutron star progenitors with the population synthesis code COSMIC. We identify three dominant evolutionary tracks to form neutron star binaries that merge within the age of the Universe: a scenario that includes a common envelope phase between the first neutron star and its companion, a scenario with almost equal-mass progenitors that evolve quasi-simultaneously and which features a double-core common envelope, and a scenario involving the accretion-induced collapse of an oxygen-neon white dwarf into a neutron star. We show that the distribution of time delays between stellar formation and binary neutron star merger at a given progenitor metallicity does not follow a power-law, but instead features a complex structure that reflects the progenitor properties and the relative contribution of each evolutionary track. We also explore the evolution of the merger rate density with redshift and show that the scenario involving the accretion-induced collapse could be dominant at high redshifts. These results can have important implications for the study of the chemical enrichment of galaxies in r-process elements produced in kilonovae; and of short gamma-ray bursts offsets in their host galaxies.

The amount of evolution in the dust content of galaxies over the past five billion years of cosmic history is contested in the literature. Here we present a far-infrared census of dust based on a sample of 29,241 galaxies with redshifts ranging from 0 < z < 0.5 using data from the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Survey (H-ATLAS). We use the spectral energy distribution fitting tool MAGPHYS and a stacking analysis to investigate the evolution of dust mass and temperature of far-infrared-selected galaxies as a function of both luminosity and redshift. At low redshifts, we find that the mass-weighted and luminosity-weighted dust temperatures from the stacking analysis both exhibit a trend for brighter galaxies to have warmer dust. In higher redshift bins, we see some evolution in both mass-weighted and luminosity-weighted dust temperatures with redshift, but the effect is strongest for luminosity-weighted temperature. The measure of dust content in galaxies at z<0.1 (the Dust Mass Function) has a different shape to that derived using optically-selected galaxies from the same region of sky. We revise the local dust mass density (z<0.1) to $\rho_{\rm d} =(1.37\pm0.08)\times 10^5 {\rm\,M_{\odot}\,Mpc^{-3}}\,h_{70}^{-1}$; corresponding to an overall fraction of baryons (by mass) stored in dust of $f_{\rm mb} {(\rm dust)} = (2.22\pm 0.13) \times 10^{-5}$. We confirm evolution in both the luminosity density and dust mass density over the past few billion years ($\rho_{\rm d} \propto (1+z)^{2.6 \pm 0.6}$), with a flatter evolution than observed in previous FIR-selected studies. We attribute the evolution in $\rho_L$ and $\rho_m$ to an evolution in the dust mass.

Petra Suková, Francesco Tombesi, Dheeraj R. Pasham, Michal Zajaček, Thomas Wevers, Taeho Ryu, Itai Linial, Alessia Franchini

In the last few years, a mysterious new class of astrophysical objects has been uncovered. These are spatially coincident with the nuclei of external galaxies and show X-ray variations that repeat on timescales of minutes to a month. They manifest in three different ways in the data: stable quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), quasi-periodic eruptions (QPEs) and quasi-periodic outflows (QPOuts). QPOs are systems that show smooth recurrent X-ray brightness variations while QPEs are sudden changes that appear like eruptions. QPOuts represent systems that exhibit repeating outflows moving at mildly-relativistic velocities of about 0.1-0.3c, where c is the speed of light. Their underlying physical mechanism is a topic of heated debate, with most models proposing that they originate either from instabilities within the inner accretion flow or from orbiting objects. There is a huge excitement especially from the latter class of models as it has been argued that some repeating systems could host extreme mass-ratio inspirals, potentially detectable with upcoming space-based gravitational wave interferometers. Consequently, paving the path for an era of "persistent" multi-messenger astronomy. Here we summarize the recent findings on the topics, including the newest observational data, various physical models and their numerical implementation.

Rogelio Albarracín, M. Zoccali, J. Olivares Carvajal, Á. Rojas-Arriagada, J.H. Minniti, M. Catelan, M. De Leo, F. Gran, R. Contreras Ramos, Á. Valenzuela Navarro, C. Salvo-Guajardo

The structure and kinematics of the Milky Way disk are largely inferred from the solar vicinity. To gain a comprehensive understanding, it is essential to find reliable tracers in less-explored regions like the bulge and the far side of the disk. Mira variables, which are well-studied and bright standard candles, offer an excellent opportunity to trace intermediate and old populations in these complex regions. We aim to isolate a clean sample of Miras in the Vista Variables in the Vía Láctea survey using Gaussian process algorithms. This sample will be used to study intermediate and old age populations in the Galactic bulge and far disk. Near- and mid-infrared time-series photometry were processed using Gaussian Process algorithms to identify Mira variables and model their light curves. We calibrated selection criteria with a visually inspected sample to create a high-purity sample of Miras, integrating multi-band photometry and kinematic data from proper motions. We present a catalog of 3602 Mira variables. By analyzing photometry, we classify them by O-rich or C-rich surface chemistry and derive selective-to-total extinction ratios of $A_{K_{s}}/E(J - K_{s}) = 0.471 \pm 0.01$ and $A_{K_{s}}/E(H - K_{s}) = 1.320 \pm 0.020$. Using the Mira period-age relation, we find evidence supporting the inside-out formation of the Milky Way disk. The distribution of proper motions and distances aligns with the Galactic rotation curve and disk kinematics. We extend the rotation curve up to R$_{\rm GC} \sim 17 \ \rm{kpc}$ and find no strong evidence of the nuclear stellar disk in our Mira sample. This study constitutes the largest catalog of variable stars on the far side of the Galactic disk to date.

I identify a point-symmetrical morphology in the core-collapse supernova remnant (CCSNR) W44 compatible with shaping by three or more pairs of jets in the jittering jet explosion mechanism (JJEM). Motivated by recent identifications of point-symmetrical morphologies in CCSNRs and their match to the JJEM, I revisit the morphological classification of CCSNR W44. I examine a radio map of W44 and find the outer bright rim of the radio map to possess a point-symmetric structure compatible with shaping by two energetic pairs of opposite jets rather than an S-shaped morphology shaped by a precessing pair of jets. An inner pair of filaments might hint at a third powerful pair of jets. More pairs of jets were involved in the explosion process. This study adds to the growing evidence that the JJEM is the primary explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernovae.

Marin Fontaine, Clotilde Busschaert, Yaniss Benkadoum, Isabeau A. Bertrix, Michel Koenig, Frédéric Lefèvre, Jean-Raphaël Marquès, Diego Oportus, Akihiko Ikeda, Yasuhiro H. Matsuda, Émeric Falize, Bruno Albertazzi

This study investigates the influence of Herbig-Haro jets on initiating star formation in dense environments. When molecular clouds are nearing gravitational instability, the impact of a protostellar jet could provide the impetus needed to catalyse star formation. A high-energy-density experiment was carried out at the LULI2000 laser facility, where a supersonic jet generated by a nanosecond laser was used to compress a foam or plastic ball, mimicking the interaction of a Herbig-Haro jet with a molecular cloud. Simulations using the 3D radiation hydrodynamics code TROLL provided comprehensive data for analysing ball compression and calculating jet characteristics. After applying scaling laws, similarities between stellar and experimental jets were explored. Diagnostic simulations, including density gradient, emission and X-ray radiographies, showed strong agreement with experimental data. The results of the experiment, supported by simulations, demonstrated that the impact of a protostellar jet on a molecular cloud could reduce the Bonnor-Ebert mass by approximately 9%, thereby initiating collapse.

Laurine Martinien, François Ménard, Gaspard Duchêne, Ryo Tazaki, Marshall D. Perrin, Karl R. Stapelfeldt, Christophe Pinte, Schuyler G. Wolff, Carol Grady, Carsten Dominik, Maxime Roumesy, Jie Ma, Christian Ginski, Dean C. Hines, Glenn Schneider

PDS 453 is a rare highly inclined disk where the stellar photosphere is seen at grazing incidence on the disk surface. Our goal is take advantage of this geometry to constrain the structure and composition of this disk, in particular the fact that it shows a 3.1 $\mu$m water ice band in absorption that can be related uniquely to the disk. We observed the system in polarized intensity with the VLT/SPHERE instrument, as well as in polarized light and total intensity using the HST/NICMOS camera. Infrared archival photometry and a spectrum showing the water ice band are used to model the spectral energy distribution under Mie scattering theory. Based on these data, we fit a model using the radiative transfer code MCFOST to retrieve the geometry and dust and ice content of the disk. PDS 453 has the typical morphology of a highly inclined system with two reflection nebulae where the disk partially attenuates the stellar light. The upper nebula is brighter than the lower nebula and shows a curved surface brightness profile in polarized intensity, indicating a ring-like structure. With an inclination of 80° estimated from models, the line-of-sight crosses the disk surface and a combination of absorption and scattering by ice-rich dust grains produces the water ice band. PDS 453 is seen highly inclined and is composed of a mixture of silicate dust and water ice. The radial structure of the disk includes a significant jump in density and scale height at a radius of 70 au in order to produce a ring-like image. The depth of the 3.1 $\mu$m water ice band depends on the amount of water ice, until it saturates when the optical thickness along the line-of-sight becomes too large. Therefore, quantifying the exact amount of water from absorption bands in edge-on disks requires a detailed analysis of the disk structure and tailored radiative transfer modeling.

Machine learning models in astrophysics are often limited in scope and cannot adapt to data from new instruments or tasks. We introduce SpectraFM, a Transformer-based foundation model architecture that can be pre-trained on stellar spectra from any wavelength range and instrument. SpectraFM excels in generalization by combining flexibility with knowledge transfer from pre-training, allowing it to outperform traditional machine learning methods, especially in scenarios with limited training data. Our model is pre-trained on approximately 90k examples of synthetic spectra to predict the chemical abundances (Fe, Mg, O), temperature, and specific gravity of stars. We then fine-tune the model on real spectra to adapt it to observational data before fine-tuning it further on a restricted 100-star training set in a different wavelength range to predict iron abundance. Despite a small iron-rich training set of real spectra, transfer learning from the synthetic spectra pre-training enables the model to perform well on iron-poor stars. In contrast, a neural network trained from scratch fails at this task. We investigate the Transformer attention mechanism and find that the wavelengths receiving attention carry physical information about chemical composition. By leveraging the knowledge from pre-training and its ability to handle non-spectra inputs, SpectraFM reduces the need for large training datasets and enables cross-instrument and cross-domain research. Its adaptability makes it well-suited for tackling emerging challenges in astrophysics, like extracting insights from multi-modal datasets.

Kunhao Zhong, Gary Bernstein, Supranta S. Boruah, Bhuvnesh Jain, Sanjit Kobla

Nonlinear cosmological fields like galaxy density and lensing convergence can be approximately related to Gaussian fields via analytic point transforms. The lognormal transform (LN) has been widely used and is a simple example of a function that relates nonlinear fields to Gaussian fields. We consider more accurate General Point-Transformed Gaussian (GPTG) functions for such a mapping and apply them to convergence maps. We show that we can create maps that preserve the LN's ability to exactly match any desired power spectrum but go beyond LN by significantly improving the accuracy of the probability distribution function (PDF). With the aid of symbolic regression, we find a remarkably accurate GPTG function for convergence maps: its higher-order moments, scattering wavelet transform, Minkowski functionals, and peak counts match those of N-body simulations to the statistical uncertainty expected from tomographic lensing maps of the Rubin LSST 10 years survey. Our five-parameter function performs 2 to 5$\times$ better than the lognormal. We restrict our study to scales above about 7 arcmin; baryonic feedback alters the mass distribution on smaller scales. We demonstrate that the GPTG can robustly emulate variations in cosmological parameters due to the simplicity of the analytic transform. This opens up several possible applications, such as field-level inference, rapid covariance estimation, and other uses based on the generation of arbitrarily many maps with laptop-level computation capability.

Brian Batell, Keith R. Dienes, Brooks Thomas, Scott Watson, Rouzbeh Allahverdi, Mustafa Amin, Kimberly K. Boddy, M. Sten Delos, Adrienne L. Erickcek, Akshay Ghalsasi, John T. Giblin Jr., James Halverson, Fei Huang, Andrew J. Long, Lauren Pearce, Barmak Shams Es Haghi, Jessie Shelton, Gary Shiu, Kuver Sinha, Tristan L. Smith

This document summarizes the discussions which took place during the PITT-PACC Workshop entitled "Non-Standard Cosmological Epochs and Expansion Histories," held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sept. 5-7, 2024. Much like the non-standard cosmological epochs that were the subject of these discussions, the format of this workshop was also non-standard. Rather than consisting of a series of talks from participants, with each person presenting their own work, this workshop was instead organized around free-form discussion blocks, with each centered on a different overall theme and guided by a different set of Discussion Leaders. This document is not intended to serve as a comprehensive review of these topics, but rather as an informal record of the discussions that took place during the workshop, in the hope that the content and free-flowing spirit of these discussions may inspire new ideas and research directions.

Wiebe de Gruijter, Shang-Min Tsai, Michiel Min, Rens Water, Thomas Konings, Leen Decin

Context. Photochemistry is a key process driving planetary atmospheres away from local thermodynamic equilibrium. Recent observations of the H$_2$ dominated atmospheres of hot gas giants have detected SO$_2$ as one of the major products of this process. Aims. We investigate which chemical pathways lead to the formation of SO$_2$ in an atmosphere, and we investigate which part of the flux from the host star is necessary to initiate SO$_2$ production. Methods. We use the publicly available S-N-C-H-O photochemical network in the VULCAN chemical kinetics code to compute the disequilibrium chemistry of an exoplanetary atmosphere. Results. We find that there are two distinct chemical pathways that lead to the formation of SO$_2$. The formation of SO$_2$ at higher pressures is initiated by stellar flux >200 nm, whereas the formation of SO$_2$ at lower pressures is initiated by stellar flux <200 nm. In deeper layers of the atmosphere, OH is provided by the hydrogen abstraction of H$_2$O, and sulfur is provided by the photodissociation of SH and S$_2$, which leads to a positive feedback cycle that liberates sulfur from the stable H$_2$S molecule. In higher layers of the atmosphere, OH is provided by the photodissociation of H$_2$O, and sulfur can be liberated from H$_2$S by either photodissociation of SH and S$_2$, or by the hydrogen abstraction of SH. Conclusions. We conclude that the stellar flux in the 200-350 nm wavelength range as well as the ratio of NUV/UV radiation are important parameters determining the observability of SO$_2$. In addition we find that there is a diversity of chemical pathways to the formation of SO$_2$. This is crucial for the interpretation of SO$_2$ detections and derived elemental abundance ratios and overall metallicities.

Igor Andreoni, Raffaella Margutti, John Banovetz, Sarah Greenstreet, Claire-Alice Hebert, Tim Lister, Antonella Palmese, Silvia Piranomonte, S. J. Smartt, Graham P. Smith, Robert Stein, Tomas Ahumada, Shreya Anand, Katie Auchettl, Michele T. Bannister, Eric C. Bellm, Joshua S. Bloom, Bryce T. Bolin, Clecio R. Bom, Daniel Brethauer, Melissa J. Brucker, David A.H. Buckley, Poonam Chandra, Ryan Chornock, Eric Christensen, Jeff Cooke, Alessandra Corsi, Michael W. Coughlin, Bolivia Cuevas-Otahola, D'Ammando Filippo, Biwei Dai, S. Dhawan, Alexei V. Filippenko, Ryan J. Foley, Anna Franckowiak, Andreja Gomboc, Benjamin P. Gompertz, Leanne P. Guy, Nandini Hazra, Christopher Hernandez, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Maryam Hussaini, Dina Ibrahimzade, Luca Izzo, R. Lynne Jones, Yijung Kang, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Matthew Knight, Keerthi Kunnumkai, Gavin P Lamb, Natalie LeBaron, Cassandra Lejoly, Andrew J. Levan, Sean MacBride, Franco Mallia, Alex I. Malz, Adam A. Miller, J. C. Mora, Gautham Narayan, Nayana A.J., Matt Nicholl, Tiffany Nichols, S. R. Oates, Akshay Panayada, Fabio Ragosta, Tiago Ribeiro, Dan Ryczanowski, Nikhil Sarin, Megan E. Schwamb, Huei Sears, Darryl Z. Seligman, Ritwik Sharma, Manisha Shrestha, Simran, Michael C. Stroh, Giacomo Terreran, Aishwarya Linesh Thakur, Aum Trivedi, J. Anthony Tyson, Yousuke Utsumi, Aprajita Verma, V. Ashley Villar, Kathryn Volk, Meet J. Vyas, Amanda R. Wasserman, J. Craig Wheeler, Peter Yoachim, Angela Zegarelli, Federica Bianco

The Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) at Vera C. Rubin Observatory is planned to begin in the Fall of 2025. The LSST survey cadence has been designed via a community-driven process regulated by the Survey Cadence Optimization Committee (SCOC), which recommended up to 3% of the observing time to carry out Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations. Experts from the scientific community, Rubin Observatory personnel, and members of the SCOC were brought together to deliver a recommendation for the implementation of the ToO program during a workshop held in March 2024. Four main science cases were identified: gravitational wave multi-messenger astronomy, high energy neutrinos, Galactic supernovae, and small potentially hazardous asteroids possible impactors. Additional science cases were identified and briefly addressed in the documents, including lensed or poorly localized gamma-ray bursts and twilight discoveries. Trigger prioritization, automated response, and detailed strategies were discussed for each science case. This document represents the outcome of the Rubin ToO 2024 workshop, with additional contributions from members of the Rubin Science Collaborations. The implementation of the selection criteria and strategies presented in this document has been endorsed in the SCOC Phase 3 Recommendations document (PSTN-056). Although the ToO program is still to be finalized, this document serves as a baseline plan for ToO observations with the Rubin Observatory.

Mattia Di Mauro, Nicolao Fornengo, Adil Jueid, Roberto Ruiz de Austri, Francesca Bellini

this https URL

The detection of cosmic antideuterons ($\overline{\rm D}$) at kinetic energies below a few GeV/n could provide a smoking gun signature for dark matter (DM). However, the theoretical uncertainties of coalescence models have represented so far one of the main limiting factors for precise predictions of the $\overline{\rm D}$ flux. In this Letter we present a novel calculation of the $\overline{\rm D}$ source spectra, based on the Wigner formalism, for which we implement the Argonne $v_{18}$ antideuteron wavefunction that does not have any free parameters related to the coalescence process. We show that the Argonne Wigner model excellently reproduces the $\overline{\rm D}$ multiplicity measured by ALEPH at the $Z$-boson pole, which is usually adopted to tune the coalescence models based on different approaches. Our analysis is based on Pythia~8 Monte Carlo event generator and the state-of-the-art Vincia shower algorithm. We succeed, with our model, to reduce the current theoretical uncertainty on the prediction of the $\overline{\rm D}$ source spectra to a few percent, for $\overline{\rm D}$ kinetic energies relevant to DM searches with GAPS and AMS, and for DM masses above a few tens of GeV. This result implies that the theoretical uncertainties due to the coalescence process are no longer the main limiting factor in the predictions. We provide the tabulated source spectra for all the relevant DM annihilation/decay channels and DM masses between 5 GeV and 100 TeV, on the CosmiXs github repository (this https URL).

L. Asquini, M. C. Baglio, S. Campana, P. D'Avanzo, A. Miraval Zanon, K. Alabarta, D.M. Russell, D.M. Bramich

We present spectroscopy of the accreting X-ray binary and millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658. These observations are the first to be obtained during a reflaring phase. We collected spectroscopic data during the beginning of reflaring of the 2019 outburst and we compare them to previous datasets, taken at different epochs both of the same outburst and across the years. In order to do so, we also present spectra of the source taken during quiescence in 2007, one year before the next outburst. We made use of data taken by the Very Large Telescope (VLT) X-shooter spectrograph on August 31, 2019, three weeks after the outburst peak. For flux calibration, we used photometric data taken during the same night by the 1m telescopes from the Las Cumbres Observatory network that are located in Chile. We compare our spectra to the quiescent data taken by the VLT-FORS1 spectrograph in September 2007. We inspected the spectral energy distribution by fitting our data with a multi-colour accretion disk model and sampled the posterior probability density function for the model parameters with a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We find the optical spectra of the 2019 outburst to be unusually featureless, with no emission lines present despite the high resolution of the instrument. Fitting the UV-optical spectral energy distribution with a disk plus irradiated star model results in a very large value for the inner disk radius of $\sim 5130 \pm 240$ km, which could suggest that the disk has been emptied of material during the outburst, possibly accounting for the emission-less spectra. Alternatively, the absence of emission lines could be due to a significant contribution of the jet emission at optical wavelengths.

E. Panetier, S. N. Breton, R. A. García, A. Jiménez, T. Foglizzo

Magnetic cycles of solar-like stars influence their internal physics. Thus, the frequency, amplitude, excitation rate, and damping of the acoustic oscillation modes (p-modes) vary with the cycle over time. We need to understand the impact of magnetic activity on p-modes in order to characterise precisely stars that will be observed by the ESA PLATO mission, to be launched late 2026 with the objective to find Earth-like planets around solar-type stars. In this work, we investigate the variation of mode excitation in the Sun during Cycles 23, 24 and the beginning of Cycle 25. To do so, we analyse data obtained since 1996 by two instruments onboard the SoHO satellite: the GOLF spectrometer and the VIRGO sunphotometer. We use a method enabling us to reach a better temporal resolution than classical methods. Combining the variations of energy for several modes l=[0-2] in three frequency bands (i.e. [1800, 2450], [2450, 3110], [3110, 3790] {\mu}Hz), our preliminary results show that more energy is associated to several modes during cycle minima, suggesting that there could be a second source of excitation other than turbulent convection that would excite several modes at a time during solar minima.

We numerically study axion-U(1) inflation, focusing on the regime where the coupling between axions and gauge fields results in significant backreaction from the amplified gauge fields during inflation. These amplified gauge fields not only generate high-frequency gravitational waves (GWs) but also induce spatial inhomogeneities in the axion field, which can lead to the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs). Both GWs and PBHs serve as key probes for constraining the coupling strength between the axion and gauge fields. We find that, when backreaction is important during inflation, the constraints on the coupling strength due to GW overproduction are relaxed compared to previous studies, in which backreaction matters only after inflation. For PBH formation, understanding the probability density function (PDF) of axion field fluctuations is crucial. While earlier analytical studies assumed that these fluctuations followed a $\chi^2$-distribution, our results suggest that the PDF tends toward a Gaussian distribution in cases where gauge field backreaction is important, regardless whether during or after inflation. We also calculate the spectrum of the produced magnetic fields in this model and find that their strength is compatible with the observed lower limits.

Bow shocks generated by pulsars moving through weakly ionized interstellar medium (ISM) produce emission dominated by non-equilibrium atomic transitions. These bow shocks are primarily observed as H$_\alpha$ nebulae. We developed a package, named Shu, that calculates non-LTE intensity maps in more than 150 spectral lines, taking into account geometrical properties of the pulsars' motion and lines of sight. We argue here that atomic (CI, NI, OI) and ionic (SII, NII, OIII, NeIV) transitions can be used as complementary and sensitive probes of ISM. We perform self-consistent 2D relativistic hydrodynamic calculations of the bow shock structure and generate non-LTE emissivity maps, combining global dynamics of relativistic flows, and detailed calculations of the non-equilibrium ionization states. We find that though typically H$_\alpha$ emission is dominant, spectral fluxes in OIII, SII and NII may become comparable for relatively slowly moving pulsars. Overall, morphology of non-LTE emission, especially of the ionic species, is a sensitive probe of the density structures of the ISM.

Even though the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) mission does not exclude a dynamical dark energy evolution, the concordance paradigm, i.e., the $\Lambda$CDM model, remains statistically favored, as it depends on the fewest number of free parameters. In this respect, high redshift astrophysical sources, such as gamma-ray bursts, represent a formidable tool to model the form of dark energy, since they may provide a link between early and local redshift regimes. Hence, the use of these objects as possible distance indicators turns out to be essential to investigate the cosmological puzzle. To this end, we adopt two gamma-ray burst linear correlations, namely the $L_p-E_p$ and $L_0-E_p-T$ relations, to test the flat and non-flat $\Lambda$CDM, $\omega_0$CDM, and $\omega_0\omega_1$CDM cosmological models, i.e., those directly examined by the DESI collaboration. The inferred correlation coefficients and cosmological parameters are thus obtained by considering two independent Monte Carlo Markov chain analyses, the first considering the whole DESI data set and the second excluding a seemingly problematic data point placed at $z_{eff} = 0.51$. Using model selection criteria, the two above correlations do not show a preference on a precise cosmological model although, when the data point at $z_{eff}$ is included, the concordance paradigm appears to be the least favored among the tested cosmological models.

We revisit the dynamics of razor-thin, stone-cold, self-gravitating discs. By recasting the equations into standard cylindrical coordinates, the linearised vertical dynamics of an exponential disc can be followed for several gigayears on a laptop in a few minutes. An initially warped disc rapidly evolves into a flat inner region and an outward-propagating spiral corrugation wave that rapidly winds up and would quickly thicken a disc with non-zero radial velocity dispersion. The Sgr dwarf galaxy generates a similar warp in the Galactic disc as it passes through pericentre, and the warp generated by the dwarf's last pericentre ~ 35 Myr ago is remarkably similar to the warp traced by the Galaxy's HI disc. The resemblance to the observed warp is fleeting but its timing is perfect. For the adopted parameters the amplitude of the model warp is a factor 3 too small, but there are several reasons for this being so. The marked flaring of our Galaxy's low-alpha disc just outside the solar circle can be explained as a legacy of earlier pericentres.

Hot stars, of spectral types O-, B-, and A-, represent a small fraction of the stars observed by the Gaia satellite. Their properties and the specifications of the on-board instruments make their identification challenging. In the Gaia DR3, 12, 104,577 targets have been assigned a temperature greater than 7500 K. It represents about 2.5 percent of the stars having an effective temperature value in the Gaia DR3 astrophysical parameters table. We review the results obtained by the Apsis modules, focusing on the effective temperature, surface gravity, interstellar extinction, and V sin i parameters.

Francis Nimmo, Thorsten Kleine, Alessandro Morbidelli, David Nesvorny

The nucleosynthetic isotope signatures of meteorites and the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) indicate that Earth consists of a mixture of "carbonaceous" (CC) and "non-carbonaceous" (NC) materials. We show that the fration of CC material recorded in the isotopic composition of the BSE varies for different elements, and depends on the element's tendency to partition into metal and its volatility. The observed behaviour indicates that the majority of material accreted to the Earth was NC-dominated, but that CC-dominated material enriched in moderately-volatile elements by a factor of ~10 was delivered during the last ~2-10% of Earth's acccretion. The late delivery of CC material to Earth contrasts with dynamical evidence for the early implantation of CC objects into the inner solar system during the growth and migration of the giant planets. This, together with the NC-dominated nature of both Earth's late veneer and bulk Mars, suggests that material scattered inwards had the bulk of its mass concentrated in a few, large CC embryos rather than in smaller planetesimals. We propose that Earth accreted a few of these CC embryos while Mars did not, and that at least one of the CC embryos impacted Earth relatively late (when accretion was 90-90% complete). This scenario is consistent with the subsequent Moon-formign impact of a large NC body, as long as this impact did not re-homogenize the entire Earth's mantle.

Cosmological parameters and dark energy (DE) behavior are generally constrained assuming \textit{a priori} models. We work out a model-independent reconstruction to bound the key cosmological quantities and the DE evolution. Through the model-independent \textit{Bézier interpolation} method, we reconstruct the Hubble rate from the observational Hubble data and derive analytic expressions for the distances of galaxy clusters, type Ia supernovae, and uncorrelated baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) data. In view of the discrepancy between Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) BAO data, they are kept separate in two distinct analyses. Correlated BAO data are employed to break the baryonic--dark matter degeneracy. All these interpolations enable us to single out and reconstruct the DE behavior with the redshift $z$ in a totally model-independent way. In both analyses, with SDSS-BAO or DESI-BAO data sets, the constraints agree at $1$--$\sigma$ confidence level (CL) with the flat $\Lambda$CDM model. The Hubble constant tension appears solved in favor of the Planck satellite value. The reconstructed DE behavior exhibits deviations at small $z$ ($>1$--$\sigma$ CL), but agrees ($<1$--$\sigma$ CL) with the cosmological constant paradigm at larger $z$. Our method hints for a slowly evolving DE, consistent with a cosmological constant at early times.

D. A. Vásquez-Torres, J. A. Toalá, A. Sacchi, M. A. Guerrero, E. Tejeda, M. Karovska, R. Montez Jr

Multi-epoch Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the symbiotic system R Aquarii (R Aqr) spanning 22 yr are analysed by means of a reflection model produced by an accretion disc. This methodology helps dissecting the contribution from different components in the X-ray spectra of R Aqr: the soft emission from the jet and extended emission, the heavily-extinguished plasma component of the boundary layer and the reflection contribution, which naturally includes the 6.4 keV Fe fluorescent line. The evolution with time of the different components is studied for epochs between 2000 Sep and 2022 Dec, and it is found that the fluxes of the boundary layer and that of the reflecting component increase as the stellar components in R Aqr approach periastron passage, a similar behaviour is exhibited by the shocked plasma produced by the precessing jet. Using publicly available optical and UV data we are able to study the evolution of the mass-accretion rate $\dot{M}_\mathrm{acc}$ and the wind accretion efficiency $\eta$ during periastron. These exhibit a small degree of variability with median values of $\dot{M}_\mathrm{acc}$=7.3$\times10^{-10}$ M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ and $\eta$=7$\times10^{-3}$. We compare our estimations with predictions from a modified Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion scenario.

Qiao Duan, Qiong Li, Christopher J. Conselice, Thomas Harvey, Duncan Austin, Nathan J. Adams, Leonardo Ferreira, Kenneth J. Duncan, James Trussler, Robert G. Pascalau, Rogier A. Windhorst, Benne W. Holwerda, Thomas J. Broadhurst, Dan Coe, Seth H. Cohen, Xiaojing Du, Simon P. Driver, Brenda Frye, Norman A. Grogin, Nimish P. Hathi, Rolf A. Jansen, Anton M. Koekemoer, Madeline A. Marshall, Mario Nonino, Rafael Ortiz III, Nor Pirzkal, Aaron Robotham, Russell E. Ryan Jr, Jake Summers, Jordan C. J. D'Silva, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Haojing Yan

Galaxy mergers are a key driver of galaxy formation and evolution, including the triggering of AGN and star formation to a still unknown degree. We thus investigate the impact of galaxy mergers on star formation and AGN activity using a sample of 3,330 galaxies at $z = [4.5, 8.5]$ from eight JWST fields (CEERS, JADES GOODS-S, NEP-TDF, NGDEEP, GLASS, El-Gordo, SMACS-0723, and MACS-0416), collectively covering an unmasked area of 189 arcmin$^2$. We focuses on star formation rate (SFR) enhancement, AGN fraction, and AGN excess in major merger ($\mu > 1/4$) close-pair samples, defined by $\Delta z < 0.3$ and projected separations $r_p < 100$ kpc, compared to non-merger samples. We find that SFR enhancement occurs only at $r_p < 20$ kpc, with values of $0.25 \pm 0.10$ dex and $0.26 \pm 0.11$ dex above the non-merger medians for $z = [4.5, 6.5]$ and $z = [6.5, 8.5]$, respectively. No other statistically significant enhancements in galaxy sSFR or stellar mass are observed at any projected separation or redshift bin. We also compare our observational results with predictions from the SC-SAM simulation and find no evidence of star formation enhancement in the simulations at any separation range. Finally, we examine the AGN fraction and AGN excess, finding that the fraction of AGNs in AGN-galaxy pairs, relative to the total AGN population, is $3.25^{+1.50}_{-1.06}$ times greater than the fraction of galaxy pairs relative to the overall galaxy population at the same redshift. We find that nearly all AGNs have a companion within 100 kpc and observe an excess AGN fraction in close-pair samples compared to non-merger samples. This excess is found to be $1.26 \pm 0.06$ and $1.34 \pm 0.06$ for AGNs identified via the inferred BPT diagram and photometric SED selection, respectively.

Time-varying inhomogeneities on stellar surfaces constitute one of the largest sources of radial velocity (RV) error for planet detection and characterization. We show that stellar variations, because they manifest on coherent, rotating surfaces, give rise to changes that are complex but useably compact and coherent in the spectral domain. Methods for disentangling stellar signals in RV measurements benefit from modeling the full domain of spectral pixels. We simulate spectra of spotted stars using starry and construct a simple spectrum projection space that is sensitive to the orientation and size of stellar surface features. Regressing measured RVs in this projection space reduces RV scatter by 60-80% while preserving planet shifts. We note that stellar surface variability signals do not manifest in spectral changes that are purely orthogonal to a Doppler shift or exclusively asymmetric in line profiles; enforcing orthogonality or focusing exclusively on asymmetric features will not make use of all the information present in the spectra. We conclude with a discussion of existing and possible implementations on real data based on the presented compact, coherent framework for stellar signal mitigation.

C. L. Hale, I. Heywood, M. J. Jarvis, I. H. Whittam, P. N. Best, Fangxia An, R. A. A. Bowler, I. Harrison, A. Matthews, D. J. B. Smith, A. R. Taylor, M. Vaccari

The MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration Survey (MIGHTEE) is one of the large survey projects using the MeerKAT telescope, covering four fields that have a wealth of ancillary data available. We present Data Release 1 of the MIGHTEE continuum survey, releasing total intensity images and catalogues over $\sim$20 deg$^2$, across three fields at $\sim$1.2-1.3 GHz. This includes 4.2 deg$^2$ over the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field, 14.4 deg$^2$ over the XMM Large-Scale Structure (XMM-LSS) field and deeper imaging over 1.5 deg$^2$ of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). We release images at both a lower resolution (7-9 arcsec) and higher resolution ($\sim 5$ arcsec). These images have central rms sensitivities of $\sim$1.3$-$2.7 $\mu $Jy beam$^{-1}$ ($\sim$1.2$-$3.6 $\mu $Jy beam$^{-1}$) in the lower (higher) resolution images respectively. We also release catalogues comprised of $\sim$144~000 ($\sim$114 000) sources using the lower (higher) resolution images. We compare the astrometry and flux-density calibration with the Early Science data in the COSMOS and XMM-LSS fields and previous radio observations in the CDFS field, finding broad agreement. Furthermore, we extend the source counts at the $\sim$10 $\mu$Jy level to these larger areas ($\sim 20$ deg$^2$) and, using the areal coverage of MIGHTEE we measure the sample variance for differing areas of sky. We find a typical sample variance of 10-20 per cent for 0.3 and 0.5 sq. deg. sub-regions at $S_{1.4} \leq 200$ $\mu $Jy, which increases at brighter flux densities, given the lower source density and expected higher galaxy bias for these sources.

During this work, it is considered a binary system of supermassive rotating black holes; first, it is employed the concept of weak field limit to develop a metric tensor g that describes the geometry of the spacetime, it introduced an approximation in which the second black hole is coupled to the system through a perturbation tensor f, consequently , it is employed a black hole type Sagittarius A to make the numerical calculations; the negative Ricci scalar curvature states that the tensor f does not change the topological properties of Kerr solution. From the metric tensor developed and the scalar of curvature the geodesic trajectories are derived; they determine an orbit with a perigee of 116.4AU and an apogee of 969.67AU, the orbit has a precession of 77.8 seconds per year; and the precession is determined by the rotation of the black holes besides the angular momentum that is the classical parametrization; finally, the average energy is defined by the equation E, this expression parametrizes the energy per orbit in function of the rotation of the black holes, this value is one order of magnitude higher than Newtonian energy

Christian Vogl, Stefan Taubenberger, Géza Csörnyei, Bruno Leibundgut, Wolfgang E. Kerzendorf, Stuart A. Sim, Stéphane Blondin, Andreas Flörs, Alexander Holas, Joshua V. Shields, Jason Spyromilio, Sherry H. Suyu, Wolfgang Hillebrandt

The ongoing discrepancy in the Hubble constant ($H_0$) estimates obtained through local distance ladder methods and early universe observations poses a significant challenge to the $\Lambda$CDM model, suggesting potential new physics. Type II supernovae (SNe II) offer a promising technique for determining $H_0$ in the local universe independently of the traditional distance ladder approach, opening up a complimentary path for testing this discrepancy. We aim to provide the first $H_0$ estimate using the tailored expanding photosphere method (EPM) applied to SNe II, made possible by recent advancements in spectral modelling that enhance its precision and efficiency. Our tailored EPM measurement utilizes a spectral emulator to interpolate between radiative transfer models calculated with TARDIS, allowing us to fit supernova spectra efficiently and derive self-consistent values for luminosity-related parameters. We apply the method on public data for ten SNe II at redshifts between 0.01 and 0.04. Our analysis demonstrates that the tailored EPM allows for $H_0$ measurements with precision comparable to the most competitive established techniques, even when applied to literature data not designed for cosmological applications. We find an independent $H_0$ value of $74.9\pm1.9$ (stat) km/s/Mpc, which is consistent with most current local measurements. Considering dominant sources of systematic effects, we conclude that our systematic uncertainty is comparable to or less than the current statistical uncertainty. This proof-of-principle study highlights the potential of the tailored EPM as a robust and precise tool for investigating the Hubble tension independently of the local distance ladder. Observations of SNe II tailored to $H_0$ estimation can make this an even more powerful tool by improving the precision and by allowing us to better understand and control systematic uncertainties.

Axion-like particles may form a network of cosmic strings in the Universe today that can rotate the plane of polarization of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons. Future CMB observations with improved sensitivity might detect this axion-string-induced birefringence effect, thereby revealing an as-yet unseen constituent of the Universe and offering a new probe of particles and forces that are beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics. In this work, we explore how spherical convolutional neural networks (SCNNs) may be used to extract information about the axion string network from simulated birefringence maps. We construct a pipeline to simulate the anisotropic birefringence that would arise from an axion string network, and we train SCNNs to estimate three parameters related to the cosmic string length, the cosmic string abundance, and the axion-photon coupling. Our results demonstrate that neural networks are able to extract information from a birefringence map that is inaccessible with two-point statistics alone (i.e., the angular power spectrum). We also assess the impact of noise on the accuracy of our SCNN estimators, demonstrating that noise at the level anticipated for Stage IV (CMB-S4) measurements would significantly bias parameter estimation for SCNNs trained on noiseless simulated data, and necessitate modeling the noise in the training data.

Ultralight vector particles can form evolving condensates around a Kerr black hole (BH) due to superradiant instability. We study the effect of near-horizon reflection on the evolution of this system: by matching three pieces of asymptotic expansions of the Proca equation in Kerr metric and considering the leading order in the electric mode, we present explicit analytical expressions for the corrected spectrum and the superradiant instability rates. Particularly, in high-spin BH cases, we identify an anomalous situation where the superadiance rate is temporarily increased by the reflection parameter $\mathcal{R}$, which also occurs in the scalar scenario, but is largely magnified in vector condensates due to a faster growth rate in dominant mode. We point out the condition for the growth anomaly in the adiabatic case is that information carried per particle exceeds a certain value $\delta I/\delta N>2\pi k_\text{B} \sqrt{(1+\mathcal{R})/(1-\mathcal{R})}$. We further construct several featured quantities to illustrate it, and formalize the anomaly-induced gravitational wave strain deformation.

We investigate shear and interface modes excited in neutron stars with an elastic crust in the full general relativistic framework and compare them to the results obtained within the relativistic Cowling approximation. We observe that the Cowling approximation has virtually no impact on the frequencies or the eigenfunctions of the shear modes; in contrast, the interface modes that arise due to the discontinuities of the shear modulus experience a shift in frequency by several percent when applying the Cowling approximation. Furthermore, we extend a scheme based on the properties of Breit-Wigner resonances, which allows us to estimate the damping times of slowly damped modes; our extension can provide an estimation of the damping time even if the features of the Breit-Wigner resonance are incomplete or if some of them violate the underlying linearity assumption. The proposed scheme is also computationally less expensive and numerically more robust and we provide accurate estimates as well as lower bounds for damping times of shear and interface modes.

Astronomical observations and numerical simulations are providing increasing evidence that resistive effects in plasmas around black holes play an important role in determining the phenomenology observed from these objects. In this spirit, we present a general approach to the study of a Penrose process driven by plasmoids that are produced at reconnection sites along current sheets. Our formalism is meant to determine the physical conditions that make a plasmoid-driven Penrose process energetically viable and can be applied to scenarios that are matter- or magnetic-field-dominated, that is, in magnetohydrodynamical or force-free descriptions. Our approach is genuinely multidimensional and hence allows one to explore conditions that are beyond the ones explored so far and that have been restricted to the equatorial plane, thus providing a direct contact with numerical simulations exhibiting an intense reconnection activity outside the equatorial plane. Finally, our analysis does not resort to ad-hoc assumptions about the dynamics of the plasma or adopts oversimplified and possibly unrealistic models to describe the kinematics of the plasma. On the contrary, we study the dynamics of the plasma starting from a well-known configuration, that of an equilibrium torus with a purely toroidal magnetic field whose "ergobelt", i.e. the portion penetrating the ergosphere, naturally provides a site to compute, self-consistently, the occurrence of reconnection and estimate the energetics of a plasmoid-driven Penrose process.

Cosmic (super)strings offer promising ways to test ideas about the early universe and physics at high energies. While in field theory constructions their tension is usually assumed to be constant (or at most slowly-varying), this is often not the case in the context of String Theory. Indeed, the tensions of both fundamental and field theory strings within a string compactification depend on the expectation values of the moduli, which in turn can vary with time. We discuss how the evolution of a cosmic string network changes with a time-dependent tension, both for long-strings and closed loops, by providing an appropriate generalisation of the Velocity One Scale (VOS) model and its implications. The resulting phenomenology is very rich, exhibiting novel features such as growing loops, percolation and a radiation-like behaviour of the long string network. We conclude with a few remarks on the impact for gravitational wave emission.

We show that the gravitational waveform emitted by a binary on an eccentric orbit can be naturally decomposed into a series of harmonics. The frequencies of these harmonics depend upon the radial frequency, $f_{\mathrm{r}}$, determined by the time to return to apoapsis, and the azimuthal frequency, $f_{\phi}$, determined by the time to complete one orbit relative to a fixed axis. These frequencies differ due to periapsis advance. Restricting to the (2, 2) multipole, we find that the frequencies can be expressed as $f = 2 f_{\phi} + k f_{\mathrm{r}}$. We introduce a straightforward method of generating these harmonics and show that the majority of the signal power is contained in the $k= -1, 0, 1$ harmonics for moderate eccentricities. We demonstrate that by filtering these three leading harmonics, we are able to obtain a good estimate of the orbital eccentricity from their relative amplitudes.

We calculate the gravitational waves (GWs) produced by primordial black holes (PBHs) in the presence of the inflaton condensate in the early Universe. Combining the GW production from the evaporation process, the gravitational scattering of the inflaton itself, and the density fluctuations due to the inhomogeneous distribution of PBHs, we propose for the first time a complete coherent analysis of the spectrum, revealing three peaks, one for each source. Three frequency ranges ($\sim$ kHz, GHz, and PHz, respectively) are expected, each giving rise to a similar GW peak amplitude $\Omega_{\rm GW}$. We also compare our predictions with current and future GWs detection experiments.

New physics and systematic errors can lead to deviations between the models used to analyze gravitational wave data and the actual signal. Such deviations will generally be correlated between detectors and manifest differently across the gravitational wave source parameter space. The previously introduced \ttt{SCoRe} framework uses these features to distinguish these deviations from noise and extract physical information from their source-dependent variation. In this work, we further analyze the hierarchical component of the method -- we include the expected dependence of the deviations on the source parameters into the inference process, obtaining more physically informative results. As a specific example, we study a deviation that scales as a power law of the mass scale of black hole binaries -- as, for example, in Effective Field Theory of gravity. We show how the signal-to-noise ratio of the cross-correlated residual power can be used to recover the power-law index. We demonstrate how both the distribution in source and deviation strength determine which region of source parameter space influences the inference most. Finally, we forecast the constraint on the power law index for a network of two Cosmic Explorer-like detectors with a year of observation period.

We investigate cosmological vacuum amplification of gravitational waves in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity. We develop a comprehensive framework to compute graviton production induced by the parity violating Pontryagin coupling and study its imprint on the stochastic gravitational wave background energy power spectrum. We explore gravitational vacuum amplification in four concrete scenarios for the evolution of the Chern-Simons pseudoscalar. We show that a parity-violating contribution dominates over an initially flat spectrum when the velocity of the pseudoscalar quickly interpolates between two asymptotically constant values or when it is nonvanishing and constant through a finite period of time. This is also the case when we parametrize the pseudoscalar evolution by a perfect fluid with radiation- and dust-like equations of state for large enough values of its energy density. The resulting spectra are compared with the sensitivity curves of current and future gravitational wave observational searches.

Tiny LIV effects may origin from typical space-time structures in quantum gravity theories. So, it is reasonable to anticipate that tiny LIV effects can be present in the proton sector. We find that, with tiny LIV effects in the proton sector, the threshold energy of photon that can engage in the photopion interactions with protons can be pushed to much higher scales (of order 0.1 eV to 10^3 eV) in comparison with the case without LIV. Therefore, the proton specie in UHECRs can possibly travel a long distance without being attenuated by the photopion processes involving the CMB photons, possibly explain the observed beyond-GZK cut-off events. We also find that, when both the leading order and next leading order LIV effects are present, the higher order LIV terms can possibly lead to discontinuous GZK cut-off energy bands. Observation of beyond-GZK cut-off UHECR events involving protons can possibly constrain the scale of LIV. Such UHECR events can act as a exquisitely probe of LIV effects and shed new lights on the UV LIV theories near the Planck scale.

We propose the first method for water Cherenkov detectors to constrain GeV-scale dark matter (DM) below the solar evaporation mass. While previous efforts have highlighted the Sun and Earth as DM capture targets, we demonstrate that Jupiter is a viable target. Jupiter's unique characteristics, such as its lower core temperature and significant gravitational potential, allow it to capture and retain light DM more effectively than the Sun, particularly in the mass range below 4 GeV where direct detection sensitivity diminishes. Our calculations provide the first bounds on GeV-scale annihilating DM within Jupiter, showing that these bounds surpass current solar limits and direct detection results.

We derive the equation for pressure within a neutron star, taking into account a non-zero cosmological constant ($\Lambda$). We then examine the stability of the neutron star's equilibrium state in the presence of cosmological constant. Our analysis shows that the theorem used to assess the stability of stellar structures at equilibrium remains applicable to neutron stars even when a cosmological constant is considered. We further numerically solve the stellar structure equations and determine the mass of neutron star using different equations of state (EOS). Moreover, we observe that the value of the cosmological constant ($\Lambda \geq 10^{-11} \rm m^{-2}$) causes a significant change in the mass-radius relationship of neutron stars.

The search for gravitational waves generated by the inspiral phase of binaries of light compact objects holds significant promise in testing the existence of primordial black holes and/or other exotic objects. In this paper, we present a new method to detect such signals exploiting some techniques typically applied in searches for continuous quasi-monochromatic gravitational waves. We describe the signal model employed and present a new strategy to optimally construct the search grid over the parameter space investigated, significantly reducing the search computing cost. Additionally, we estimate the pipeline sensitivity corroborating the results with software injections in real data from the LIGO third observing run. The results show that the method is well suited to detect long-transient signals and standard continuous gravitational waves. According to the criteria used in the grid construction step, the method can be implemented to cover a wide parameter space with slightly reduced sensitivity and lower computational cost or to focus on a narrower parameter space with increased sensitivity at a higher computational expense. The method shows an astrophysical reach up to the Galactic Center (8kpc) for some regions of the parameter space and given search configurations.

We investigate the Berry phase arising from axion-gauge-boson and axion-fermion interactions. The effective Hamiltonians in these two systems are shown to share the same form, enabling a unified description of the Berry phase. This approach offers a new perspective on certain axion experiments, including photon birefringence and storage-ring experiments. Additionally, we conceptually propose a novel photon-ring experiment for axion detection. Furthermore, we demonstrate that measuring the axion-induced Berry phase provides a unique way for probing the global structure of the Standard Model (SM) gauge group and axion-related generalized symmetries.

In this work we analyzed the physical origin of the primordial inhomogeneities during the inflation era. The proposed framework is based, on the one hand, on semiclassical gravity, in which only the matter fields are quantized and not the spacetime metric. Secondly, we incorporate an objective collapse mechanism based on the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) model, and we apply it to the wavefunction associated with the inflaton field. This is introduced due to the close relation between cosmology and the so-called ``measurement problem'' in Quantum Mechanics. In particular, in order to break the homogeneity and isotropy of the initial Bunch-Davies vacuum, and thus obtain the inhomogeneities observed today, the theory requires something akin to a ``measurement'' (in the traditional sense of Quantum Mechanics). This is because the linear evolution driven by Schrödinger's equation does not break any initial symmetry. The collapse mechanism given by the CSL model provides a satisfactory mechanism for breaking the initial symmetries of the Bunch-Davies vacuum. The novel aspect in this work is that the constructed CSL model arises from the simplest choices for the collapse parameter and operator. From these considerations, we obtain a primordial spectrum that has the same distinctive features as the standard one, which is consistent with the observations from the Cosmic Microwave Background.

We discuss modular domain walls and gravitational waves in a class of supersymmetric models where quark and lepton flavour symmetry emerges from modular symmetry. In such models a single modulus field $\tau$ is often assumed to be stabilised at or near certain fixed point values such as $\tau = {\rm i}$ and $\tau = \omega$ (the cube root of unity), in its fundamental domain. We show that, in the global supersymmetry limit of certain classes of potentials, the vacua at these fixed points may be degenerate, leading to the formation of modular domain walls in the early Universe. Taking supergravity effects into account, in the background of a fixed dilaton field $S$, the degeneracy may be lifted, leading to a bias term in the potential allowing the domain walls to collapse. We study the resulting gravitational wave spectra arising from the dynamics of such modular domain walls, and assess their observability by current and future experiments, as a window into modular flavour symmetry.

Andreas Ekstedt, Oliver Gould, Joonas Hirvonen, Benoit Laurent, Lauri Niemi, Philipp Schicho, Jorinde van de Vis

WallGo is an open source software for the computation of the bubble wall velocity in first-order cosmological phase transitions. It also computes the energy budget available for the generation of gravitational waves. The main part of WallGo, built in Python, determines the wall velocity by solving the scalar-field(s) equation of motion, the Boltzmann equations and energy-momentum conservation for the fluid velocity and temperature. WallGo also includes two auxiliary modules: WallGoMatrix, which computes matrix elements for out-of-equilibrium particles, and WallGoCollision, which performs higher-dimensional integrals for Boltzmann collision terms. Users can implement custom models by defining an effective potential and specifying a list of out-of-equilibrium particles and their interactions. As the first public software to compute the wall velocity including out-of-equilibrium contributions, WallGo improves the precision of the computation compared to common assumptions in earlier computations. It utilises a spectral method for the deviation from equilibrium and collision terms that provides exponential convergence in basis polynomials, and supports multiple out-of-equilibrium particles, allowing for Boltzmann mixing terms. WallGo is tailored for non-runaway wall scenarios where leading-order coupling effects dominate friction. While this work introduces the software and the underlying theory, a more detailed documentation can be found in this https URL.