By means of two-dimensional general relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we investigate the properties of the sheath separating the black hole jet from the surrounding medium. We find that the electromagnetic power flowing through the jet sheath is comparable to the overall accretion power, and is an important site of energy dissipation as revealed by the copious appearance of reconnection layers and plasmoid chains: $\sim20\%$ of the radially flowing electromagnetic power is found to be dissipated between 2 and 10 $R_{\rm g}$. The plasma in these dissipation regions moves along a nearly paraboloidal surface with trans-relativistic bulk motions dominated by the radial component, whose dimensionless 4-velocity is $\sim1.2\pm0.5$. In the frame moving with the mean (radially-dependent) velocity, the distribution of stochastic bulk motions resembles a Maxwellian with an `effective bulk temperature' of $\sim$100 keV. Scaling the global simulation to Cygnus X-1 parameters gives a rough estimate of the Thomson optical depth across the jet sheath $\sim0.01-0.1$, and it may increase in future magnetohydrodynamic simulations with self-consistent radiative losses. These properties suggest that the dissipative jet sheath may be a viable `coronal' region, capable of upscattering seed thermal X-ray photons ($\sim$1 keV) into a hard, nonthermal tail, as seen during the hard states of X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei.
Future satellite missions are expected to perform all-sky surveys, thus providing the entire sky near-infrared spectral data and consequently opening a new window to investigate the evolution of galaxies. Specifically, the infrared spectral data facilitate the precise estimation of stellar masses of numerous low-redshift galaxies. We utilize the synthetic spectral energy distribution (SED) of 2853 nearby galaxies drawn from the DustPedia (435) and Stripe 82 regions (2418). The stellar mass-to-light ratio ($M_*/L$) estimation accuracy over a wavelength range of $0.75-5.0$ $\mu$m is computed through the SED fitting of the multi-wavelength photometric dataset, which has not yet been intensively explored in previous studies. We find that the scatter in $M_*/L$ is significantly larger in the shorter and longer wavelength regimes due to the effect of the young stellar population and the dust contribution, respectively. While the scatter in $M_*/L$ approaches its minimum ($\sim0.10$ dex) at $\sim1.6$ $\mu$m, it remains sensitive to the adopted star formation history model. Furthermore, $M_*/L$ demonstrates weak and strong correlations with the stellar mass and the specific star formation rate (SFR), respectively. Upon adequately correcting the dependence of $M_*/L$ on the specific SFR, the scatter in the $M_*/L$ further reduces to $0.02$ dex at $\sim1.6$ $\mu$m. This indicates that the stellar mass can be estimated with an accuracy of $\sim0.02$ dex with a prior knowledge of SFR, which can be estimated using the infrared spectra obtained with future survey missions.
Based on 32162 molecular clouds from the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting project, we obtain new face-on molecular gas maps of the northern outer Galaxy. The total molecular gas surface density map reveals three segments of spirals, extending 16-43 kiloparsecs in length. The Perseus and Outer arms stand out prominently, appearing as quasi-continuous structures along most of their length. At the Galactic outskirts, about 1306 clouds connect the two segments of the new spiral arm discovered by Dame & Thaddeus (2011) in the first quadrant and Sun et al. (2015) in the second quadrant, possibly extending the arm into the outer third quadrant. Logarithmic spirals can be fitted to the CO arm segments with pitch angles ranging from 4 to 12 degree. These CO arms extend beyond previous CO studies and the optical radius, reaching a galactic radius of about 22 kiloparsecs, comparable to the HI radial range.
arXiv:2204.12006 by other authors
arXiv:2402.16478 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 121001]