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Papers for Tuesday, Dec 31 2024

Papers with local authors

Ze Zhong, Yao Chen, Y.W. Ni, P. F. Chen, Ruisheng Zheng, Xiangliang Kong, Chuan Li
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2412.19984
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2412.19984

Over the past three decades, a lot of coronal fast-mode waves were detected by space missions, but their counterparts in the chromosphere, called the Moreton waves, were rarely captured. How this happens remains a mystery. Here, to shed light on this problem, we investigate the photospheric vector magnetograms of the Moreton wave events associated with M- and X-class solar flares in 2010--2023. The H$\alpha$ data are taken with the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) and the Chinese H$\alpha$ Solar Explorer (CHASE). Our statistical results show that more than 80\% of the events occur at the edge of active regions and propagate non-radially due to asymmetric magnetic fields above the flares. According to the reconstructed magnetic field and atmospheric model, Moreton waves propagate in the direction along which the horizontal fast-mode wave speed drops the fastest. The result supports that the inclined magnetic configuration of the eruption is crucial to generate Moreton waves, even for X-class flares. It may explain the low occurrence rate of Moreton waves and why some X-class flares accompanied with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) do not generate Moreton waves.

Dhanya G. Nair, Neil M. Nagar, Venkatessh Ramakrishnan, Maciek Wielgus, Vicente Arratia, Thomas P. Krichbaum, Xinyue A. Zhang, Angelo Ricarte, Silpa S., Joaquín Hernández-Yévenes, Nicole M. Ford, Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, Mark Gurwell, Roman Burridge, Dominic W. Pesce, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Jae-Young Kim, Daewon Kim, Michael Janssen, Sebastiano D. von Fellenberg, Christian M. Fromm, Deokhyeong Lee, Heino Falcke, Jan Wagner, Geoffrey C. Bower, Anne-Kathrin Baczko, Dong-Jin Kim, Kazunori Akiyama, Keiichi Asada, Patricia Arevalo, Hayley Bignall, Lindy Blackburn, Avery E. Broderick, Andreas Brunthaler, Chi-kwan Chan, Akihiro Doi, Vincent L. Fish, Edward Fomalont, José L. Gómez, Daryl Haggard, Kazuhiro Hada, Rodrigo Herrera-Camus, Daniel Hoak, David Hughes, Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, Svetlana Jorstad, Michael D. Johnson, Tomohisa Kawashima, Garrett K. Keating, Preeti Kharb, Jun Yi Koay, Shoko Koyama, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Nathan W. C. Leigh, Paulina Lira, Michael Lindqvist, Andrei P. Lobanov, Wen-Ping Lo, Ru-Sen Lu, Sera Markoff, Nicholas R. MacDonald, Mary Loli Martínez-Aldama, Lynn D. Matthews, Satoki Matsushita, Mar Mezcua, Monika Moscibrodzka, Hendrik Müller, Hiroshi Nagai, Masanori Nakamura, Priyamvada Natarajan, Gopal Narayanan, Michael A. Nowak, Héctor Raúl Olivares Sánchez, Jongho Park, Dimitrios Psaltis, Hung-Yi Pu, Oliver Porth, Ramprasad Rao, Cormac Reynolds, Rodrigo Reeves, Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Eduardo Ros, Helge Rottmann, Alan L. Roy, Dominik Schleicher, Tuomas Savolainen, C. M. Violette Impellizzeri, Ezequiel Treister, Kaj Wiik, J. Anton Zensus

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Paper 12 — arXiv:2412.20276
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2412.20276

Using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), the gravitationally lensed rings around the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in Messier 87 (M87) and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) have now been successfully imaged at a resolution under 10 gravitational radii (R$_{\rm g}$ $ = \rm{GM/c^2}$). To expand studies beyond M87 and Sgr A*, we have constructed the Event Horizon and Environs (ETHER) sample, a comprehensive database encompassing approximately 3.15 million SMBH mass estimates, $\sim$ 20,000 Very-Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio flux densities, and $\sim$ 36,000 hard X-ray flux densities. This database is designed to identify and optimize target selection for the EHT and its upgrades on the ground and in space. We have identified a Gold Sample (GS) of nearby low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) within it that are ideal for studying jet bases and potentially imaging black hole shadows. We observed 27 of these AGNs using the EHT from 2022 to 2024, providing an opportunity to resolve and image accretion flows and jets at resolutions of $\leq$ 100 R$_{\rm g}$. Only a few SMBHs have sufficiently high enough flux density to be imaged at scales of $\leq$ 50 R$_{\rm g}$ with the present EHT. Among these are M87, Sgr A*, NGC4594 (Sombrero/M104), NGC4261, and NGC4374 (Messier 84/M84). Of these, NGC4261, Sombrero, and M84 have been observed and/or are scheduled for deep imaging with EHT+ALMA from 2023 to 2025. Sombrero, NGC4261, M84, NGC4278, and NGC5232 are clearly detected in our EHT+ALMA observations in 2022, indicating that the 230 GHz flux density from the accretion flows is significantly high. Ongoing imaging of the ETHER GS will enable measurements of black hole mass and spin, help constrain General Relativity, and enrich our understanding of jet launching and accretion inflows across a broad multi-parameter space, including black hole mass, spin, accretion rate, and orientation.

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Establishing a robust connection model between emission-line galaxies (ELGs) and their host dark haloes is of paramount importance in anticipation of upcoming redshift surveys. In this paper, we propose a novel halo occupation distribution (HOD) framework that incorporates galaxy luminosity, a key observable reflecting ELG star-formation activity, into the galaxy occupation model. This innovation enables prediction of galaxy luminosity functions (LFs) and facilitates joint analyses using both angular correlation functions (ACFs) and LFs. Using physical information from luminosity, our model provides more robust constraints on the ELG-halo connection compared to methods relying solely on ACF and number density constraints. Our model was applied to [O II]-emitting galaxies observed at two redshift slices at $z=1.193$ and $1.471$ from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam PDR2. Our model effectively reproduces observed ACFs and LFs observed in both redshift slices. Compared to the established \citeauthor{geach12} HOD model, our approach offers a more nuanced depiction of ELG occupation across halo mass ranges, suggesting a more realistic representation of ELG environments. Our findings suggest that ELGs at $z\sim1.4$ may evolve into Milky-Way-like galaxies, highlighting their role as potential building blocks in galaxy formation scenarios. By incorporating the LF as a constraint linking galaxy luminosity to halo properties, our HOD model provides a more precise understanding of ELG-host halo relationships. Furthermore, this approach facilitates the generation of high-quality ELG mock catalogues of for future surveys. As the LF is a fundamental observable, our framework is potentially applicable to diverse galaxy populations, offering a versatile tool for analysing data from next-generation galaxy surveys.

Yenifer Angarita, Germán Chaparro, Stuart L. Lumsden, Catherine Walsh, Adam Avison, Naomi Asabre Frimpong, Gary A. Fuller

Massive stars play a pivotal role in shaping their galactic surroundings due to their high luminosity and intense ionizing radiation. However, the precise mechanisms governing the formation of massive stars remain elusive. Complex organic molecules (COMs) offer an avenue for studying star formation across the low- to high-mass spectrum because COMs are found in every young stellar object phase and offer insight into the structure and temperature. We aim to unveil evolutionary patterns of COM chemistry in 41 massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) sourced from diverse catalogues, using ALMA Band 6 spectra. Previous line analysis of these sources showed the presence of CH$_3$OH, CH$_3$CN, and CH$_3$CCH with diverse excitation temperatures and column densities, indicating a possible evolutionary path across sources. However, this analysis usually involves manual line extraction and rotational diagram fitting. Here, we improve upon this process by directly retrieving the physicochemical state of MYSOs from their dimensionally-reduced spectra. We use a Locally Linear Embedding to find a lower-dimensional projection for the physicochemical parameters obtained from individual line analysis. We identify clusters of similar MYSOs in this embedded space using a Gaussian Mixture Model. We find three groups of MYSOs with distinct physicochemical conditions: i) cold, COM-poor sources, ii) warm, medium-COM-abundance sources, and iii) hot, COM-rich sources. We then apply principal component analysis (PCA) to the spectral sample, finding further evidence for an evolutionary path across MYSO groups. Finally, we find that the physicochemical state of our sample can be derived directly from the spectra by training a simple random forest model on the first few PCA components. Our results highlight the effectiveness of dimensionality reduction in obtaining clear physical insights directly from MYSO spectra.

Christian H. Hannah, Nicholas C. Stone, Anil C. Seth, Sjoert van Velzen

Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are a class of transients that occur when a star is destroyed by the tides of a massive black hole (MBH). Their rates encode valuable MBH demographic information, but this can only be extracted if accurate TDE rate predictions are available for comparisons with observed rates. In this work, we present a new, observer-friendly Python package called REPTiDE, which implements a standard loss cone model for computing TDE rates given a stellar density distribution and an MBH mass. We apply this software to a representative sample of 91 nearby galaxies over a wide range of stellar masses with high-resolution nuclear density measurements from arXiv:2407.10911. We measure per-galaxy TDE rates ranging between 10$^{-7.7}$ and 10$^{-2.9}$ per year and find that the sample-averaged rates agree well with observations. We find a turnover in the TDE rate as a function of both galaxy stellar mass and black hole mass, with the peak rates being observed in galaxies at a galaxy mass of $10^{9.5}$ M$_\odot$ and a black hole mass of $10^{6.5}$ M$_\odot$. Despite the lower TDE rates inferred for intermediate-mass black holes, we find that they have gained a higher fraction of their mass through TDEs when compared to higher mass black holes. This growth of lower mass black holes through TDEs can enable us to place interesting constraints on their spins; we find maximum spins of $a_\bullet \approx 0.9$ for black holes with masses below $\sim10^{5.5}$ M$_\odot$.

This presentation covered the benefits of registering astronomy research software with the Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL, this http URL), a free online registry for software used in astronomy research. Indexed by ADS and Clarivate's Web of Science, the ASCL currently contains over 3600 codes, and its entries have been cited over 17,000 times. Registering your code with the ASCL is easy with our online submissions system. Making your software available for examination shows confidence in your research and makes your research more transparent, reproducible, and falsifiable. ASCL registration allows your software to be cited on its own merits and provides a citation method that is trackable and accepted by all astronomy journals, and by journals such as \textit{Science} and \textit{Nature}. Adding your code to the ASCL also allows others to find your code more easily, as it can then be found not only in the ASCL itself, but also in ADS, Web of Science, and Google Scholar.

Abigail Flowers, Jackson H. O'Donnell, Tesla E. Jeltema, Vernon Wetzell, M. Grant Roberts

We model the total mass and galactic substructure in the strong lensing galaxy cluster MACS J0138.0-2155 using a combination of Chandra X-ray data, Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) spectroscopy, and Hubble Space Telescope imaging. MACS J0138.0-2155 lenses a source galaxy at z=1.95 which hosts two strongly lensed supernovae, Requiem and Encore. We find MACS J0138.0-2155 to have an X-ray temperature of 6.7 +/- 0.4 keV and a velocity dispersion of cluster member galaxies of 718^{+132}_{-182} km/s, which indicate a cluster mass of ~5 x 10^{14} solar masses. The round morphology of the X-ray emission indicates that this cluster is relaxed with an ellipticity within the lensing region of e=0.12 +/- 0.03. Using 18 of the brightest, non-blended, quiescent galaxies, we fit the cluster specific Faber-Jackson relation, including a set of 81 variations in the analysis choices to estimate the systematic uncertainties in our results. We find a slope of alpha = 0.26 +/- 0.06 (stat.) +/- 0.03 (sys.) with an intrinsic scatter of 31^{+8}_{-6} (stat.) +/- 4 (sys.) km/s at a reference velocity dispersion of ~220 km/s. We also report on significant galaxies along the line-of-sight potentially impacting the lens modeling, including a massive galaxy with stellar velocity dispersion of 291 +/- 3 km/s$ which lies close in projection to the central cluster galaxy. This galaxy is part of a small group at a slightly higher redshift than the cluster.

The radioactive decay of short-lived 26Al to 26Mg has been used to estimate the timescales over which 26Al was produced in a nearby star and the protosolar disk evolved. The chronology commonly assumes that 26Al was uniformly distributed in the protosolar disk; however, this assumption is challenged by the discordance between the timescales defined by the Al-Mg and assumption-free Pb-Pb chronometers. We find that the 26Al heterogeneity is correlated with the nucleosynthetic stable Ti isotope variation, which can be ascribed to the non-uniform distribution of ejecta from a core-collapse supernova in the disk. We use the Al-Ti isotope correlation to calibrate variable 26Al abundances in Al-Mg dating of early solar system processes. The calibrated Al-Mg chronometer indicates a >1 Myr gap between parent body accretion ages of carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous chondrites. We further use the Al-Ti isotope correlation to constrain the timing and location of the supernova explosion, indicating that the explosion occurred at 20-30 pc from the protosolar cloud, 0.94 +0.25/-0.21 Myr before the formation of the oldest solar system solids. Our results imply that the Sun was born in association with a ~25 solar mass star.

Juntao Bai, Na Wang, Shi Dai, Shuangqiang Wang, Jianping Yuan, Wenming Yan, Lunhua Shang, Xin Xu, Shijun Dang, Zhen Zhang

We report on radio observations of four magnetars SGR 0501+4516, Swift 1834.9-0846, 1E 1841-045, SGR 1900+14 and a magnetar-like pulsar PSR J1846-0258 with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) at 1250 MHz. Notably, PSR J1846-0258 was observed one month after its 2020 X-ray outburst. The data from these observations were searched for periodic emissions and single pulses. No radio emission was detected for any of our targets. After accounting for the effect of red noise, the non-detections yield stringent upper limits on the radio flux density, with $S_{1250} \leq 16.9\, \mu $Jy for the four magnetars and the magnetar-like pulsar, along with constraints on single-pulse flux densities. Our deep radio observations suggest that these magnetars and the magnetar-like pulsar are indeed radio-quiet sources or unfavorably beamed. The resulting flux upper limits, along with previous findings, are discussed, highlighting the significance of further radio observations of radio-quiet magnetars and the high-B magnetar-like pulsar.

M. Koussour, S. Bekov, A. Syzdykova, S. Muminov, I. Ibragimov, J. Rayimbaev

We investigate the cosmological implications of a generalized total equation of state (EoS) model by constraining its parameters using observational datasets to effectively characterize the universe's expansion history and its dynamic properties. We introduce three parameters: $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $n$ to capture the EoS behavior across different evolutionary phases. Our analysis indicates that at high redshifts ($z \gg 1$), the EoS approaches a matter- or radiation-dominated regime, transitioning to a dark energy-dominated phase as $z \to -1$, where it tends towards a constant value $\alpha$. Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, we analyze a combined dataset that includes 31 data points from $H(z)$ and 1701 data points from the Pantheon+ dataset. The results reveal a smooth transition from deceleration to acceleration in the universe's expansion, with current EoS values suggesting quintessence-like behavior. The model aligns with observations and indicates that dark energy is dynamically evolving rather than acting as a cosmological constant. Furthermore, energy conditions and stability analyses highlight the nature and future of dark energy. This parametrized EoS model thus offers a robust framework for understanding the complexities of dark energy and the evolution of the cosmos.

A. Manchanda, M. G. Dainotti, A. Deepu, A. Kaushal, H. Gupta, A. Pollo, N. Fraija

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which are highly energetic bursts, have been detected at high redshifts (z = 9.4) and are pivotal for cosmological research and the study of Population III stars. To address these studies, it is important to identify correlations between the key GRB variables while minimizing uncertainties. This requires comprehensive coverage of GRB Light curves (LCs), which are challenging to obtain given the observational gaps and noise. This study explores the reconstruction of GRB LCs using three machine-learning models: Bi-LSTM, CGAN, and a Sarimax-based Kalman filter. To evaluate these approaches, we also include well-established functional form parametric methods such as the Willingale model (W07) and the non-parametric Gaussian Processes (GPs), expanding upon arXiv:2305.12126 by applying our techniques to a larger sample of 545 GRBs, covering four different GRB classifications. Our findings reveal that the LSTM model achieves the highest reductions in the uncertainties of the plateau parameters, with decreases of 29% in log Ta, 31% in log Fa and 40% in {\alpha}. In comparison, GPs show a slightly smaller reduction of 22% in both log Ta and log Fa, and 32% in {\alpha} while CGANs exhibit a decrease of 23% in log Ta, 24% in log Fa, and 31% in {\alpha}. The Sarimax-based Kalman filter performs well for well-sampled and flare-free GRBs, but it has problems with reconstruction in more complex cases. It shows a decrease of 14% in log Ta, 5% in log Fa and 6% in {\alpha}. [..] For the subset of 299 Good GRBs, namely with well-defined plateau emission with no flares and bumps, the LSTM model achieved a reduction of approximately 40%, with a percentage increase of 8% compared to the results observed in arXiv:2305.12126. [..] These advancements are essential for using GRBs as standard candles in cosmology and investigating theoretical models.[..]

Martin O. Canullan-Pascual, German Lugones, Milva G. Orsaria, Ignacio F. Ranea-Sandoval

We investigate the radial stability of neutron stars under conditions where their composition may or may not remain in chemical equilibrium during oscillations. Using different equations of state that include nucleons, hyperons, and/or $\Delta$ resonances, we compute stellar configurations and examine their fundamental mode frequencies in two limiting scenarios. In one limit, nuclear reactions are fast enough to maintain chemical equilibrium throughout the pulsation, resulting in a lower effective adiabatic index, $\Gamma_{\mathrm{EQ}}$, and softer stellar responses. In the opposite limit, nuclear reactions are too slow to adjust particle abundances during oscillations, yielding a higher index, $\Gamma_{\mathrm{FR}}$, and stiffer stellar responses. We find that the equilibrium scenario triggers dynamic instability at the maximum mass configuration, whereas the frozen composition scenario allows stable solutions to persist beyond this mass, extending the stable branch. This effect is modest for simpler equations of state, but becomes increasingly pronounced for more complex compositions, where the emergence of new particle species at high densities leads to a significant disparity between $\Gamma_{\mathrm{EQ}}$ and $\Gamma_{\mathrm{FR}}$. Realistic conditions, in which different nuclear reactions have distinct timescales, will place the effective $\Gamma$ between these two extreme values. Short-timescale reactions push the star toward the equilibrium limit, potentially restricting the length of the stable branch. Conversely, slow reactions preserve a frozen composition, allowing the stable branch to grow. Thus, the actual extent of the stable configuration range depends critically on the interplay between nuclear-reaction timescales and the star's fundamental oscillation period.

Jadilene Xavier, Antônio Bertachini, Silvia Giuliatti Winter, Andre Amarante

For most space missions, it is interesting that the probe remains for a considerable time around the mission target. The longer the lifetime of a mission, the greater the chances of collecting information about the orbited body. In this work, we present orbital maneuvers that aim to show how to avoid a collision of a space probe with the surface of Titania. Through an expansion of the gravitational potential to the second order, the asymmetry of the gravitational field due to the coefficient $C_{22}$ of Titania, the zonal coefficient $J_2$, and the gravitational perturbation of Uranus are considered. Two models of coplanar bi-impulse maneuvers are presented. The first maneuver consists of transferring an initial elliptical orbit to a final circular orbit, and the second has the objective of transferring an initial elliptical orbit to a final orbit that is also elliptical. The lag in the inclination and semi-major axis of the orbits is investigated before performing the maneuvers. To point out the best scenarios for carrying out the maneuvers, a study is presented for different points of an orbit where transfers could be made. In addition, a maneuver strategy is presented to correct the variation of the periapsis argument. The results show that maneuvers performed a few days after integration are more economical than maneuvers performed later, a few days before the collision. The economy of the maneuvers is also demonstrated through an analysis of the ratio of the increase in speed to the lifetime.

By evaluating angular momentum directions of open cluster (OC) samples across various Galactocentric radii, we assessed their orbital plane inclinations. Our findings reveal that, without considering the local tilt of the Galactic disk near the sun, our results are consistent with previous studies on Classical Cepheids (CCs). Notably, the warp precession derived from OCs closely mirror those of CCs. Nonetheless, we observed a systematic deviation between the geometric and dynamic warps, attributable to the tilt of the local disk. We identified a systematic vertical motion in the local region, associated with the warping feature near the solar vicinity. Ignoring this motion leads to underestimates of orbital plane inclinations compared to those derived from geometric positions. Our study indicates consistency between the inclinations derived from orbital dynamics and geometric positions at a vertical velocity of the sun relative to the Galactic mid-plane of Vz_sun = 9.4(0.2) km/s. This value is approximately 2 km/s higher than the historically estimated solar peculiar motion, W_sun, primarily due to an approximately 0.6-degree tilt of the local plane. Analysis suggests that previous estimates of the Galactic disk's warping precession rate may have been overestimated due to local warping influences. The findings indicate that the precession oscillates around zero and that the Galactic warp is progressively flattening. Additionally, the line of nodes tends to become consistent across various Galactocentric radii over a timescale of 100-200 million years.

Biswajit Mondal, James A Klimchuk, Amy R. Winebarger, P. S. Athiray, Jiayi Liu

Nanoflares are believed to be key contributors to heating solar non-flaring active regions, though their individual detection remains challenging. This study uses a data-driven field-aligned hydrodynamic model to examine nanoflare properties throughout the lifecycle of AR12758. We simulate coronal loop emissions, where each loop is heated by random nanoflares depending on the loop parameters derived from photospheric magnetograms observed by SDO/HMI. Simulated X-ray flux and temperature can reproduce the temporal variations observed by Chandrayaan-2/XSM. Our findings show that high-frequency nanoflares contribute to cool emissions across the AR, while low- and intermediate- frequency primarily contribute to hot emissions. During the emerging phase, energy deposition is dominated by low-frequency events. Post-emergence, energy is deposited by both low- and intermediate-frequency nanoflares, while as the AR ages, the contribution from intermediate- and high-frequency nanoflares increases. The spatial distribution of heating frequencies across the AR reveals a clear pattern: the core of the active region spends most of its time in a low-frequency heating state, the periphery is dominated by high-frequency heating, and the region between the core and periphery experiences intermediate-frequency heating.

We present an observational study of the S284-RE region, a low-metallicity area associated with the extended S284 HII region. A thermally supercritical filament (mass $\sim$2402 $M_{\odot}$, length $\sim$8.5 pc) is investigated using the Herschel column density map. The Spitzer ratio 4.5 $\mu$m/3.6 $\mu$m map traces the H$_{2}$ outflows in this filament, where previously reported young stellar objects (YSOs) are spatially distributed. Analysis of the YSO distribution has revealed three active star-forming clusters (YCl1, YCl2, YCl3) within the filament. YCl3 seems to be the most evolved, YCl2 the youngest, while YCl1 displays signs of non-thermal fragmentation. The JWST (F470N+F444W)/F356W ratio map reveals at least seven bipolar H$_{2}$ outflows, with four (olc1--olc4) in YCl1 and three (ol1--ol3) in YCl2. The driving sources of these outflows are identified based on outflow geometry, ALMA continuum peaks, and YSO positions. Two ALMA continuum sources, #2 and #3, from the $M$-$R_{\rm eff}$ plot are recognized as potential massive star formation candidates. The ALMA continuum source #2 hosts at least three outflow-driving sources, whereas the ALMA continuum source #3 contains two. The bipolar outflow olc1, driven by an embedded object within the continuum source #2, is likely a massive protostar, as indicated by Br-$\alpha$ and PAH emissions depicted in the JWST (F405N+F444W)/F356W ratio map. The presence of H$_{2}$ knots in the outflows olc1 and ol1 suggests episodic accretion. Overall, the study investigates a massive protostar candidate, driving the $\sim$2.7 pc H$_{2}$ outflow olc1 and undergoing episodic accretion.

The ground-based Cosmic Microwave Background experiments are susceptible to various instrumental errors, especially for $B$-mode measurements. The difference between the response of two polarized detectors, referred to as the ``beam mismatch'', would induce a $T\rightarrow P$ leakage when differencing the detector pair to cancel the unpolarized signal. In this work, we apply the deprojection technique on the time-ordered mock data to mitigate the systematic contamination caused by beam mismatches, by assuming the third generation ground-based CMB experiment (S3). Our results show that the deprojection could effectively recover the input power spectra. We adopt the NILC and cILC methods to reconstruct the foreground-cleaned $TEB$ maps, and evaluate the level of residual systematic errors after the foreground cleaning pipeline by comparing the power spectra between the systematics-added data after deprojection and the systematics-free data. The results demonstrate that the residual beam systematics cleaned by deprojection would not bias the CMB measurements of $T$, $E$, and $B$ modes, as well as the CMB lensing reconstruction and the estimation of the tensor-to-scalar ratio under the S3 sensitivity.

Differently from the equivalence time between either matter and radiation or dark energy and matter, the equivalence between dark energy and radiation occurs between two subdominant fluids, since it takes place in the matter dominated epoch. However, dark energy--radiation equivalence may correspond to a \emph{cosmographic bound} since it strongly depends on how dark energy evolves. Accordingly, a possible model-independent bound on this time would give hints on how dark energy evolves in time. In this respect, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) may be used, in fact, as tracers to obtain cosmic constraints on this equivalence. Consequently, based on observed GR data from the $E_{\rm p}$--$E_{\rm iso}$ correlation, we here go beyond by simulating additional GRB data points and investigating two distinct equivalence epochs: 1) dark energy--radiation, and 2) dark energy--radiation with matter. We thus extract constraints on the corresponding two redshifts adopting Monte Carlo Markov chain simulations by means of two methods: the first performing the GRB calibration and the cosmological fit steps independently, and the second performing these steps simultaneously by resorting a hierarchical Bayesian regression. To keep the analysis model-independent, we consider a generic dark energy model, with the unique constraint to reduce to the $\Lambda$CDM at $z=0$. Our findings are thus compared to theoretical predictions, indicating that the $\Lambda$CDM model is statistically favored to predict such an equivalence time, though a slow evolution with time cannot be fully excluded. Finally, we critically re-examine the Hubble constant tension in view of our outcomes.

MUDEHaR is an on-going multi-epoch photometric survey with two narrow filters in H$\alpha$ and the calcium triplet window that uses the T80Cam wide-field imager at the JAST/T80 telescope at Spanish Javalambre astronomical observatory. It is obtaining 100 epochs/year per field for 20 fields in the Galactic disk, each of 2\,deg$^2$, for a total of 40\,deg$^2$. Focused on stellar clusters and HII regions including bright stars, its main objective is to detect tens of thousands OB stars that present emission variability in H$\alpha$ on days-months-years scale. The observed targets include magnetic massive stars, pulsating stars, and all kinds of variable stars. Among our driving scientific objectives of MUDEHaR observations is to identify potential magnetic candidates in massive stars. Only 10--20\,\% of OB stars display a measurable magnetic field, and its origin is still in debate. We outline here the multi-step process involved in identifying OB magnetic stars, highlighting the significance of MUDEHaR observations in this process.

We study the analogy between graviton emission in a thermal radiation environment and the laser mechanism, where photons of the same momentum and polarization are amplified. Using interaction picture perturbation theory, we analyze the time evolution of the graviton number operator and its expectation value in a squeezed vacuum state, describing the inflationary graviton state. During the radiation-dominated era of the early universe, we find secular growth in the graviton number, leading to the breakdown of perturbative analysis within approximately ten Hubble times after reheating. We also explore analogous effects in a Minkowski background. As a thought experiment, we consider LIGO/Virgo-like detectors immersed in a radiation environment at temperatures of $O(10)$ GeV. In this scenario, graviton numbers at $O(100)$ Hz could be enhanced, suggesting a mechanism to amplify gravitational wave signals. While this setup is beyond current experimental capabilities, it points to potential advancements in gravitational wave measurements.

We propose a scenario for mass evolution of massive black holes (MBH) in galactic nuclei, to explain both the mass correlation of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) with the bulge and the down-sizing behavior of the active galactic nuclei. Primordial gas structures to evolve galactic bulges are supposed to be formed at $z \sim$ 10 and the core region, called the nuclear region (NR) here, is considered to be a place for a MBH to grow to the SMBH. The down-sizing behavior requires the MBH to significantly increase the mass in a time $\sim$ 1 Gyr. The rapid mass increase is discussed to be realized only when the MBH stays in a very high density region such as a core of a molecular cloud throughout the period $\sim$ 1 Gyr. According to these arguments, the MBHs formed from the population III stars born in the mini halos at $z \sim$ 20 - 30 are excluded from the candidates for the seed black hole to the SMBH and only the MBHs from the population II stars born in the core of the central molecular cloud (CMC) in the NR remain as them. The MBHs in the dense core of the CMC started increasing the mass through mass-accretion and the most massive black hole (MMBH) got the most rapid evolution, possibly restraining relatively slow evolutions of the less massive black holes. Dynamical interactions of the MMBH with the ambient MCs induced the wandering motion and the further mass-increase. However, when the MMBH mass exceeded a boundary mass, the dynamical friction with the field stars brakes the MMBH wandering and the mass accretion. This scenario can semi-quantitatively reproduce both the down-sizing behavior and the SMBH mass - bulge mass correlation with reasonable parameter values.

(Invited Review) According to modern definition, a symbiotic nova is an otherwise normal nova (i.e. powered by explosive thermonuclear burning) that erupts within a symbiotic star, which is a binary where a WD accretes from a cool giant companion. Guided primarily by the very well observed eruptions of RS Oph in 2006 and 2021, and that of V407 Cyg in 2010, we investigate the main multi-wavelength properties of symbiotic novae and their relation to classical novae, and propose a 3D model structure that identifies the emitting source location for hard and supersoft X-rays, radio syncrothron and thermal, permitted and forbidden emission lines. Very few symbiotic novae are known in the Galaxy, and we compile a revised catalog based on firm astrometric identification. The exciting prospect of an imminent new outburst of T CrB is also discussed.

We describe the result of our numerical orbit simulation which traces dynamical evolution of new comets coming from the Oort Cloud. We combine two dynamical models for this purpose. The first one is semi-analytic, and it models an evolving comet cloud under galactic tide and encounters with nearby stars. The second one numerically deals with planetary perturbation in the planetary this http URL our study does not include physical effects such as fading or disintegration of comets, we found that typical dynamical resident time of the comets in the planetary region is about $10^8$ years. We also found that the so-called planet barrier works when the initial orbital inclination of the comets is small. A numerical result concerning the temporary transition of the comets into other small body populations such as transneptunian objects or Centaurs is discussed.

In this work the observational constraints on interaction coupling parameter between dynamical dark energy and cold dark matter were obtained using CMB, BAO and SN Ia data. The dark energy in considered models is dynamical and evolution of its equation of state parameter depends on dark coupling and internal properties of the dark energy. Such model is believed to be more physically consistent than models of interacting dark energy considered in previous works. Constraints were made for three types of interaction. The first two are the types which are often considered in other works on interacting dark energy. The third type has the non-linear dependence on densities of dark components and is studied for the first time. Observational constraints on Hubble constant $H_{0}$ for the first two models are in strong disagreement with so called local measurements of $H_{0}$. And the third model is in better agreement with local measurements than $\Lambda$CDM model. Also for the last non-linear model existence of non-zero interaction was found at greater than $1\sigma$ significance level.

We analyze the parameter estimation accuracy that can be achieved for the mass and spin of SgrA*, the SMBH in our Galactic Center, by detecting multiple extremely large mass-ratio inspirals (XMRIs). XMRIs are formed by brown dwarfs (BD) inspiraling into a supermassive black hole (SMBH), thus emitting gravitational waves (GWs) inside the detection band of future space-based detectors such as LISA and TianQin. Theoretical estimates suggest the presence of approximately 10 XMRIs emitting detectable GWs, making them some of the most promising candidates for space-based GW detectors. Our analysis indicates that even if individual sources have low SNRs ($\approx10$), high-precision parameter estimates can still be achieved by detecting multiple sources. In this case, the accuracy of the parameter estimates increases by approximately one to two orders of magnitude, at least. Moreover, by analyzing a small sample of 400 initial conditions for XMRIs formed in the Galactic Center, we estimate that almost 80 % of the detectable XMRIs orbiting SgrA* will have eccentricities between 0.43 to 0.95 and an SNR$\in [10,100]$. The remaining $\sim$20 % of the sources have an SNR$\in [100,1000]$ and eccentricities ranging from 0.25 to 0.92. Additionally, some XMRIs with high SNR are far from being circular. These loud sources with SNR$\approx 1000$ can have eccentricities as high as $e\approx0.7$; although their detection chances are low, representing $\lesssim$2 % of the detectable sources, their presence is not ruled out.

P. Bonifacio (GEPI), E. Caffau, P. François (GEPI), N. Martin (ObAS), R. Ibata (ObAS), Z. Yuan (ObAS), G. Kordopatis (OCA), J.I. González Hernández (IAC), D.S. Aguado (IAC), G.F. Thomas (IAC), A. Viswanathan, E. Dodd, F. Gran (OCA), E. Starkenburg, C. Lardo (UNIBO), R. Errani, M. Fouesneau (MPIA), J.F. Navarro (UVIC), K.A. Venn (UVIC), K. Malhan

Context: The C-19 stellar stream is the most metal-poor stream known to date. While its width and velocity dispersion indicate a dwarf galaxy origin, its metallicity spread and abundance patterns are more similar to those of globular clusters (GCs). If it is indeed of GC origin, its extremely low metallicity ([Fe/H]=-3.4, estimated from giant stars) implies that these stellar systems can form out of gas that is as extremely poor in metals as this. Previously, only giant stream stars were observed spectroscopically, although the majority of stream stars are unevolved stars. Aims: We pushed the spectroscopic observations to the subgiant branch stars ($G\approx 20$) in order to consolidate the chemical and dynamical properties of C-19. Methods: We used the high-efficiency spectrograph X-shooter fed by the ESO 8.2 m VLT telescope to observe 15 candidate subgiant C-19 members. The spectra were used to measure radial velocities and to determine chemical abundances using the \mygi\ code. Results; We developed a likelihood model that takes metallicity and radial velocities into account. We conclude that 12 stars are likely members of C-19, while 3 stars (S05, S12, and S13) are likely contaminants. When these 3 stars are excluded, our model implies a mean metallicity $\rm \langle [Fe/H]\rangle = -3.1\pm 0.1$, the mean radial velocity is $\langle v_r\rangle = -192\pm3$ kms$^{-1}$, and the velocity dispersion is $\sigma_{vr} = 5.9^{+3.6}_{-5.9}$ kms$^{-1}$. This all agrees within errors with previous studies. The A(Mg) of a sample of 15 C-19 members, including 6 giant stars, shows a standard deviation of 0.44 dex, and the mean uncertainty on Mg is 0.25 dex. Conclusions: Our preferred interpretation of the current data is that C-19 is a disrupted GC. We cannot completely rule out the possibility that the GC could have belonged to a dwarf galaxy that contained more metal-rich stars, however. This scenario would explain the radial velocity members at higher metallicity, as well as the width and velocity dispersion of the stream. In either case, a GC formed out of gas as poor in metals as these stars seems necessary to explain the existence of C-19. The possibility that no GC was associated with C-19 cannot be ruled out either.

The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), an ESA L-class mission, is designed to detect gravitational waves in the millihertz frequency band, with operations expected to begin in the next decade. LISA will enable studies of astrophysical phenomena such as massive black hole mergers, extreme mass ratio inspirals, and compact binary systems. A key challenge in analyzing LISA's data is the significant laser frequency noise, which must be suppressed using time-delay interferometry (TDI). Classical TDI mitigates this noise by algebraically combining phase measurements taken at different times and spacecraft. However, data gaps caused by instrumental issues or operational interruptions complicate the process. These gaps affect multiple TDI samples due to the time delays inherent to the algorithm, rendering surrounding measurements unusable for parameter inference. In this paper, we apply the recently proposed variant of TDI known as TDI-$\infty$ to astrophysical parameter inference, focusing on the challenge posed by data gaps. TDI-$\infty$ frames the LISA likelihood numerically in terms of raw measurements, marginalizing over laser phase noises under the assumption of infinite noise variance. Additionally, TDI-$\infty$ is set up to incorporate and cancel other noise sources beyond laser noise, including optical bench motion, clock noise, and modulation noise, establishing it as an all-in-one TDI solution. The method gracefully handles measurement interruptions, removing the need to explicitly address discontinuities during template matching. We integrate TDI-$\infty$ into a Bayesian framework, demonstrating its superior performance in scenarios involving gaps. Compared to classical TDI, the method preserves signal integrity more effectively and is particularly interesting for low-latency applications, where the limited amount of available data makes data gaps particularly disruptive.

Miroslav D. Filipović, S. Lazarević, M. Araya, N. Hurley-Walker, R. Kothes, H. Sano, G. Rowell, P. Martin, Y. Fukui, R. Z. E. Alsaberi, B. Arbutina, B. Ball, C. Bordiu, R. Brose, F. Bufano, C. Burger-Scheidlin, T. A. Collins, E. J. Crawford, S. Dai, S. W. Duchesne, R. S. Fuller, A. M. Hopkins, A. Ingallinera, H. Inoue, T. H. Jarrett, B. S. Koribalski, D. Leahy, K. J. Luken, J. Mackey, P. J. Macgregor, R. P. Norris, J. L. Payne, S. Riggi, C. J. Riseley, M. Sasaki, Z. J. Smeaton, I. Sushch, M. Stupar, G. Umana, D. Urošević, V. Velović, T. Vernstrom, B. Vukotić, J.West

We present a re-discovery of G278.94+1.35 as possibly one of the largest known Galactic supernova remnants (SNR) - that we name Diprotodon. While previously established as a Galactic SNR, Diprotodon is visible in our new EMU and GLEAM radio continuum images at an angular size of 3.33x3.23 deg, much larger than previously measured. At the previously suggested distance of 2.7 kpc, this implies a diameter of 157x152 pc. This size would qualify Diprotodon as the largest known SNR and pushes our estimates of SNR sizes to the upper limits. We investigate the environment in which the SNR is located and examine various scenarios that might explain such a large and relatively bright SNR appearance. We find that Diprotodon is most likely at a much closer distance of $\sim$1 kpc, implying its diameter is 58x56 pc and it is in the radiative evolutionary phase. We also present a new Fermi-LAT data analysis that confirms the angular extent of the SNR in gamma-rays. The origin of the high-energy emission remains somewhat puzzling, and the scenarios we explore reveal new puzzles, given this unexpected and unique observation of a seemingly evolved SNR having a hard GeV spectrum with no breaks. We explore both leptonic and hadronic scenarios, as well as the possibility that the high-energy emission arises from the leftover particle population of a historic pulsar wind nebula.

Zhihao Ouyang, Hubing Xiao, Marina Manganaro, Shangchun Xie, Jingyu Wu, Jianzhen Chen, Rui Xue, Gege Wang, Shaohua Zhang, Junhui Fan

In this work, we analyzed multi-wavelength data of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 to investigate its emission mechanisms during a flaring state observed in early 2015. We examined the temporal behavior and broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs) during the flare. The size of the $\gamma$-ray emission region was estimated based on the variability timescale. To explore the multi-wavelength properties of S5 0716+714, we employed three one-zone models: the SSC model, the SSC plus EC model, and the SSC plus pp interactions model, to reproduce the SEDs. Our findings indicate that while the SSC model can describe the SEDs, it requires an extreme Doppler factor. In contrast, the SSC plus EC model successfully fits the SEDs under the assumption of weak external photon fields but requires a high Doppler factor. Additionally, the SSC plus interactions model also reproduces the SEDs, with $\gamma$-ray emission originating from $\pi^{0}$ decay. However, this model leads to a jet power that exceeds the Eddington luminosity, which remains plausible due to the flaring state or the presence of a highly collimated jet.

The influence of a dark matter halo around pair of primordial black holes on their orbit evolution and the black hole merger rate is considered. Because of the nonspherical (nonradial) contraction of DM shells, each shell upon the first contraction passes through the halo center in the direction of the radius vector corresponding to zero angular momentum. Since the shell contraction is a continuous process, at each instant of time there is a nonzero dark matter density at the halo center. This density is determined by the influence of the tidal gravitational forces from inflationary density perturbations and from other primordial black holes. The scattering of dark matter particles by a pair of black holes leads to a loss of the energy of its orbital motion and to an accelerated pair merger. In the case of primordial black holes with masses $\sim30M_\odot$, the black hole merger rate in the presence of a dark matter halo is several times higher than that without such a halo.

In this paper, we propose a novel method to recover the 21cm global signal from the 21cm power spectrum using artificial neural networks (ANNs). The 21cm global signal is crucial for understanding cosmic evolution from the Dark Ages through the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). While interferometers like LOFAR, MWA, HERA, and SKA focus on detecting the 21cm power spectrum, single-dish experiments such as EDGES target the global signal. Our method utilizes ANNs to establish a connection between these two observables, providing a means to cross-validate independent 21cm line observations. This capability is significant as it allows different observational approaches to verify each other's results, ensuring greater reliability in 21cm cosmology. We demonstrate that our ANN-based approach can accurately recover the 21cm global signal across a wide redshift range (z=7.5-35) from simulated data, even when realistic thermal noise levels, such as those expected from SKA-1, are considered. This cross-validation process strengthens the robustness of 21cm signal analysis, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the early universe.

M. Bugatti, C. Lovis, F. Pepe, N. Blind, N. Billot, B. Chazelas, M. Turbet

The upcoming Ristretto spectrograph is dedicated to the detection and analysis of exoplanetary atmospheres, with a primary focus on the temperate rocky world Proxima b. This scientific endeavor relies on the interplay of a high-contrast adaptive optics (AO) system and a high-resolution echelle spectrograph. In this work, I present a comprehensive simulation of Ristretto's output spectra, employing the Python package Pyechelle. Starting from realistic spectra of both exoplanets and their host stars, I generate synthetic 2D spectra to closely resemble those that will be produced by Ristretto itself. These synthetic spectra are subsequently treated as authentic data and therefore analyzed. These simulations facilitate not only the investigation of potential exoplanetary atmospheres but also an in-depth assessment of the inherent capabilities and limitations of the Ristretto spectrograph.

Cosmic strings represent an attractive source of gravitational waves (GWs) from the early Universe. However, in contrast to other primordial GW sources whose signal may be modeled by simple analytic expressions, computing the GW signal from cosmic strings requires the numerical evaluation of complicated integral and sum expressions, which can become computationally costly in large parameter scans. This shortcoming motivates us to rederive the GW signal from a network of local stable cosmic strings in the Nambu-Goto approximation and based on the velocity-dependent one-scale model from a "pedestrian" perspective. That is, we derive purely analytical expressions for the total GW spectrum, which remain exact wherever possible and whose error can be tracked and reduced in a controlled way in crucial situations in which we are forced to introduce approximations. In this way, we obtain powerful formulas that, unlike existing results in the literature, are valid across the entire frequency spectrum and across the entire conceivable range of cosmic-string tensions. We provide an in-depth discussion of the GW spectra thus obtained, including their characteristic break frequencies and approximate power-law behaviors, comment on the effect of changes in the effective number of degrees of freedom during radiation domination, and conclude with a concise summary of our main formulas that can readily be used in future studies.

Dmitry Chulkov, Ivan Strakhov, Boris Safonov

this https URL Dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague, Dmitry Alekseevich Kolesnikov (1990 June 22 - 2024 December 28)

The Pleiades is the most prominent open star cluster visible from Earth and an important benchmark for simple stellar populations, unified by common origin, age, and distance. Binary stars are its essential ingredient, yet their contribution remains uncertain due to heavy observational biases. A resolved multiplicity survey was conducted for a magnitude-limited G < 15mag sample of 423 potential cluster members, including sources with poorly fitted astrometric solutions in Gaia DR3. Speckle interferometric observations at the 2.5 meter telescope of SAI MSU observatory were combined with Gaia data, enabling the identification of 61 resolved binary or multiple systems within the 0.04 - 10 arcsec (5 - 1350 au) separation range. With speckle observations, we discovered 21 components in 20 systems. The existence of a Merope (23 Tau) companion is confirmed after several previous unsuccessful attempts. We show that the Gaia multipeak fraction is a strong predictor of subarcsecond multiplicity, as all sources with ipd_frac_multi_peak > 4% are successfully resolved. We found that 10% of Pleiades stars have a companion with a mass ratio q > 0.5 within projected separation of 27 < s < 1350 au, and confirm a deficit of wide binaries with s > 300 au. An observed dearth of wide pairs with large mass ratio (q > 0.55) may imprint the transition from hard to soft binaries regime at the early stages of cluster evolution. The total binary fraction for q > 0.5 systems is extrapolated to be around 25%.

Jean-Thibaut Spaniol, Olivia Chitarra, Olivier Pirali, Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel, Holger S. P. Müller

The methoxy radical, CH$_3$O, has long been studied experimentally and theoretically by spectroscopists because it displays a weak Jahn-Teller effect in its electronic ground state, combined with a strong spin-orbit interaction. In this work, we report an extension of the measurement of the pure rotational spectrum of the radical in its vibrational ground state in the submillimeter-wave region (350$-$860 GHz). CH$_3$O was produced by H-abstraction from methanol using F-atoms, and its spectrum was probed in absorption using an association of source-frequency modulation and Zeeman modulation spectroscopy. All the observed transitions together with available literature data in $v = 0$ were combined and fit using an effective Hamiltonian allowing to reproduce the data at their experimental accuracy. The newly measured transitions involve significantly higher frequencies and rotational quantum numbers than those reported in the literature ($f < 860$ GHz and $N \leq 15$ instead of 272 GHz and 7, respectively) which results in significant improvements in the spectroscopic parameters determination. The present model is well constrained and allows a reliable calculation of the rotational spectrum of the radical over the entire microwave to submillimeter-wave domain. It can be used with confidence for future searches of CH$_3$O in the laboratory and the interstellar medium.

Ali Taqi, Karel Adámek, Quentin Gueuning, Maciej Serylak, Robert Laing, Wesley Armour

With the emergence of new radio telescopes promising larger fields of view at lower observation frequencies (e.g., SKA), addressing direction-dependent effects (DDE) (e.g., direction-specific beam responses), polarisation leakage, and pointing errors has become all the more important. Be it through A-projection or otherwise, addressing said effects often requires reliable representations of antenna/station beams; yet, these require significant amounts of computational memory as they are baseline-, frequency-, time-, and polarisation-dependent. A novel prototype is reported here to approximate antenna beams suitable for SKA-MID using Zernike polynomials. It is shown that beam kernels can be well approximated, paving the way for future optimisations towards facilitating more efficient beam-dependent solutions and approaches to tackling the aforementioned challenges, all of which are essential for large-scale radio telescopes.

Prabal Saxena, Zeynep Dilli, Peter Snapp, Allison Youngblood, Tilak Hewagama, Shahid Aslam, Chullhee (Chace)Cho, Augustyn Waczynski, Nader Abuhassan, Ahn T. La, Bryan K. Place, Thomas F. Hansico, Ryan Stauffer, Dina Bower, Akin Akturk, Neil Goldsman, Bryce Galey, Ethan Mountfort, Mitchell Gross, Ryan Purcell, Usama Khalid, Yekta Kamali, Chris Darmody, Robert Washington, Tim Livengood, Daniel P. Moriarty, Carl A. Kotecki, Narasimha S. Prasad, Joseph Wilkins

In this paper, we detail recent and current work that is being carried out to fabricate and advance novel SiC UV instrumentation that is aimed at enabling more sensitive measurements across numerous disciplines, with a short discussion of the promise such detectors may hold for the Habitable Worlds Observatory. We discuss SiC instrument development progress that is being carried out under multiple NASA grants, including several PICASSO and SBIR grants, as well as an ECI grant. Testing of pixel design, properties and layout as well as maturation of the integration scheme developed through these efforts provide key technology and engineering advancement for potential HWO detectors. Achieving desired noise characteristics, responsivity, and validating operation of SiC detectors using standard read out techniques offers a compelling platform for operation of denser and higher dimensionality SiC photodiode arrays of interest for use in potential HWO Coronagraph, Spectrograph, and High Resolution Imaging Instruments. We incorporate these SiC detector properties into a simulation of potential NUV exoplanet observations by HWO using SiC detectors and also discuss potential application to HWO.

Craig E. DeForest, Nicholas F. Erickson, Matthew N. Beasley, Steven N. Osterman, Travis J. Smith, Mary H. Hanson

We present a first-principles analytic treatment of modern multi-vane occulters in circular (coronagraph) and linear (heliospheric imager) geometry, develop a simplified theory that is useful for designing and predicting their performance, explain certain visual artifacts, and explore the performance limits of multi-vane occulters. Multi-vane occulters are challenging to design in part because they violate the conditions for both the Fraunhofer and Fresnel approximations to diffraction theory, and new designs have therefore generally required explicit simulation, empirical measurement, "guesstimation", or all three. Starting from the Kirchoff diffraction integral, we develop a "sequential plane wave" approximate analytic theory that is suitable for predicting performance of multi-vane occulters, and use it to derive closed-form expressions for the performance of new designs. We review the fundamental 2-D system of an occulter edge, discuss how it applies to real 3-D systems by extrusion or revolution, present the reason for observed bright quasi-achromatic fringing around coronagraph occulters, develop the sequential plane wave approximation in 2-D and explore its limits, describe the relevance of the 2-D theory to practical 3-D instruments, and discuss implications for multi-vane occulter design in current and future instruments.

Fucheng Zhong, Nicola R. Napolitano, Caroline Heneka, Jens-Kristian Krogager, Ricardo Demarco, Nicolas F. Bouché, Jonathan Loveday, Alexander Fritz, Aurélien Verdier, Boudewijn F. Roukema, Cristóbal Sifón, Letizia P. Cassará, Roberto J. Assef, Steve Ardern

Classification of spectra (1) and anomaly detection (2) are fundamental steps to guarantee the highest accuracy in redshift measurements (3) in modern all-sky spectroscopic surveys. We introduce a new Galaxy Spectra Neural Network (GaSNet-III) model that takes advantage of generative neural networks to perform these three tasks at once with very high efficiency. We use two different generative networks, an autoencoder-like network and U-Net, to reconstruct the rest-frame spectrum (after redshifting). The autoencoder-like network operates similarly to the classical PCA, learning templates (eigenspectra) from the training set and returning modeling parameters. The U-Net, in contrast, functions as an end-to-end model and shows an advantage in noise reduction. By reconstructing spectra, we can achieve classification, redshift estimation, and anomaly detection in the same framework. Each rest-frame reconstructed spectrum is extended to the UV and a small part of the infrared (covering the blueshift of stars). Owing to the high computational efficiency of deep learning, we scan the chi-squared value for the entire type and redshift space and find the best-fitting point. Our results show that generative networks can achieve accuracy comparable to the classical PCA methods in spectral modeling with higher efficiency, especially achieving an average of $>98\%$ classification across all classes ($>99.9\%$ for star), and $>99\%$ (stars), $>98\%$ (galaxies) and $>93\%$ (quasars) redshift accuracy under cosmology research requirements. By comparing different peaks of chi-squared curves, we define the ``robustness'' in the scanned space, offering a method to identify potential ``anomalous'' spectra. Our approach provides an accurate and high-efficiency spectrum modeling tool for handling the vast data volumes from future spectroscopic sky surveys.

Giorgio Galanti, Lara Nava, Marco Roncadelli, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Giacomo Bonnoli

The detection by the LHAASO Collaboration of the gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A at redshift $z = 0.151$ with energies up to $(13-18) \, \rm TeV$ challenges conventional physics. Photons emitted with energies above $10 \, \rm TeV$ at this redshift can hardly be observed on Earth due to their interaction with the extragalactic background light (EBL). We show that indeed the LHAASO Collaboration should not have observed photons with energies above $10 \, \rm TeV$ if the state-of-the-art EBL model by Saldana-Lopez et al. is taken into account. A problem therefore arises: the Universe should be more transparent than currently believed. We also show that the issue is solved if we introduce the interaction of photons with axion-like particles (ALPs). ALPs are predicted by String Theory, are among the best candidates for dark matter and can produce spectral and polarization effects on astrophysical sources in the presence of external magnetic fields. In particular, for GRB 221009A, photon-ALP oscillations occur within the crossed magnetized media, i.e. the host galaxy, the extragalactic space, the Milky Way, partially reducing the EBL absorption to a level that explains the LHAASO detection of GRB 221009A and its observed spectrum without the need of contrived choices of parameter values, which are instead compulsory within proposed emission models within conventional physics. This fact regarding GRB 221009A represents a strong hint at the ALP existence, which adds to two other indications coming from blazars, a class of active galactic nuclei.

We study the spatial and temporal variability in Jupiter's atmosphere by comparing longitude-resolved brightness temperature maps from the Very Large Array (VLA) radio observatory and NASA's Juno spacecraft Microwave Radiometer (MWR) taken between 2013 and 2018. Spatial variations in brightness temperature, as observed at radio wavelengths, indicate dynamics in the atmosphere as they trace spatial fluctuations in radio-absorbing trace gases or physical temperature. We use four distinct frequency bands, probing the atmosphere from the water cloud region at the lowest frequency to the pressures above the ammonia cloud deck at the highest frequency. We visualize the brightness temperature anomalies and trace dynamics by analyzing the shapes of brightness temperature anomaly distributions as a function of frequency in Jupiter's North Equatorial Belt (NEB), Equatorial Zone (EZ), and South Equatorial Belt (SEB). The NEB has the greatest brightness temperature variability at all frequencies, indicating that more extreme processes are occurring there than in the SEB and EZ. In general, we find that the atmosphere at 5 and 22 GHz has the least variability of the frequencies considered, while observations at 10 and 15 GHz have the greatest variability. When comparing the size of the features corresponding to the anomalies, we find evidence for small-scale events primarily at the depths probed by the 10 and 15 GHz observations. In contrast, we find larger-scale structures deeper (5 GHz) and higher (22 GHz) in the atmosphere.

Ionization or excitation resulting from the delayed response of the electron cloud to nuclear recoil is known as the Migdal effect. Dark matter searches utilizing this process set the most stringent bounds on the spin-independent dark matter-nucleon scattering cross section over a large region of the sub-GeV dark matter parameter space, underscoring its significance in dark matter detection. In this paper, we quantify the regions of dark matter parameter space that are challenging to probe via the Migdal effect due to the presence of dominant solar neutrino backgrounds for both liquid noble and semiconductor targets. Our findings reveal that there is no hard floor in the dark matter parameter space. Instead, we map the so called neutrino fog. In mapping the neutrino fog, we identify the importance of incorporating the Migdal effect induced by neutrinos, as well as neutrino-electron scattering and dominant coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering, particularly for semiconductor targets. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a large portion of the relic density allowed parameter space lies within the neutrino fog. Finally, we estimate the exposure required to detect neutrino induced Migdal events in direct detection experiments.

Recent observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) at radio frequencies have proved to be a powerful tool for probing the solar environment from the ground. But how far back does this tradition really extend? Our survey of the literature to date has revealed a long history of scintillating observations, beginning with the oral traditions of Indigenous peoples from around the globe, encompassing the works of the Ancient Greeks and Renaissance scholars, and continuing right through into modern optics, astronomy and space science. We outline here the major steps that humanity has taken along this journey, using scintillation as a tool for predicting first terrestrial, and then space weather without ever having to leave the ground.

Nima Arkani-Hamed, Carolina Figueiredo, Francisco Vazão

It has been a long-standing challenge to find a geometric object underlying the cosmological wavefunction for Tr($\phi^3$) theory, generalizing associahedra and surfacehedra for scattering amplitudes. In this note we describe a new class of polytopes -- "cosmohedra" -- that provide a natural solution to this problem. Cosmohedra are intimately related to associahedra, obtained by "blowing up" faces of the associahedron in a simple way, and we provide an explicit realization in terms of facet inequalities that further "shave" the facet inequalities of the associahedron. We also discuss a novel way for computing the wavefunction from cosmohedron geometry that extends the usual connection with polytope canonical forms. We illustrate cosmohedra with examples at tree-level and one loop; the close connection to surfacehedra suggests the generalization to all loop orders. We also briefly describe "cosmological correlahedra" for full correlators. We speculate on how the existence of cosmohedra might suggest a "stringy" formulation for the cosmological wavefunction/correlators, generalizing the way in which the Minkowski sum decomposition of associahedra naturally extend particle to string amplitudes.

Ryan Raikman, Eric A. Moreno, Katya Govorkova, Siddharth Soni, Ethan Marx, William Benoit, Alec Gunny, Deep Chatterjee, Christina Reissel, Malina M. Desai, Rafia Omer, Muhammed Saleem, Philip Harris, Erik Katsavounidis, Michael W. Coughlin, Dylan Rankin

This paper presents the results of a Neural Network (NN)-based search for short-duration gravitational-wave transients in data from the third observing run of LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA. The search targets unmodeled transients with durations of milliseconds to a few seconds in the 30-1500 Hz frequency band, without assumptions about the incoming signal direction, polarization, or morphology. Using the Gravitational Wave Anomalous Knowledge (GWAK) method, three compact binary coalescences (CBCs) identified by existing pipelines are successfully detected, along with a range of detector glitches. The algorithm constructs a low-dimensional embedded space to capture the physical features of signals, enabling the detection of CBCs, detector glitches, and unmodeled transients. This study demonstrates GWAK's ability to enhance gravitational-wave searches beyond the limits of existing pipelines, laying the groundwork for future detection strategies.

In this work, we show that, if axion-like particles (ALPs) from core-collapse supernovae (SNe) couple to protons, they would produce very characteristic signatures in neutrino water Cherenkov detectors through their scattering off free protons via $a \, p \rightarrow p \, \gamma$ interactions. Specifically, sub-MeV ALPs would generate photons with energies $\sim 30$ MeV, which could be observed by Super-Kamiokande and Hyper-Kamiokande as a delayed signal after a future detection of SN neutrinos. We apply this to a hypothetical neighbouring SN (at a maximum distance of 100 kpc) and demonstrate that the region in the parameter space with ALP masses between $10^{-4}$ MeV and $1$ MeV and ALP-proton couplings in the range $3 \times 10^{-6}-4 \times 10^{-5}$ could be probed. We argue that this new signature, combined with the one expected at $\sim 7$ MeV from oxygen de-excitation, would allow us to disentangle ALP-neutron and ALP-proton couplings.

We present and examine a kinetically coupled tachyon dark energy model, where a tachyon scalar field interacts with the matter sector. More specifically, we deduce this cosmological setting from a generalised interacting dark energy model that allows for the kinetic term of the scalar field to couple to the matter species a priori in the action. A thorough dynamical system analysis and its cosmological implications unveil the appearance of a scaling solution which is also an attractor of the system, thanks to a novel critical point, with a period of accelerated expansion thereafter. This new solution, not present in the uncoupled case, has the enticing consequence of alleviating the coincidence problem.

Recently, arXiv published a work by G. Magli about the eclipse of 1 April 2471 BC and a supposed influence of it on the end of the fourth Egyptian dynasty and the beginning of the fifth one. In Magli's arXiv/2412.13640 paper, the eclipse is defined as the 'Shepseskaf eclipse'. Magli considers that this eclipse happened during the reign of the 'last ruler of the 4th dynasty, Shepseskaf'. Some literature is giving the name of further members of this dynasty. Therefore, here we add some references, besides those given in arXiv. We will show that, in this literature, the same eclipse of 2471 BC is linked to king Userkaf of the fifth dynasty. Some observations about chronological data proposed by Magli are also necessary. Since in arxiv/2412.13640 paper we find mentioned by Magli the Akhet Khufu and the symbol of the 'solarized' horizon, it is necessary to stress that Akhet (horizon) is written with the crested ibis, as clearly shown by the Wady el-Jarf papyri, which are contemporary to Khufu's reign. The use of the crested ibis for 'horizon' is attested also in a Pepi II letter to his vizier Herkhuf, then three centuries after Khufu.

Recent observations of neutron stars, combined with causality, thermodynamic stability, and nuclear constraints, indicate rapid stiffening of QCD matter at density slightly above nuclear saturation density ($n_0 \simeq 0.16\,{\rm fm}^{-3}$). The evolution of the stiffening is quicker than expected from purely nucleonic models with many-body repulsion. Taking into account the quark substructure of baryons, we argue that the saturation of quarks states occur at $\sim$ 2-3$n_0$, driving the quark matter formation even before baryonic cores of the radii $\sim$0.5 fm spatially overlap. We describe the continuous transitions from hadronic to quark matter are described within a quarkyonic matter model in which gluons are assumed to be confining at density of interest. To obtain analytic insights for the transient regime, we construct an ideal model of quarkyonic matter, IdylliQ model, in which one can freely switch from baryonic to quark languages and vice versa.

Dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) are recognized as being highly dominated by Dark Matter (DM), making them excellent targets for testing DM models through astrophysical observations. One effective method involves estimating the coarse-grained phase-space density (PSD) of the galactic DM component. By comparing this PSD with that of DM particles produced in the early Universe, it is possible to establish lower bounds on the DM particle mass. These constraints are particularly relevant for models of warm DM, such as those involving sterile neutrinos. Utilizing the GravSphere code, we obtain a fit of the DM PSD based on the latest reliable stellar dynamics data for twenty of the darkest dSphs, refining earlier lower bounds on sterile neutrino masses in non-resonant production scenarios. Additionally, we introduce an alternative approach involving the Excess Mass Function (EMF), which yields even tighter constraints. Specifically, using the maximum PSD, we derive a lower bound of $m>1.02$ keV at 95% confidence level, while the EMF method provides a stronger limit of $m>1.98$ keV at 95% CL. Both methods are versatile and can be extended to more complex DM production mechanisms in the early Universe. For the first time, we also constrain parameters of models involving non-standard cosmologies during the epoch of neutrino production. Our analysis yields $m>2.54$ keV for models with kination domination and $m>4.71$ keV for scenarios with extremely low reheating temperature.

Tejas Deshpande, Andra Ionescu, Nicholas Miller, Zhiyuan Wang, Gerald Gabrielse, Andrew A. Geraci, Tim Kovachy

Oscillations of scalar ultralight dark matter (ULDM) at its Compton frequency would couple to fundamental constants to coherently drive the length of nearby Fabry-Perot cavities. Resulting differences in the length of two cavities are searched for in the spectrum of the beat note between lasers traversing the cavities. The new direct ULDM bounds set near 5 kHz and between 20 and 90 kHz are one to two orders of magnitude lower for two model ULDM distributions -- a standard galactic halo, and a relaxion star bound to Earth. Laser filtering and mechanical isolation are critical.

Early detection and localization of gravitational waves (GWs) are crucial for identifying and capturing their electromagnetic (EM) counterparts, playing a significant role in multi-messenger astronomy. For second-generation (2G) detectors such as LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA, the typical duration of GW signals ranges from $\mathcal{O}(0.1)$ seconds to several tens of seconds due to their optimal sensitivities only at higher frequencies. This limited duration is insufficient to provide adequate early warning and localization for potential GWs and their associated EM counterparts. In this paper, we investigate whether eccentricity-induced higher harmonic modes, which enter the detector band much earlier than the dominant mode, can aid early detection and localization of GW sources using the 2G ground-based detector network. We select two typical events, a GW170817-like BNS and a GW150914-like BBH, as illustrative examples. For a GW170817-like BNS, we find that the eccentric case with $e_0=0.4$ at 10 Hz can achieve an SNR of 4 and the threshold SNR of 8 approximately 12 minutes and 5 minutes before merger, representing 4.5- and 1.5-minute improvements in time-to-merger compared to the circular case, respectively. Additionally, with $e_0=0.4$, it can achieve a localization of $1000 \, (100)\, \rm deg^2$ at 5 (1) minutes before the merger, reflecting improvements of 2 minutes (15 seconds) compared to the circular case. For a typical GW150914-like BBH, due to the much shorter signal duration, the time-to-merger gained from higher modes for achieving the same SNR and localization is limited to $\mathcal{O}(0.1)-\mathcal{O}(1)$ seconds. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of eccentricity-induced higher harmonic modes in improving early warning and localization of GW and EM counterparts, particularly for BNS systems.

We investigate gravitational lensing by \textit{special} Buchdahl inspired metric with the Buchdahl parameter $\tilde{k}$. In strong deflection limit, we derive the deflection angle analytically for the light rays that diverge as photons approach the photon sphere. These are then used in order to compute the angular image positions modeling supermassive black holes, Sgr A* and M87* as lenses. The Einstein rings for the outermost relativistic images are also depicted here alongside observational constraints on $\tilde{k}$ by the Einstein radius and lens mass. Constraints on $\tilde{k}$ are obtained modelling black holes ( Sgr A* and M87*) and Canarias Einstein ring. In weak deflection limit, the analytic expression of deflection angle of the subject asymptotically flat metric in $\mathcal{R}^2$ gravity is determined using the Gauss Bonnet theorem. Considering M87* as a lens, weak deflection angle is used to study the image magnification and image distortion for primary and secondary images. It is shown that image distortion satisfies the hypothesis of Virbhadra. Moreover, it is seen that our general expression of deflection angle reduces, as a special case, to the deflection angle of Schwarzschild metric in both weak and strong deflection limits.

In this article, an active contours without edges (ACWE)-based algorithm has been proposed for the detection of solar filaments in H-alpha full-disk solar images. The overall algorithm consists of three main steps of image processing. These are image pre-processing, image segmentation, and image post-processing. Here in the work, contours are initialized on the solar image and allowed to deform based on the energy function. As soon as the contour reaches the boundary of the desired object, the energy function gets reduced, and the contour stops evolving. The proposed algorithm has been applied to few benchmark datasets and has been compared with the classical technique of object detection. The results analysis indicates that the proposed algorithm outperforms the results obtained using the existing classical algorithm of object detection.

We study the consequences of new long-range forces between neutrinos on cosmic scales. If these forces are a few orders of magnitude stronger than gravity, they can induce perturbation instability in the non-relativistic cosmic neutrino background in the late time universe. As a result, the cosmic neutrino background may form nonlinear bound states instead of free-streaming. The implications of the formation of nonlinear neutrino bound states include enhancing matter perturbations and triggering star formation. Based on existing measurements of the matter power spectrum and reionization history, we place new constraints on long-range forces between neutrinos with ranges lying in $1 \text{ kpc}\lesssim m_\phi^{-1} \lesssim 10 \text{ Mpc}$.

Chayan Chatterjee, Abigail Petulante, Karan Jani, Jesse Spencer-Smith, Yang Hu, Roy Lau, Haowei Fu, Trang Hoang, Stephen Chong Zhao, Suyash Deshmukh

As gravitational wave detectors become more advanced and sensitive, the number of signals recorded by Advanced LIGO and Virgo from merging compact objects is expected to rise dramatically. This surge in detection rates necessitates the development of adaptable, scalable, and efficient tools capable of addressing a wide range of tasks in gravitational wave astronomy. Foundational AI models present a transformative opportunity in this context by providing a unified framework that can be fine tuned for diverse applications while leveraging the power of large scale pre training. In this work, we explore how advanced transformer models, specifically Whisper by OpenAI, can be adapted as a foundational model for gravitational wave data analysis. By fine tuning the encoder model of Whisper, originally trained on extensive audio data, and combining it with neural networks for specialized tasks, we achieve reliable results in detecting astrophysical signals and classifying transient noise artifacts or glitches. This represents the first application of open source transformer models, pre trained on unrelated tasks, for gravitational wave research, demonstrating their potential to enable versatile and efficient data analysis in the era of rapidly increasing detection rates.

We consider fairly general class of dynamical systems under the assumptions guaranteeing the existence of Lyapunov function around some nontrivial stationary point. Moreover, the existence of heteroclinic trajectory is proved motivated by integrated densities approach to some astrophysical models of self-gravitating particles both in relativistic and non--relativistic frameworks. Finally, with the aid of geometric and topological reasoning we find the upper bounds for this trajectory yielding the critical mass--radius theorem for the astrophysical model.

Chloronium (H$_2$Cl$^+$) is an important intermediate of Cl-chemistry in space. The accurate knowledge of its collisional properties allows a better interpretation of the corresponding observations in interstellar clouds and therefore a better estimation of its abundance in these environments. While the ro-vibrational spectroscopy of H$_2$Cl$^+$ is well known, the studies of its collisional excitation are rather limited and these are available for the interaction with helium atoms only. We provide a new 5-dimensional rigid-rotor potential energy surface for the interaction of H$_2$Cl$^+$ with H$_2$, calculated from explicitly correlated coupled cluster ab initio theory, which was fitted then with a set of analytical functions, allowing to perform scattering calculations using accurate quantum theories. We analyze the collision-energy-dependence of the rotational state-to-state cross sections and the temperature dependence of the corresponding thermal rate coefficients, with a particular attention on the collisional propensity rules. When comparing our results for collisions with H$_2$ with those obtained with He as a colliding partner, we found very significant differences with non-linear scaling trends, which proves again that He is not a suitable proxy for collisions between hydride molecules and molecular hydrogen, the most abundant gas particle in the interstellar medium.

This paper examines the late-time accelerating Universe and the formation of large-scale structures within the modified symmetric teleparallel gravity framework, specifically using the $f(Q)$-gravity model, in light of recent cosmological data. After reviewing the background history of the Universe, and the linear cosmological perturbations, we consider the toy model $F(Q) = \alpha\sqrt{Q}+\beta$ ( where $Q$ represents nonmetricity, $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are model parameters) for further analysis. To evaluate the cosmological viability of this model, we utilize 57 Observational Hubble Data (OHD) points, 1048 supernovae distance modulus measurements (SNIa), their combined analysis (OHD+SNIa), 14 growth rate data points (f-data), and 30 redshift-space distortions (f$\sigma_8$) datasets. Through a detailed statistical analysis, the comparison between our model and $\Lambda$CDM has been conducted after we compute the best-fit values through the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations. Based on the results, we obtain the Hubble parameter, $H_0 = 69.20^{+4.40}_{{-}2.10}$ and the amplitude of the matter power spectrum normalization $\sigma_8 = 0.827^{+0.03}_{{-}0.01}$. These values suggest that our model holds significant promise in addressing the cosmological tensions.

Chengye Yu, Xiaolin Zhang, Sobhan Kazempour, Sichun Sun

Rotating superradiance in cylinders has recently been observed experimentally using acoustic waves to shed light on the understanding of the superradiant phenomenon in black holes. In this paper, for the first time, we study superradiance in acoustic black holes through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation using COMSOL multiphysics. We find that superradiance can occur in acoustic black holes when the general superradiance condition is met. We also find the amplification effect is significantly weaker in acoustic black holes than in regular cylinders, due to the absorption in such structure.

Extra dimensions with a bulk dilaton field can be power-law warped, unlike the exponential warping in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model. We show that this mildly warped extra dimension can address the hierarchy problem with a novel Kaluza-Klein (KK) spectrum characterized by lighter feebly coupled KK modes compared to the KK modes in the RS model. We investigate the prospects of searching for signatures of such KK modes at current and future colliders, such as the LHC, CLIC, and FCC-ee using visible decays of KK gravitons. We also update the current bounds and projected limits for the RS model and the linear dilaton (LD) model. Furthermore, we explore the long-lived regime of KK gravitons at Belle II, beam dump experiments, e.g., FASER2, MATHUSLA, and SHiP, as well as constraints from astrophysical and cosmological observations. We find that combining both kinds of searches will enable comprehensive coverage of the model parameter space relevant to the electroweak hierarchy problem.

Chengcheng Han, Hong-Jian He, Linghao Song, Jingtao You

arXiv:2412.16033 . arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2412.16033

The tiny neutrino masses are most naturally explained by the seesaw mechanism through singlet right-handed neutrinos, which can further explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. In this work, we propose a new approach to study cosmological signatures of neutrino seesaw through the interaction between inflaton and right-handed neutrinos. After inflation the inflaton predominantly decays into right-handed neutrinos and its decay rate is modulated by the fluctuations of Higgs field which act as the source of curvature perturbations. We demonstrate that this modulation produces primordial non-Gaussian signatures, which can be measured by the forthcoming large-scale structure surveys. We find that these surveys have the potential to probe a large portion of the neutrino seesaw parameter space, opening up a new window for testing the high scale seesaw mechanism.

We elaborate on the effective field theory (EFT) construction for dissipative open systems coupled to dynamical gravity, in light of recent developments on the EFT of dissipative hydrodynamics (HydroEFT). Our construction is based on the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism and its symmetries as well as microscopic unitarity. A key aspect of dynamical gravity is that gravity couples to all degrees of freedom universally, hence the EFT has to take into account the energy-momentum tensor of the environment to which the energy escapes from the dissipative system of interest. We incorporate this effect by modeling the environment based on HydroEFT, assuming validity of the derivative expansion of the environment sector. For illustration, we apply our EFT recipe to a dissipative scalar field coupled to dynamical gravity that can be used, e.g., for dissipative inflation. In particular we quantify impacts of fluctuations in the environment sector on the scalar dynamics. We also apply the same framework to dissipative gravity, discussing dissipative gravitational waves and the generalized second law of black hole thermodynamics.

The evidence for the existence of dark matter (DM) is compelling, yet its nature remains elusive. A particularly interesting and minimal scenario involves DM with pure gravitational interactions. In the early Universe, such DM can be unavoidably generated via annihilation of particles in the standard model (SM) thermal plasma. It is known that the SM thermal plasma also produces gravitational waves (GWs). In this study, we point out a simple and tight connection between the amplitude of the thermal GWs and the properties of pure gravitational DM. Notably, future GW experiments in the ultra-high frequency regime have the potential to shed light on the mass and spin of pure gravitational DM.

We apply the gravity-thermodynamics approach in the case of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory, and its corresponding Wald-Gauss-Bonnet entropy, which due to the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem it is related to the Euler characteristic of the Universe topology. However, we consider the realistic scenario where we have the formation and merger of black holes that lead to topology changes, which induce entropy changes in the Universe horizon. We extract the modified Friedmann equations and we obtain an effective dark energy sector of topological origin. We estimate the black-hole formation and merger rates starting from the observed star formation rate per redshift, which is parametrized very efficiently by the Madau-Dickinson form, and finally we result to a dark-energy energy density that depends on the cosmic star formation rate density, on the fraction $f_{\text{BH}}$ of stars forming black holes, on the fraction of black holes $f_\text{merge}$ that eventually merge, on the fraction $ f_{\text{bin}}$ of massive stars that are in binaries, on the average mass of progenitor stars that will evolve to form black holes $ \langle m_{\text{prog}} \rangle $, as well as on the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant. We investigate in detail the cosmological evolution, obtaining the usual thermal history. Concerning the dark-energy equation-of-state parameter, we show that at intermediate redshifts it exhibits phantom-like or quintessence-like behavior according to the sign of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling, while at early and late times it tends to the cosmological constant value. Finally, we study the effect of the other model parameters, showing that for the whole allowed observationally estimated ranges, the topological dark-energy equation-of-state parameter remains within its observational bounds.

The hot interiors of massive stars in the later stages of their evolution provide an ideal place for the production of heavy axion-like particles (ALPs) with mass up to O(100 keV) range. We show that a fraction of these ALPs could stream out of the stellar photosphere and subsequently decay into two photons that can be potentially detected on or near the Earth. In particular, we estimate the photon flux originating from the spontaneous decay of heavy ALPs produced inside Horizontal Branch and Wolf-Rayet stars, and assess its detectability by current and future $X$-ray and gamma-ray telescopes. Our results indicate that current and future telescopes can probe axion-photon couplings down to $g_{a\gamma} \sim 4\times 10^{-11}$ GeV${}^{-1}$ for $m_a\sim 10-100$ keV, which covers new ground in the ALP parameter space.

Scalar-tensor theories with derivative interactions form backgrounds which spontaneously break Lorentz invariance. We investigate the dynamics of free scalar perturbations on general anisotropic backgrounds. We demonstrate that the phonons move on null geodesics of an acoustic spacetime described by its own metric and own connection featuring nonmetricity with respect to the usual spacetime metric. We give distinct physical interpretations to the acoustic metric and its inverse. The first defines rays and their phase velocities. The latter defines momenta and the dispersion relation. We classify possible acoustic geometries and provide a physical interpretation for them. We discuss the phonon properties that moving observers, inequivalent owing to the breaking of Lorentz invariance, would measure. Ghosts and true gradient instabilities are to be read off from invariant properties of the acoustic metric - its signature and determinant. However, the choice of the observer's frame can cause some confusion and paradoxes, including apparent instabilities. For instance, complex phonon energies can appear entirely due to the ill-posedness of the Cauchy problem in the frame chosen. On the other hand, unbounded negative phonon energies can appear, without ghosts or gradient instabilities, for observers moving supersonically, when phonon Cherenkov radiation can be emitted. The action for phonons also gives an acoustically covariantly conserved energy-momentum tensor (EMT) which is, however, not conserved in the usual spacetime. Nonetheless, in the presence of an acoustic timelike Killing vector, the acoustic Hamiltonian functional is a conserved charge in both the acoustic and in the usual spacetimes, and even has the same value in both. Thus, the acoustic Hamiltonian can be used to bound the motion of phonons interacting with other species living in the usual spacetime.