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Papers for Tuesday, Jan 07 2025

Papers with local authors

Pinjian Chen, Bingqiu Chen, Xuan Fang, Haibo Yuan, Baisong Zhang, Xiangwei Zhang, Jiarui Sun, Xiaowei Liu
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2501.02206
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2501.02206

Spectroscopic observations of various tracers in nearby galaxies, such as Andromeda (M31), play a crucial role in identifying and classifying individual stellar populations and nebular objects, thereby enhancing our understanding of galactic composition, environment, and dynamics as well as stellar evolution. While the LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope) survey of M31 has produced extensive datasets, a comprehensive catalog of emission-line nebulae, star clusters, and supergiants is yet to be completed. In this paper, we present a final catalog of 384 emission-line nebulae, 380 star clusters, and 375 supergiants and candidates in M31, as carefully selected and identified from the LAMOST spectroscopic database. These objects were classified using a random forest algorithm, followed by thorough visual examinations of their spectral characteristics as well as morphologies revealed by archive images. For emission-line nebulae, we measured radial velocities and relative fluxes of emission lines, enabling further classification of planetary nebulae and HII regions. Additionally, we identified 245 emission-line nebulae in M33. This work lays the data foundation for the study of M31, and offers valuable tracers to investigate M31's structure and evolution.

The field of astrophysics has long sought computational tools capable of harnessing the power of modern GPUs to simulate the complex dynamics of astrophysical phenomena. The Kratos Framework, a novel GPU-based simulation system designed to leverage heterogeneous computing architectures, is introduced to address these challenges. Kratos offers a flexible and efficient platform for a wide range of astrophysical simulations, by including its device abstraction layer, multiprocessing communication model, and mesh management system that serves as the foundation for the physical module container. Focusing on the hydrodynamics module as an example and foundation for more complex simulations, optimizations and adaptations have been implemented for heterogeneous devices that allows for accurate and fast computations, especially the mixed precision method that maximize its efficiency on consumer-level GPUs while holding the conservation laws to machine accuracy. The performance and accuracy of Kratos are verified through a series of standard hydrodynamic benchmarks, demonstrating its potential as a powerful tool for astrophysical research.

Jiayin He, Houdun Zeng, Yi Zhang, Qiang Yuan, Rui Zhang, Jun Li
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Paper 44 — arXiv:2501.02720
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Paper 44 — arXiv:2501.02720

The diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Milky Way serves as a crucial probe for understanding the propagation and interactions of cosmic rays within our galaxy. The Galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission between 10 TeV and 1 PeV has been recently measured by the square kilometer array (KM2A) of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO). The flux is higher than predicted for cosmic rays interacting with the interstellar medium. In this work, we utilize a non-parametric method to derive the source count distribution using the published first LHAASO source catalog. Based on this distribution, we calculate the contribution of unresolved sources to the diffuse emission measured by KM2A. When comparing our results to the measured diffuse gamma-ray emission, we demonstrate that for the outer Galactic region, the contributions from unresolved sources and those predicted by models are roughly consistent with experimental observations within the uncertainty. However, for the inner Galactic region, additional components are required to account for the observed data.

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J. J. Hermes, Joseph A. Guidry, Zachary P. Vanderbosch, Mariona Badenas-Agusti, Siyi Xu, Malia L. Kao, Antonio C. Rodriguez, Keith Hawkins

We present the discovery of deep but sporadic transits in the flux of SBSS 1232+563, a metal-rich white dwarf polluted by disrupted exoplanetary debris. Nearly 25 years of photometry from multiple sky surveys reveal evidence of occasional dimming of the white dwarf, most notably evident in an 8-months-long event in 2023 that caused a >40% drop in flux from the star. In-transit follow-up shows additional short-timescale (minutes- to hours-long) dimming events. TESS photometry suggests a coherent 14.842-hr signal that could represent the dominant orbital period of debris. Six low-resolution spectra collected at various transit depths over two decades show no evidence of significant changes in the observed elemental abundances. SBSS 1232+563 demonstrates that debris transits around white dwarfs can be sporadic, with many years of inactivity before large-amplitude dimming events.

Daniel J. Whalen, Muhammad A. Latif, Christopher Jessop

Primordial (or Pop III) supernovae were the first nucleosynthetic engines in the Universe, forging the heavy elements required for the later formation of planets and life. Water, in particular, is thought to be crucial to the cosmic origins of life as we understand it, and recent models have shown that water can form in low-metallicity gas like that present at high redshifts. Here we present numerical simulations that show that the first water in the Universe formed in Pop III core-collapse and pair-instability supernovae at redshifts $z \sim$ 20. The primary sites of water production in these remnants are dense molecular cloud cores, which in some cases were enriched with primordial water to mass fractions that were only a factor of a few below those in the Solar System today. These dense, dusty cores are also likely candidates for protoplanetary disk formation. Besides revealing that a primary ingredient for life was already in place in the Universe 100 - 200 Myr after the Big Bang, our simulations show that water was likely a key constituent of the first galaxies.

The Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) is the best studied sample of strong lenses to date. Much of our knowledge of the SLACS lenses has been obtained by combining strong lensing with stellar kinematics constraints. However, interpreting stellar kinematics data is difficult: it requires reconstructing the three-dimensional structure of a galaxy and the orbits of its stars. In this work we pursued an alternative approach to the study of galaxy structure with SLACS, based purely on gravitational lensing data. The primary goal of this study is to constrain the stellar population synthesis mismatch parameter $\alpha_{sps}$, quantifying the ratio between the true stellar mass of a galaxy and that obtained with a reference stellar population synthesis model, and the efficiency of the dark matter response to the infall of baryons, $\epsilon$. We combined Einstein radius measurements from the SLACS lenses with weak lensing information from their parent sample, while accounting for selection effects. The data can be fit comparatively well by a model with $\log{\alpha_{sps}}=0.22$ and $\epsilon=0$, corresponding to an IMF slightly lighter than Salpeter and no dark matter contraction, or $\log{\alpha_{sps}}=0$ and $\epsilon=0.8$, equivalent to a Chabrier IMF and almost maximal contraction. This degeneracy could be broken with lensing-only measurements of the projected density slope, but existing data are completely inconsistent with our model. We suspect systematic errors in the measurements to be at the origin of this discrepancy. Number density constraints would also help break the degeneracy. Because of selection effects, SLACS lenses have a larger velocity dispersion than galaxies with the same projected mass distribution, and their velocity dispersion is overestimated. These two biases combined produce a $5\%$ upward shift in the observed velocity dispersion.

We use HI absorption measurements to constrain the amount of cool ($\approx 10^4$ K), photoionized gas in the CGM of dwarf galaxies with $M_* = 10^{6.5-9.5}~M_\odot$ in the nearby Universe ($z<0.3$). We show analytically that volume-filling gas gives an upper limit on the gas mass needed to reproduce a given HI column density profile. We introduce a power-law density profile for the gas distribution and fit our model to archival HI observations to infer the cool CGM gas mass, $M_{\rm cCGM}$, as a function of halo mass. For volume-filling ($f_V=1$) models, we find $M_{\rm cCGM} = 5 \times 10^8-2 \times 10^9~M_\odot$, constituting $\lesssim 10\%$ of the halo baryon budget. For clumpy gas, with $f_V=0.01$, the masses are a factor of $\approx 11$ lower, in agreement with our analytic approximation. Our assumption that the measured HI forms entirely in the cool CGM provides a conservative upper limit on $M_{\rm cCGM}$, and possible contributions from the IGM or warm/hot CGM will further strengthen our result. We estimate the mass uncertainties due to the range of redshifts in our sample and the unknown gas metallicity to be $\approx 15\%$ and $\approx 10\%$, respectively. Our results show that dwarf galaxies have only $\lesssim 15\%$ of their baryon budget in stars and the cool CGM, with the rest residing in the warm/hot CGM or ejected from the dark matter halos.

Kamlesh Rajpurohit, Tirna Deb, Konstantinos Kolokythas, Kshitij Thorat, Ewan O'Sullivan, Gerrit Schellenberger, Laurence P. David, Jan M. Vrtilek, Simona Giacintucci, William Forman, Christine Jones, Mpati Ramatsoku

We present new MeerKAT L-band (continuum and HI) and upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (300-850 MHz) observations of the archetypal cool-core group-dominant early-type galaxy NGC 5044. Our new continuum images reveal diffuse, steep spectrum ($\alpha_{0.99\,\rm GHz}^{1.56\,\rm GHz}=-1.53\pm0.6$) radio emission extending about 25 kpc around the unresolved radio core. The observed radio emission overlaps with the known X-ray cavities, but is not confined to them. We also find the first direct evidence of neutral atomic gas in NGC 5044, in the form of a 3.8$\sigma$ significant two-component HI absorption line seen against the emission of the active nucleus. The peak velocities are well correlated with the previously reported CO(2-1) absorption, but the HI lines are moderately broader, spanning velocities from $265\,\rm \, km\,s^{-1}$ to $305\,\rm \, km\,s^{-1}$. We do not detect HI emission, but place an upper limit of $M_{HI}< 5.4 \times 10^{7} \, M_{\odot}$ in the central 15 arcsec (2.2 kpc) of the galaxy. This is significantly less than the estimated molecular gas content, and implies a molecular-to-atomic mass ratio of $\geq $1.7:1, consistent with these gas phases forming through cooling from the hot intra-group medium. We also constrain the spin temperature to $T_{\rm spin}\leq 950\,\rm K$, indicating that the detected HI is in the cold neutral phase.

Guangwei Fu, Kevin B. Stevenson, David K. Sing, Sagnick Mukherjee, Luis Welbanks, Daniel Thorngren, Shang-Min Tsai, Peter Gao, Joshua Lothringer, Thomas G. Beatty, Cyril Gapp, Thomas M. Evans-Soma, Romain Allart, Stefan Pelletier, Pa Chia Thao, Andrew W. Mann

Our brains are hardwired for pattern recognition as correlations are useful for predicting and understanding nature. As more exoplanet atmospheres are being characterized with JWST, we are starting to unveil their properties on a population level. Here we present a framework for comparing exoplanet transmission spectroscopy from 3 to 5$\mu$m with four bands: L (2.9 - 3.7$\mu$m), SO$_2$ (3.95 - 4.1$\mu$m), CO$_2$ (4.25 - 4.4$\mu$m) and CO (4.5 - 4.9$\mu$m). Together, the four bands cover the major carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur-bearing molecules including H$_2$O, CH$_4$, NH$_3$, H$_2$S, SO$_2$, CO$_2$, and CO. Among the eight high-precision gas giant exoplanet planet spectra we collected, we found strong correlations between the SO$_2$-L index and planet mass (r=-0.41$\pm$0.09) and temperature (r=-0.64$\pm$0.08), indicating SO$_2$ preferably exists (SO$_2$-L$>$-0.5) among low mass ($\sim<$0.3M$_J$) and cooler ($\sim<$1200K) targets. We also observe strong temperature dependency for both CO$_2$-L and CO-L indices. Under equilibrium chemistry and isothermal thermal structure assumptions, we find that the planet sample favors super-solar metallicity and low C/O ratio ($<$0.7). In addition, the presence of a mass-metallicity correlation is favored over uniform metallicity with the eight planets. We further introduce the SO$_2$-L versus CO$_2$-L diagram alike the color-magnitude diagram for stars and brown dwarfs. All reported trends here will be testable and be further quantified with existing and future JWST observations within the next few years.

Multiple studies have investigated potential frequency-dependent dispersion measures (DM) in PSR B0329+54, with sensitivities at levels of $10^{-3} \, \text{pc} \, \text{cm}^{-3}$ or higher, using frequencies below 1 GHz. Utilizing the extensive bandwidth of the upgraded Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope, we conducted simultaneous observations of this pulsar across a frequency range of 300 to 1460 MHz. Our observations reveal a distinct point in the pulse profile of PSR B0329+54 that appears to align remarkably well with the cold-plasma dispersion law, resulting in a unique measured DM across the entire frequency range. In contrast, using times of arrival (ToAs) from widely adopted pulsar timing techniques (e.g., FFTFIT)-leads to frequency-dependent DMs. We investigated the potential causes of these frequency-dependent DMs in this pulsar and their relationship with the underlying magnetic field geometry corresponding to the radio emission. Our study reveals that all frequencies in the range 300-1460 MHz originate from a region no larger than 204 km, and the dipolar magnetic-field geometry model indicates that the emission region is centered at $\sim$800 km from the star. This is the tightest constraint on the size of the emission region reported so far for PSR B0329+54 at the given frequencies, and it is at least five times more stringent than the existing emission height constraints based on the dipolar geometry model.

L. Francis, E. F. van Dishoeck, A. Caratti o Garatti, M. L. van Gelder, C. Gieser, H. Beuther, T.P. Ray L. Tychoniec, P. Nazari S. Reyes P. J. Kavanagh, P. Klaassen, M. Güdel, T. Henning

The total deuterium abundance [D/H] in the universe is set by just two processes: the creation of deuterium in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis at an abundance of [D/H]$=2.58\pm0.13\times10^{-5}$, and its destruction within stellar interiors. Measurements of the total [D/H] abundance can potentially provide a probe of Galactic chemical evolution, however, most measurements of [D/H] are only sensitive to the gas-phase deuterium, and the amount of deuterium sequestered in carbonaceous dust grains is debated. With the launch of JWST, it is now possible to measure the gas-phase [D/H] at unprecedented sensitivity and distances through observation of mid-IR lines of H$_2$ and HD. We employ data from the JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS) program to measure the gas-phase [D/H] abundance with a rotation diagram analysis towards 5 nearby low-mass and 5 distant high-mass protostellar outflows. The gas-phase [D/H] varies between low-mass sources by up to a factor of $\sim4$, despite these sources likely having formed in a region of the Galactic disk that would be expected to have nearly constant total [D/H]. Most measurements of gas-phase [D/H] from our work or previous studies produce [D/H] $\lesssim 1.0\times10^{-5}$, a factor of $2-4$ lower than found from local UV absorption lines and as expected from Galactic chemical evolution models. The variations in [D/H] between our low-mass sources and the low [D/H] with respect to Galactic chemical evolution models suggest that our observations are not sensitive to the total [D/H]. Significant depletion of deuterium onto carbonaceous dust grains is a possible explanation, and tentative evidence of enhanced [D/H] towards shock positions with higher gas-phase Fe abundance is seen in the HH 211 outflow. Deeper observations of HD and H$_2$ in shocked environments and modelling of dust-grain destruction are warranted to test for the effects of depletion.

Luka Vujeva, Jose María Ezquiaga, Rico K. L. Lo, Juno C. L. Chan

Strong gravitational lenses come in many forms, but are typically divided into two populations: galaxies, and groups and clusters of galaxies. When calculating the properties of the images we expect to see from these lenses, it is typically assumed that each lens is roughly a singular isothermal sphere. In reality, the largest objects in the Universe (i.e. galaxy clusters) are highly irregular and composed of many components due to a history of (or active) hierarchical mergers. In this work, we analyze the discrepancies in the observables of strongly lensed transients in both scenarios, namely relative magnifications, time delays, and image multiplicities. Focusing on gravitational waves, we compare the detection rates between the single spherical dark matter halo models found in the literature, and publicly available state-of-the-art cluster lens models. We find there to be approximately an order of magnitude fewer detection of strongly lensed transients in the realistic model case, likely caused by their loss of overall strong lensing optical depth. We also report detection rates in the weak lensing or single-image regime. Additionally, we find a systemic shift towards lower time delays between the brightest image pairs in the cases of the realistic models, as well as higher fractions of positive versus negative parity images, as seen elsewhere in the literature. This significant deviation in the joint relative magnification factor-time delay distribution will hinder the feasibility of the reconstruction of lenses through time domain transients alone, but can still provide a lower limit on the lens mass.

Neven Caplar, Wilson Beebe, Doug Branton, Sandro Campos, Andrew Connolly, Melissa DeLucchi, Derek Jones, Mario Juric, Jeremy Kubica, Konstantin Malanchev, Rachel Mandelbaum, Sean McGuire

The Vera C. Rubin Observatory will generate an unprecedented volume of data, including approximately 60 petabytes of raw data and around 30 trillion observed sources, posing a significant challenge for large-scale and end-user scientific analysis. As part of the LINCC Frameworks Project we are addressing these challenges with the development of the HATS (Hierarchical Adaptive Tiling Scheme) format and analysis package LSDB (Large Scale Database). HATS partitions data adaptively using a hierarchical tiling system to balance the file sizes, enabling efficient parallel analysis. Recent updates include improved metadata consistency, support for incremental updates, and enhanced compatibility with evolving datasets. LSDB complements HATS by providing a scalable, user-friendly interface for large catalog analysis, integrating spatial queries, crossmatching, and time-series tools while utilizing Dask for parallelization. We have successfully demonstrated the use of these tools with datasets such as ZTF and Pan-STARRS data releases on both cluster and cloud environments. We are deeply involved in several ongoing collaborations to ensure alignment with community needs, with future plans for IVOA standardization and support for upcoming Rubin, Euclid and Roman data. We provide our code and materials at this http URL.

Elena Selmi, M. Devogèle, J. R. Masiero, N. Vega Santiago, E. L. Wright, M. Ferrais, E. Fernández-Valenzuela, G. Borisov, Ph. Bendjoya, J.-P. Rivet, L. Abe, D. Vernet, A. Cellino

Near Earth Asteroids are of great interest to the scientific community due to their proximity to Earth, making them both potential hazards and possible targets for future missions, as they are relatively easy to reach by spacecraft. A number of techniques and models can be used to constrain their physical parameters and build a comprehensive assessment of these objects. In this work, we compare physical property results obtained from improved $H_V$ absolute magnitude values, thermophysical modeling, and polarimetry data for the well-known Amor-class NEO 1627 Ivar. We show that our fits for albedo are consistent with each other, thus demonstrating the validity of this cross-referencing approach, and propose a value for Ivar's albedo of $0.24^{+0.04}_{-0.02}$ . Future observations will extend this work to a larger sample size, increasing the reliability of polarimetry for rapid asteroid property characterization, as a technique independent of previously established methods and requiring significantly fewer observations.

RR Lyrae in ultrafaint dwarf (UFD) galaxies, if found, would be valuable to constrain the distances of these UFD. In this work, we report our search of RR Lyrae in a recently discovered UFD -- Sextans II. Based on multiband ($griz$) time-series archival DECam imaging data, we do not find any RR Lyrae in Sextans II. On the contrary, the sparse multiband DECam light curves allowed recovery of a known foreground RR Lyrae, BB Sex, which happened to fall within the DECam images, and its pulsation period was correctly identified. Therefore, it is possible that Sextans II lacks RR Lyrae, similar to several other fainter UFDs (with $M_V \gtrsim -5.0$~mag) that do not have RR Lyrae.

Yeimy J. Rivera, Samuel T. Badman, J. L. Verniero, Tania Varesano, Michael L. Stevens, Julia E. Stawarz, Katharine K. Reeves, Jim M. Raines, John C. Raymond, Christopher J. Owen, Stefano A. Livi, Susan T. Lepri, Enrico Landi, Jasper. S. Halekas, Tamar Ervin, Ryan M. Dewey, Rossana De Marco, Raffaella D'Amicis, Jean-Baptiste Dakeyo, Stuart D. Bale, B. L. Alterman

In the corona, plasma is accelerated to hundreds of kilometers per second, and heated to temperatures hundreds of times hotter than the Sun's surface, before it escapes to form the solar wind. Decades of space-based experiments have shown that the energization process does not stop after it escapes. Instead, the solar wind continues to accelerate and it cools far more slowly than a freely-expanding adiabatic gas. Recent work suggests that fast solar wind requires additional momentum beyond what can be provided by the observed thermal pressure gradients alone whereas it is sufficient for the slowest wind. The additional acceleration for fast wind can be provided through an Alfvén wave pressure gradient. Beyond this fast-slow categorization, however, a subset of slow solar wind exhibits high Alfvénicity that suggest Alfvén waves could play a larger role in its acceleration compared to conventional slow wind outflows. Through a well-timed conjunction between Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, we trace the energetics of slow wind to compare with a neighboring Alfvénic slow solar wind stream. An analysis that integrates remote and heliospheric properties and modeling of the two distinct solar wind streams finds Alfvénic slow solar wind behaves like fast wind, where a wave pressure gradient is required to reconcile its full acceleration, while non-Alfvénic slow wind can be driven by its non-adiabatic electron and proton thermal pressure gradients. Derived coronal conditions of the source region indicate good model compatibility but extended coronal observations are required to effectively trace solar wind energetics below Parker's orbit.

Kazuki Tokuda, Yuri Kunitoshi, Sarolta Zahorecz, Kei E. I. Tanaka, Itsuki Murakoso, Naoto Harada, Masato I. N. Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Marta Sewiło, Ayu Konishi, Takashi Shimonishi, Yichen Zhang, Yasuo Fukui, Akiko Kawamura, Toshikazu Onishi, Masahiro N. Machida

Filamentary molecular clouds are an essential intermediate stage in the star formation process. To test whether these structures are universal throughout cosmic star formation history, it is crucial to study low-metallicity environments within the Local Group. We present an ALMA analysis of the ALMA archival data at the spatial resolution of $\sim$0.1 pc for 17 massive young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC; Z $\sim$0.2 $Z_{\odot}$). This sample represents approximately 30% of the YSOs confirmed by Spitzer spectroscopy. Early ALMA studies of the SMC have shown that the CO emission line traces an H$_2$ number density of $\gtrsim$10$^4$ cm$^{-3}$, an order of magnitude higher than in the typical Galactic environments. Using the CO($J$ = 3-2) data, we investigated the spatial and velocity distribution of molecular clouds. Our analysis shows that about 60% of the clouds have steep radial profiles from the spine of the elongated structures, while the remaining clouds have a smooth distribution and are characterized by lower brightness temperatures. We categorized the former as filaments and the latter as non-filaments. Some of the filamentary clouds are associated with YSOs with outflows and exhibit higher temperatures, likely reflecting their formation conditions, suggesting that these clouds are younger than non-filamentary ones. This indicates that even if filaments form during star formation, their steep structures may become less prominent and transit to a lower-temperature state. Such transitions in structure and temperature have not been reported in metal-rich regions, highlighting a key behavior for characterizing the evolution of the interstellar medium and star formation in low-metallicity environments.

Cheongho Han, Ian A. Bond, Youn Kil Jung, Michael D. Albrow, Sun-Ju Chung, Andrew Gould, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Chung-Uk Lee, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, Yossi Shvartzvald, In-Gu Shin, Jennifer C. Yee, Hongjing Yang, Weicheng Zang, Sang-Mok Cha, Doeon Kim, Dong-Jin Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge, Fumio Abe, Richard Barry, David P. Bennett, Aparna Bhattacharya, Hirosame Fujii, Akihiko Fukui, Ryusei Hamada, Yuki Hirao, Stela Ishitani Silva, Yoshitaka Itow, Rintaro Kirikawa, Naoki Koshimoto, Yutaka Matsubara, Shota Miyazaki, Yasushi Muraki, Greg Olmschenk, Clément Ranc, Nicholas J. Rattenbury, Yuki Satoh, Takahiro Sumi, Daisuke Suzuki, Mio Tomoyoshi, Paul J. Tristram, Aikaterini Vandorou, Hibiki Yama, Kansuke Yamashita

We examined the anomalies in the light curves of the lensing events MOA-2022-BLG-033, KMT-2023-BLG-0119, and KMT-2023-BLG-1896. We conducted detailed modeling of the light curves to uncover the nature of the anomalies. This modeling revealed that all signals originated from planetary companions to the primary lens. The planet-to-host mass ratios are very low: $q\sim 7.5\times 10^{-5}$ for MOA-2022-BLG-033, $q\sim 3.6\times 10^{-4}$ for KMT-2023-BLG-0119, and $q\sim 6.9\times 10^{-5}$ for KMT-2023-BLG-1896. The anomalies occurred as the source passed through the negative deviation region behind the central caustic along the planet-host axis. The solutions are subject to a common inner-outer degeneracy, resulting in variations in estimating the projected planet-host separation. For KMT-2023-BLG-1896, although the planetary scenario provides the best explanation of the anomaly, the binary companion scenario is marginally possible. We estimate the physical parameters of the planetary systems through Bayesian analyses based on the lensing observables. The analysis identifies MOA-2022-BLG-033L as a planetary system with an ice giant, approximately 12 times the mass of Earth, orbiting an early M dwarf star. The companion of KMT-2023-BLG-1896L is also an ice giant, with a mass around 16 Earth masses, orbiting a mid-K-type main-sequence star. The companion of KMT-2023-BLG-0119L, which has a mass about the mass of Saturn, orbits a mid-K-type dwarf star. The lens for MOA-2022-BLG-033 is highly likely to be located in the disk, whereas for the other events, the probabilities of the lens being in the disk or the bulge are roughly comparable.

Cosmological parameter fitting remains crucial, especially with the abundance of available data. While many parameters have been tightly constrained, discrepancies-most notably the Hubble tension-persist between measurements obtained from different observational datasets. In this paper, we re-examine the Pantheon supernova dataset to explore deviations in the distribution of distance modulus residuals from the Gaussian distribution, which is typically the underlying assumption. We do this analysis for the concordant cosmological constant model and for a variety of dynamical dark energy models. It has been shown earlier that the residuals in this dataset are better fit to a logistic distribution. We compare the residual distributions assuming both Gaussian and Logistic likelihoods on the complete dataset, as well as various subsets of the data. The results, validated through various statistical tests, demonstrate that the Logistic likelihood provides a better fit for the full dataset and lower redshift bins, while higher redshift bins fit Gaussian and Logistic likelihoods similarly. Furthermore, the findings indicate a preference for a cosmological constant model. However analysing individual surveys within the Pantheon dataset reveals inconsistencies among subsets. The level of agreement between surveys varies depending upon the underlying likelihood function.

Meng-Fei Sun, Ji-Wei Xie, Ji-Lin Zhou, Beibei Liu, Nikolaos Nikolaou, Sarah C. Millholland

The position of the innermost planet (i.e., the inner edge) in a planetary system provides important information about the relationship of the entire system to its host star properties, offering potentially valuable insights into planetary formation and evolution processes. In this work, based on the Kepler Data Release 25 (DR25) catalog combined with LAMOST and Gaia data, we investigate the correlation between stellar mass and the inner edge position across different populations of small planets in multi-planetary systems, such as super-Earths and sub-Neptunes. By correcting for the influence of stellar metallicity and analyzing the impact of observational selection effects, we confirm the trend that as stellar mass increases, the position of the inner edge shifts outward. Our results reveal a stronger correlation between the inner edge and stellar mass with a power-law index of 0.6-1.1, which is larger compared to previous studies. The stronger correlation in our findings is primarily attributed to two factors: first, the metallicity correction applied in this work enhances the correlation; second, the previous use of occurrence rates to trace the inner edge weakens the observed correlation. Through comparison between observed statistical results and current theoretical models, we find that the pre-main-sequence (PMS) dust sublimation radius of the protoplanetary disk best matches the observed inner edge stellar mass. Therefore, we conclude that the inner dust disk likely limits the innermost orbits of small planets, contrasting with the inner edges of hot Jupiters, which are associated with the magnetospheres of gas disks, as suggested by previous studies. This highlights that the inner edges of different planetary populations are likely regulated by distinct mechanisms.

Understanding the physical properties of star-forming cores as mass reservoirs for protostars, and the impact of turbulence, is crucial in star formation studies. We implemented passive tracer particles in clump-scale numerical simulations with turbulence strengths of $\mathcal{M}_{\rm rms} = 2, 10$. Unlike core identification methods used in observational studies, we identified 260 star-forming cores using a new method based on tracer particles falling onto protostars. Our findings reveal that star-forming cores do not necessarily coincide with high-density regions when nearby stars are present, as gas selectively accretes onto protostars, leading to clumpy, fragmented structures. We calculated convex hull cores from star-forming cores and defined their filling factors. Regardless of turbulence strength, convex hull cores with lower filling factors tend to contain more protostars and have larger masses and sizes, indicating that cores in clustered regions are more massive and larger than those in isolated regions. Thus, the filling factor serves as a key indicator for distinguishing between isolated and clustered star-forming regions and may provide insights into the star formation processes within clustered regions. We also found that most convex hull cores are gravitationally bound. However, in the $\mathcal{M}_{\rm rms} = 10$ model, there are more low-mass, unbound convex hull cores compared to the $\mathcal{M}_{\rm rms} = 2$ model. In the $\mathcal{M}_{\rm rms} = 10$ model, 16% of the convex hull cores are unbound, which may be explained by the inertial-inflow model. These findings highlight the influence of turbulence strength on the mass and gravitational stability of cores.

The growth of a large-scale magnetic field in the Sun and stars is usually possible when the dynamo number (D) is above a critical value Dc. As the star ages, its rotation rate and thus D decrease. Hence, the question is how far the solar dynamo is from the critical dynamo transition. To answer this question, we have performed a set of simulations using Babcock-Leighton type dynamo models at different values of dynamo supercriticality and analyzed various features of magnetic cycle. By comparing the recovery rates of the dynamo from the Maunder minimum and statistics (numbers and durations) of the grand minima and maxima with that of observations and we show that the solar dynamo is only about two times critical and thus not highly supercritical. The observed correlation between the polar field proxy and the following cycle amplitudes and Gnevyshev-Ohl rule are also compatible with this conclusion.

Sanjay Baliwal, Rishikesh Sharma, Abhijit Chakraborty, K. J. Nikitha, A. Castro-González, Hareesh G. Bhaskar, Akanksha Khandelwal, David W. Latham, Allyson Bieryla, Vincent Bourrier, Neelam J.S.S.V. Prasad, Kapil K. Bharadwaj, Kevikumar A. Lad, Ashirbad Nayak, Vishal Joshi, Jason D. Eastman

We present the discovery and characterization of a sub-Saturn exoplanet, TOI-6038~A~b, using the PARAS-2 spectrograph. The planet orbits a bright ($m_V=9.9$), metal-rich late F-type star, TOI-6038~A, with $T_{\rm{eff}}=6110\pm100~\mathrm{K}$, $\log{g}=4.118^{+0.015}_{-0.025}$, and $[{\rm{Fe/H}}]=0.124^{+0.079}_{-0.077}$ dex. The system also contains a wide-orbit binary companion, TOI-6038~B, an early K-type star at a projected separation of $\approx3217$ AU. We combined radial velocity data from PARAS-2 with photometric data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) for joint modeling. TOI-6038~A~b has a mass of $78.5^{+9.5}_{-9.9}~M_\oplus$ and a radius of $6.41^{+0.20}_{-0.16}~R_\oplus$, orbiting in a circular orbit with a period of $5.8267311^{+0.0000074}_{-0.0000068}$ days. Internal structure modeling suggests that $\approx74\%$ of the planet's mass is composed of dense materials, such as rock and iron, forming a core, while the remaining mass consists of a low-density H/He envelope. TOI-6038~A~b lies at the transition regime between the recently identified Neptunian ridge and savanna. Having a density of $\rho_{\rm{P}}=1.62^{+0.23}_{-0.24}\rm~g\,cm^{-3}$, TOI-6038~A~b is compatible with the population of dense ridge planets ($\rho_{\rm{P}}\simeq$ 1.5-2.0 $\rm~g\,cm^{-3}$), which have been proposed to have reached their close-in locations through high-eccentricity tidal migration (HEM). First-order estimates suggest that the secular perturbations induced by TOI-6038~B may be insufficient to drive the HEM of TOI-6038~A~b. Therefore, it is not clear whether HEM driven by a still undetected companion, or early disk-driven migration, brought TOI-6038~A~b to its present-day close-in orbit. Its bright host star makes TOI-6038~A~b a prime target for atmospheric escape and orbital architecture observations, which will help us to better understand its overall evolution.

Durgesh Tripathi, A. N. Ramaprakash, Sreejith Padinhatteeri, Janmejoy Sarkar, Mahesh Burse, Anurag Tyagi, Ravi Kesharwani, Sakya Sinha, Bhushan Joshi, Rushikesh Deogaonkar, Soumya Roy, V. N. Nived, Rahul Gopalakrishnan, Akshay Kulkarni, Aafaque Khan, Avyarthana Ghosh, Chaitanya Rajarshi, Deepa Modi, Ghanshyam Kumar, Reena Yadav, Manoj Varma, Raja Bayanna, Pravin Chordia, Mintu Karmakar, Linn Abraham, H. N. Adithya, Abhijit Adoni, Gazi A. Ahmed, Dipankar Banerjee, Bhargava Ram, Rani Bhandare, Subhamoy Chatterjee, Kalpesh Chillal, Arjun Dey, Achim Gandorfer, Girish Gowda, T. R. Haridas, Anand Jain, Melvin James, R. P. Jayakumar, Evangeline Leeja Justin, Nagaraju K., Deepak Kathait, Pravin Khodade, Mandeep Kiran, Abhay Kohok, Natalie Krivova, Nishank Kumar, Nidhi Mehandiratta, Vilas Mestry, Srikanth Motamarri, Sajjade F. Mustafa, Dibyandu Nandi, S. Narendra, Sonal Navle, Nashiket Parate, Anju M Pillai, Sujit Punnadi, A. Rajendra, A. Ravi, Bijoy Raha, K. Sankarasubramanian, Ghulam Sarvar, Nigar Shaji, Nidhi Sharma, Aditya Singh, Shivam Singh, Sami K. Solanki, Vivek Subramanian, Rethika T, Srikanth T, Satyannarayana Thatimattala, Hari Krishna Tota, Vishnu TS, Amrita Unnikrishnan, Kaushal Vadodariya, D. R. Veeresha, R. Venkateswaran

The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) is an instrument on the Aditya-L1 mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched on September 02, 2023. SUIT continuously provides, near-simultaneous full-disk and region-of-interest images of the Sun, slicing through the photosphere and chromosphere and covering a field of view up to 1.5 solar radii. For this purpose, SUIT uses 11 filters tuned at different wavelengths in the 200{--}400~nm range, including the Mg~{\sc ii} h~and~k and Ca~{\sc ii}~H spectral lines. The observations made by SUIT help us understand the magnetic coupling of the lower and middle solar atmosphere. In addition, for the first time, it allows the measurements of spatially resolved solar broad-band radiation in the near and mid ultraviolet, which will help constrain the variability of the solar ultraviolet irradiance in a wavelength range that is central for the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere. This paper discusses the details of the instrument and data products.

The dynamics of ultralight dark matter with non-negligible self-interactions are determined by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation rather than by the Vlasov equation of collisionless particles. This leads to wave-like effects, such as interferences, the formation of solitons, and a velocity field that is locally curl-free, implying that vorticity is carried by singularities associated with vortices. Using analytical derivations and numerical simulations in 2D, we study the evolution of such a system from stochastic initial conditions with nonzero angular momentum. Focusing on the Thomas-Fermi regime, where the de Broglie wavelength of the system is smaller than its size, we show that a rotating soliton forms in a few dynamical times. The rotation is not associated with a large orbital quantum number of the wave function. Instead, it is generated by a regular lattice of vortices that gives rise to a solid-body rotation in the continuum limit. Such rotating solitons have a maximal radius and rotation rate for a given central density, while the vortices follow the matter flow on circular orbits. We show that this configuration is a stable minimum of the energy at fixed angular momentum and we check that the numerical results agree with the analytical derivations. We expect most of these properties to extend to the 3D case where point vortices would be replaced by vortex rings.

Krista M. Soderlund, Paula Wulff, Petri Käpylä, Jonathan M. Aurnou

We investigate how the strength of the Lorentz force alters stellar convection zone dynamics in a suite of buoyancy-dominated, three-dimensional, spherical shell convective dynamo models. This is done by varying only the magnetic Prandtl number, $Pm$, the non-dimensional form of the fluid's electrical conductivity $\sigma$. Because the strength of the dynamo magnetic field and the Lorentz force scale with $Pm$, it is found that the fluid motions, the pattern of convective heat transfer, and the mode of dynamo generation all differ across the $0.25 \leq Pm \leq 10$ range investigated here. For example, we show that strong magnetohydrodynamic effects cause a fundamental change in the surface zonal flows: differential rotation switches from solar-like (prograde equatorial zonal flow) for larger electrical conductivities to an anti-solar differential rotation (retrograde equatorial zonal flow) at lower electrical conductivities. This study shows that the value of the bulk electrical conductivity is important not only for sustaining dynamo action, but can also drive first-order changes in the characteristics of the magnetic, velocity, and temperature fields. It is also associated with the relative strength of the Lorentz force in the system as measured by the local magnetic Rossby number, $Ro_\ell^M$, which we show is crucial in setting the characteristics of the large-scale convection regime that generates those dynamo fields.

Mikhail Zotov, Pavel Zakharov (for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)

Fluorescence telescopes are among the key instruments used for studying ultra-high energy cosmic rays in all modern experiments. We use model data for a small ground-based telescope EUSO-TA to try some methods of machine learning and neural networks for recognizing tracks of extensive air showers in its data and for reconstruction of energy and arrival directions of primary particles. We also comment on the opportunities to use this approach for other fluorescence telescopes and outline possible ways of improving the performance of the suggested methods.

Attila Kovács, Paul Grimes, Christopher Moriarty, Robert Wilson

We developed the SMA eXchange (SMA-X) as a real-time data sharing solution, built atop a central Redis database. SMA-X provides efficient low-latency and high-throughput real-time sharing of hierarchically structured data among the various systems and subsystems of the telescope. It enables fast, atomic retrievals of specific leaf elements, branches, and sub-trees, including associated metadata (types, dimensions, timestamps, and origins, and more). At the Submillimer Array (SMA) we rely on it since 2021 to share a diverse set of ~10,000 real-time variables, including arrays, across more than 100 computers, with information being published every 10 ms in some cases. SMA-X is open-source, and will be available to all through a set of public GitHub repositories in Summer 2024, including C/C++ and Python3 libraries, and a set of tools, to allow integration with observatory applications. A set of command-line tools provide access to the database from the POSIX shell and/or from any scripting language, and we also provide a configurable tool for archiving the observatory state at regular intervals into a time-series SQL database to create a detailed historical record.

Past millimeter-wave galaxy surveys have probed the brightest starburst galaxies only and suffered heavily from confusion. The interpretation of existing surveys has also been hindered by the lack of reliable redshift indicators for measuring distances for the entire sample. Thanks to recent advances in mm-wave detector technologies we can now overcome these limitations, and conduct the first truly volumetric surveys of star-forming galaxies at mm-wavelengths down to the L* luminosities of typical galaxies, with ~1000 redshift slices spanning most of the Cosmic star-forming volume (z ~ 1--12) with nearly uniform mass and luminosity selection. We describe an instrument concept capable of delivering such surveys with the technologies available today, which can be built and operated on a ground-based mm-wave facility in the near future. Such spectrometer cameras can resolve and redshift identify up to to 25,000 star-forming galaxies per year even when operated on a 10-m class telescope. On a larger aperture it can do the same faster or probe even deeper. We propose a loose, open-source collaboration to design, build, and operate one or several such cameras through the shared contributions of leading experts and telescopes from around the globe.

Sibasish Laha (NASA-GSFC), Eileen T. Meyer, Dev R. Sadaula, Ritesh Ghosh, Dhrubojyoti Sengupta, Megan Masterson, Onic I. Shuvo, Matteo Guainazzi, Claudio Ricci, Mitchell C. Begelman, Alexander Philippov, Rostom Mbarek, Amelia M. Hankla, Erin Kara, Francesca Panessa, Ehud Behar, Haocheng Zhang, Fabio Pacucci, Main Pal, Federica Ricci, Ilaria Villani, Susanna Bisogni, Fabio La Franca, Stefano Bianchi, Gabriele Bruni, Samantha Oates, Cameron Hahn, Matt Nicholl, S. Bradley Cenko, Sabyasachi Chattopadhyay, Josefa Becerra Gonzalez, J.A. Acosta-Pulido, Suvendu Rakshit, Jiri Svoboda, Luigi Gallo, Adam Ingram, Darshan Kakkad

We present results from a high cadence multi-wavelength observational campaign of the enigmatic changing look AGN 1ES 1927+654 from May 2022- April 2024, coincident with an unprecedented radio flare (an increase in flux by a factor of $\sim 60$ over a few months) and the emergence of a spatially resolved jet at $0.1-0.3$ pc scales (Meyer et al. 2024). Companion work has also detected a recurrent quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the $2-10$ keV band with an increasing frequency ($1-2$ mHz) over the same period (Masterson et al., 2025). During this time, the soft X-rays ($0.3-2$ keV) monotonically increased by a factor of $\sim 8$, while the UV emission remained near-steady with $<30\%$ variation and the $2-10$ keV flux showed variation by a factor $\lesssim 2$. The weak variation of the $2-10$ keV X-ray emission and the stability of the UV emission suggest that the magnetic energy density and accretion rate are relatively unchanged, and that the jet could be launched due to a reconfiguration of the magnetic field (toroidal to poloidal) close to the black hole. Advecting poloidal flux onto the event horizon would trigger the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) mechanism, leading to the onset of the jet. The concurrent softening of the coronal slope (from $\Gamma= 2.70\pm 0.04$ to $\Gamma=3.27\pm 0.04$), the appearance of a QPO, and low coronal temperature ($kT_{e}=8_{-3}^{+8}$ keV) during the radio outburst suggest that the poloidal field reconfiguration can significantly impact coronal properties and thus influence jet dynamics. These extraordinary findings in real time are crucial for coronal and jet plasma studies, particularly as our results are independent of coronal geometry.

K. R. Ferguson, A. N. Bender, N. Whitehorn, P. S. Barry, T. W. Cecil, K. R. Dibert, E. S Martsen

The testing and quality assurance of cryogenic superconducting detectors is a time- and labor-intensive process. As experiments deploy increasingly larger arrays of detectors, new methods are needed for performing this testing quickly. Here, we propose a process for flagging under-performing detector wafers before they are ever tested cryogenically. Detectors are imaged under an optical microscope, and computer vision techniques are used to analyze the images, searching for visual defects and other predictors of poor performance. Pipeline performance is verified via a suite of images with simulated defects, yielding a detection accuracy of 98.6%. Lastly, results from running the pipeline on prototype microwave kinetic inductance detectors from the planned SPT-3G+ experiment are presented.

Polarization spectra had been predicted within the photosphere model. For the purpose of seeking more clues to distinguish between the models, both the time-resolved and time-integrated polarization spectra from optical band to MeV gamma-rays of the magnetic reconnection model are studied here. There are two newly found differences between the two models. First, the time-integrated polarization degree (PD) of the magnetic reconnection model would in general increase with frequency for on-axis observations, while it is not monotonous for the photosphere model. Second, the variations of both the time-integrated and the time-resolved polarization angles (PAs) with frequency of the magnetic reconnection model is not random, while the time-integrated PA varies randomly with frequency for the photosphere model. Therefore, future energy-resolved polarization analysis could distinguish between the two models. In addition, the PA rotation spectra are studied for the first time. The rotation value of PA within the burst duration will decrease with the increase of the observational energy band. Most significant PA rotation would happen for slightly off-axis observations in each energy band. The PA would rotate even for on-axis observations in optical band. Compared with the aligned magnetic field case, the PA rotation is quite rare in the gamma-ray band for the case with a toroidal field in the radiation region.

Noé Dia, M. J. Yantovski-Barth, Alexandre Adam, Micah Bowles, Laurence Perreault-Levasseur, Yashar Hezaveh, Anna Scaife

Inferring sky surface brightness distributions from noisy interferometric data in a principled statistical framework has been a key challenge in radio astronomy. In this work, we introduce Imaging for Radio Interferometry with Score-based models (IRIS). We use score-based models trained on optical images of galaxies as an expressive prior in combination with a Gaussian likelihood in the uv-space to infer images of protoplanetary disks from visibility data of the DSHARP survey conducted by ALMA. We demonstrate the advantages of this framework compared with traditional radio interferometry imaging algorithms, showing that it produces plausible posterior samples despite the use of a misspecified galaxy prior. Through coverage testing on simulations, we empirically evaluate the accuracy of this approach to generate calibrated posterior samples.

M.A. Guerrero, E. Santamaria, L. Takeda, J.I. Gonzalez-Carbajal, S. Cazzoli, A. Ederoclite, J.A. Toala

FH Ser experienced a slow classical nova outburst in February 1970 that was the first one observed at UV, optical, and IR wavelengths. Its nova remnant is elliptical in shape, with multiple knots, and a peculiar ring-like filament along its minor axis. This work aims at unveiling its true 3D spatio-kinematical structure to investigate the effects of early shaping and to assess its mass and kinetic energy using VLT VIMOS integral field spectroscopic observations. The data cube has been analyzed using 3D visualisations that reveal different structural components. FH Ser consists of a tilted prolate ellisoidal shell, most prominent in H-alpha, and a ring-like structure, most prominent in [N II]. The ellipsoidal shell has equatorial and polar velocities of 505 and 630 km/s, respectively, with its major axis tilted by 52 deg with respect to the line of sight. The inclination angle of the symmetry axis of the ring is similar, i.e., it can be described as an equatorial belt of the main ellipsoidal shell. The ionized mass is 2.6E-4 solar mass, with a kinetic energy of 1.6E45 erg. The presence of two different structural components in FH Ser with similar orientation can be linked to a density enhancement along a plane, most likely the orbital plane at the time of the nova event. The acquisition of integral field spectroscopic observations of nova remnants is most required to disentangle different structural components and to assess their 3D physical structure.

Suvedha Suresh Naik, Pravabati Chingangbam, Saurabh Singh, Andrei Mesinger, Kazuyuki Furuuchi

Inflationary models that involve bursts of particle production generate bump-like features in the primordial power spectrum of density perturbations. These features influence the evolution of density fluctuations, leaving their unique signatures in cosmological observations. A detailed investigation of such signatures would help constrain physical processes during inflation. With this motivation, the goal of this paper is two-fold. First, we conduct a detailed analysis of the effects of bump-like primordial features on the sky-averaged 21 cm signal. Using semi-numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the primordial features can significantly alter the ionization history and the global 21 cm profile, making them a promising probe of inflationary models. We found a special scale (namely, the turnover wavenumber, $k^{\rm turn}$) at which the effect of primordial bump-like features on the global 21 cm profile vanishes. Also, we found that the behaviour of the primordial features on the global profile and ionization history are quite opposite for $k > k^{\rm turn}$ and $k < k^{\rm turn}$. We trace the root cause of these behaviours to the effects of primordial features on the halo mass function at high redshifts. Furthermore, we discuss the degeneracy between the astrophysical parameters and the primordial features in detail. Secondly, for a fixed set of astrophysical parameters, we derive upper limits on the amplitude of bump-like features in the range $10^{-1} < k\,[{\rm Mpc}^{-1}] < 10^2$ using current limits on optical depth to reionization from CMB data by Planck.

Shuaibo Geng, Margherita Grespan, Hareesh Thuruthipilly, Sreekanth Harikumar, Agnieszka Pollo, Marek Biesiada

Strong lensing systems, expected to be abundantly discovered by next-generation surveys, offer a powerful tool for studying cosmology and galaxy evolution. The connection between galaxy structure and cosmology through distance ratios highlights the need to examine the evolution of lensing galaxy mass density profiles. We propose a novel, dark energy-model-independent method to investigate the mass density slopes of lensing galaxies and their redshift evolution using an extended power-law (EPL) model. We employ a non-parametric approach based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) trained on Type Ia Supernovae (SNIa) data to reconstruct distance ratios of strong lensing systems. These ratios are compared with theoretical predictions to estimate the evolution of EPL model parameters. Analyses conducted at three levels, including the combined sample, individual lenses, and binned groups, ensure robust and reliable estimates. A negative trend in the mass density slope with redshift is observed, quantified as $\partial\gamma/\partial z = -0.20 \pm 0.12$ under a triangular prior for anisotropy. This study demonstrates that the redshift evolution of density slopes in lensing galaxies can be determined independently of dark energy models. Simulations based on LSST Rubin Observatory forecasts, which anticipate 100,000 strong lenses, show that spectroscopic follow-up of just 10 percent of these systems can constrain the redshift evolution coefficient with uncertainty ($\Delta\partial\gamma/\partial z$) to 0.021. This precision distinguishes evolving and non-evolving density slopes, providing new insights into galaxy evolution and cosmology.

The orbital parameter space of wide, weakly bound binary stars has been shaped by the still poorly known circumstances of their formation, as well as by subsequent dynamical evolution in parent clusters and in the field. The advance of the Gaia mission astrometry takes statistical studies of wide stellar systems to an unprecedented level of precision and scope. On the theoretical side of the problem, the old approach proposed by Jeans and developed by Ambartsumian is revisited here. It is shown how certain simplifying assumptions about the phase density of binary systems in the framework of general copula distributions can lead to a family of analytical representations for the marginal distribution of orbital eccentricity, including accommodating and flexible power-law models. We further demonstrate the application of these models in forward Monte Carlo simulations of the measured motion angles between the relative velocity and separation vectors on the example of 170K listed Gaia binary systems, providing inference in the intrinsic distribution of orbital eccentricity.

We propose a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker cosmological model with a scalar field that represents dark energy. A new parametrization of the deceleration parameter is introduced of the form $q = 1 + \eta (1 + \mu a^{\eta})$ where $\eta$ and $\mu$ are model parameters. and the compatibility of the model is constrained by recent observational datasets, including cosmic chronometers, Pantheon+ and Baryon Acoustic Observations. By considering a variable deceleration parameter, we address the expansion history of the universe, providing a viable description of the transition from deceleration to acceleration. Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, the parameters of the model are constrained and we examine the cosmological parameters. A comparison is then made with the $\Lambda$CDM model using the latest observations. We examine the history of the main cosmological parameters, such as the deceleration parameter, jerk parameter, snap parameter, density parameter, and equation-of-state parameter, by constraining and interpreting them to reveal insights into what has been dubbed "dynamical dark energy" under the assumptions made above. Our method provides a framework that is independent of the model to explore dark energy, leading to a deeper and more subtle understanding of the mechanisms driving late-time cosmic acceleration.

Convection, differential rotation, and meridional circulation of solar plasma are studied based on helioseismic data covering the period from May 2010 to August 2024, significantly prolonged compared to that previously considered. Depth variation in the spatial spectrum of convective motions indicates a superposition of differently scaled flows. The giant-cell-scale component of the velocity field demonstrates a tendency to form meridionally elongated (possibly bananashaped) structures. The integrated spectral power of the flows is anticorrelated with the solar-activity level in the near-surface layers and positively correlates with it in deeper layers. An extended 22-year cycle of zonal flows ("torsional oscillations" of the Sun) and variations of the meridional flows are traced. A secondary meridional flow observed at the epoch of the maximum of Solar Cycle 24 to be directed equatorward in the subsurface layers is clearly manifest in Cycle 25.

Microlensing surveys of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud constrain the fraction of the Milky Way halo in Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) with mass $10^{-9} \lesssim M/M_{\odot} \lesssim 10^{4}$. Various studies have reached different conclusions on the uncertainties in these constraints due to uncertainties in the Dark Matter (DM) distribution. We therefore revisit the dependence of the microlensing differential event rate, and hence exclusion limits, on the DM density and velocity distributions. The constraints on the abundance of low- and high-mass PBHs depend, respectively, on the long- and short-duration tails of the differential event rate distribution. Long-duration events are due to PBHs moving close to the line of sight and their rate (and hence the constraints on low-mass PBHs) has a fairly weak ($\sim 10\%$) dependence on the DM density and velocity distributions. Short-duration events are due to PBHs close to the observer and their rate (and hence the constraints on moderate- and high-mass PBHs) depends much more strongly on the DM velocity distribution. An accurate calculation of the local DM velocity distribution is therefore crucial for accurately calculating PBH stellar microlensing constraints.

J A Sellwood (Steward Observatory), R G Carlberg (U Toronto)

The majority of disk galaxies manifest spirals and/or bars that are believed to result from dynamical instabilities. However, some galaxies have featureless disks, which are therefore inferred to be dynamically stable. Yet despite many years of effort, theorists have been unable to construct realistic models of galaxy disks that possess no instabilities and therefore could remain featureless. This conclusion has been reached through simulations for the most part, some of which have been confirmed by linear stability analyses. Toomre claimed that the Mestel disk, embedded in an equal mass halo, to be a notable counter-example, but his prediction of stability could not be reproduced in simulations due to complicated non-linear effects that caused secular growth of Poisson noise-driven disturbances until strong features emerged. Here we revisit this issue and show that simply eliminating the most nearly circular orbits from Toomre's disk model can inhibit troublesome secular growth. We also present both 2D and 3D simulations of particle disks that remain featureless for over 50 orbit periods. We report that spiral evolution naturally depletes circular orbits and that the radial velocity distribution in the featureless disks of S0 galaxies should have negative kurtosis.

We observed the split comet 157P/Tritton in October - November 2022 and January 2024 with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT). Our observations show that the splitting continued during the entire observing campaign. Fragmentation was associated with outbursts, consistent with the action of outgassing torques that spun up the nucleus and its fragments to the point of rotational instability. The outburst-fragmentation events can lead to a runaway process where the increasing spin rate, driven by outgassing torques, results in repeated mass loss, until the sublimating body completely disintegrates.

Max Beard, Ian McHardy, Keith Horne, Edward Cackett, Federico Vincentelli, Juan Venancio Hernandez Santisteban, Jake Miller, Vikram Dhillon, Johan Knapen, Stuart Littlefair, Daniel Kynoch, Elmé Breedt, Yue Shen, Jonathan Gelbord

It is generally thought that AGN optical variability is produced, at least in part, by reprocessing of central X-rays by a surrounding accretion disc, resulting in wavelength-dependent lags between bands. Any good model of AGN optical variability should explain not only these lags, but also the overall pattern of variability as quantified by the power spectral density (PSD). Here we present $\sim$daily g'-band monitoring of the low-mass AGN NGC\,4395 over 3 years. Together with previous TESS and GTC/HiPERCAM observations we produce an optical PSD covering an unprecedented frequency range of $\sim7$ decades allowing excellent determination of PSD parameters. The PSD is well fitted by a bending power law with low-frequency slope $\alpha_{L} = 1.0 \pm 0.2$, high-frequency slope $2.1^{+0.2}_{-0.4}$ and bend timescale $3.0^{+6.6}_{-1.7}\,$\,d. This timescale is close to that derived previously from a damped random walk (DRW) model fitted to just the TESS observations, although $\alpha_{L}$ is too steep to be consistent with a DRW. We compare the observed PSD with one made from light curves synthesized assuming reprocessing of X-rays, as observed by \xmm and Swift, in a disc defined by the observed lags. The simulated PSD is also well described by a bending power law but with a bend two decades higher in frequency. We conclude that the large-amplitude optical variations seen on long-timescales are not due to disc reprocessing but require a second source of variability whose origin is unknown but could be propagating disc accretion rate variations.

Huan-rong Yuan, Ying Wang, Xin Wu, Ji-wei Xie, Hui-gen Liu, Ji-lin Zhou, Wei Sun

Through the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, several hot Jupiters have been found to exhibit spin-orbit misalignment, and even retrograde orbits. The high obliquity observed in these planets can be attributed to two primary formation mechanisms, as summarized in the existing literature. First, the host star's spin becomes misaligned with the planetary disk during the late stages of star formation, primarily due to chaotic accretion and magnetic interactions between the star and the planetary disk. Second, the orbital inclination of an individual planet can be excited by dynamical processes such as planet-planet scattering, the Lidov-Kozai cycle, and secular chaos within the framework of Newtonian mechanics. This study introduces a third mechanism, where, within the framework of general relativity, the post-Newtonian spin-orbit coupling term induces precession of the host star's spin around the orbital angular momentum. The orbital inclination, relative to a reference plane, can expand the range of deviation in the spatial orientation of the bodies' spins from the plane's normal. The varying amplitude and period of spin precession for both the star and the planet are derived theoretically, and the results, which can be applied without restriction, agree well with numerical simulations.

Steven R. Goldman, Jacco Th. van Loon, Olivia C. Jones, Joris A. D. L. Blommaert, Martin A. T. Groenewegen

We have detected the 10 um silicate feature and the 11.3 um crystalline forsterite feature in absorption in 21 oxygen-rich AGB stars in the Galactic Bulge. The depths of the 10 um feature indicate highly-obscured circumstellar environments. The additional crystalline features may suggest either an extended envelope or dust formation in a high-density environment. We have also modeled the Spectral Energy Distributions of the sample using radiative transfer models, and compared the results to wind speeds measured using 1612 MHz circumstellar OH masers, as well as previous estimates of circumstellar properties. The sixteen sources with measured pulsation periods appear on sequence D of the mid-infrared Period-Luminosity relation, associated with the Long Secondary Period. We suspect that all of these sources are in fact fundamental mode pulsators. At least two sources appear on the fundamental mode sequence when accounting for the dust content. For the remainder, these sources are also likely fundamental mode pulsators with extended envelopes. Taken as a whole, the high optical depths, crystalline features, discrepancies between observed and modeled wind speeds, pulsation periods longer than other fundamental mode pulsators, and SED and pulsation properties similar to those with known equatorially-enhanced circumstellar envelopes (e.g. OH 26.5+0.6 and OH 30.1-0.7) lead us to believe that these sources are likely to be equatorially-enhanced.

The global role of Chapman's hydrostatic solar wind mechanism in Parker's hydrodynamic solar wind model is investigated by using the de Laval nozzle analogy (Clauser, Parker) for the latter model. The action of solar gravity in Parker's hydrodynamic solar wind model is shown to be geometrically equivalent to a renormalization of the wind channel area, which is described precisely by Chapman's hydrostatic density profile. So, Chapman's hydrostatic solar wind mechanism appears to continue to be operative, on a global level (not just locally near the coronal base), in Parker's hydrodynamic solar wind model, the effects of solar gravity in Parker's hydrodynamic model being essentially encapsulated by Chapman's hydrostatic model. This result is shown to be robust by considering both isothermal gas and polytropic gas models for the solar wind.

The mergers of galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are key drivers of galaxy evolution, contributing to the growth of both galaxies and their central black holes. Current projects like Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) and upcoming missions such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), Taiji, and Tianqin are designed to detect gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by SMBH binaries during their inspiral and merger phases. We investigate the capability to probe the merger rates of SMBHs and their host galaxies by combining current PTA detections and mock GW data for LISA-like detectors, while incorporating observational constraints from the $M_{\bullet}-M_*$ relationship and galaxy stellar mass functions. Our findings highlight the critical role of GW detections with LISA-like detectors in exploring the merger rates of galaxies and SMBHs and the timescale of SMBH mergers. Additionally, incorporating PTA constraints on the stochastic gravitational wave background further refines model parameters and reduces uncertainties. Gravitational wave detections offer an independent method for estimating galaxy merger rates, providing a valuable consistency check against rates derived from galaxy pair observations and cosmological simulations. Furthermore, comparing SMBH mass assembly through mergers with growth via accretion provides key insights into the evolutionary history of SMBHs, with the timescale of SMBH binary mergers playing a significant role in shaping their merger rates and merger mass assembly.

We establish a spherically symmetric model of solar atmosphere, which consists of the whole chromosphere and low corona below the $1.25$ solar radius. It is a hydrodynamic model with heating in the chromosphere through an artificial energy flux. We performed a series of simulations with our model and found oscillations with a peak frequency of $\sim$4 $\rm{mHz}$ in the power spectrum. We confirmed that this resulted from the $p$-mode excited in the transition region and amplified in a resonant cavity situated in the height range $\sim$$4\times10^3$--$2\times10^4$ km. This result is consistent with global observations of Alfvénic waves in corona and can naturally explain the observational ubiquity of $4\ \rm{mHz}$ without the difficulty of the $p$-mode passing through the acoustic-damping chromosphere. We also confirmed that acoustic shock waves alone cannot heat the corona to the observed temperature, and found mass upflows in the height range $\sim$$7\times10^3$--$7\times10^4$ km in our model, which pumped the dense and cool plasma into the corona and might be the mass supplier for solar prominences.

GRS 1915+105 is a well-known X-ray binary system composed of a black hole with a low-mass companion star and is recognized for emitting relativistic jets. Imazato et al. (2021) performed extensive polarimetry in a near-infrared (NIR) Ks band from 2019 April through December when GRS 1915+105 experienced an X-ray low luminous state and found almost stable polarization of P=2.42% +/- 0.08%. We performed NIR polarimetry of the field stars around GRS 1915+105 in 2023 April and October, and found that the field stars that are not listed in Gaia DR3 and StarHorse2 catalogues show well aligned polarization that is consistent with GRS 1915+105' s polarization. Those suggest that the interstellar clouds existing beyond 4 kpc causes the large interstellar extinction and that the polarization the GRS 1915+105 is mostly originated from the magnetically aligned dust grains within the clouds. Therefore, the jet-origin synchrotron radiation polarization would have given only minor contribution in the NIR band in 2019 Apr-Dec.

The $E_G$ statistic provides a valuable tool for evaluating predictions of General Relativity (GR) by probing the relationship between gravitational potential and galaxy clustering on cosmological scales within the observable universe. In this study, we constrain the $E_G$ statistic using photometric redshift data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) MagLim sample in combination with the Planck 2018 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) lensing map. Unlike spectroscopic redshift surveys, photometric redshift measurements are subject to significant redshift uncertainties, making it challenging to constrain the redshift distortion parameter $\beta$ with high precision. We adopt a new definition for this parameter, $\beta(z) = {f\sigma_8(z)}/{b\sigma_8(z)}$. In this formulation, we reconstruct the growth rate of structure, $f\sigma_8(z)$, using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) method, while simultaneously utilizing model-independent constraints on the parameter $b\sigma_8(z)$, directly obtained from the DES collaboration. After obtaining the angular power spectra $C_\ell^{gg}$ (galaxy-galaxy) and $C_\ell^{g\kappa}$ (galaxy-CMB lensing) from the combination of DES photometric data and Planck lensing, we derive new measurements of the $E_G$ statistic: $E_G = 0.354 \pm 0.146$, $0.452 \pm 0.092$, $0.414 \pm 0.069$, and $0.296 \pm 0.069$ (68$\%$ C.L.) across four redshift bins: $z = 0.30, 0.47, 0.63$, and $0.80$, respectively, which are consistent with the predictions of the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. Finally, we forecast the $E_G$ statistic using future photometric redshift data from the China Space Station Telescope, combined with lensing measurements from the CMB-S4 project, indicating an achievable constraint on $E_G$ of approximately 1$\%$, improving the precision of tests for GR on cosmological scales.

Benjamin Fleury, Mathilde Poveda, Yves Benilan, Roméo Veillet, Olivia Venot, Pascal Tremblin, Nicolas Fray, Marie-Claire Gazeau, Martin Schwell, Antoine Jolly, Nelson de Oliveira, Et-touhami Es-sebbar

Most observed exoplanets have high equilibrium temperatures. Understanding the chemistry of their atmospheres and interpreting their observations requires the use of chemical kinetic models including photochemistry. The thermal dependence of the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) absorption cross sections of molecules used in these models is poorly known at high temperatures, leading to uncertainties in the resulting abundance profiles. The aim of our work is to study experimentally the thermal dependence of VUV absorption cross sections of molecules of interest for exoplanet atmospheres and provide accurate data for use in atmospheric models. This study focuses on acetylene (C2H2). We measured absorption cross sections of C2H2 at seven temperatures ranging from 296 to 773 K recorded in the 115-230 nm spectral domain using VUV spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation. These data were used in our 1D thermo-photochemical model, to assess their impact on the predicted composition of a generic hot Jupiter-like exoplanet atmosphere. The absolute absorption cross sections of C2H2 increase with temperature. This increase is relatively constant from 115 to 185 nm and rises sharply from 185 to 230 nm. The abundance profile of C2H2 calculated using the model shows a slight variation, with a maximum decrease of 40% near 5 x 10-5 bar, when using C2H2 absorption cross sections measured at 773 K compared to those at 296 K. This is explained by the absorption, higher in the atmosphere, of the actinic flux from 150 to 230 nm due to the increase in the C2H2 absorption in this spectral range. This change also impacts the abundance profiles of other by-products such as methane (CH4) and ethylene (C2H4). We present the first experimental measurements of the VUV absorption cross sections of C2H2 at high temperatures. Similar studies of other major species are needed to improve our understanding of exoplanet atmospheres.

The magnetic deformation of magnetars is affected by their internal magnetic fields, which are generally difficult to be measured directly through observations. In this work, the periodic pulse-phase modulations in the hard X-ray emissions of the magnetars 4U 0142+61, 1E 1547.0-5408, SGR 1900+14, and SGR 1806-20, and the periodicities of fast radio bursts (FRBs) 180916 and 121102 are interpreted as free precession of the (host) magnetars. Using these periodic signals, we investigate the magnetars' internal magnetic fields. In order to simultaneously account for the modulation periods and surface thermal emissions of the former four magnetars, and require that their internal poloidal fields smoothly connect with the surface dipole fields, the parameter that characterizes the distribution of toroidal field in the magnetar interior should satisfy $\beta\gtrsim1$. Moreover, their volume-averaged strengths of poloidal and toroidal fields are respectively $\bar{B}_{\rm p}\sim10^{14}$--$10^{15}$ G and $\bar{B}_{\rm t}\sim10^{15}$ G with the strength ratios $\bar{B}_{\rm t}/\bar{B}_{\rm p}$ generally distributing within $\sim2$--$37$. We could also constrain the critical temperature for neutron superfluidity in the neutron-star core considering that the former four magnetars are probably precessing, and the most stringent constraint is $T_{\rm c,core}<6.4\times10^8$ K. Adopting a possible critical temperature $T_{\rm c,core}=5\times10^8$ K, we could obtain $\bar{B}_{\rm p}\gtrsim10^{14}$--$10^{15}$ G and $\bar{B}_{\rm t}\gtrsim10^{14}$--$10^{15}$ G for the host magnetars of FRBs 180916 and 121102, which indicates that the magnetars of our interest possibly have similar poloidal and toroidal fields.

A Chern-Simons interaction between a pseudo-scalar field and a U(1) gauge field results in the generation of a chiral gravitational wave background. The detection of this signal is contrasted by the fact that this coupling also generates primordial scalar perturbations, on which strong limits exist, particularly at CMB scales. In this study, we propose a new extension of this mechanism characterized by a non-canonical kinetic term for the pseudo-scalar. We find that a decrease of the sound speed of the pseudo-scalar field highly suppresses the sourced scalar with respect to the sourced tensor modes, thus effectively allowing for the production of a greater tensor signal. Contrary to the case of a canonical axion inflaton, it is in this case possible for the sourced tensor modes to dominate over the vacuum ones without violating the non-Gaussianity constraints from the scalar sector, which results in a nearly totally polarized tensor signal at CMB scales. We also study the extension of this mechanisms to the multiple field case, in which the axion is not the inflaton.

Aims. Numerical simulations of star clusters with black holes find that there is only a single dynamically active binary black hole (BBH), at odds with the theoretical expectation of ~5 dynamically-formed - or, 'three-body' - BBHs in clusters with a few hundred BHs. We test the recent suggestion that this tension is because interactions among three-body BBHs were neglected in the theory. Methods. We use the public catalogue of Cluster Monte Carlo models to obtain a sample of strong BBH-BBH interactions, which we integrate using the 3.5PN equations of motion. We explore the nature of the BBHs involved in BBH-BBH interactions in star clusters, as well as the various outcomes: gravitational wave (GW) captures and the associated eccentricities at the frequencies of ground-based GW detectors, as well as BH triple formation and their contribution to BBH mergers via the Lidov-Kozai mechanism. Results. We find that almost all BBHs involved in BBH-BBH interactions are indeed three-body binaries and that BBH formation and disruption in BBH-BBH interactions occur at approximately the same rate, providing an explanation for the finding of a single dynamically-active BBH in N-body models. An important implication is that the resulting rates of GW capture and triple formation are independent of uncertain initial binary properties. We obtain a local rate of GW captures of $\mathcal{R}(z\simeq0)\rm\simeq1Gpc^{-3}yr^{-1}$, as well as their eccentricity distribution and redshift dependence. We find that a BBH-BBH interaction is more likely to trigger a GW merger than a BH-BBH interaction. We also find that stable triples that are assembled in BBH-BBH interactions are very wide and not likely to merge via von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai oscillations because they quickly break up in subsequent interactions with BHs and BBHs. Our results will help with the interpretation of future GW signals from eccentric BBHs

Bahar Bidaran, Isabel Pérez, Laura Sánchez-Menguiano, María Argudo-Fernández, Anna Ferré-Mateu, Julio F. Navarro, Reynier F. Peletier, Tomás Ruiz-Lara, Glenn van de Ven, Simon Verley, Almudena Zurita, Salvador Duarte Puertas, Jesús Falcón-Barroso, Patricia Sánchez-Blázquez, Andoni Jiménez

We report, for the first time, the detection of a sample of quenched and isolated dwarf galaxies (with 8.9 $<$ log(M$_{\rm \star}$/M$_{\rm \odot}$) $<$ 9.5) in the least dense regions of the cosmic web, including voids, filaments, and walls. These dwarfs have no neighbouring galaxy within 1.0~Mpc in projected distance. Based on the full spectral fitting of their central spectra using Sloan Digital Sky Survey data, these galaxies are gas-deprived, exhibit stellar mass assembly very similar to dwarfs in the central regions of galaxy clusters, and have experienced no significant star formation in the past 2 Gyr. Additionally, analysis of r-band images from the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey showed that these dwarf galaxies host a central Nuclear Star Cluster (NSC). Detecting quenched, isolated dwarf galaxies in cosmic voids indicates that environmental factors are not the sole drivers of their quenching. Internal mechanisms, such as feedback from in-situ star formation, also contributing to the NSC formation, black holes, or variations in conditions during their formation, offer potential explanations for star formation suppression in these galaxies. These findings highlight the need for a significant revision in our understanding of baryonic physics, particularly concerning the formation and evolution of low-mass galaxies.

I present version 5.0 of FRELLED, the FITS Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension. This is a 3D data visualisation package for the popular Blender art software, designed to allow inspection of astronomical volumetric data sets (primarily, but not exclusively, radio wavelength data cubes) in real time using a variety of visualisation techniques. The suite of Python scripts that comprise FRELLED have been almost completely recoded and many new ones added, bringing FRELLED's operating environment from Blender version 2.49 to 2.79. Principle new features include: an enormously simplified installation procedure, a more modular graphical appearance that takes advantage of Blender 2.79's improved interface, much faster loading of FITS data, support for larger data sets, options to show the data as height maps in 2D mode or isosurfaces in 3D mode, utilisation of standard astropy and other Python modules to support a greater range of FITS files (with a particular emphasis on higher-frequency radio data such as from ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimetre Array), and the capability of exporting the data to Blender 2.9+ which supports stereoscopic 3D displays in virtual reality headsets. In addition, in-built help files are accessible from each menu panel, as well as direct links to a complete wiki and set of video tutorials. Finally, the code itself is much more modular, allowing easier maintainability and, over the longer term, a far easier prospect of migrating to more recent versions of Blender.

Nicolás M. González (on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration)

The Pierre Auger Observatory stands as the largest detector for ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic rays. The Observatory is also sensitive to UHE photons and neutrinos that can be produced along with UHE cosmic rays or in top-down processes, such as the decay of dark matter particles. The search for these neutral particles relies on the hybrid measurements of extensive air showers, combining a fluorescence detector with a surface detector array and an underground muon detector. We present an overview of the searches for UHE photons and neutrinos utilizing data from the Pierre Auger Observatory. Currently, no photon or neutrino candidates have been identified. Consequently, we report on the most stringent limits to the integral UHE photon and neutrino fluxes above 50 PeV and 100 PeV, respectively, from diffuse and point-like steady sources. These limits led to strong constraints on theoretical models describing the cosmological evolution of the acceleration sites and the nature of dark-matter particles. Lastly, we briefly comment on the searches for these neutral particles in coincidence with gravitational wave events, underscoring the pivotal role of the Observatory in the context of multi-messenger astronomy at the highest energies.

Verena Heidrich-Meisner, Sophie Teichmann, Lars Berger, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber

Solar wind is frequently categorized based on its respective solar source region. Two well-established categorizations of the coronal hole wind, the scheme based on the charge-state composition, and the scheme based on proton plasma, identify a very different fraction of solar wind in the data from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) as coronal hole wind during the solar activity minimum at the end of solar cycle 24. We investigate possible explanations for the different identifications of the coronal wind in 2009 in the scheme based on the charge-state composition (almost only coronal hole wind) and in the scheme based on the proton plasma (almost no coronal hole wind at the same time). We compared the properties of the respective coronal hole wind types and their changes with solar activity cycle in 2001- 2010. As a comparison reference, we included the coronal hole wind as identified by an unsupervised machine-learning approach, k-means, in our analysis. We find that the scheme based on charge-state composition likely misidentifies some slow solar wind as coronal hole wind during the solar activity minimum. The k-means classification we considered includes two types of coronal hole wind, the first of which is dominant during the solar activity maximum, whereas the second is dominant during the solar activity minimum. A low fraction of coronal hole wind from low-latitude coronal holes observed by ACE in 2009 is plausible because during this time period, a very small number of low-latitude coronal holes was observed. The results imply that the origin-oriented solar wind classification needs to be revisited, and they also suggest that an explicit inclusion of the phase of the solar activity cycle can be expected to improve the classification of the solar wind.

Marco Martorano, Arjen van der Wel, Maarten Baes, Eric F. Bell, Gabriel Brammer, Marijn Franx, Andrea Gebek, Sharon E. Meidt, Tim B. Miller, Erica Nelson, Angelos Nersesian, Sedona H. Price, Pieter van Dokkum, Katherine Whitaker, Stijn Wuyts

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is unveiling the rest-frame near-IR structure of galaxies. We measure the evolution with redshift of the rest-frame optical and near-IR Sérsic index ($n$), and examine the dependence on stellar mass and star-formation activity across the redshift range $0.5\leq z\leq2.5$. We infer rest-frame near-IR Sérsic profiles for $\approx 15.000$ galaxies in publicly available NIRCam imaging mosaics from the COSMOS-Web and PRIMER surveys. We augment these with rest-frame optical Sérsic indices, previously measured from HST imaging mosaics. The median Sérsic index evolves slowly or not at all with redshift, except for very high-mass galaxies ($M_\star > 10^{11}~{\text{M}}_\odot$), which show an increase from $n\approx 2.5$ to $n\approx 4$ at $z<1$. High-mass galaxies have higher $n$ than lower-mass galaxies ($M_\star=10^{9.5}~{\text{M}}_\odot$) at all redshifts, with a stronger dependence in the rest-frame near-IR than in the rest-frame optical at $z>1$. This wavelength dependence is caused by star-forming galaxies that have lower optical than near-IR $n$ at z>1 (but not at z<1). Both at optical and near-IR wavelengths, star-forming galaxies have lower $n$ than quiescent galaxies, fortifying the connection between star-formation activity and radial stellar mass distribution. At $z>1$ the median near-IR $n$ varies strongly with star formation activity, but not with stellar mass. The scatter in near-IR $n$ is higher in the green valley (0.25 dex) than on the star-forming sequence and among quiescent galaxies (0.18 dex) -- this trend is not seen in the optical because dust and young stars contribute to the variety in optical light profiles. Our newly measured rest-frame near-IR radial light profiles motivate future comparisons with radial stellar mass profiles of simulated galaxies as a stringent constraint on processes that govern galaxy formation.

Gaussian processes (GPs) described by quasi-periodic covariance functions have in recent years become a widely used tool to model the impact of stellar activity on radial velocity (RV) measurements. We perform a GP regression analysis on solar RV time series measured from spectral segments formed at different temperatures within the photosphere in order to evaluate the relation between the best-fit GP kernel hyperparameters and the observed activity signal as a function of temperature. The posterior distributions of the hyperparameters show subtle differences between high- and low-activity phases and as a function of the spectral formation temperature range, which could have implications on the characteristics of the activity signal and its optimal modelling. For the temperature-dependent RVs, we find that at high and low activity alike, the minimal RV dispersion is obtained at intermediately cool temperature ranges (4000-4750 K), for both the observed and GP model-subtracted RVs. Finally, we compare and correlate our temperature-dependent RVs with RV components derived from disk-resolved Dopplergrams of the Sun, for which we find a consistently strong correlation between RVs related to hotter temperature ranges and the dominant RV component due to the inhibition of convection.

Cosmological solitons are widely predicted by scenarios of the early Universe. In this work, we investigate the isotropic background and anisotropies of gravitational waves (GWs) induced by soliton isocurvature perturbations, especially considering the effects of non-Gaussianity in these perturbations. Regardless of non-Gaussianity, the energy-density fraction spectrum of isocurvature-induced GWs approximately has a universal shape within the perturbative regime, thus serving as a distinctive signal of solitons. We derive the angular power spectrum of isocurvature-induced GWs to characterize their anisotropies. Non-Gaussianity plays a key role in generating anisotropies through the couplings between large- and small-scale isocurvature perturbations, making the angular power spectrum to be a powerful probe of non-Gaussianity. Moreover, the isocurvature-induced GWs have nearly no cross-correlations with the cosmic microwave background, providing a new observable to distinguish them from other GW sources, e.g., GWs induced by cosmological curvature perturbations enhanced at small scales. Therefore, detection of both the isotropic background and anisotropies of isocurvature-induced GWs could reveal important implications for the solitons as well as the early Universe.

T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) is a symbiotic recurrent nova with an 80-year recurrence interval whose next eruption is imminent. We aim to resolve the accretion mechanism of the binary system governing the mass transfer during its super-active phase. Using phase-resolved high-resolution spectroscopy, we analyze the zoo of spectral-line profiles arising from the symbiotic activity. We perform Doppler tomography of selected emission lines to resolve the system's gaseous components and their different velocity regimes. We find evidence of enhanced accretion through Roche lobe overflow during the super-active phase, as traced by the oxygen, helium, and hydrogen lines. The accretion disc is found to be fully viscously evolved and extends up to its maximal radius. By mapping the kinematics of lines probing different excitation energies, we can identify distinct interaction sites. These include the bright spot at the stream impact on the accretion disc outer radius, the irradiation at the red-giant facing side, the stream-disc overflow, the accretion disk wind, and an expanding bipolar nebula. The bipolar jet emerged at the rise of the super-active phase and underwent an acceleration phase of about five years. The temporal evolution of the lines supports the scenario where the departure from quiescence started in the disc, likely triggered by a disc instability similar to what occurs in dwarf novae outburst, leading to an increased mass accretion and causing important irradiation of the giant that has further enhanced the mass-transfer rate during the super-active phase. Conclusions. Symbiotic recurrent novae, such as T CrB, are governed by similar mass-transfer mechanisms as found in cataclysmic variables despite their different orbital properties (longer orbital periods imposing larger accretion discs) and evolutionary pathways.

Yashil Sukurdeep, Tamás Budavári, Andrew J. Connolly, Fausto Navarro

A key processing step in ground-based astronomy involves combining multiple noisy and blurry exposures to produce an image of the night sky with improved signal-to-noise ratio. Typically, this is achieved via image coaddition, and can be undertaken such that the resulting night sky image has enhanced spatial resolution. Yet, this task remains a formidable challenge despite decades of advancements. In this paper, we introduce ImageMM: a new framework based on the majorization-minimization algorithm for joint multi-frame astronomical image restoration and super-resolution. ImageMM uses multiple registered astronomical exposures to produce a non-parametric latent image of the night sky, prior to the atmosphere's impact on the observed exposures. Our framework also features a novel variational approach to compute refined point-spread functions of arbitrary resolution for the restoration and super-resolution procedure. Our algorithms, implemented in TensorFlow, leverage Graphics Processing Unit acceleration to produce latent images in near real-time, even when processing high-resolution exposures. We tested ImageMM on Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) exposures, which are a precursor for upcoming imaging data from the Rubin Observatory. The results are encouraging: ImageMM produces sharp latent images, in which spatial features of bright sources are revealed in unprecedented detail (e.g. the structure of spiral galaxies), and where faint sources that are usually indistinguishable from the noisy sky-background also become discernible, thus pushing the detection limits. Moreover, aperture photometry performed on the HSC pipeline coadd and ImageMM's latent images yielded consistent source detection and flux measurements, thereby demonstrating ImageMM's suitability for cutting-edge photometric studies with state-of-the-art astronomical imaging data.

The unprecedented photometric precision of Kepler mission allows searching for Earth-like planets. However, the current Kepler catalog exhibits insufficient reliability for long-period low signal-to-noise planets due to systematic false alarms caused by correlated and non-Gaussian noise. As a result, it remains hard to measure the occurrence rate of such planets. We aim to obtain a more reliable catalog of small (Kepler MES$\lesssim$12) long-period (50-500 days) planet candidates from Kepler data and use it to improve the occurrence rate estimate. This work develops an independent search pipeline that takes into account noise non-Gaussianity and physical prior. It provides a tail-less background distribution with a rate of $\sim$1 false alarm per search for MES$\sim$7.8. We demonstrate the increase in detection efficiency for MES of 7.5-9 and $>$4 transits due to the background distribution control. We conducted a search on the entirety of Kepler data, applying permutation and injection procedures to calculate the probability of planetary origin for every candidate. The pipeline detected $\sim50$ candidate events with a high probability of originating from real planets, which will be presented in our future work.

L. Ciotti (1), L. De Deo (1, 2, 3), S. Pellegrini (1, 2) ((1) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, (2) INAF-Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, (3) International PhD College-Collegio Superiore, University of Bologna)

The Sersic law reproduces very well the surface brightness profile of early-type galaxies, and therefore is routinely used in observational and theoretical works. Unfortunately, its deprojection can not be expressed in terms of elementary functions for generic values of the shape parameter $n$. Over the years, different families of approximate deprojection formulae have been proposed, generally based on fits of the numerical deprojection over some radial range. We searched for a very simple, accurate, and theoretically motivated deprojection formula of the Sersic law, without free parameters, not based on fits of the numerical deprojection, and holding for generic $n > 1$. The formula has been found by requiring it to reproduce the analytical expressions for the inner and outer asymptotic expansions of the deprojected Sersic law of given $n$, and by matching the two expansions at intermediate radii with the request that the total luminosity coincides with that of the original Sersic profile of same $n$. The resulting formula is algebraically very simple, by construction its inner and outer parts are the exact (asymptotic) deprojection of the Sersic law, and it depends on two coefficients that are analytical functions of $n$ of immediate evaluation. The accuracy of the formula over the whole radial range is very good and increases for increasing $n$, with maximum relative deviations from the true numerical deprojection of $\simeq 8\,10^{-3}$ for the de Vaucouleurs profile. In the Appendix, the extension of the proposed formula to profiles with $n <1$ is also presented and discussed. The formula obtained is a useful tool of simple use in the modeling of early-type galaxies. Its ellipsoidal generalization is immediate.

The velocity dispersion-size relation is a crucial indicator of the dynamic properties of interstellar gas. Recent observations reveal a steep velocity dispersion-size relation ($\sigma_{\rm v}\sim R^{\beta}$) with the index $\beta> 0.6$, which cannot be explained by a single mechanism with only gravity ($\beta\sim0.5$) or shear ($\beta \sim 1$). We present a two-component model $\sigma_{\rm v_{mixture}} = \lambda_1 \sigma_{\rm v_{g}} + \lambda_2 \sigma_{\rm v_{shear}} = A[(GM/R)^{\frac{1}{2}} + f(R/t_{\rm shear})]$ to explain the steep velocity dispersion-size relation in the observation from e.g. Miville et al. (2017) and Zhou et al. (2022). We find that the velocity dispersion of small clouds is mainly caused by self-gravity, while large clouds are primarily affected by shear, and these two regimes are linked by a gradual transition with a transition scale $\sim100$ pc. The variation of cloud velocity dispersion with the Galactocentric distance results from the variation of both cloud internal density structure and Galactic shear. Our two-component model captures how the dynamics of the molecular gas can be affected by both internal and external factors, and we expect it to be applied to data from galaxies with different physical conditions to reveal the physics.

Highly unsaturated carbon chains, including polyynes, have been detected in many astronomical regions and planetary systems. With the success of the QUIJOTE survey of the TMC-1, the community has seen a "boom" in the number of detected carbon chains. On the other hand, the Rosetta mission revealed the release of fully saturated hydrocarbons, C$_3$H$_8$, C$_4$H$_{10}$, C$_5$H$_{12}$, and (under specific conditions) C$_6$H$_{14}$ with C$_7$H$_{16}$, from the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The detection of the latter two is attributed to dust-rich events. Similarly, the analysis of samples returned from asteroid Ryugu by Hayabusa2 mission indicates the presence of long saturated aliphatic chains in Ryugu's organic matter. The surface chemistry of unsaturated carbon chains under conditions resembling those of molecular clouds can provide a possible link among these independent observations. However, laboratory-based investigations to validate such a chemistry is still lacking. In the present study, we aim to experimentally verify the formation of fully saturated hydrocarbons by the surface hydrogenation of C$_{2n}$H$_2$ ($n>1$) polyynes under ultra-high vacuum conditions at 10 K. We undertook a two-step experimental technique. First, a thin layer of C$_2$H$_2$ ice was irradiated by UV-photons ($\geq$ 121 nm) to achieve a partial conversion of C$_2$H$_2$ into larger polyynes: C$_4$H$_2$ and C$_6$H$_2$. Afterwards, the obtained photoprocessed ice was exposed to H atoms to verify the formation of various saturated hydrocarbons. In addition to C$_2$H$_6$, which was investigated previously, the formation of larger alkanes, including C$_4$H$_{10}$ and (tentatively) C$_6$H$_{14}$, is confirmed by our study. A qualitative analysis of the obtained kinetic data indicates that hydrogenation of HCCH and HCCCCH triple bonds proceeds at comparable rates, given a surface temperature of 10 K.}

Charged dust clouds play an important role in the evolution of sub-stellar atmospheres through electrical discharges such as lightning events or inter-grain discharges. The consequent plasma activation presents an alternative source of disequilibrium chemistry, potentially triggering a set of chemical reactions otherwise energetically unavailable. The aim of this paper is to address the problem of the electrostatic stability of charged spheroidal dust grains in sub-stellar clouds and its impact on inter-grain electrostatic discharges, the available area for atmospheric gas-phase surface chemistry, the particle eccentricity distribution function and observed polarization signatures. This paper has derived the criterion for the allowed values of dust eccentricity that are electrostatically stable as a function of grain size $a\in[0.2,1.8]~\mu$m, floating potential $\phi_{f}\in[1, 10]$~V and tensile strength $\Sigma_{s}=10^{3}$~Pa. As a consequence of electrostatic instability we also calculate the expected electric field enhancement at the spheroidal poles, the increased surface area of a dust grain, the truncation of the particle eccentricity distribution function and the resultant degree of polarization. Dust grains with an eccentricity below a critical value will be electrostatically stable; whereas, grains with an eccentricity above a critical value will be unstable. The results presented here are applicable not only to spheroidal dust grains but any non-spherical dust grains where non-uniform surface electric fields or inhomogeneous tensile strengths could be susceptible to electrostatic instability. In this context electrostatic erosion presents a mechanism that may produce bumpy, irregularly shaped or porous grains.

Various mechanisms have been suggested for the formation of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs), and this thesis focuses on the standard mechanism based on the critical collapse of cosmological fluctuations. The underlying idea is that during inflation, a period of rapid expansion in the early Universe, large cosmological fluctuations could have been generated. After inflation, when the cosmic horizon reached a size comparable to these fluctuations, if the latter were high enough, they could collapse and form a PBH. Beyond the fascinating possibility that these compact objects might make up all or part of the Dark Matter (DM) we observe today, their formation and existence is also associated with the generation of gravitational waves (GWs). These waves could contribute to the merger events observed by the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA Collaboration (LVK) or account for signals detected by pulsar timing array experiments (PTA). In the first part of this thesis, we investigate the PBH scenario, examining the computation of the abundance beyond the Gaussian paradigm. In the second part, we discuss how PBH formation can produce a stochastic GW background and how observations, related to recent experiments such as LVK and PTA collaborations, can help in distinguishing between different PBH production models. Finally, in the last part, we investigate some aspects of the interplay between black holes and fundamental physics in the early Universe, describing some characteristics and challenges of various PBH production models.

A. Kouloumvakos, N. Wijsen, I. C. Jebaraj, A. Afanasiev, D. Lario, C. M. S. Cohen, P. Riley, D. G. Mitchell, Z. Ding, A. Vourlidas, J. Giacalone, X. Chen, M. E. Hill

On September 5, 2022, during Parker Solar Probe's (PSP) 13th encounter, a fast shock wave and a related solar energetic particle (SEP) event were observed as the spacecraft approached the perihelion of its orbit. Observations from the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISOIS) instrument suite show that SEPs arrived at the spacecraft with a significant delay from the onset of the parent solar eruption and that the first arriving SEPs exhibited an Inverse Velocity Dispersion (IVD) for energetic protons above $\sim$1~MeV. Utilizing data from multiple spacecraft we investigate the eruption dynamics and shock wave propagation. Our analysis includes 3D shock modeling and SEP transport simulations to examine the origins of this SEP event and explore the causes of the delayed SEP onset and the observed IVD. The data-driven SEP simulation reproduces the SEP event onset observed at PSP, its evolving energy spectrum and the IVD. This IVD is attributed to a relatively slow, ongoing particle acceleration process occurring at the flank of the expanding shock wave intercepted by PSP. This has significant implications for the role of shocks in the release of SEPs at widespread events and for methods used to infer the SEP release times. Furthermore, the match between the simulation and observations worsens when cross-field diffusion is considered, indicating that SEP diffusion had a minor effect on this event. These findings underscore the complexity of SEP events and emphasize the need for advanced modelling approaches to better understand the role of shock waves and other physical processes in SEP acceleration and release.

K. Sowmya, M. Snow, A. I. Shapiro, N. A. Krivova, T. Chatzistergos, S. K. Solanki

Solar irradiance and its variations in the ultraviolet (UV) control the photochemistry in Earth's atmosphere and influence Earth's climate. The variability of Mg II h and k core-to-wing ratio, also known as the Mg II index, is highly correlated with the solar UV irradiance variability. Because of this, Mg II index is routinely used as a proxy for solar UV irradiance variability, which can help to get insights into the influence of solar UV irradiance variability on Earth's climate. Measurements of the Mg II index, however, have only been carried out since 1978 and do not cover the climate relevant timescales longer than a few decades. Here we present a model to calculate the Mg II index and its variability based on the well-established SATIRE (Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstruction) model. We demonstrate that our model calculations yield an excellent agreement with the observed Mg II index variations, both on the solar activity cycle and on the solar rotation timescales. Using this model, we synthesize Mg II index timeseries on climate relevant timescales of decades and longer. Here we present the timeseries of the Mg II index spanning nearly three centuries.

Hai-Ming Zhang, Zi-Qi Wang, Cui-Yuan Dai, Yi-Yun Huang, Ruo-Yu Liu, En-Wei Liang, Xiang-Yu Wang

An extra hard spectral component that extends to GeV energies, in additional to the typical sub- MeV Band component, appears in several gamma-ray burst (GRBs) detected by Fermi Large Area Telescopes (LAT). Only in one case (i.e., GRB 090926A), a spectral break feature at the high energy end is identified in the extra hard component, but the photon counts are not enough to distinguish between the cutoff model and the broken power law model for the spectral break. In this work, we report the detection of an extra hard component showing the spectral break in GRB 240825A. We find that a broken power-law model fits the spectral data of the extra component better than a single power-law with an exponential cutoff in the time resolved spectrum for the second emission pulse, with a break at about 50 MeV. This spectral feature disfavors the gamma-ray opacity to pair creation as the origin of the spectral break, but points to an intrinsic peak for the extra component. The low ratio between the peak of the extra hard component and that of the Band component challenges the synchrotron self-Compton origin for the extra component. Alternative scenarios, such as the inverse Compton scattering of the photosphere emission, are discussed. In addition, we find a clear transition from the prompt emission to afterglow emission at GeV energies in GRB 240825A, manifested by a temporal steep decay and an unique spectral evolution.

Understanding the effects of the lower solar atmosphere on the spectrum of standing kink oscillations of coronal loops, in both the decaying and decayless regime, is essential for developing more advanced tools for coronal seismology. We aim to reveal the effects of the chromosphere on the spatial profiles and frequencies of the standing kink modes, create synthetic emission maps to compare with observations, and study the results using spatial and temporal coronal seismology techniques. We excited transverse oscillations in a 3D straight flux tube using (a) a broadband footpoint driver, (b) a sinusoidal velocity pulse, and (c) an off-centre Gaussian velocity pulse, using the PLUTO code. The flux tube is gravitationally stratified, with footpoints embedded in chromospheric plasma. Using the FoMo code, we created synthetic observations of our data in the Fe IX 17.1 nm line and calculated the spectra with the Auto-NUWT code. We also numerically solved the generalised eigenvalue system for the 1D wave equation to determine the effects of the stratification on the kink modes of our system. The synthetic observations of the loops perturbed by the velocity pulses show a single dominant mode that our 1D analysis reveals to be the third harmonic of the system. For the broadband driver, the synthetic emission shows multiple frequency bands, associated with both the loop and the driver. Finally, using seismological techniques, we highlight the possibility of misidentifying the observed third, sixth, and ninth harmonics with the first, second, and third harmonics of the coronal part of longer loops. Unless more advanced techniques of spatial seismology are used with many data points from observations along the entire loop length, this misidentification can result in overestimating the mean magnetic field by a factor equal to the period ratio of the fundamental over the third harmonic.

Hemanthi Miriyala, Richard J. Morton, Elena Khomenko, Patrick Antolin, Gert J.J. Botha

Sunspots are intense regions of magnetic flux that are rooted deep below the photosphere. It is well established that sunspots host magnetohydrodynamic waves, with numerous observations showing a connection to the internal acoustic (or p-)modes of the Sun. The p-modes are fast waves below the equipartition layer and are thought to undergo a double mode conversion as they propagate upwards into the atmosphere of sunspots, which can generate Alfvénic modes in the upper atmosphere. We employ 2.5D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) numerical simulations to investigate the adiabatic wave propagation and examine the resulting power spectra of coronal Alfvénic waves. A broadband wave source is used that has a 1D power spectrum which mimics aspects of the observed p-mode power spectrum. We examine magnetoacoustic wave propagation and mode conversion from the photosphere to the corona. Frequency filtering of the upwardly propagating acoustic waves is a natural consequence of a gravitationally stratified atmosphere, and plays a key role in shaping the power spectra of mode converted waves. We demonstrate that the slow, fast magnetoacoustic waves and Alfvén waves above the equipartition layer have similarly shaped power spectra, which are modified versions of the driver spectrum. Notably, the results reveal that the coronal wave power spectra have a peak at a higher frequency than that of the underlying p-mode driver. This matches observations of coronal Alfvénic waves and further supports the role of mode conversion process as a mechanism for Alfvénic wave generation in the Sun's atmosphere.

Mike Cruise, Matteo Guainazzi, James Aird, Francisco J. Carrera, Elisa Costantini, Lia Corrales, Thomas Dauser, Dominique Eckert, Fabio Gastaldello, Hironori Matsumoto, Rachel Osten, Pierre-Olivier Petrucci, Delphine Porquet, Gabriel W. Pratt, Nanda Rea, Thomas H. Reiprich, Aurora Simionescu, Daniele Spiga, Eleonora Troja

Large X-ray observatories such as Chandra and XMM-Newton have been delivering scientific breakthroughs in research fields as diverse as our Solar System, the astrophysics of stars, stellar explosions and compact objects, accreting super-massive black holes, and large-scale structures traced by the hot plasma permeating and surrounding galaxy groups and clusters. The recently launched observatory XRISM is opening in earnest the new observational window of non-dispersive high-resolution spectroscopy. However, several quests are left open, such as the effect of the stellar radiation field on the habitability of nearby planets, the Equation-of-State regulating matter in neutron stars, the origin and distribution of metals in the Universe, the processes driving the cosmological evolution of the baryons locked in the gravitational potential of Dark Matter and the impact of supermassive black hole growth on galaxy evolution, just to mention a few. Furthermore, X-ray astronomy is a key player in multi-messenger astrophysics. Addressing these quests experimentally requires an order-of-magnitude leap in sensitivity, spectroscopy and survey capabilities with respect to existing X-ray observatories. This paper succinctly summarizes the main areas where high-energy astrophysics is expected to contribute to our understanding of the Universe in the next decade and describes a new mission concept under study by the European Space Agency, the scientific community worldwide and two International Partners (JAXA and NASA), designed to enable transformational discoveries: NewAthena. This concept inherits its basic payload design from a previous study carried out until 2022, Athena.

ludmilla Kolokolova, Michael S.P. Kelley, Hiroshi Kimura, Thiem Hoang

The chapter overviews the recent developments in the remote sensing of cometary dust using visible, near-infrared, and thermal-infrared radiation, as well as interaction of the dust with electromagnetic radiation, which affects the dynamics of dust particles. It considers photometric, polarimetric, and spectral studies of cometary dust, focusing on those observables and correlations between them that allow revealing the composition, size, and structure of the dust particles. The analysis includes the observed brightness and polarization phase curves, color and polarimetric color of the cometary dust, and near- and thermal-infrared spectra. Special attention is paid to the role of gas contamination in the polarimetric and photometric data. A review of modeling efforts to interpret the observational results is also provided, describing the most popular (and some novel) techniques used in the computer modeling of light scattering by dust particles with a focus on modeling the most complex type of cometary particles: fluffy and porous agglomerates. The chapter also considers how properties of the dust particles affect their photoelectric emission and their response to the radiation pressure and radiative torque, including alignment and fragmentation of particles. Results of computer and some laboratory modeling are analyzed for their consistency with the observational and in situ data. Also discussed is how the modeling results can be combined with in situ data for better characterization of the cometary dust.

Sophie L. Newman, Christopher C. Lovell, Claudia Maraston, Mauro Giavalisco, William J. Roper, Aayush Saxena, Aswin P. Vijayan, Stephen M. Wilkins

The James Webb Space Telescope has ushered in an era of abundant high-redshift observations of young stellar populations characterized by strong emission lines, motivating us to integrate nebular emission into the new Maraston stellar population model which incorporates the latest Geneva stellar evolutionary tracks for massive stars with rotation. We use the photoionization code Cloudy to obtain the emergent nebular continuum and line emission for a range of modelling parameters, then compare our results to observations on various emission line diagnostic diagrams. We carry out a detailed comparison with several other models in the literature assuming different input physics, including modified prescriptions for stellar evolution and the inclusion of binary stars, and find close agreement in the H$\rm \beta$, H$\rm \alpha$, [N II]$\lambda 6583$, and [S II]$\lambda 6731$ luminosities between the models. However, we find significant differences in lines with high ionization energies, such as He II$\lambda$1640 and [O III]$\lambda 5007$, due to large variations in the hard ionizing photon production rates. The models differ by a maximum of $\hat{Q}_{\rm [O III]\lambda 5007} = \rm 6 \times 10^9 \; s^{-1} \, M_{\odot}^{-1}$, where these differences are mostly caused by the assumed stellar rotation and effective temperatures for the Wolf Rayet phase. Interestingly, rotation and uncorrected effective temperatures in our single star population models alone generate [O III] ionizing photon production rates higher than models including binary stars with ages between 1 to 8 Myr. These differences highlight the dependence of derived properties from SED fitting on the assumed model, as well as the sensitivity of predictions from cosmological simulations.

The Beta Pictoris system is characterized by a dusty debris disk, in addition to the presence of two already known planets. This makes it a particularly interesting case for studying the formation and evolution of planetary systems at a stage where giant planets have already formed, most of the protoplanetary gas has dissipated, and terrestrial planets could emerge. Our goal here is to explore the possibility of additional planets orbiting beyond the outermost known one, $\beta$ Pic b. More specifically, we aim to assess whether additional planets in the system could explain the discrepancy between the predicted cutoff of the disk inner cavity at $\sim$28 au with only two planets, and the observed one at $\sim$50 au. We perform an exhaustive dynamical modeling of the debris disk and the carving of its inner edge, by introducing one or two additional planets beyond $\beta$ Pic b, coplanar with the disk. Guided by theoretical predictions for the parameter space - mass, semi-major axis, eccentricity - allowed for additional planets, we further carry out a set of N-body simulations, using the symplectic integrator RMVS3. Our simulations indicate that an additional planet with a low eccentricity of 0.05, a mass between 0.15 and 1 $M_{Jup}$, and a semi-major axis between 30 and 36 au, would be consistent with the observations of an inner debris disk edge at 50 au. We have also explored the hypotheses of a higher eccentricity and the presence of two additional lower mass planets instead of one, which could also account for these observations. While we have found that one or even two additional planets could explain the observed location of the disk inner edge, these hypothetical planets remain in most cases below the current observational limits of high contrast imaging. Future observational campaigns with improved sensitivity will help lowering these limits and perhaps detect that planet.

Joshiwa van Marrewijk, Melanie Kaasinen, Gergö Popping, Luca Di Mascolo, Tony Mroczkowski, Leindert Boogaard, Francesco Valentino, Tom Bakx, Ilsang Yoon

False-positive emission-line detections bias our understanding of astronomical sources; for example, falsely identifying $z\sim3-4$ passive galaxies as $z>10$ galaxies leads to incorrect number counts and flawed tests of cosmology. In this work, we provide a novel but simple tool to better quantify the detection of faint lines in interferometric data sets and properly characterize the underlying noise distribution. We demonstrate the method on three sets of archival observations of $z>10$ galaxy candidates, taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). By jackknifing the visibilities using our tool, $jackknify$, we create observation-specific noise realizations of the interferometric measurement set. We apply a line-finding algorithm to both the noise cubes and the real data and determine the likelihood that any given positive peak is a real signal by taking the ratio of the two sampled probability distributions. We show that the previously reported, tentative emission-line detections of these $z>10$ galaxy candidates are consistent with noise. We further expand upon the technique and demonstrate how to properly incorporate prior information on the redshift of the candidate from auxiliary data, such as from JWST. Our work highlights the need to achieve a significance of $\gtrsim 5\sigma$ to confirm an emission line when searching in broad 30 GHz bandwidths. Using our publicly available method enables the quantification of false detection likelihoods, which are crucial for accurately interpreting line detections.

We present the first numerical simulations of a thin accretion disk around a Reissner-Nordström (RN) naked singularity (a charged point mass). The gravity of the RN naked singularity is modeled with a pseudo-Newtonian potential that reproduces exactly the radial dependence of the RN Keplerian orbital frequency; in particular, orbital angular velocity vanishes at the zero gravity radius and has a maximum at 4/3 of that radius. Angular momentum is transported outwards by viscous stresses only outside the location of this maximum. Nonetheless, even at that radius, accretion proceeds at higher latitudes, the disk having thickened there owing to excess pressure. The accretion stops at a certain distance away from the singularity, with the material accumulating in a toroidal structure close to the zero-gravity sphere. The shape of the structure obtained in our simulations is reminiscent of fluid figures of equilibrium analytically derived in full general relativity for the RN singularity. The presence of a rotating ring, such as the one found in our simulations, could be an observational signature of a naked singularity. For charge to mass ratios close to but larger than unity, the inner edge of the quasi-toroidal inner accretion structure would be located well within the Schwarzschild marginally stable orbit (ISCO), and the maximum orbital frequency in thin accretion disks would be much higher than the Schwarzschild ISCO frequency.

In our search for life beyond the Solar System, certain planetary bodies may be more conducive to life than Earth. However, the observability of these `superhabitable' planets in the habitable zones around K dwarf stars has not been fully modeled. This study addresses this gap by modeling the atmospheres of superhabitable exoplanets. We employed the 1D model $\texttt{Atmos}$ to define the superhabitable parameter space, $\texttt{POSEIDON}$ to calculate synthetic transmission spectra, and $\texttt{PandExo}$ to simulate $\text{JWST}$ observations. Our results indicate that planets orbiting mid-type K dwarfs, receiving $80\%$ of Earth's solar flux, are optimal for life. These planets sustain temperate surfaces with moderate $CO_2$ levels, unlike those receiving $60\%$ flux, where necessarily higher $CO_2$ levels could hinder biosphere development. Moreover, they are easier to observe, requiring significantly fewer transits for biosignature detection compared to Earth-like planets around Sun-like stars. For instance, detecting biosignature pairs like oxygen and methane from $30$ parsecs would require $150$ transits ($43$ years) for a superhabitable planet, versus over $1700$ transits ($\sim 1700$ years) for Earth-like planets. While such observation times lie outside of $\text{JWST}$ mission timescales, our study underscores the necessity of next-generation telescopes and provides valuable targets for future observations with, for example, the $\text{ELT}$.

C. T. Donnan, J. S. Dunlop, R. J. McLure, D. J. McLeod, F. Cullen

Early JWST observations have revealed substantial numbers of galaxies out to redshifts as high as $z \simeq 14$, reflecting a slow evolution of the galaxy UV luminosity function (LF) not anticipated by many models of galaxy evolution. It has also been discovered that fairly massive galaxies existed at early times, a finding again viewed as a challenge to our understanding of early galaxy growth or even ${\rm \Lambda}$CDM cosmology. Here we develop and test a simple theoretical model which shows that these observations are unsurprising, but instead are arguably as expected if one assumes a non-evolving halo-mass dependent galaxy-formation efficiency consistent with that observed today. Crucially, this simple model matches the observed galaxy UV LF over the redshift range $z \simeq 6-13$ and the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) at $z \simeq 6-8$. When combined with new constraints on Lyman continuum escape and the ionizing photon production efficiency of early galaxies, our model also predicts the progress of cosmic hydrogen reionization consistent with current observational constraints. The requirement to fit both the UV LF and the GSMF breaks the degeneracy between mass-light ratio and star-formation efficiency, and our model only works if the typical mass-to-light ratio of galaxies increases systematically with redshift beyond $z \simeq 6$. However, at present this does not require changes to the IMF, cosmic dust, or any other new astrophysics. Rather, the current data can be reproduced simply by assuming ever-younger stellar populations consistent with a formation epoch at $z \simeq 15$. A key prediction of our model is thus that there should be a more rapid drop-off in the numbers of galaxy number density beyond $z \simeq 15$, where one can no longer appeal to ever younger ages to offset the precipitous descent of the halo mass function.

Recent explorations of the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale structure of the universe have indicated a preference for sizable neutrino self-interactions, much stronger than what the Standard Model offers. When interpreted in the context of simple particle-physics models with a light, neutrinophilic scalar mediator, some of the hints are already in tension with the combination of terrestrial, astrophysical and cosmological constraints. We take a novel approach by considering neutrino self-interactions through a mediator with a smooth, continuous, spectral density function. We consider Georgi's unparticle with a mass gap as a concrete example and point out two useful effects for mitigating two leading constraints. 1) The Unparticle is ``broadband'' -- it occupies a wide range of masses which allows it to pass the early universe constraint on effective number of extra neutrinos ($\Delta N_{\rm eff.}$) even if the mass gap lies below the MeV scale. 2) Scattering involving unparticles is less resonant -- which lifts the constraint set by IceCube based on a recent measurement of ultra-high-energy cosmogenic neutrinos. Our analysis shows that an unparticle mediator can open up ample parameter space for strong neutrino self-interactions of interest to cosmology and serves a well-motivated target for upcoming experiments.

Lorenzo Mirasola, Cristina Mondino, Francesco Amicucci, Nils Siemonsen, Cristiano Palomba, Sabrina D'Antonio, Paola Leaci, Luca D'Onofrio, Pia Astone, Daniel Egana-Ugrinovic, Junwu Huang, Masha Baryakhtar, William E. East

Superradiance clouds of kinetically-mixed dark photons around spinning black holes can produce observable multi-messenger electromagnetic and gravitational wave signals. The cloud generates electric fields of up to a Teravolt-per-meter, which lead to a cascade production of charged particles, yielding a turbulent quasi-equilibrium plasma around the black hole, and resulting in electromagnetic fluxes ranging from supernova to pulsar-like luminosities. For stellar mass black holes, such systems resemble millisecond pulsars and are expected to emit pulsating radio waves and continuous gravitational waves (CWs) within the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) sensitivity band. We select 44 sources with approximately coincident frequencies or positive frequency drifts from existing pulsar catalogs as potential candidates of long-lasting superradiance clouds around old galactic black holes. For a subset of 34 sources that are well measured and have not been previously targeted, we perform the first search for CW emission in LVK data from the third observing run. We find no evidence of a CW signal and place 95% confidence level upper limits on the emitted strain amplitude. We interpret these results, together with limits from previous searches, in terms of the underlying dark photon theory by performing an analysis of the expected signals from superradiance clouds from galactic black holes. We find that, even for moderately spinning black holes, the absence of an observed CW signal disfavors a discrete set of dark photon masses between about $10^{-13}$ $\rm{eV}/c^2$ and $10^{-12}$ $\rm{eV}/c^2$ and kinetic mixing couplings in the range of $10^{-9}$-$10^{-7}$, subject to assumptions about the properties of the black hole population and the cloud's electromagnetic emission.

The physical and mathematical properties of charged black holes that are linearly coupled to charged massive scalar fields are studied analytically. In particular, we prove that, in the eikonal large-mass regime $M\mu\gg1$, the compact dimensionless inequality $\Phi_{\text{H}}>Q/M$ provides a sufficient condition for the development of superradiant instabilities in the curved black-hole spacetime [here $\{M,Q,\Phi_{\text{H}}\}$ are respectively the mass, the electric charge, and the horizon electrostatic potential of the central black hole and $\mu$ is the proper mass of the field]. The familiar charged Reissner-Nordström black hole does not satisfy this inequality. On the other hand, we explicitly prove that all charged Ayón-Beato-García (ABG) black-hole spacetimes satisfy this analytically derived sufficient condition and may therefore become superradiantly unstable to perturbations of charged massive scalar fields.

In confined hadronic matter, the spontaneous breaking and restoration of chiral symmetry can be described by considering nucleons, $N_{+}(939)$, and excited states of opposite parity, $N_{-}(1535)$. In a cold, dense hadronic phase where chiral symmetry remains spontaneously broken, direct Urca decay processes involving the $N_{-}$ are possible, e.g. $N_- \rightarrow N_+ + e^- + \bar{\nu}_e$. We show that at low temperature and moderate densities, because the $N_-$ is much heavier than the $N_+$, such cooling dominates over standard $N_+$ direct Urca processes. This provides a strong constraint on chiral symmetry restoration in neutron stars.

We investigate exact solutions of the Einstein field equations in higher-dimensional, spatially homogeneous Bianchi type-I spacetimes, introducing a real parameter $\lambda$ that correlates the expansion rates of external and internal spaces. Extending beyond Robertson--Walker spacetime, our approach includes positive and negative correlations, suggesting a broader and isotropic/anisotropic cosmological model space. Positively correlated dimensions manifest as a cosmological constant at late times, while at early times, they mimic stiff-fluid-like dark energy that dilutes faster than radiation, paralleling early dark energy models. This suggests a pathway for alleviating the Hubble tension by tailoring higher-dimensional dynamics to reduce the sound horizon. When anisotropic expansion is allowed, these models achieve isotropization more efficiently than predicted by Wald's cosmic no-hair theorem. Negative correlations, in contrast, yield a higher-dimensional steady-state universe where the shear scalar remains constant, effectively emulating a negative cosmological constant. These distinct behaviors arise from a simple signature change: positive correlation accelerates shear scalar decay, while negative correlation stabilizes it. We demonstrate that the solutions admit analytic continuation from the Lorentzian to Euclidean regime ($t \to -i\tau$), revealing a wormhole-like topology that connects two asymptotic regions via a throat, with $\lambda \to -\lambda$.

The de Sitter conjecture yields a severe bound on possible vacua for a consistent quantum gravity. We extend the de Sitter conjecture by taking into account dynamics of the scalar field. We then apply such an extended de Sitter conjecture to a quintessence model of inflation for which dynamics of the scalar field is essential, and obtain an allowed region of parameters of the scalar potential wider than previously considered cases with the conventional de Sitter conjecture. The new bounds in the swampland conjecture could have implications in several situations to construct compactification models.

If an ultralight scalar interacts with the electromagnetic fields of a compact rotating star, then a long-range scalar field is developed outside the star. The Coulomb-like profile of the scalar field is equivalent to an effective scalar charge on the star. In a binary star system, the scalar-induced charge would result in a long-range force between the stars, with the scalar field acting as the mediator. The scalar-photon interactions would modify Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic fields in vacuum, resulting in a modified dispersion relation. This could be observed as an apparent redshift for photons emitted by such sources. The scalar field would also induce additional electric and magnetic fields and hence affect the electromagnetic energy radiated from such compact objects. A scalar field sourced by time-varying electromagnetic fields can also carry away energy from a compact star in the form of radiation, and hence contribute to its spin-down luminosity. We constrain the scalar-photon coupling from the measurements of the electromagnetic radiation of the compact star and its spin-down luminosity. We also project the prospective bounds on these couplings with future measurements of the apparent redshifts of compact stars and of the long-range force between two magnetars in a binary. We analyze the systems of the binary pulsar PSR J0737-3039, the Crab pulsar, the soft gamma repeater SGR 1806-20, and the gamma ray burst GRB 080905A. The bounds on the coupling can be significantly improved by future measurements of compact stars with large magnetic fields, experiments with better sensitivity, and precision clock measurements.

Sophia E. Haight, Steven E. Boggs, Gabriel Brewster, Sean N. Pike, Jarred M. Roberts, Albert Y. Shih, Joanna M. Szornel, John A. Tomsick, Aravind B. Valluvan, Andreas Zoglauer

In order to understand the effects of a space radiation environment on cross-strip germanium detectors, we investigated the effects of high-energy proton damage on a COSI detector and the capabilities of high-temperature annealing in repairing detector spectral resolution. We irradiated a COSI-balloon cross-strip high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector with a high-energy proton fluence corresponding to ~10 years in a space radiation environment. We repaired the resulting degradation in spectral resolution within 16% of its preradiation value through a series of high-temperature anneals. We characterize the repair of charge traps with time spent under high-temperature anneal to inform an annealing procedure for long-term maintenance of COSI's spectral resolution.

Within a Bayesian statistical framework using a Gaussian Process (GP) emulator for an isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (IBUU) transport model simulator of heavy-ion reactions, we infer from the proton directed and elliptical flow in mid-central Au+Au reactions at beam energies from 150 to 1200 MeV/nucleon taken by the FOPI Collaboration the posterior probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the in-medium baryon-baryon scattering cross section modification factor $X$ (with respect to their free-space values) and the stiffness parameter $K$ of dense nuclear matter. We find that the most probable value of $X$ evolves from around 0.7 to 1.0 as the beam energy $E_{beam}/A$ increases. On the other hand, the posterior PDF($K$) may have dual peaks having roughly the same height or extended shoulders at high $K$ values. More quantitatively, the posterior PDF($K$) changes from having a major peak around 220 MeV characterizing a soft EOS in the reaction at $E_{beam}/A$=150 MeV to one that peaks around 320 MeV indicating a stiff EOS in the reactions at $E_{beam}/A$ higher than about 600 MeV. The transition from soft to stiff happens in mid-central Au+Au reactions at beam energies around 250 MeV/nucleon in which $K=220$ MeV and $K=320$ MeV are approximately equally probable. Altogether, the FOPI proton flow excitation function data indicate a gradual hardening of hot and dense nuclear matter as its density and temperature increase in reactions with higher beam energies.

The superheated emulsion detector consisting of the droplets of tetra-fluoroethane (C2HC$_2$H$_2$F$_4$2F4) has been fabricated at the laboratory and installed at the 555m deep underground laboratory, JUSL during July to Dec 2022. The 500ml detector ran for an effective period of 48.6 days at a threshold of 5.87 keV with an exposure of 2.47 kg-days. The acoustic signals produced due to the bubble nucleation were collected by the acoustic sensor and FPGAbased data acquisition system. The data shows a minimum sensitivity of SI-nucleon for carbon at WIMP mass of 22.81 GeV/c$^2$ and SD (p) for fluorine at 30.67 GeV/c$^2$. The threshold of WIMP mass is 5.16 GeV/c$^2$ for F and 4.44 GeV/c$^2$ for C at the operating threshold of 5.87 keV. The first result of the dark matter direct search experiment named InDEx with tetra-fluoro-ethane active liquid from JUSL underground laboratory is reported in this article.

Magnus F Ivarsen, Jean-Pierre St-Maurice, Glenn C Hussey, Kathryn McWilliams, Yaqi Jin, Lasse B N Clausen, Devin R Huyghebaert, Yukinaga Miyashita, David Sibeck

During the 23 April 2023 geospace storm, we observed chorus wave-driven energetic particle precipitation on closed magnetic field lines in the dayside magnetosphere. Simultaneously and in the ionosphere's bottom-side, we observed signatures of impact ionization and strong enhancements in the ionospheric electric field strength, via radar-detection of meter-scale turbulence and with matching temporal characteristics. During geospace storms, then, turbulent structuring as well as fast electrodynamics in the dayside polar ionosphere can be driven by wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere.