The 2017 observing campaign of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) delivered the first very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) images at the observing frequency of 230 GHz, leading to a number of unique studies on black holes and relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN). In total, eighteen sources were observed: the main science targets, Sgr A* and M87 along with various calibrators. We investigated the morphology of the sixteen AGN in the EHT 2017 data set, focusing on the properties of the VLBI cores: size, flux density, and brightness temperature. We studied their dependence on the observing frequency in order to compare it with the Blandford-Königl (BK) jet model. We modeled the source structure of seven AGN in the EHT 2017 data set using linearly polarized circular Gaussian components and collected results for the other nine AGN from dedicated EHT publications, complemented by lower frequency data in the 2-86 GHz range. Then, we studied the dependences of the VLBI core flux density, size, and brightness temperature on the frequency measured in the AGN host frame. We compared the observations with the BK jet model and estimated the magnetic field strength dependence on the distance from the central black hole. Our results indicate a deviation from the standard BK model, particularly in the decrease of the brightness temperature with the observing frequency. Either bulk acceleration of the jet material, energy transfer from the magnetic field to the particles, or both are required to explain the observations.
The OpenUniverse2024 simulation suite is a cross-collaboration effort to produce matched simulated imaging for multiple surveys as they would observe a common simulated sky. Both the simulated data and associated tools used to produce it are intended to uniquely enable a wide range of studies to maximize the science potential of the next generation of cosmological surveys. We have produced simulated imaging for approximately 70 deg$^2$ of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Wide-Fast-Deep survey and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Wide-Area Survey, as well as overlapping versions of the ELAIS-S1 Deep-Drilling Field for LSST and the High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey for Roman. OpenUniverse2024 includes i) an early version of the updated extragalactic model called Diffsky, which substantially improves the realism of optical and infrared photometry of objects, compared to previous versions of these models; ii) updated transient models that extend through the wavelength range probed by Roman and Rubin; and iii) improved survey, telescope, and instrument realism based on up-to-date survey plans and known properties of the instruments. It is built on a new and updated suite of simulation tools that improves the ease of consistently simulating multiple observatories viewing the same sky. The approximately 400 TB of synthetic survey imaging and simulated universe catalogs are publicly available, and we preview some scientific uses of the simulations.
We present the Metadetection weak lensing galaxy shape catalogue from the six-year Dark Energy Survey (DES Y6) imaging data. This dataset is the final release from DES, spanning 4422 deg$^2$ of the southern sky. We describe how the catalogue was constructed, including the two new major processing steps, cell-based image coaddition and shear measurements with Metadetection. The DES Y6 Metadetection weak lensing shape catalogue consists of 151,922,791 galaxies detected over riz bands, with an effective number density of $n_{\rm eff}$ =8.22 galaxies per arcmin$^2$ and shape noise of $\sigma_e$ = 0.29. We carry out a suite of validation tests on the catalogue, including testing for PSF leakage, testing for the impact of PSF modeling errors, and testing the correlation of the shear measurements with galaxy, PSF, and survey properties. In addition to demonstrating that our catalogue is robust for weak lensing science, we use the DES Y6 image simulation suite (Mau, Becker et al. 2025) to estimate the overall multiplicative shear bias of our shear measurement pipeline. We find no detectable multiplicative bias at the roughly half-percent level, with m = (3.4 $\pm$ 6.1) x $10^{-3}$, at 3$\sigma$ uncertainty. This is the first time both cell-based coaddition and Metadetection algorithms are applied to observational data, paving the way to the Stage-IV weak lensing surveys.
Synthetic source injection (SSI), the insertion of sources into pixel-level on-sky images, is a powerful method for characterizing object detection and measurement in wide-field, astronomical imaging surveys. Within the Dark Energy Survey (DES), SSI plays a critical role in characterizing all necessary algorithms used in converting images to catalogs, and in deriving quantities needed for the cosmology analysis, such as object detection rates, galaxy redshift estimation, galaxy magnification, star-galaxy classification, and photometric performance. We present here a source injection catalog of $146$ million injections spanning the entire 5000 deg$^2$ DES footprint, generated using the Balrog SSI pipeline. Through this sample, we demonstrate that the DES Year 6 (Y6) image processing pipeline provides accurate estimates of the object properties, for both galaxies and stars, at the percent-level, and we highlight specific regimes where the accuracy is reduced. We then show the consistency between SSI and data catalogs, for all galaxy samples developed within the weak lensing and galaxy clustering analyses of DES Y6. The consistency between the two catalogs also extends to their correlations with survey observing properties (seeing, airmass, depth, extinction, etc.). Finally, we highlight a number of applications of this catalog to the DES Y6 cosmology analysis. This dataset is the largest SSI catalog produced at this fidelity and will serve as a key testing ground for exploring the utility of SSI catalogs in upcoming surveys such as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time.
We investigate the molecular environment of the supernova remnant (SNR) Kesteven 67 (G18.8+0.3) using observations in $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, HCO$^+$,and HCN lines and possible associated $\gamma$-ray emission using 16-yr Fermi-LAT observation. We find that the SNR is closely surrounded by a molecular belt in the southeastern boundary, with the both recessed in the band-like molecular gas structure along the Galactic plane. The asymmetric molecular line profiles are widely present in the surrounding gas around local-standard-of-rest velocity +20 km s$^{-1}$. The secondary components centered at $\sim$+16km s$^{-1}$ in the belt and $\sim$+26 km s$^{-1}$ in the northern clump can be ascribed to the motion of a wind-blown molecular shell. This explanation is supported by the position-velocity diagram along a line cutting across the remnant, which shows an arc-like pattern, suggesting an expanding gas structure. With the simulation of chemical effects of shock propagation, the abundance ratios $N$(HCO$^+$)/$N$($^{12}$CO) $\sim2.6\times 10^{-5}$--$3.6\times 10^{-4}$ obtained in the belt can be more naturally interpreted by the wind-driven bubble shock than by the SNR shock. The belt and northern clump are very likely to be parts of an incomplete molecular shell of bubble driven by O-type progenitor star's wind. The analysis of 0.2--500 GeV $\gamma$-ray emission uncovers a possible point source (`Source~A') about 6.5$\sigma$ located in the north of the SNR, which essentially corresponds to northern molecular clump. Our spectral fit of the emission indicates that a hadronic origin is favored by the measured Galactic number ratio between CR electrons and protons $\sim0.01$.
We describe the photometric data set assembled from the full six years of observations by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) in support of static-sky cosmology analyses. DES Y6 Gold is a curated data set derived from DES Data Release 2 (DR2) that incorporates improved measurement, photometric calibration, object classification and value added information. Y6 Gold comprises nearly $5000~{\rm deg}^2$ of $grizY$ imaging in the south Galactic cap and includes 669 million objects with a depth of $i_{AB} \sim 23.4$ mag at S/N $\sim 10$ for extended objects and a top-of-the-atmosphere photometric uniformity $< 2~{\rm mmag}$. Y6 Gold augments DES DR2 with simultaneous fits to multi-epoch photometry for more robust galaxy shapes, colors, and photometric redshift estimates. Y6 Gold features improved morphological star-galaxy classification with efficiency $98.6\%$ and contamination $0.8\%$ for galaxies with $17.5 < i_{AB} < 22.5$. Additionally, it includes per-object quality information, and accompanying maps of the footprint coverage, masked regions, imaging depth, survey conditions, and astrophysical foregrounds that are used for cosmology analyses. After quality selections, benchmark samples contain 448 million galaxies and 120 million stars. This paper will be complemented by online data access and documentation.
We present the point-spread function (PSF) modeling for weak lensing shear measurement using the full six years of the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y6) data. We review the PSF estimation procedure using the PIFF (PSFs In the Full FOV) software package and describe the key improvements made to PIFF and modeling diagnostics since the DES year three (Y3) analysis: (i) use of external Gaia and infrared photometry catalogs to ensure higher purity of the stellar sample used for model fitting, (ii) addition of color-dependent PSF modeling, the first for any weak lensing analysis, and (iii) inclusion of model diagnostics inspecting fourth-order moments, which can bias weak lensing measurements to a similar degree as second-order modeling errors. Through a comprehensive set of diagnostic tests, we demonstrate the improved accuracy of the Y6 models evident in significantly smaller systematic errors than those of the Y3 analysis, in which all $g$ band data were excluded due to insufficiently accurate PSF models. For the Y6 weak lensing analysis, we include $g$ band photometry data in addition to the $riz$ bands, providing a fourth band for photometric redshift estimation. Looking forward to the next generation of wide-field surveys, we describe several ongoing improvements to PIFF, which will be the default PSF modeling software for weak lensing analyses for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time.
The existing single-pulse search algorithms for fast radio bursts (FRBs) do not adequately consider the frequency bandpass pattern of the pulse, rendering them incomplete for the relatively narrow-spectrum detection of pulses. We present a new search algorithm for narrow-band pulses to update the existing standard pipeline, Bandpass-Adaptive Single-pulse SEarch Toolkit (BASSET). The BASSET employs a time-frequency correlation analysis to identify and remove the noise involved by the zero-detection frequency band, thereby enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the pulses. The BASSET algorithm was implemented on the FAST real dataset of FRB 20190520B, resulting in the discovery of additional 79 pulses through reprocessing. The new detection doubles the number of pulses compared to the previously known 75 pulses, bringing the total number of pulses to 154. In conjunction with the pulse calibration and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulated injection experiments, this work updates the quantified parameter space of the detection rate. Moreover, a parallel-accelerated version of the BASSET code was provided and evaluated through simulation. BASSET has the capacity of enhancing the detection sensitivity and the SNR of the narrow-band pulses from the existing pipeline, offering high performance and flexible applicability. BASSET not only enhances the completeness of the low-energy narrow-band pulse detection in a more robust mode, but also has the potential to further elucidate the FRB luminosity function at a wider energy scale.
Evolution of pulsar wind nebulae (PWN) could be expected to leave imprints in gamma-rays. We suggest that intriguing GeV-TeV spectral energy distribution (SED) of HESS J1809-193 and Fermi-LAT source J1810.3-1925e is very likely to be the gamma-ray signature of PWN J1809-193 in light of the scenario that the PWN was struck by the reverse shock of the parent supernova remnant. Based on evolutionary theory of PWNe, we consider that, when the PWN was disrupted during collision by the reverse shock, some very high-energy electrons escaped impulsively. The remaining electrons stayed in the relic PWN, which was displaced from the pulsar. The very high-energy part of the remaining electrons were depleted by the strong magnetic field was enhanced by the reverse shock compression in the reverberation stage, leaving the other part of them generating GeV emission. The particles injected from the pulsar after the disruption enter the relic PWN through the newly formed tunnel called the cocoon. The {\gamma}-ray emission from the escaped electrons can account for the TeV spectrum of component A of HESS J1809-193 or the TeV halo, while the electrons remaining after disruption can account for the GeV spectrum of J1810.3-1925e. Thus, combination of contributions from these two populations of electrons naturally reproduces the saddle-like SED of HESS 1809-193 and J1810.31925e from 5 GeV to 30 TeV, together with the spectral hardening around 100 GeV. We also show that the post-disruption injection of electrons can explain the spectrum of the relatively faint gamma-ray emission of component B of HESS J1809-193.