Disk continuum reverberation mapping is one of the primary ways we learn about active galactic nuclei (AGN) accretion disks. Reverberation mapping assumes that time-varying X-rays incident on the accretion disk drive variability in UV-optical light curves emitted by AGN disks, and uses lags between X-ray and UV-optical variability on the light-crossing timescale to measure the radial temperature profile and extent of AGN disks. However, recent reverberation mapping campaigns have revealed oddities in some sources such as weakly correlated X-ray and UV light curves, longer than anticipated lags, and evidence of intrinsic variability from disk fluctuations. To understand how X-ray reverberation works with realistic accretion disk structures, we perform 3D multi-frequency radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of X-ray reprocessing by the UV-emitting region of an AGN disk using sophisticated opacity models that include line opacities for both the X-ray and UV radiation. We find there are two important factors that determine whether X-ray irradiation and UV emission will be well-correlated, the ratio of X-ray to UV luminosity and significant absorption. When these factors are met, the reprocessing of X-rays into UV is nearly instantaneous, as is often assumed, although linear reprocessing models are insufficient to fully capture X-ray reprocessing in our simulations. Nevertheless, we can still easily recover mock lags in our light curves using software that assumes linear reprocessing. Finally, the X-rays in our simulation heat the disk, increasing temperatures by a factor of 2--5 in the optically thin region, which could help explain the discrepancy between measured and anticipated lags.
We present the results of the Distant Giants Survey, a three-year radial velocity (RV) campaign to search for wide-separation giant planets orbiting Sun-like stars known to host an inner transiting planet. We defined a distant giant to have $a$ = 1--10 AU and $M_{p} \sin i = 70-4000$ \mearth~ = 0.2-12.5 \mj, and required transiting planets to have $a<1$ AU and $R_{p} = 1-4$ \rearth. We assembled our sample of 47 stars using a single selection function, and observed each star at monthly intervals to obtain $\approx$30 RV observations per target. The final catalog includes a total of twelve distant companions: four giant planets detected during our survey, two previously known giant planets, and six objects of uncertain disposition identified through RV/astrometric accelerations. Statistically, half of the uncertain objects are planets and the remainder are stars/brown dwarfs. We calculated target-by-target completeness maps to account for missed planets. We found evidence for a moderate enhancement of distant giants (DG) in the presence of close-in small planets (CS), P(DG|CS) = $30^{+14}_{-12}\%$, over the field rate of P(DG) = $16^{+2}_{-2}\%$. No enhancement is disfavored ($p \sim$ 8%). In contrast to a previous study, we found no evidence that stellar metallicity enhances P(DG|CS). We found evidence that distant giant companions are preferentially found in systems with multiple transiting planets and have lower eccentricities than randomly selected giant planets. This points toward dynamically cool formation pathways for the giants that do not disturb the inner systems.
Recent cosmological analyses measuring distances of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) have all given similar hints at time-evolving dark energy. To examine whether underestimated SN Ia systematics might be driving these results, Efstathiou (2024) compared overlapping SN events between Pantheon+ and DES-SN5YR (20% SNe are in common), and reported evidence for a $\sim$0.04 mag offset between the low and high-redshift distance measurements of this subsample of events. If these offsets are arbitrarily subtracted from the entire DES-SN5YR sample, the preference for evolving dark energy is reduced. In this paper, we reproduce this offset and show that it has two sources. First, 43% of the offset is due to DES-SN5YR improvements in the modelling of supernova intrinsic scatter and host galaxy properties. These are scientifically-motivated modelling updates implemented in DES-SN5YR and their associated uncertainties are captured within the DES-SN5YR systematic error budget. Even if the less accurate scatter model and host properties from Pantheon+ are used instead, the DES-SN5YR evidence for evolving dark energy is only reduced from 3.9$\sigma$ to 3.3$\sigma$. Second, 38% of the offset is due to a misleading comparison because different selection functions characterize the DES subsets included in Pantheon+ and DES-SN5YR and therefore individual SN distance measurements are expected to be different because of different bias corrections. In conclusion, we confirm the validity of the published DES-SN5YR results.
BATSRUS, our state-of-the-art extended magnetohydrodynamic code, is the most used and one of the most resource-consuming models in the Space Weather Modeling Framework. It has always been our objective to improve its efficiency and speed with emerging techniques, such as GPU acceleration. To utilize the GPU nodes on modern supercomputers, we port BATSRUS to GPUs with the OpenACC API. Porting the code to a single GPU requires rewriting and optimizing the most used functionalities of the original code into a new solver, which accounts for around 1% of the entire program in length. To port it to multiple GPUs, we implement a new message passing algorithm to support its unique block-adaptive grid feature. We conduct weak scaling tests on as many as 256 GPUs and find good performance. The program has 50-60% parallel efficiency on up to 256 GPUs, and up to 95% efficiency within a single node (4 GPUs). Running large problems on more than one node has reduced efficiency due to hardware bottlenecks. We also demonstrate our ability to run representative magnetospheric simulations on GPUs. The performance for a single A100 GPU is about the same as 270 AMD "Rome" CPU cores, and it runs 3.6 times faster than real time. The simulation can run 6.9 times faster than real time on four A100 GPUs.
There is a possibility of interaction between dark energy and dark matter, and this interaction may also undergo a sign change during the evolution of the universe. In this paper, we utilize the latest observational data to constrain models of a sign-changeable interaction. The data we employ, in addition to the cosmic microwave background data, also encompass the first-year baryon acoustic oscillation data from DESI and the type Ia supernova data of the full 5-year observation from DES. To achieve high generality, we investigate four interacting dark energy (IDE) models with different forms of the interaction term $Q$: (i) IDE1 with $Q = \beta(a)H\rho_{\rm de}$; (ii) IDE2 with $Q = \beta(a)H\rho_{\rm c}$; (iii) IDE3 with $Q = \beta(a)H_0\rho_{\rm de}$; (iv) IDE4 with $Q = \beta(a)H_0\rho_{\rm c}$. From the analysis, we observe that $\beta(z) > 0$ at early times and $\beta(z) < 0$ at late times, with the coupling $\beta(z)$ crossing the non-interacting line $\beta(z) = 0$ during cosmic evolution at the 2$\sigma$ confidence level for the IDE1, IDE3, and IDE4 models. However, for the IDE2 model, $\beta(z)$ remains consistently negative and does not cross $\beta(z) = 0$ at the 2$\sigma$ confidence level. Our findings indicate that the energy transfer is from dark matter to dark energy when dark matter dominates the universe, and from dark energy to dark matter when dark energy dominates, for the IDE1 and IDE3 models. Furthermore, Bayesian evidence suggests that the IDE1 and IDE3 models are moderately preferred over the $\Lambda$CDM model. The overall outcomes of this study clearly indicate that, based on current observational data, the sign-changeable IDE models are quite compelling and merit further attention.
The Einstein Probe (EP) is an interdisciplinary mission of time-domain and X-ray astronomy. Equipped with a wide-field lobster-eye X-ray focusing imager, EP will discover cosmic X-ray transients and monitor the X-ray variability of known sources in 0.5-4 keV, at a combination of detecting sensitivity and cadence that is not accessible to the previous and current wide-field monitoring missions. EP can perform quick characterisation of transients or outbursts with a Wolter-I X-ray telescope onboard. In this paper, the science objectives of the Einstein Probe mission are presented. EP is expected to enlarge the sample of previously known or predicted but rare types of transients with a wide range of timescales. Among them, fast extragalactic transients will be surveyed systematically in soft X-rays, which include {\gamma}-ray bursts and their variants, supernova shock breakouts, and the predicted X-ray transients associated with binary neutron star mergers. EP will detect X-ray tidal disruption events and outbursts from active galactic nuclei, possibly at an early phase of the flares for some. EP will monitor the variability and outbursts of X-rays from white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes in our and neighbouring galaxies at flux levels fainter than those detectable by the current instruments, and is expected to discover new objects. A large sample of stellar X-ray flares will also be detected and characterised. In the era of multi-messenger astronomy, EP has the potential of detecting the possible X-ray counterparts of gravitational wave events, neutrino sources, and ultra-high energy {\gamma}-ray and cosmic ray sources. EP is expected to help advance the studies of extreme objects/phenomena and their underlying physical processes revealed in the dynamic X-ray universe, as well as studies in other areas of X-ray astronomy.
We present a simulation-based method to explore the optimum tomographic redshift binning strategy for 3x2pt analyses with Euclid, focusing on the expected configuration of its first major data release (DR1). To do this, we 1) simulate a Euclid-like observation and generate mock shear catalogues from multiple realisations of the 3x2pt fields on the sky, and 2) measure the 3x2pt Pseudo-Cl power spectra for a given tomographic configuration and derive the constraints that they place on the standard dark energy equation of state parameters (w0, wa). For a simulation including Gaussian-distributed photometric redshift uncertainty and shape noise under a LambdaCDM cosmology, we find that bins equipopulated with galaxies yield the best constraints on (w0, wa) for an analysis of the full 3x2pt signal, or the angular clustering component only. For the cosmic shear component, the optimum (w0, wa) constraints are achieved by bins equally spaced in fiducial comoving distance. However, the advantage with respect to alternative binning choices is only a few percent in the size of the $1\,\sigma\,$(w0, wa) contour, and we conclude that the cosmic shear is relatively insensitive to the binning methodology. We find that the information gain extracted on (w0, wa) for any 3x2pt component starts to saturate at $\gtrsim$ 7-8 bins. Any marginal gains resulting from a greater number of bins is likely to be limited by additional uncertainties present in a real measurement, and the increasing demand for accuracy of the covariance matrix. Finally, we consider a 5% contamination from catastrophic photometric redshift outliers and find that, if these errors are not mitigated in the analysis, the bias induced in the 3x2pt signal for 10 equipopulated bins results in dark energy constraints that are inconsistent with the fiducial LambdaCDM cosmology at $>5\,\sigma$.