Spin-2 ultralight dark matter (ULDM) is a viable dark matter candidate and it can be constrained using gravitational wave (GW) observations. In this paper, we investigate the detectability of spin-2 ULDM by space-based GW interferometers. By considering a direct coupling between spin-2 ULDM and ordinary matter, we derive the corresponding response functions and sensitivity curves for various time-delay interferometry channels and calculate the optimal sensitivity curves for future millihertz GW detectors. Our results demonstrate that the space-based detectors can place stringent constraints on the coupling constant of spin-2 ULDM, reaching $\alpha \sim 10^{-10}$ around a mass of $m \sim 10^{-17} \rm eV$, surpassing current limits from ground-based detectors and pulsar timing arrays. Thus, the space-based GW detectors can serve as powerful tools not only for detecting GWs but also for probing fundamental properties of ultralight dark matter.
Our understanding of the $\gamma$-ray sky has improved dramatically in the past decade, however, the unresolved $\gamma$-ray background (UGRB) still has a potential wealth of information about the faintest $\gamma$-ray sources pervading the Universe. Statistical cross-correlations with tracers of cosmic structure can indirectly identify the populations that most characterize the $\gamma$-ray background. In this study, we analyze the angular correlation between the $\gamma$-ray background and the matter distribution in the Universe as traced by gravitational lensing, leveraging more than a decade of observations from the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) and 3 years of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We detect a correlation at signal-to-noise ratio of 8.9. Most of the statistical significance comes from large scales, demonstrating, for the first time, that a substantial portion of the UGRB aligns with the mass clustering of the Universe as traced by weak lensing. Blazars provide a plausible explanation for this signal, especially if those contributing to the correlation reside in halos of large mass ($\sim 10^{14} M_{\odot}$) and account for approximately 30-40 % of the UGRB above 10 GeV. Additionally, we observe a preference for a curved $\gamma$-ray energy spectrum, with a log-parabolic shape being favored over a power-law. We also discuss the possibility of modifications to the blazar model and the inclusion of additional $gamma$-ray sources, such as star-forming galaxies or particle dark matter.
The question of whether the massive sterile neutrinos exist remains a crucial unresolved issue in both particle physics and cosmology. We explore the cosmological constraints on the massive sterile neutrinos using the latest observational data, including the baryon acoustic oscillations data from DESI, the cosmic microwave background data from Planck satellite and ACT, and the 5-year Type Ia supernova data and the 3-year weak-lensing data from DES. We search for the massive sterile neutrinos within the $\Lambda$CDM, $w$CDM, and $w_0w_a$CDM models. Our analysis shows that when considering massive sterile neutrinos within the $w_0w_a\rm CDM$ model, the combined datasets allow us to infer a non-zero sterile neutrino mass at approximately $2\sigma$ confidence level. Specifically, in the $w_0w_a$CDM+Sterile model, the effective mass of sterile neutrinos and the effective number of relativistic species are constrained to be $m_{\nu,\ \mathrm{sterile}}^{\mathrm{eff}} = 0.50^{+0.33}_{-0.27} \, \mathrm{eV}$ and $N_\mathrm{eff} = 3.076^{+0.011}_{-0.017}$, respectively. However, the $\Lambda$CDM+Sterile and $w$CDM+Sterile models could not provide evidence supporting the existence of massive sterile neutrinos.
Atmospheric propagation errors are a main constraint on the accuracy of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) astrometry. For relative astrometry, differential techniques can mitigate these errors, but their effectiveness diminishes with decreasing elevation and increasing angular separations between target and calibrator, among others. The MultiView technique addresses atmospheric spatial-structure errors by observing multiple calibrators around the target and interpolating at the target position, thereby reducing residual atmospheric errors more effectively than phase-referencing with only one calibrator. Conventional MultiView approach involves cyclically observing all calibrators and the target, fitting a phase plane from the phases of all calibrators in each cycle. This approach reduces on-target time and is restricted by the interferometer coherence time. We propose a new approach, serial MultiView, which rotates the phase plane iteratively based on the time series of calibrator residual phases. The new approach eliminates the need to observe all calibrators in each cycle, thus shortening the observing cycle and increasing the proportion of on-target time. Additionally, by incorporating time-domain information in the iterations, phase ambiguities can be accurately and automatically identified. This approach enables efficient high-accuracy differential astrometry and artifact-reduced imaging for astrophysical studies, and we provide a user-friendly tool for it.
Dwarf novae are a crucial astrophysical laboratory for probing the nature of accretion, binary mass transfer, and binary evolution -- yet their diverse observational characteristics continue to challenge our theoretical understanding. We here present the discovery of, and subsequent observing campaign on GOTO065054+593624 (hereafter GOTO0650), a dwarf nova of the WZ Sge type, discovered in real-time by citizen scientists via the Kilonova Seekers citizen science project. An extensive dataset charts the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of this object, covering the first two months of its 2024 superoutburst. GOTO0650 shows a complete absence of visible emission lines during the high state, strong H and barely-detected He~II emission, and high-amplitude echo outbursts with a rapidly decreasing timescale that together do not neatly fit in with our current view of cataclysmic variables. The comprehensive dataset presented here not only underscores the uniqueness of this dwarf nova and marks it as a candidate period bouncer, but also highlights the important contribution that citizen scientists can make to the study of Galactic transients.
WZ Sge stars are highly evolved accreting white dwarf systems (AWDs) exhibiting remarkably large amplitude outbursts (a.k.a. super-outbursts), typically followed by short rebrightenings/echo outbursts. These systems have some of the lowest mass transfer rates among AWDs, making even low magnetic fields dynamically important. Such magnetic fields are often invoked to explain the phenomenology observed in these systems, such as their X-ray luminosity and long periods of quiescence (30+ years). However, the detection of these is very elusive given the quenching of the accretion columns during outburst and the low luminosity of these systems during quiescence. Here we present high-cadence multi-band observations with {\it OPTICAM} of the recent outburst of the recently discovered WZ Sge star GOTO065054.49+593624.51, during the end of the main outburst and the dip in-between rebrightenings, covering 2 orders of magnitude in brightness. Our observations reveal the presence of a statistically significant signal with $P_{\omega}\simeq148$ seconds in the bluer ($g$) band which is detected only during the dip between the main outburst and the rebrigthenings. We interpret this signal as the spin period of the AWD. If confirmed, GOTO 0650 would bridge the gap between intermediate- and fast-rotating intermediate polars (IPs) below the period gap.
We explore the evolving relationship between galaxies and their dark matter halos from $z \sim 0.1$ to $z \sim 12$ using mass-limited angular clustering measurements in the 0.54 deg$^2$ of the COSMOS-Web survey. This study provides the first measurements of the mass-limited two-point correlation function at $z \ge 10$ and a consistent analysis spanning 13.4 Gyr of cosmic history, setting new benchmarks for future simulations and models. Using a halo occupation distribution (HOD) framework, we derive characteristic halo masses and the stellar-to-halo mass relationship (SHMR) across redshifts and stellar mass bins. Our results first indicate that HOD models fit data at $z \ge 2.5$ best when incorporating a non-linear scale-dependent halo bias, boosting clustering at non-linear scales (r = 10-100 kpc). We find that galaxies at z > 10.5 with $\log(M_\star / M_\odot) \ge 8.85$ are hosted by halos with $M_{\rm h} \sim 10^{10.5}\,M_\odot$, achieving a star formation efficiency (SFE) $M_\star / (f_b M_{\rm h}) $ up to 1 dex higher than at $z \le 1$. The high galaxy bias at $z \ge 8$ suggests that these galaxies reside in massive halos with intrinsic high SFE. Our SHMR evolves significantly with redshift, starting high at $z \ge 10.5$, decreasing until $z \sim 2 - 3$, then increasing again until the present. Current simulations fail to reproduce both massive high-$z$ galaxies and this evolution, while semi-empirical models linking SFE to halo mass, accretion rates, and redshift align with our findings. We propose that $z > 8$ galaxies experience bursty star formation without significant feedback altering their growth, driving the rapid growth of massive galaxies observed by JWST. Over time, increasing feedback efficiency and exponential halo growth suppress star formation. At $z \sim 2 - 3$ and after, halo growth slows down while star formation continues, supported by gas reservoirs in halos.
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has successfully revealed the shadow of the supermassive black hole, M87*, with an unprecedented angular resolution of approximately 20 uas at 230 GHz. However, because of limited short baseline lengths, the EHT has been constrained in its ability to recover larger scale jet structures. The extended Korean VLBI Network (eKVN) is committed to joining the EHT from 2024 that can improve short baseline coverage. This study evaluates the impact of the participation of eKVN in the EHT on the recovery of the M87* jet. Synthetic data, derived from a simulated M87* model, were observed using both the EHT and the combined EHT+eKVN arrays, followed by image reconstructions from both configurations. The results indicate that the inclusion of eKVN significantly improves the recovery of jet structures by reducing residual noise. Furthermore, jackknife tests, in which one or two EHT telescopes were omitted - simulating potential data loss due to poor weather - demonstrate that eKVN effectively compensates for these missing telescopes, particularly in short baseline coverage. Multi-frequency synthesis imaging at 86-230 GHz shows that the EHT+eKVN array enhances the recovered spectral index distribution compared to the EHT alone and improves image reconstruction at each frequency over single-frequency imaging. As the EHT continues to expand its array configuration and observing capabilities to probe black hole physics more in depth, the integration of eKVN into the EHT will significantly enhance the stability of observational results and improve image fidelity. This advancement will be particularly valuable for future regular monitoring observations, where consistent data quality is essential.
We present a systematic analysis of the velocity structure functions (VSFs) of 167 molecular clouds with angular sizes greater than $\sim$176 arcmin$^2$ in three sectors of the Galactic mid-plane. We calculated the 1st- to 3rd-order VSFs and found that 60\% of the VSFs exhibit power-law distributions. The relative power-law exponents are consistent with predictions from intermittent turbulence models. Column density weighting reduces the proportion of power-law VSFs and steepens the VSF slopes, implying a reduction of turbulent energy in high-density regions. All clouds show small-scale intermittency, with slightly stronger intermittency in those molecular clouds showing none power-law VSFs. Negative VSF exponents that may indicate gravitational collapse are not observed in our sample. The scaling exponents of the observed VSFs do not correlate with the virial parameters of the molecular clouds. These two observations suggest that gravity-dominated scales in molecular clouds still need further investigation. Consistent VSF scaling exponents for the molecular clouds with significant power-law VSFs suggest large-scale external driving of turbulence in these molecular clouds. However, the driving mechanisms are likely not universal, as the power-law scaling coefficients in our results show relatively large scatter. The fact that nearly 40\% of the VSFs deviate to some extent from power-law distributions suggests that the influence of local environments on the internal turbulence of molecular clouds may not be negligible.
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