We investigate the relationship between AGN optical variability timescales, amplitudes, and supermassive black hole (SMBH) masses using homogeneous light curves from the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN). We fit a damped random walk (DRW) model to high-cadence, long-baseline ASAS-SN light curves to estimate the characteristic variability timescale ($\tau_\text{DRW}$) and amplitude ($\sigma$) for 57 AGN with precise SMBH mass measurements from reverberation mapping and dynamical methods. We confirm a significant correlation between $\tau_\text{DRW}$ and SMBH mass, and find: $\text{log}_{10}(M_\text{BH}/ \text{M}_\odot) = (1.85\pm0.20)\times\text{log}_{10} (\tau_\text{DRW}/200 \text{ days})+7.59\pm0.08$. Incorporating $\hat{\sigma}^2 = 2\sigma^2/\tau_\text{DRW}$ in a plane model significantly improves residuals, and we find: $\text{log}_{10}(M_\text{BH}/ \text{M}_\odot) = (2.27\pm0.20)\times\text{log}_{10} (\tau_\text{DRW}/200\text{ days})+(1.20\pm0.20)\times\text{log}_{10}(\hat{\sigma}/\text{1 mJy/days}^{1/2})+7.68\pm0.08$ with a scatter of 0.39 dex. We calculate $\tau_\text{DRW}$, $\hat{\sigma}$, and estimate SMBH masses for 203 bright ($V<16$ mag) AGN from the Milliquas catalog and compare these estimates with measurements from the BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey for 42 overlapping AGN. In 10 years, LSST could extend this method to survey $7\lesssim\text{log}_{10}({M_\text{BH}/M_\odot})\lesssim9$ SMBHs out to $z\sim1$ and $\textrm{log}_{10}({M_\text{BH}/M_\odot})\sim8.0$ out to $z\sim4$, and ASAS-SN could probe $5\lesssim \textrm{log}_{10}({M_\text{BH}/M_\odot})\lesssim10.5$ SMBHs in the local universe and $\textrm{log}_{10}({M_\text{BH}/M_\odot})\sim9.0$ out to $z\sim2$. Measuring AGN variability with these datasets will provide a unique probe of SMBH evolution by making estimates of $M_\text{BH}$ spanning several orders of magnitude with photometric observations alone.
We present a set of eleven two-temperature, radiative, general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (2TGRRMHD) simulations of the black hole M87* in the magnetically arrested (MAD) state, surveying different values of the black hole spin $a_*$. Our 3D simulations self-consistently evolve the temperatures of separate electron and ion populations under the effects of adiabatic compression/expansion, viscous heating, Coulomb coupling, and synchrotron, bremsstrahlung, and inverse Compton radiation. We adopt the Kawazura+ 2019 sub-grid heating prescription from gyrokinetic simulations of plasma turbulence. Our simulations have accretion rates $\dot{M}=(0.5-1.5)\times10^{-6}\dot{M}_{\rm Edd}$ and radiative efficiencies $\epsilon_{\rm rad}=2-14\%$. We compare our simulations to a fiducial set of otherwise identical single-fluid GRMHD simulations and find no significant changes in the outflow efficiency or black hole spindown parameter. Our simulations produce an effective adiabatic index for the two-temperature plasma of $\Gamma_{\rm gas}\approx1.55$, larger than the $\Gamma_{\rm gas}=13/9$ value often adopted in single-fluid GRMHD simulations. We find moderate ion-to-electron temperature ratios in the 230 GHz emitting region of $R=T_{\rm i}/T_{\rm e}{\approx}5$. While total intensity 230 GHz images from our simulations are consistent with Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) results, our images have significantly more beam-scale linear polarization ($\langle|m|\rangle\approx 30\%$) than is observed in EHT images of M87* ($\langle|m|\rangle<10\%$). We find a trend of the average linear polarization pitch angle $\angle\beta_2$ with black hole spin consistent with what is seen in single-fluid GRMHD simulations, and we provide a simple fitting function for $\angle\beta_2(a_*)$ motivated by the wind-up of magnetic field lines by black hole spin in the Blandford-Znajek mechanism.
Context. Supernova remnants are one potential source class considered a PeVatron (i.e. capable of accelerating cosmic rays above PeV energies). The shock fronts produced after the explosion of the supernova are ideal regions for particle acceleration. IC 443 is a supernova remnant that has been studied extensively at different wavelengths. We study this region using very-high-energy gamma-ray data. Aims. We explore the region of IC 443 using 2966 days of gamma-ray data from the HAWC observatory. We study the emission of this supernova remnant and search for signatures that would show acceleration of (hadronic) cosmic rays at the PeV range. Methods. We use the maximum likelihood estimation and a likelihood ratio test to perform a multi-source fitting search. We find the best-fit morphology and spectrum of the IC 443 region above $\sim$300 GeV that best describes the HAWC data. Results. We observe a point source located at ($\alpha$=94.42$^{\circ}$, $\delta$=22.35$^{\circ}$) that we associate with IC 443. The measured spectrum is a simple power law with an index of -3.14$\pm$0.18, which is consistent with previous TeV observations. We also find a new extended component in the region whose emission is described by a simple power law with an index of -2.49$\pm$0.08 and which we call HAWC J0615+2213. Conclusions. Although we cannot confirm that IC 443 is a hadronic PeVatron, we do not find any sign that the spectrum has a cut off at tens of TeV energies, with the spectrum extending to $\sim$30 TeV. Furthermore, we find a new extended source in the region. While we show evidence that this new source might be a new TeV halo, we defer a detailed analysis of this new source to another publication.
Recent advancements in stellar evolution modeling offer unprecedented accuracy in predicting the evolution and deaths of stars. We present new stellar evolutionary models computed with the updated PARSEC V2.0 code for a comprehensive and homogeneous grid of metallicities and initial masses. Nuclear reaction networks, mass loss prescriptions, and the treatment of elemental mixing have all been updated in PARSEC V2.0. We computed models for thirteen initial metallicities spanning $Z = 10^{-11}$ to $Z = 0.03$, with masses ranging from 2.0 M$_{\odot}$ to 2000 M$_{\odot}$, consisting of a library of over 1,100 ($\sim 2100$ tracks including pure-He models) full stellar evolution tracks. For each track, the evolution is followed from the pre-main-sequence to the most advanced early-asymptotic-giant-branch or the pre-supernova phases, depending on the stellar mass. Here, we describe the properties of the tracks and their chemical and structural evolution. We computed the final fates and the remnant masses and built the mass spectrum for each metallicity, finding that the combined black hole (BH) pair-instability mass gap spans just between 100 and 130 M$_{\odot}$. Moreover, the remnant masses provide models consistent with observed BH masses, such as those from the primaries of GW190521, Cygnus X-1, and $\textit{Gaia}$ BH3 binary systems. We computed and provided the chemical ejecta from stellar winds and explosive final fates, along with the ionizing photon rates. Our results show strong overall consistency with other tracks computed with different codes. A comparison with a large sample of observed massive stars in the Tarantula Nebula of the Large Magellanic Cloud shows that our tracks nicely reproduce the majority of stars that lie on the main sequence. All the models are publicly available and can be retrieved on the PARSEC database.
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this https URL ). Invited talk presented at IAC 2024 by C. Pittori