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Papers for Wednesday, Feb 05 2025

Papers with local authors

We use order of magnitude estimates and observational constraints to argue that feedback from relativistic cosmic rays (CRs) produced by massive black holes is likely to have a particularly large effect at radii of order the virial radius and larger in group-mass halos. We show that for a range of plausible (but uncertain) CR transport parameters and energetics, the pressure produced by CRs generated by the central massive black hole over its lifetime can be of order the thermal gas pressure in the outskirts of $\sim 10^{13-14} M_\odot$ halos (but not in more massive clusters). The properties of this CR feedback at low redshift are not well predicted by the radiative cooling rate of hot gas at smaller radii, which is often used as a proxy for `current' black hole feedback. This is because most black hole growth happens early in massive halos, and CR transport timescales in halo outskirts are Gyr or more; the accumulated CR energy thus depends on the full history of black hole activity in the halo. The large CR pressure in group-mass systems likely leads to CR-driven outflows that move gas from large halo radii to outside the virial radius. Such feedback would not be captured by current cosmological simulations that focus on mechanical black hole feedback; in particular, CR feedback remains active even long after the mechanical feedback sourcing the CRs has turned off. We speculate that this CR feedback may be important for explaining the weak lensing $S_8$ tension and the evidence for strong feedback at large halo radii from kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements. Prospects for testing this mechanism observationally and implementing the necessary physics in cosmological simulations are discussed.

Xiao Cao, Yan-Mei Chen, Yong Shi, Junfeng Wang, Zhi-Jie Zhou, Min Bao, Qiusheng Gu, Alexei Moiseev, Luis C. Ho, Lan Wang, Guangquan Zeng
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2502.01921
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2502.01921

Dual active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with comparable masses are commonly witnessed among the major merged galaxies with interaction remnants. Considering almost every massive galaxy is associated with multiple dwarf satellites around it, minor mergers involving galaxies with disproportional stellar masses should be much more common than major mergers, which would naturally lead to black hole (BH) pairs with significantly different masses. However, dual AGNs generated by minor mergers involving one or two dwarf galaxies are exceptionally rare and understudied. Moreover, good estimates of the masses of both BHs are not yet available to test this idea. Here we report the evidence of a dual AGN candidate with mass ratio $\sim$7:1 located in an undisturbed disk galaxy. We identify the central BH with mass of $9.4 \times 10^6M_\odot$ from its radio emission as well as AGN-driven galactic-scale biconical outflows. The off-centered BH generates obvious broad and narrow emission-line regions, which gives us a robust estimation of a $1.3 \times 10^6M_\odot$ BH mass. We explore alternative scenarios for explaining the observational features of this system, including the complex gas kinematics triggered by central AGN activity and dust attenuation of the broad-line region of the central BH, finding that they failed to fully account for the kinematics of both the redshifted off-centered broad and narrow emission-line components.

Jeong Hwan Lee, Minjin Kim, Taehyun Kim, Hyunjin Shim, Luis C. Ho, Ho Seong Hwang, Hyunmi Song, Dohyeong Kim, Yujin Yang, Woong-Seob Jeong
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Paper 35 — arXiv:2502.01978
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Paper 35 — arXiv:2502.01978

The upcoming all-sky infrared spectrophotometric SPHEREx mission is set to provide spatially resolved stellar mass maps of nearby galaxies, offering more detailed insights than integrated light observations. In this study, we develop a strategy for estimating stellar mass using SPHEREx by examining the dependence on different stellar population synthesis (SPS) models and proposing new scaling relations based on simulated SPHEREx data. We estimate the resolved stellar masses of 19 nearby late-type galaxies from the PHANGS-MUSE survey, treating these as fiducial masses. By testing four SPS models covering infrared wavelengths, i.e., E-MILES, Bruzual \& Charlot 2003 (BC03), Charlot \& Bruzual 2019 (CB19), and FSPS, we find systematic differences in mass-to-light ratios at $3.6~{\rm \mu m}$ ($M_{\ast}/L_{\rm 3.6\mu m}$) among the SPS models. In particular, BC03 and CB19 yield mass-to-light ratios on average $\sim0.2-0.3~{\rm dex}$ lower than those from E-MILES and FSPS. These mass-to-light ratios strongly correlate with stellar age, indicating a significant impact of young stellar populations on stellar mass measurements. Our analysis, incorporating fiducial masses and simulated SPHEREx data, identifies the $1.6~{\rm \mu m}$ band as the optimal wavelength for stellar mass estimation, with the lowest scatter ($0.15-0.20~{\rm dex}$) of the stellar mass. This scatter can be further reduced to $0.10-0.12~{\rm dex}$ across all SPS models by incorporating optical and SPHEREx colors. These results can provide guidance for measuring the stellar masses of the numerous nearby galaxies that SPHEREx will survey.

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Dávid Puskás, Sandro Tacchella, Charlotte Simmonds, Kevin Hainline, Francesco D'Eugenio, Stacey Alberts, Santiago Arribas, William M. Baker, Andrew J. Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stéphane Charlot, Qiao Duan, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Zhiyuan Ji, Benjamin D. Johnson, Gareth C. Jones, Roberto Maiolino, William McClymont, Marcia Rieke, Pierluigi Rinaldi, Brant Robertson, Hannah Übler, Christina C. Williams, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Chris Willott, Joris Witstok

We present a comprehensive analysis of galaxy close-pair fractions and major merger rates to evaluate the importance of mergers in the hierarchical growth of galaxies over cosmic time. This study focuses on the previously poorly understood redshift range of $z \approx 3-9$ using JADES observations. Our mass-complete sample includes primary galaxies with stellar masses of ${\rm log}(M_\star/{\rm M_\odot}) = [8, 10]$, having major companions (mass ratio $\geq 1/4$) selected by $5-30$ pkpc projected separation and redshift proximity criteria. Pair fractions are measured using a statistically robust method incorporating photometric redshift posteriors and available spectroscopic data. The pair fraction evolves steeply with redshift, peaking at $z \sim 5-6$, followed by a turnover, and shows dependence on the stellar mass: the pair fraction peaks at later cosmic times (lower redshifts) for more massive galaxies. Similarly, the derived galaxy major merger rate increases and flattens beyond $z \sim 6$ to $2-10~{\rm Gyr^{-1}}$ per galaxy, showing a weak scaling with stellar mass, driven by the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function. A comparison between the cumulative mass accretion from major mergers and the mass assembled through star formation indicates that major mergers contribute approximately $5-14\%$ to the total mass growth over the studied redshift range, which is in agreement with the ex-situ mass fraction estimated from our simple numerical model. These results highlight that major mergers contribute little to the direct stellar mass growth compared to in-situ star formation but could still play an indirect role by driving star formation itself.

As wide-field surveys yield increasingly precise data, multiprobe analyses offer significant advantages. In this work, we use our previously developed framework for jointly analyzing cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure data. We analyze combinations of three CMB (Planck PR3, Planck PR4, and ACT+WMAP) datasets, DESI Y1 Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data, and a $9\times 2$pt low-$z$ dataset comprising KiDS-1000, BOSS DR12, and Planck CMB lensing/Integrated Sachs Wolfe (including all cross-correlations). We first assess internal consistency, finding a mild ($<2\sigma$) tension between CMB and low-$z$ datasets in the full parameter space and hints of systematics in Planck PR3 and KiDS-1000. We then derive constraints in $\Lambda\mathrm{CDM}$ and, motivated by recent DESI results, dynamical dark energy ($w_0w_a\mathrm{CDM}$) and free neutrino mass extensions. In $\Lambda \mathrm{CDM}$, we derive a novel $9\times2$pt constraint of $S8=0.777^{+0.17}_{-0.17}$ and find strong consistency among CMB datasets. In $w_0w_a\mathrm{CDM}$, adding low-$z$ to CMB+BAO tightens $(w_0,w_a)$ constraints by 50\% (in figure-of-merit terms) in our baseline combination of Planck PR4 + low-$z$ + BAO. The posterior accommodates a cosmological constant ($w_0 = -1, w_a = 0$) within $1\sigma$, in contrast to the $\sim2\sigma$ preference for evolving dark energy from CMB+BAO alone. For neutrino masses, our baseline dataset yields a systematics-robust constraint of $M_\nu<0.12\mathrm{eV}$ in $\nu\Lambda\mathrm{CDM}$. Allowing dynamical dark energy and free neutrino mass ($\nu w_0w_a\mathrm{CDM}$) broadens and shifts the neutrino mass posterior higher, yielding a $1.8\sigma$ constraint ($M_\nu=0.16^{+0.09}_{-0.09}\mathrm{eV}$) in our baseline. Our analysis demonstrates the power of multiprobe analyses for assessing tensions, identifying systematics and providing robust constraints.

Gabriella De Lucia, Fabio Fontanot, Michaela Hirschmann, Lizhi Xie

The quenching of star formation activity represents a critical phase for a non-negligible fraction of the observed galaxy population at all cosmic epochs, marking a transition from an epoch of intense mass growth to an extended period of passive evolution. Over the past years, we have collected a detailed characterization of how the fraction of quenched galaxies evolves as a function of cosmic time (it grows at later cosmic epochs), and correlates with the physical properties of galaxies (more massive galaxies, that also tend to be bulge-dominated, are more likely to be quenched) and with their environment (denser environments host larger fractions of quiescent galaxies). Different physical processes can lead to a suppression of star formation. These include internal processes (processes that do not depend on the environment in which galaxies live, e.g. stellar and AGN feedback mechanisms) and processes that instead depend on the environment (e.g. mergers, gas stripping processes). In this chapter, we summarize the observational and theoretical status of the field, highlighting the most recent results and the questions that are yet to be answered. We also summarize our view on the expected developments in the next few years.

Recent experimental results on the arrival direction of high-energy cosmic rays have motivated studies to understand their propagating environment. The observed anisotropy is shaped by interstellar and local magnetic fields. In coherent magnetic structures, such as the heliosphere, or due to magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, magnetic mirroring can temporarily trap particles, leading to chaotic behavior. In this work, we develop a new method to characterize cosmic rays' chaotic behavior in magnetic systems using finite-time Lyapunov exponents. This quantity determines the degree of chaos and adapts to transitory behavior. We study particle trajectories in an axial-symmetric magnetic bottle to highlight mirroring effects. By introducing time-dependent magnetic perturbations, we study how temporal variations affect chaotic behavior. We tailor our model to the heliosphere; however, it can represent diverse magnetic configurations exhibiting mirroring phenomena. Our results have three key implications. (1)Theoretical: We find a correlation between the finite-time Lyapunov exponent and the particle escape time from the system, which follows a power law that persists even under additional perturbations. This power law may reveal intrinsic system characteristics, offering insight into propagation dynamics beyond simple diffusion. (2)Simulation: Chaotic effects play a role in cosmic ray simulations and can influence the resulting anisotropy maps. (3)Observational: Arrival maps display areas where the chaotic properties vary significantly; these changes can be the basis for time variability in the anisotropy maps. This work lays the framework for studying the effects of magnetic mirroring of cosmic rays within the heliosphere and the role of temporal variability in the observed anisotropy.

Maryam Arabsalmani, Sambit Roychowdhury, Benjamin Schneider, Volker Springel, Emeric Le Floc'h, Frederic Bournaud, Andreas Burkert, Jean-Charles Cuillandre, Pierre-Alain Duc, Eric Emsellem, Daniela Galárraga-Espinosa, Elena Pian, Florent Renaud, Martin A. Zwaan

We identify a chain of galaxies along an almost straight line in the nearby Universe with a projected length of ~5 Mpc. The galaxies are distributed within projected distances of only 7-105 kpc from the axis of the identified filament. They have redshifts in a very small range of z=0.0361-0.0370 so that their radial velocities are consistent with galaxy proper motions. The filament galaxies are mainly star-forming and have stellar masses in a range of $\rm 10^{9.1}-10^{10.7}\,M_{\odot}$. We search for systems with similar geometrical properties in the full-sky mock galaxy catalogue of the MillenniumTNG simulations and find that although such straight filaments are unusual and rare, they are predicted by $\Lambda$CDM simulations (4% incidence). We study the cold HI gas in a 1.3 Mpc section of the filament through HI-21cm emission line observations and detect eleven HI sources, many more than expected from the HI mass function in a similar volume. They have HI masses $\rm 10^{8.5}-10^{9.5}\,M_{\odot}$ and are mostly within ~120 kpc projected distance from the filament axis. None of these HI sources has a confirmed optical counterpart. Their darkness together with their large HI-21cm line-widths indicate that they contain gas that might not yet be virialized. These clouds must be marking the peaks of the dark matter and HI distributions over large scales within the filament. The presence of such gas clouds around the filament spines is predicted by simulations, but this is the first time that the existence of such clouds in a filament is observationally confirmed.

Luke Weisenbach, Thomas Collett, Wolfgang Enzi, Lindsay Oldham, Ana Sainz de Murieta

Gravitational microlensing is a unique probe of the stellar content in strong lens galaxies. Flux ratio anomalies from gravitationally lensed supernovae (glSNe), just like lensed quasars, can be used to constrain the stellar mass fractions at the image positions. Type Ia supernovae are of particular interest as knowledge of the intrinsic source brightness helps constrain the amount of (de)magnification from the macromodel predictions that might be due to microlensing. In addition, the presence or absence of caustic crossings in the light curves of glSNe can be used to constrain the mass of the microlenses. We find that a sample of 50 well-modeled glSNe Ia systems with single epoch observations at peak intrinsic supernova luminosity should be able to constrain a stellar mass-to-light ratio to within $\sim 15\%$. A set of systems with light curve level information providing the location (or absence) of caustic crossing events can also constrain the mass of the microlenses to within $\sim 50\%$. Much work is needed to make such a measurement in practice, but our results demonstrate the feasibility of microlensing to place constraints on astrophysical parameters related to the initial mass function of lensing galaxies without any prior assumptions on the stellar mass.

Tian Yi, Chris W. Ormel, Shuo Huang, Antoine C. Petit

Kepler-221 is a G-type star hosting four planets. In this system, planets b, c, and e are in (or near) a 6:3:1 three-body resonance even though the planets' period ratios show significant departures from exact two-body commensurability. Importantly, the intermediate planet d is not part of the resonance chain. To reach this resonance configuration, we propose a scenario in which there were originally five planets in the system in a chain of first-order resonances. After disk dispersal, the resonance chain became unstable and two planets quickly merged to become the current planet d. In addition, the b/c/e three-body resonance was re-established. We run N-body simulations using REBOUND to investigate the parameter space under which this scenario can operate. We find that our envisioned scenario is possible when certain conditions are met. First, the reformation of the three-body resonance after planet merging requires convergent migration between planets b and c. Second, as has previously pointed out, an efficient damping mechanism must operate to power the expansion of the b/c/e system. We find that planet d plays a crucial role during the orbital expansion phase due to destabilizing encounters of a three-body resonance between c, d, and e. A successful orbital expansion phase puts constraints on the planet properties in the Kepler-221 system including the planet mass ratios and the tidal quality factors for the planets. Our model can also be applied to other planet systems in resonance, such as Kepler-402 and K2-138.

Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Federico Testagrossa, Maria Petropoulou, Walter Winter

The blazar TXS 0506+056 has been the first astrophysical source associated with high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, and it has emerged as the second-most-prominent hotspot in the neutrino sky over ten years of observations. Although neutrino production in blazars has traditionally been attributed to processes in the powerful relativistic jet, the observation of a significant neutrino flux from NGC 1068 -- presumably coming from the Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) corona -- suggests that neutrinos can also be produced in the cores of AGN. This raises the question whether neutrino production in TXS~0506+056 is also associated with the core region. We study this scenario, focusing on the hypothesis that this blazar is a masquerading BL Lac, a high-excitation quasar with hidden broad emission lines and a standard accretion disk. We show that magnetic reconnection is an acceleration process necessary to reach tens of PeV proton energies, and we use observationally motivated estimates of the X-ray luminosity of the coronal region to predict the emission of secondaries and compare them to the observed multi-wavelength and neutrino spectra of the source. We find that the coronal neutrino emission from TXS 0506+056 is too low to describe the IceCube observed neutrinos from this AGN, which in turn suggests that the blazar jet remains the preferred location for neutrino production.

Roberto Soria, Thomas D. Russell, Eli Wiston, Siying Cheng, Raffaella Margutti, Kovi Rose, Stuart Ryder, Giacomo Terreran

We study the late-time evolution of the compact Type IIb SN 2001ig in the spiral galaxy NGC 7424, with new and unpublished archival data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array and the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder. More than two decades after the SN explosion, its radio luminosity is showing a substantial re-brightening: it is now two orders of magnitude brighter than expected from the standard model of a shock expanding into a uniform circumstellar wind (i.e., with a density scaling as R^{-2}). This suggests that the SN ejecta have reached a denser shell, perhaps compressed by the fast wind of the Wolf-Rayet progenitor or expelled centuries before the final stellar collapse. We model the system parameters (circumstellar density profile, shock velocity, mass loss rate), finding that the denser layer was encountered when the shock reached a distance of ~0.1 pc; the mass-loss rate of the progenitor immediately before the explosion was Mdot/v_w ~ 10^{-7} Msun/yr/(km/s). We compare SN 2001ig with other SNe that have shown late-time re-brightenings, and highlight the opposite behaviour of some extended Type IIb SNe which show instead a late-time flux cut-off.

D. Massari, M. Bellazzini, M. Libralato, A. Bellini, E. Dalessandro, E. Ceccarelli, F. Aguado-Agelet, S. Cassisi, C. Gallart, M. Monelli, A. Mucciarelli, E. Pancino, M. Salaris, S. Saracino, E. Dodd, F. R. Ferraro, E. R. Garro, B. Lanzoni, R. Pascale, L. Rosignoli

We present the $Hubble$ Missing Globular Cluster Survey (MGCS), a $Hubble$ $Space$ $Telescope$ treasury programme dedicated to the observation of all the kinematically confirmed Milky Way globular clusters that missed previous $Hubble$ imaging. After introducing the aims of the programme and describing its target clusters, we showcase the first results of the survey. These are related to two clusters, one located at the edge of the Milky Way Bulge and observed in optical bands, namely ESO452-11, and one located in the Galactic Disc observed in the near-IR, namely 2MASS-GC01. For both clusters, the deep colour-magnitude diagrams obtained from the MGCS observations reach several magnitudes below their main-sequence turn-off, and thus enable the first precise estimate of their age. By using the methods developed within the CARMA project, we find ESO452-11 to be an old, metal-intermediate globular cluster, with ${\rm [M/H]}\simeq-0.80^{+0.08}_{-0.11}$ and an age of ${\rm t}=13.59^{+0.48}_{-0.69}$ Gyr. Its location on the age-metallicity relation makes it consistent with an in-situ origin, in agreement with its dynamical properties. On the other hand, the results for 2MASS-GC01 highlight it as a young, metal-intermediate cluster, with an age of ${\rm t}=7.22^{+0.93}_{-1.11}$ Gyr at ${\rm [M/H]}=-0.73^{+0.06}_{-0.06}$. This is the first ever age estimate for this extremely extincted cluster, and indicates it either as the youngest globular known to date, or as a massive and compact open cluster, which is consistent with its almost circular, disc-like orbit.

A. Bolamperti, S.-J. Chang, J. Vernet, A. Zanella, M. Gronke, F. Arrigoni Battaia, F. Calura, E. Iani, E. Vanzella

Ly$\alpha$ emission is the strongest tracer of recombining ionized hydrogen in young, star-forming galaxies, but its origin is still debated. Ly$\alpha$ arises when emitted photons scatter in neutral hydrogen and, so far, observational efforts have mostly focused on the Ly$\alpha$ surface brightness and spectral profile, which depend on the neutral hydrogen column density, geometry, kinematics, powering mechanism and on the region from which the photons are emitted. Different processes produce similar spectra, but have different degrees of polarization, that we can use to discriminate between them. In this paper, we present the first spectropolarimetric observations of a typical star-forming galaxy at $z\sim 3.4$, strongly lensed by the cluster of galaxies Abell 2895, taken with the PMOS mode of the VLT/FORS2 instrument. We measure a Ly$\alpha$ degree of polarization $1\sigma$ upper limit of $4.6\%$. We develop new Ly$\alpha$ radiative transfer models to reproduce the observations, that can be explained by assuming the star-forming galaxy being embedded in a CGM with a biconical outflow geometry, with an opening angle of the wind $\theta_{o,Wind}\sim 30^\circ$ for line-of-sight angles $\theta_{LOS} \leq 20^\circ$, $\theta_{o,Wind}\sim 45^\circ$ for $\theta_{LOS}\leq 20^\circ$, $\theta_{o,Wind}\sim 60^\circ$ for $\theta_{LOS}\leq 20^\circ$, and $\theta_{o,Wind}\sim 75^\circ$ for $\theta_{LOS}\leq 40^\circ$, where $\theta_{LOS}=0^\circ$ means observing in the direction of the outflow. We notice that the constraints from polarization are complementary to those from the spectral line profile. This study shows the potential of adding measurements of the Ly$\alpha$ degree of polarization to constrain the geometry of the gas surrounding typical star-forming galaxies and paves the way to spatially resolved studies that will allow us to disentangle between different Ly$\alpha$ origin mechanisms.

Artem Y. Burdanov, Julien de Wit, Miroslav Brož, Thomas G. Müller, Tobias Hoffmann, Marin Ferrais, Marco Micheli, Emmanuel Jehin, Daniel Parrott, Samantha N. Hasler, Richard P. Binzel, Elsa Ducrot, Laura Kreidberg, Michaël Gillon, Thomas P. Greene, Will M. Grundy, Theodore Kareta, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Nicholas Moskovitz, Audrey Thirouin, Cristina A. Thomas, Sebastian Zieba

Asteroid discoveries are essential for planetary-defense efforts aiming to prevent impacts with Earth, including the more frequent megaton explosions from decameter impactors. While large asteroids ($\geq$100 km) have remained in the main belt since their formation, small asteroids are commonly transported to the near-Earth object (NEO) population. However, due to the lack of direct observational constraints, their size-frequency distribution--which informs our understanding of the NEOs and the delivery of meteorite samples to Earth--varies significantly among models. Here, we report 138 detections of the smallest asteroids ($\gtrapprox $10 m) ever observed in the main belt, which were enabled by JWST's infrared capabilities covering the asteroids' emission peaks and synthetic tracking techniques. Despite small orbital arcs, we constrain the objects' distances and phase angles using known asteroids as proxies, allowing us to derive sizes via radiometric techniques. Their size-frequency distribution exhibits a break at ${\sim}100$ m (debiased cumulative slopes of $q = -2.66\pm0.60$ and $-0.97\pm0.14$ for diameters smaller and larger than $\sim $100 m, respectively), suggestive of a population driven by collisional cascade. These asteroids were sampled from multiple asteroid families--most likely Nysa, Polana and Massalia--according to the geometry of pointings considered here. Through additional long-stare infrared observations, JWST is poised to serendipitously detect thousands of decameter-scale asteroids across the sky, probing individual asteroid families and the source regions of meteorites "in-situ".

Danny Horta, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, David W. Hogg, Melissa K. Ness, Andrew R. Casey

The large volume of spectroscopic data available now and from near-future surveys will enable high-dimensional measurements of stellar parameters and properties. Current methods for determining stellar labels from spectra use physics-driven models, which are computationally expensive and have limitations in their accuracy due to simplifications. While machine learning methods provide efficient paths toward emulating physics-based pipelines, they often do not properly account for uncertainties and have complex model structure, both of which can lead to biases and inaccurate label inference. Here we present $Lux$: a data-driven framework for modeling stellar spectra and labels that addresses prior limitations. $Lux$ is a generative, multi-output, latent variable model framework built on JAX for computational efficiency and flexibility. As a generative model, $Lux$ properly accounts for uncertainties and missing data in the input stellar labels and spectral data and can either be used in probabilistic or discriminative settings. Here, we present several examples of how $Lux$ can successfully emulate methods for precise stellar label determinations for stars ranging in stellar type and signal-to-noise from the $APOGEE$ surveys. We also show how a simple $Lux$ model is successful at performing label transfer between the $APOGEE$ and $GALAH$ surveys. $Lux$ is a powerful new framework for the analysis of large-scale spectroscopic survey data. Its ability to handle uncertainties while maintaining high precision makes it particularly valuable for stellar survey label inference and cross-survey analysis, and the flexible model structure allows for easy extension to other data types.

The observed correlation between inner super-Earths and outer gas giants places strong constraints on formation theories. Building on previous work, Bryan $\&$ Lee 2024 showed that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between super-Earths and outer gas giants around metal-rich FGK stars, and that this correlation disappears for metal-poor hosts. Here we consider how this connection evolves across stellar mass. Starting with our sample of 85 M-dwarfs ($<$0.6 M$_{\odot}$) hosting inner super-Earths, we calculate P(GG|SE, [Fe/H]$>$0) = 9.4 (+10.2 -3.1)$\%$ and P(GG|SE, [Fe/H]$\leq$0)$<$3.1$\%$. Compared to the field gas giant frequency calculated from the Rosenthal et al 2021 sample, we find P(GG|[Fe/H]$>$0) = 10.3 (+6.9 -3.1)$\%$, and P(GG|[Fe/H]$\leq$0)$<$2.6$\%$ for M-dwarfs. While we see a higher gas giant frequency around metal-rich M-dwarfs for both samples, we find no significant correlations between super-Earths and gas giants. Combining our 85 M-dwarf sample with our FGK sample from Bryan $\&$ Lee 2024, we resolve the SE/GG correlation in stellar mass (0.3--1.5 M$_{\odot}$) and metallicity. We show the positive correlation emerges in metal-rich K-dwarfs and strengthens with increasing stellar mass. Gas giant properties also impact the correlation -- for metal rich stars, the positive correlation is strengthened by: 1) dynamically hot gas giants for all stellar masses; 2) distant gas giants only for higher mass stars; and 3) single gas giants for K-dwarfs and multiple gas giants around more massive stars. We discuss how the stellar mass dependence of the inner-outer planet correlation can be understood from the increasing disk mass budget for higher mass stars.

We consider unified dark sector models in which the fluid can collapse and cluster into halos, allowing for hierarchical structure formation to proceed as in standard cosmology. We show that both background evolution and linear perturbations tend towards those in $\LCDM$ as the clustered fraction $f \rightarrow 1$. We confront such models with various observational datasets, with emphasis on the relatively well motivated standard Chaplygin gas. We show that the strongest constraints come from secondary anisotropies in the CMB spectrum, which prefer models with $f \rightarrow 1$. However, as a larger Hubble constant is allowed for smaller $f$, values of $f \simeq 0.99$ (rather than tending to exact unity) are favored when late universe expansion data is included, with $f \simeq 0.97$ and $H_0 \simeq 70 {\rm km/s/Mpc}$ allowed at the 2-$\sigma$ level. Such values of $f$ imply extremely efficient clustering into nonlinear structures. They may nevertheless be compatible with clustered fractions in warm dark matter based cosmologies, which have similar minimal halo mass scales as the models considered here. Tight CMB constraints on $f$ also apply to the generalized Chaplygin gas, except for models that are already quite close to $\LCDM$, in which case all values of $0 \le f \le 1$ are allowed. In contrast to the CMB, large scale structure data, which were initially used to rule out unclustered unified dark matter models, are far less constraining. Indeed, late universe data, including the large scale galaxy distribution, prefer models that are far from $\LCDM$. But these are in tension with the CMB data.

The streaming instability is an efficient method for overcoming the barriers to planet formation in protoplanetary discs. The streaming instability has been extensively modelled by hydrodynamic simulations of gas and a single dust size. However, more recent studies considering a more realistic case of a particle size distribution show that this will significantly decrease the growth rate of the instability. We follow up on these studies by evaluating the polydisperse streaming instability, looking at the non-linear phase of the instability at the highest density regions, and investigating the dust size distribution in the densest dust structures. We employ 2D hydrodynamic simulations in an unstratified shearing box with multiple dust species representing an underlying continuous dust size spectrum using FARGO3D. To calculate the drag force on the gas due to a continuous dust size distribution, we apply the Gauss-Legendre quadrature method in dust size space. This method converges faster with the number of dust species than the usual uniform sampling method. The polydisperse streaming instability is less efficient than its monodisperse counterpart in generating dense clumps that could collapse into planetesimals. In the densest dust structure, the larger dust sizes are more abundant because they are less coupled to the gas and, therefore, can clump together more than the smaller dust grains. This trend is broken at the largest dust size due to size-dependent spatial segregation of the highest-density regions, where particles with the largest Stokes numbers are located just outside the densest areas of the combined dust species. This is observed as a peak in the size distribution at the densest regions, which could relate to the size distribution that ends up in the planetesimal after collapse and can mimic the size distribution of dust growth.

The gas present in planet-forming disks typically exhibits strong emission features of abundant carbon and oxygen molecular carriers. In some instances, protoplanetary disks show an elevated C/O ratio above interstellar values, which leads to a rich hydrocarbon chemistry evidenced in the mid-infrared spectra. The origin of this strengthened C/O ratio may stem from the release of less complex hydrocarbons from the chemical processing of carbonaceous grains. We have explored a set of 42 single-cell models in which we match the physical conditions to the inner regions of planet-forming disks, while varying the C/O ratio by exploring different levels of CH$_4$, C, H$_2$O, and CO to the gas-phase chemistry, which we evaluate in both the cosmic/X-ray and UV-driven limit. We find that the carbon-bearing species in our models exhibit high dependencies on the driver of the chemistry, where both CO and long chain hydrocarbons act as carbon sinks in the cosmic/X-ray-driven chemistry limit, while the vast majority ends up in atomic carbon and CO in the UV-driven limit. We also find moderate dependencies upon the C/O ratio, where this and the ionization rate/UV field determines the point of peak production of a species as well as its equilibrium abundance. We also find that the production of several hydrocarbons, specifically C$_2$H$_2$, is strongly dependent up to an order of magnitude on the initial water abundance. We lastly find that in the X-ray-driven limit, both CH$_4$ and C serve as highly transient donor species to the carbon chemistry.

G. Cozzo, P. Pagano, F. Reale, P. Testa, A. Petralia, J. Martinez-Sykora, V. Hansteen, B. De Pontieu

Outflows perpendicular to the guide field are believed to be a possible signature of magnetic reconnection in the solar corona and specifically a way to detect the occurrence of ubiquitous small-angle magnetic reconnection. The aim of this work is to identify possible diagnostic techniques of such outflows in hot coronal loops with SDO/AIA and the forthcoming MUltislit Solar Explorer (MUSE), in a realistically dynamic coronal loop environment in which an MHD avalanche is occurring. We consider a 3D MHD model of two magnetic flux tubes, including a stratified, radiative and thermal-conducting atmosphere, twisted by footpoint rotation. The faster rotating flux tube becomes kink-unstable and soon involves the other one in the avalanche. The turbulent decay of this magnetic structure on a global scale leads to the formation, fragmentation, and dissipation of current sheets driving impulsive heating akin to a nanoflare storm. We captured a clear outflow from a reconnection episode soon after the initial avalanche and synthesized its emission as detectable with AIA and MUSE. The outflow has a maximum temperature around 8 MK, a total energy of 1024 erg, a velocity of a few hundred km/s, and a duration of less than 1 min. We show the emission in the AIA 94 A channel (Fe XVIII line) and in the MUSE 108 A Fe XIX spectral line. his outflow shares many features with nanojets recently detected at lower temperatures. Its low emission measure makes, however, its detection difficult with AIA, but Doppler shifts can be measured with MUSE. Conditions become different in a later steady state phase when the flux tubes are filled with denser and relatively cooler plasma.

Paul Edwards, Megha Dave, Alexander Weaver, Mengyuan Zhao, Paul Fulda, Guido Mueller, Gudrun Wanner

Tilt-to-length (TTL) coupling in the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) can generate spurious displacement noise that potentially affects the measurement of gravitational wave signals. In each test mass interferometer, the coupling of misalignments with spacecraft angular jitter produces noise in the longitudinal pathlength signal. This signal comes from the phase readout combinations of an interfering measurement beam and a local reference beam at a quadrant photodetector, but various formulations exist for its calculation. Selection of this pathlength signal formulation affects the TTL coupling noise. We therefore simulated two pathlength signal candidates, the complex sum and the averaged phase, and evaluated their performance in the LISA test mass interferometer under the assumption of static alignment imperfections. All simulations were performed using three different methods with cross-checked results. We find with all three methods that the averaged phase is the choice with equal or less TTL coupling noise in four out of the five test cases. Finally, we show that the non-linear TTL contributions in the test mass interferometer to be negligible in all our test-cases, no matter which formulation of pathlength signal is chosen.

Jacob W. Isbell, Steve Ertel, Jörg-Uwe Pott, Gerd Weigelt, Marko Stalevski, James Leftley, Walter Jaffe, Romain G. Petrov, Niklas Moszczynski, Pierre Vermot, Philip Hinz, Leonard Burtscher, Violeta Gámez Rosas, Alexander Becker, Jared Carlson, Virginie Faramaz-Gorka, William F. Hoffmann, Jarron Leisenring, Jennifer Power, Kevin Wagner

Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are a key component of galaxy evolution due to feedback on the host from its supermassive black hole. The morphology of warm, in- and outflowing dusty material can reveal the nature of the onset of feedback, AGN feeding, and the unified model of AGN. Here we use the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) to image the dense, obscuring disk and extended dusty outflow region of NGC 1068. In Fizeau imaging mode the LBTI synthesizes the equivalent resolution of a 22.8 m telescope. The 8.7 $\mu$m Fizeau images of NGC 1068 {have an effective resolution of $47\times90$ mas ($3.3\times6.2$ pc)} in a 5" field of view after performing PSF deconvolution techniques described here. This is the only extragalactic source to be Fizeau imaged using the LBTI, and the images bridge the scales measured with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI; 0.5-5 pc) and those of single telescopes such as JWST and Keck ($>15$ pc). The images detect and spatially resolve the low surface brightness mid-infrared (MIR) features in the AGN disk/wind region that are over-resolved by the VLTI. The images show strong correlation between MIR dust emission and near-infrared (NIR) emission of highly excited atomic lines observed by SINFONI. Such LBTI imaging is a precursor to infrared imaging using the upcoming generation of extremely large telescopes, with angular resolutions up to 6x better than JWST, the largest space telescope in orbit.

Yihao Zhou, Tiziana Di Matteo, Nianyi Chen, Luke Zoltan Kelley, Laura Blecha, Yueying Ni, Simeon Bird, Yanhui Yang, Rupert Croft

We model continuous gravitational wave (CW) sources detectable by pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), using the ASTRID cosmological simulation. The most detectable single sources are in the low-frequency bins and are produced by the most supermassive black hole (SMBH) mergers (with M_BH ~ 10^10 - 10^11 solarmass) in the most massive galaxies M_star ~ 10^12 solarmass. Remarkably, these mergers (mostly at z< 0.3) occur within massive galaxies residing at the center of galaxy clusters. Particularly striking in ASTRID is a triple merger event, where two subsequent mergers in the same cluster core generate high-detection-probability CW signals at ~ 2nHz and ~ 10nHz. We expect electromagnetic signatures from these events: either single or dual active galactic nuclei (AGN) and massive host galaxies that are undergoing significant star formation. We establish a novel connection between these high-mass, central cluster mergers, occurring in galaxies with active star formation and AGN, and the formation process of the central cluster galaxy in ASTRID. This provides new insights into the low-frequency gravitational wave sky and informs future multi-messenger searches for PTA CW sources.

Nemanja Jovanovic, Daniel Echeverri, Jacques-Robert Delorme, Luke Finnerty, Tobias Schofield, Jason J. Wang, Yinzi Xin, Jerry Xuan, J. Kent Wallacee, Dimitri Mawet, Aniket Sanghi, Ashley Baker, Randall Bartos, Charlotte Z. Bond, Benjamin Calvin, Sylvain Cetre, Greg Doppmann, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Jason Fucik, Maodong Gao, Jinhao Ge, Charlotte Guthery, Katelyn Horstman, Chih-Chun Hsud, Joshua Liberman, Stephanie Leifer, Scott Lilley, Ronald Lopez, Eduardo Marin, Emily C. Martin, Bertrand Mennesson, Evan Morris, Reston Nash, Jacklyn Pezzato, Michael Porter, Mitsuko Roberts, Garreth Ruane, Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Ben Sappey, Eugene Serabyn, Boqiang Shen, Andrew Skemer, Ji Wang, Edward Wetherell, Peter Wizinowich, Maissa Salama, Vincent Chambouleyron, Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Chas Beichman

The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC) is a series of upgrades for the Keck II Adaptive Optics (AO) system and the NIRSPEC spectrograph to enable diffraction limited, high resolution (R>30000) spectroscopy of exoplanets and low mass companions in the K and L bands. Phase I consisted of single mode fiber injection/extraction units (FIU/FEU) used in conjunction with a H band pyramid wavefront sensor. The use of single mode fibers provides a gain in stellar rejection, a substantial reduction in sky background, and an extremely stable line spread function in the spectrograph. Phase II, deployed and commissioned in 2022, brought a 1000 actuator deformable mirror, beam shaping optics, a vortex mask, and other upgrades to the FIU/FEU. An additional service mission in 2024 extended operations down to y band, delivered an atmospheric dispersion corrector, and provided access to two laser frequency combs. KPIC phase II brings higher planet throughput, lower stellar leakage and many new observing modes which extend its ability to characterize exoplanets at high spectral resolution, building on the success of phase I. In this paper we present a description of the final phase II version of KPIC, along with results of system level laboratory testing and characterization showing the instrument's phase II throughput, stability, repeatability, and other key performance metrics prior to delivery and during installation at Keck. We outlined the capabilities of the various observing modes enabled by the new modules as well as efforts to compensate for static aberrations and non common path errors at Keck, which were issues that plagued phase I. Finally, we show results from commissioning.

Hideki Umehata, Mariko Kubo, Ian Smail, Bret D. Lehmer, Erik B. Monson, Kouichiro Nakanishi, Yuichi Matsuda

We present a morphological analysis of ALMA and JWST NIRCam images of nine dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) at zspec=3.09, all embedded within the cosmic web filaments at the SSA22 proto-cluster core. The ALMA 870um and 1.1mm images are obtained at spatial resolutions ranging from 0.5" to 0.05" (350 pc at z=3.09). The high-resolution images enable us to resolve inner structures traced by dust continuum, identifying compact dusty cores, clumps, and offset ridges within bars. Sersic profile fit was performed for both ALMA 870um and NIRCam F444W images at comparable resolutions (0.15"). The Sersic index measured for 870um, masking bright regions, indicates values close to unity, suggesting that dust emission arises from disks with superimposed compact core components. For the JWST F444W images (restframe 1um), the Sersic indices range between nF444W = 1-3, pointing to the coexistence of bulges and stellar disks in these DSFGs. A comparison of dust mass surface density, nF444W, and F200W-F444W color (restframe 0.5-1um) reveals diversity among the DSFGs, likely reflecting different evolutionary stages including some DSFGs with red cores, indicating ongoing rapid bulge growth phases heavily obscured by dust. The predominantly disk-like morphologies observed in most DSFGs in the proto-cluster core contrast sharply with early-type morphologies that dominate the highest density environment in the local universe. This suggests that we are witnessing the early formation of the morphology-density relation, as massive galaxies undergo rapid growth as late-type galaxies fueled by cosmic web gas filaments.

Samuel J. Van Kooten, Craig E. Deforest, Guillermo Stenborg, Kenny N. Kenny

The WISPR imager on Parker Solar Probe provides a unique view the young solar wind, flying through solar wind structures at high speed. It is of interest to use WISPR image sequences to measure the velocity of both large features (such as CMEs) and the background, ambient wind. However, WISPR's close-up, rapidly-moving perspective makes the usual methods for measuring velocities from images difficult or impossible to apply, as most apparent motion through the image is due to the motion or rotation of the imager. In this work, we propose a new method of looking for features at the "stationary point" -- a direction from which some plasma parcels appear to approach the spacecraft, remaining at a constant direction in the image sequence. This direction is a function of the plasma's radial velocity, the encounter geometry, and the spacecraft velocity, allowing the former two to be inferred. We demonstrate the technique with forward-modeled images, and we apply it to WISPR observations, inferring the speed and trajectory of a particular density feature. This method promises to enable speed measurements of the young solar wind in an important acceleration region, from a close-up perspective and at latitudes well outside the PSP orbital plane. And while we present this method in a solar wind context, it is broadly applicable to any situation of a moving viewpoint traveling through an expanding cloud of features.

M. J. Boschini, S. Della Torre, M. Gervasi, D. Grandi, G. Johannesson, G. La Vacca, N. Masi, I. V. Moskalenko, S. Pensotti, T. A. Porter, L. Quadrani, P. G. Rancoita, D. Rozza, M. Tacconi

Since its launch, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02) has delivered outstanding quality measurements of the spectra of cosmic-ray (CR) species, $e^{\pm}$, $\bar{p}$, and nuclei (H-Si, S, Fe), which have resulted in a number of breakthroughs. Besides elemental spectra, AMS-02 also measures the spectra of light isotopes albeit within a smaller rigidity range. In this paper, we use the precise measurements of He isotopes and the $^3$He/$^4$He ratio by AMS-02, together with Voyager 1 data, and investigate their origin. We show that there is an excess in $^3$He at higher energies compared to standard calculations assuming its fully secondary origin, which may indicate a source of primary $^3$He, or signify a change in the propagation parameters over the Galactic volume probed by the $^3$He/$^4$He ratio. We provide updated local interstellar spectra (LIS) of $^3$He and $^4$He in the rigidity range from 2-40 GV. Our calculations employ the self-consistent GalProp-HelMod framework that has proved to be a reliable tool in deriving the LIS of CR $e^{-}$, $\bar{p}$, and nuclei $Z\le28$.

Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Thor Tepper-Garcia, Oscar Agertz, Christoph Federrath, Misha Haywood, Paola di Matteo, Timothy R Bedding, Takafumi Tsukui, Emily Wisnioski, Melissa Ness, Ken Freeman

this http URL - comments welcome as always

In response to recent observations from JWST and ALMA, we explore a new class of dynamically self-consistent models using our AGAMA/Ramses hydrodynamic N-body framework (Nexus) that mimics a plausible progenitor of the Milky Way over a wide range of disc gas fractions ($f_{\rm gas} = 0-100\%$). The high gas surface densities encourage vigorous star formation, which in turn couples with the gas to drive turbulence. We show that this coupling through momentum recoil drives 'baryon sloshing,' i.e. a random walk of the baryonic potential minimum with respect to the centre of the total gravitational potential, $\Phi_{\rm tot}$. The amplitude of the bulk motion depends on the strength of the feedback, which in turn is directly associated with $f_{\rm gas}$. At its most extreme, when gas is the sole contributor to the disc potential ($f_{\rm gas}=100$%), the amplitude of the walk can reach up to $R\approx 5$ kpc and $\vert z\vert \approx 1$ kpc within $\Phi_{\rm tot}(R,\phi,z)$. Consistent with observations, the disc dominates over dark matter ($f_{\rm disc}\gtrsim 50$%) within $R_s=2.2 R_{\rm disc}$, where $R_{\rm disc}$ is the exponential disc scale length. For a lower $f_{\rm disc}$ and/or $f_{\rm gas}$, the 3D sloshing amplitude and velocity are reduced. The combination of strong feedback (which unbinds the disc) and sloshing leads to the newly formed stars being dynamically heated and settling to a more spatially extended disc population. The 3D heating process is isotropic but its effects are more noticeable in $\vert z\vert$ due to the initial dynamical coldness of the star-forming disc. Such a disc has enhanced [$\alpha$/Fe] stellar abundances and a vertical (but no radial) gradient in stellar age and metallicity, both consistent with the Milky Way's thick stellar disc. Contrary to earlier claims, star formation in a stationary turbulent disc does $not$ produce thick stellar discs.

K. R. Sreenivas, Timothy R. Bedding, Daniel Huber, Courtney L. Crawford, Dennis Stello, May G. Pedersen, Yaguang Li, Daniel Hey

Stellar oscillations and granulation in red giants are both powered by convection. Studying the wavelength dependence of their amplitudes can provide useful insights on the driving mechanism. It is also important for plans to carry out asteroseismology with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, which will operate in the near infrared, to check the dependence of oscillations and granulation on the observational wavelength. In this work, we aim to understand how the oscillation and granulation power in red giants depend on the wavelength and study how existing predictions compare with observations. We measure the mean oscillation and granulation power of 279 Kepler red giants, from the power density spectra derived using Kepler PDCSAP and TESS-SPOC light curves. We find that selection of light curves is important for the study of amplitudes, since different light curve products from TESS show different values of amplitudes. We show that the oscillation and granulation power ratios between TESS and Kepler match the theoretical prediction, confirming that both decrease as we move to redder wavelengths. We also see that the mean ratios of oscillations and granulation agree, suggesting that oscillation and granulation have the same wavelength dependence. We also find that the mean height-to-background ratio for Kepler agrees with previous results and shows good agreement with TESS. These results suggest that the granulation signals would not severely affect the detection of oscillations. We checked the dependence of these ratio between Kepler and TESS on stellar parameters, and see no trends.

Most multi-planet systems around mature ($\sim 5$-Gyr-old) host stars are non-resonant. Even the near-resonant planet pairs still display 1-2\% positive deviation from perfect period commensurabilities ($\Delta$) near first-order mean motion resonances (MMR). Resonant repulsion due to eccentricity tides was one of the first mechanisms proposed to explain the observed positive $\Delta$. However, the inferred rates of tidal dissipation are often implausibly rapid (with a reduced tidal quality factor $Q_p^\prime \lesssim 10$). In this work, we attempt to amplify eccentricity tides with three previously ignored effects. 1) Planets tend to be inflated when they were younger. 2) Kepler-like Planets likely form as resonant chains parked at the disk inner edge, overlooked inner planets could have contributed to tidal dissipation of the whole system. 3) Disk migration captures planets into first-order MMR with non-zero initial deviation $\Delta$, thereby lowering the amount of dissipation needed. We show that even after accounting for all three effects, $Q_p^\prime$ can only be amplified by about one order of magnitude, and still falls short of $Q_p^\prime$ values of Solar System planets. Therefore, eccentricity tides alone cannot fully explain the observed $\Delta$ distribution. Other effects such as obliquity tides, planetesimal scattering, expanding disk inner edge, disk turbulence, divergent encounters, and dynamical instabilities must have contributed to dislodging planets from first-order MMR.

Shuo Zhang, Hua-Wei Zhang, Yuan-Sen Ting, Rui Wang, Teaghan O'Briain, Hugh R. A. Jones, Derek Homeier, A-Li Luo

We present fundamental atmospheric parameters (Teff and log g) and metallicities ([M/H]) for 507,513 M dwarf stars using low-resolution spectra (R~1800) from LAMOST DR10. By employing Cycle-StarNet, an innovative domain adaptation approach, we successfully bridge the gap between theoretical PHOENIX synthetic spectra and observed LAMOST spectra, enabling parameter measurements even for lower signal-to-noise data (S/N>5). The fitting residual analysis shows a reduction from 2.0 times to 1.68 times the flux uncertainty. Comparing with available literature values, we find systematic offsets and precisions of 12$\pm$70 K in Teff, -0.04$\pm$0.17 dex in log g, and -0.06$\pm$0.20 dex in [M/H]. The precision improves for higher quality spectra (S/N>50) to 47 K, 0.12 dex, and 0.14 dex respectively. The metallicity consistency between wide binaries shows a scatter of 0.24 dex, improving to 0.15 dex at S/N>50. We provide a comprehensive catalog including stellar parameters, spectral classifications, activity indicators, and binary/variability flags, establishing a resource for studies of the most numerous stellar population. The complete catalog is available at this https URL.

Using open astronomical multifrequency databases, we constructed light curves and developed a comprehensive visualisation and sonification analysis for the blazars Mrk~501, Mrk~1501, Mrk~421, BL~Lacerta, AO~0235+164, 3C~66A, OJ~049, OJ~287, and PKS~J2134-0153. This study employed Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) and Parameter Mapping Sonification (PMSon) techniques to generate waveforms, spectrograms, and sonifications. These representations demonstrate that data visualisation and sonification are powerful tools for analysing astronomical objects like blazers, providing insights into their multifrequency variability. This work highlights how sonification and visualisation can aid in identifying potential patterns, power variations, regularities, and gaps in the data. This multimodal approach also underscores the importance of inclusivity in scientific communication, offering accessible methods for exploring the complex behaviour of blazers.

Shocks in relativistically hot plasmas are thought to exist in various high-energy astrophysical phenomena, but it is not clear how relativistic collisionless shocks are formed, whether particles are accelerated by the shock as in the case of cold upstream. In this work, collisionless shocks with a relativistic shock velocity in relativistically hot unmagnetized electron-positron plasmas are investigated by two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is shown that the upstream flow is dissipated by the Weibel instability, so that the relativistic collisionless shock is formed as in the case of cold upstream. The density and magnetic field structures around the shock front are almost independent of the upstream temperature when the spatial scale is normalized by the inertial length scale which takes into account the relativistic temperature. This can be understood by considering the pressure anisotropy, which asymptotically approaches a finite value due to the relativistic beaming effect, even as the temperature becomes relativistically hotter and hotter. In addition, as long as the shock velocity is relativistic, some particles are accelerated, forming a power-law energy spectrum similar to that in the cold upstream.

R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann, J. Adams, S. K. Agarwalla, J. A. Aguilar, M. Ahlers, J.M. Alameddine, N. M. Amin, K. Andeen, C. Argüelles, Y. Ashida, S. Athanasiadou, S. N. Axani, R. Babu, X. Bai, A. Balagopal V., M. Baricevic, S. W. Barwick, S. Bash, V. Basu, R. Bay, J. J. Beatty, J. Becker Tjus, J. Beise, C. Bellenghi, S. BenZvi, D. Berley, E. Bernardini, D. Z. Besson, E. Blaufuss, L. Bloom, S. Blot, F. Bontempo, J. Y. Book Motzkin, C. Boscolo Meneguolo, S. Böser, O. Botner, J. Böttcher, J. Braun, B. Brinson, Z. Brisson-Tsavoussis, J. Brostean-Kaiser, L. Brusa, R. T. Burley, D. Butterfield, M. A. Campana, I. Caracas, K. Carloni, J. Carpio, S. Chattopadhyay, N. Chau, Z. Chen, D. Chirkin, S. Choi, B. A. Clark, A. Coleman, P. Coleman, G. H. Collin, A. Connolly, J. M. Conrad, R. Corley, D. F. Cowen, C. De Clercq, J. J. DeLaunay, D. Delgado, S. Deng, A. Desai, P. Desiati, K. D. de Vries, G. de Wasseige, T. DeYoung, A. Diaz, J. C. Díaz-Vélez, P. Dierichs, M. Dittmer, A. Domi, L. Draper, H. Dujmovic, D. Durnford, K. Dutta, M. A. DuVernois, T. Ehrhardt, L. Eidenschink, A. Eimer, P. Eller, E. Ellinger, S. El Mentawi, D. Elsässer, R. Engel, H. Erpenbeck, W. Esmail, J. Evans, P. A. Evenson, K. L. Fan, K. Fang, K. Farrag, A. R. Fazely, A. Fedynitch, N. Feigl

We present a search for the diffuse extremely-high-energy neutrino flux using $12.6$ years of IceCube data. The non-observation of neutrinos with energies well above $10 \, \mathrm{PeV}$ constrains the all-flavor neutrino flux at $10^{18} \, \mathrm{eV}$ to a level of $E^2 \Phi_{\nu_e + \nu_\mu + \nu_\tau} \simeq 10^{-8} \, \mathrm{GeV} \, \mathrm{cm}^{-2} \, \mathrm{s}^{-1} \, \mathrm{sr}^{-1}$, the most stringent limit to date. Using this data, we constrain the proton fraction of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) above $\simeq 30 \, \mathrm{EeV}$ to be $\lesssim 70\,$% (at $90\,$% CL) if the cosmological evolution of the sources is comparable to or stronger than the star formation rate. This result complements direct air-shower measurements by being insensitive to uncertainties associated with hadronic interaction models. It is the first such result to disfavor the ``proton-only" hypothesis for UHECRs using neutrino data.

Yujie Lian, P. C. C. Freire, Shuo Cao, Mario Cadelano, Cristina Pallanca, Zhichen Pan, Haiyan Zhang, Baoda Li, Lei Qian

PSR B1310+18A is a 33-ms binary pulsar in a 256-day, low eccentricity orbit with a low-mass companion located in NGC 5024 (M53). In this Letter, we present the first phase-coherent timing solution for this pulsar (designated as M53A) derived from a 35-year timing baseline; this combines the archival Arecibo Observatory data with the recent observations from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). We find that the spin period derivative of the pulsar is between 6.1 and $7.5 \times 10^{-19} \rm \, s\, s^{-1}$, which implies a characteristic age between 0.70 and 0.85 Gyr. The timing solution also includes a precise position and proper motion for the pulsar, enabling the identification of the companion of M53A in Hubble Space Telescope data as a Helium white dwarf (He WD) with a mass of $M_{\rm WD}=0.39^{+0.05}_{-0.07} \, \rm M_{\odot}$ and a cooling age of $0.14^{+0.04}_{-0.03}\, \rm Gyr$, confirming that the system formed recently in the history of the GC. The system resembles, in its spin and orbital characteristics, similarly wide pulsar - He WD systems in the Galactic disk. We conclude by discussing the origin of slow pulsars in globular clusters, showing that none of the slow pulsars in low-density globular clusters are as young as the systems observed in the densest known globular clusters.

T. Saito, M. Takahashi, Y. Inome, H. Abe, M. Artero, O. Blanch, J. Becerra González, S. Fukami, D. Hadasch, Y. Hanabata, Y. Hattori, J. Herrera Llorente, K. Ishio, H. Iwasaki, H. Katagiri, K. Kawamura, D. Kerszberg, S. Kimura, T. Kiyomoto, T. Kojima, Y. Konno, Y. Kobayashi, S. Koyama, H. Kubo, J. Kushida, A. López-Oramas, S. Masuda, S. Matsuoka, D. Mazin, D. Nakajima, T. Nakamori, T. Nagayoshi, D. Ninci, K. Nishijima, G. Nishiyama, Y. Nogami, S. Nozaki, M. Ogino, H. Ohoka, T. Oka, S. Ono, A. Okumura, R. Orito, A. Rugliancich, S. Sakurai, N. Sasaki, Y. Sunada, M. Suzuki, K. Tamura, J. Takeda, Y. Terada, M. Teshima, F. Tokanai, Y. Tomono, S. Tsujimoto, Y. Tsukamoto, Y. Umetsu, T. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida

The camera of the Large-Sized Telescopes (LSTs) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) consists of 1855 pixels that are grouped into 265 high-performance photomultiplier tube (PMT) modules. Each module comprises a seven-light-guide plate, seven PMT units, a slow control board, and a readout board with a trigger board. %In this paper we describe The requirements for the PMT modules include various aspects, such as photon detection efficiency, dynamic range, buffer depth, and test pulse functionality. We have developed a high-performance PMT module that fulfills all these requirements. Mass-production and quality control (QC) of modules for all four LSTs of the northern CTAO have been completed. Here we report on the technical details of each element of the module and its performance, together with the methods and results of QC measurements.

A resistive magnetohydrodynamics simulation with a dynamo term is performed for modeling the collapsar in full general relativity. As an initial condition, a spinning black hole and infalling stellar matter are modeled based on a stellar evolution result, superimposing a weak toroidal magnetic field. After the growth of a massive torus around the black hole, the magnetic field is amplified in it, developing poloidal fields via dynamo. In an early stage of the torus growth, magnetic fluxes that fall to the vicinity of the central black hole are swallowed by the black hole and global poloidal magnetic fields that can be the source of the Blandford-Znajek mechanism are not developed. However, in a later stage in which the ram pressure of the infalling matter becomes weak, the magnetic field amplified by the black hole spin via the winding becomes large enough to expel the infalling matter by the magnetic pressure, and subsequently, a global poloidal magnetic field that penetrates the black hole is established, launching a jet along the spin axis by the Blandford-Znajek mechanism with the luminosity suitable for explaining typical long gamma-ray bursts. Together with the jet launch, the effectively viscous effect in the inner region of the torus and the magnetocentrifugal effect drive the stellar explosion with the explosion energy comparable to typical or powerful supernovae. We also find large amounts of synthesized $^{56}$Ni and Zn associated with the stellar explosion. In the presence of jet launching, $r$-process elements are weakly synthesized. The numerical results of the explosion energy, ejecta mass, and $^{56}$Ni mass are in a good agreement with those for observed broad-lined type Ic supernovae. Our result illustrates a self-consistent scenario for the gamma-ray-burst-associated broad-lined type Ic supernovae.

We present the first spectro-polarimetric study of the bright atoll source GX 9+1, using the simultaneous Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), and Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) observations. The source was observed to remain in the soft state, with no changes in state throughout the observation period. The source does not show significant polarization in the 2-8 keV energy range. However, a significant polarization (3.3 sigma) was detected in the 2-3 keV range, with a polarization degree of 3.3 +/- 0.8% and a polarization angle of 11 +/- 7 deg. We used the simultaneous energy spectra from NICER (0.6 - 11 keV) and IXPE (2-8 keV) to study the spectral properties of the source during observations. The observed spectrum of the source can be well described by a combination of Comptonized blackbody emission from the neutron star surface (compbb model in XSPEC) and thermal Comptonized component with seed photons from the accretion disc. The spectral properties of GX 9+1 during the observation are consistent with those of other bright atoll-sources in the soft state. However, the high polarization degree observed in the low-energy band does not align with previous IXPE observations of other atoll-sources. This observed polarization in the source is attributed to the strong polarization of the Comptonized blackbody component. We discuss the results from the spectro-polarimetric studies in the context of various accretion disc and coronal geometries of the source.

Brian Tapia-Contreras, Patricia B. Tissera, Emanuel Sillero, Jenny Gonzalez-Jara, Catalina Casanueva-Villarreal, Susana Pedrosa, Lucas Bignone, Nelson D. Padilla, Rosa Domínguez-Tenreiro

The distribution of chemical elements in the star-forming regions can store information on the chemical enrichment history of the galaxies. Negative metallicity gradients are expected in galaxies forming inside-out. However, observations show that the metallicity profiles can be broken. We aim to study the diversity of metallicity profiles that can arise in the current cosmological context and compare them with available observations. We also seek to identify the physical processes responsible for breaks in metallicity profiles by using two galaxies as case studies. We analyze central galaxies from the cosmological simulations of the CIELO project, within the stellar mass range [$10^{8.5}$, $10^{10.5}$] M$_\odot$ at $z=0$. A new algorithm, DB-A, was developed to fit multiple power laws to the metallicity profiles, enabling a flexible assessment of metallicity gradients in various galactic regions. The simulations include detailed modeling of gas, metal-dependent cooling, star formation, and supernova feedback. At $z=0$, we find diverse profile shapes, including inner and outer drops and rises, with some galaxies exhibiting double breaks. Gradient values align with observations. A temporal analysis of Local Group analogs shows inner and outer breaks occurring at all cosmic times, with outer breaks being more frequent. Metallicity gradients show high variability at high redshift, transitioning to mild evolution at lower redshift. Most inner breaks show central oxygen enhancement, linked to gas accretion and star formation. Inner drops result from disrupted gas due to feedback-driven outflows. Outer breaks with high metallicities arise from re-accreted material, extended star formation, and CGM-driven gas mixing. Outer drops are common at high redshift, linked to metal-poor gas accretion from cold flows. We highlight the complex interplay of these processes which often act together.

Context. The localized formation of planetesimals can be triggered with the help of streaming instability when the local pebble density is high. This can happen at various locations in the disk leading to the formation of local planetesimal rings. The planetesimals in these rings subsequently grow from mutual collisions and by pebble accretion. Aims. We investigate the early growth of protoplanetary embryos from a ring of planetesimals created from streaming instability to see if they reach sizes where they accrete pebbles efficiently. Methods. We simulate the early stages of planet formation for rings of planetesimals that we assume were created by streaming instability at various separations from the star and for various stellar masses using a semi-analytic model. Results. The rings in the inner disk are able to produce protoplanetary embryos in a short time whereas at large separations there is little to no growth. The growth of the largest bodies is significantly slower around lower-mass stars. Conclusions. The formation of planetary embryos from filaments during the disk lifetime is possible but strongly dependent on the separation from the star and the mass of the host star. It remains difficult to form the seeds of pebble accretion early in the outer disk \sim 50AU, especially for low-mass stars.

Samuel J. McSweeney, Jared Moseley, Natasha Hurley-Walker, Garvit Grover, Csanád Horváth, Timothy J. Galvin, Bradley W. Meyers, Chia Min Tan

We report the discovery of PSR J0031$-$5726 in the GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA eXtended imaging survey at a Galactic latitude of $b \approx -60^\circ$. The pulsar exhibits both sporadic, extremely bright pulses reminiscent of rotating radio transients (RRATs) as well as a persistent, dimmer pulses. The bright pulses tend to arrive at later rotation phases than their dimmer counterparts, and have dramatically varying polarization angle curves, such that the integrated profile appears almost completely depolarized down to the system noise level. The rotation measure of individual pulses was found to sometimes vary by up to ${\sim}0.8\,$rad/m$^2$, but was otherwise generally consistent with its average (ionosphere-corrected) value of $10.0 \pm 0.1\,$rad/m$^2$. We surmise that J0031$-$5726 may represent a class of pulsar that is intermediate between normal pulsars and RRATs.

Francesco Marzari, Gennaro D'Angelo

Context. Binary systems can be born surrounded by circumbinary discs. The gaseous discs surrounding either of the two stellar companions can have their life extended by the supply of mass arriving from the circumbinary disc. Aims. The objective of this study is to investigate the gravitational interactions exerted by a compact and eccentric binary system on the circumbinary and circumprimary discs, and the resulting transport of gas and solids between the disc components. Methods. We assume that the gas in the system behaves as a fluid and model its evolution by means of high resolution hydrodynamical simulations. Dust grains are modeled as Lagrangian particles that interact with the gas and the stars. Results. Models indicate that significant fluxes of gas and dust proceed from the circumbinary disc toward the circumprimary disc. For the applied system parameters, grains of certain sizes are segregated outside the tidal gap generated by the stars. Consequently, the size distribution of the transported dust is not continuous but it presents a gap in the mm size range. In close binaries, the lifetime of an isolated circumprimary disc is found to be short, approximately 10 5 years, because of its small mass. However, because of the influx of gas from beyond the tidal gap, the disc around the primary star can survive much longer, about 10 6 years, as long as gas accretion from the circumbinary disc continues. The supply of solids and the extended lifetime of a circumbinary disc also aids in the possible formation of giant planets. Compared to close binary systems without a circumbinary disc, we expect a higher frequency of single- or multiple- planet systems. Additionally, a planetesimal or debris belt can form in proximity of the truncation radius of the circumprimary disc and/or around the location of the exterior edge of the tidal gap.

We use Gaia DR3 astrometry and photometry to analyze the spatial distribution of the young stellar populations and stellar clusters and to search for new OB star candidates in the Carina Nebula complex and the full extent of the Car OB1 association. We first performed a new census of high-mass stars in Car OB1 and compiled a comprehensive catalog of 517 stars with known spectral types that have Gaia DR3 parallaxes consistent with membership in the association. We applied the clustering algorithm DBSCAN on the Gaia data of the region to find stellar clusters, determine their distances and kinematics, and estimate ages. We also used Gaia astrometry and the additional astrophysical_parameters table to perform a spatially unbiased search for further high-mass members of Car OB1 over the full area of the association. Our DBSCAN analysis finds 15 stellar clusters and groups in Car OB1, four of which were not known before. Most clusters (80%) show signs of expansion or contraction, four of them with a >2$\sigma$ significance. We find a global expansion of the Car OB1 association and a kinematic traceback of the high-mass stars shows that the spatial extent of the association was at a minimum 3-4 Myr ago. Using astrophysical parameters by Gaia DR3, we identified 15 new O-type and 589 new B-type star candidates in Car OB1. The majority (>54%) of the high-mass stars constitute a non-clustered distributed stellar population. Based on our sample of high-mass stars, we estimate a total stellar population of at least ~8*10^4 stars in Car OB1. Our study is the first systematic astrometric analysis that covers the full spatial extent of the Car OB1 association, and it therefore substantially increases the knowledge of the distributed stellar population and spatial evolution of the entire association. Our results suggest suggests Car OB1 to be the most massive known star-forming complex in our Galaxy.

Juma Kamulali, Benard Nsamba, Vardan Adibekyan, Achim Weiss, Tiago L. Campante, Nuno C. Santos

Our understanding of exoplanet demographics partly depends on their corresponding host star parameters. With the majority of exoplanet-host stars having only atmospheric constraints available, robust inference of their parameters is susceptible to the approach used. The goal of this work is to develop a grid-based machine learning tool capable of determining the stellar radius, mass, and age using only atmospheric constraints and to analyse the age distribution of stars hosting giant planets. Our machine learning approach involves combining four tree-based machine learning algorithms (Random Forest, Extra Trees, Extreme Gradient Boosting, and CatBoost) trained on a grid of stellar models to infer stellar radius, mass, and age using Teff, [Fe/H], and luminosities. We perform a detailed statistical analysis to compare the inferences of our tool with those based on seismic data from the APOKASC and LEGACY samples. Finally, we apply our tool to determine the ages of stars hosting giant planets. Comparing the stellar parameter inferences from our machine learning tool with those from the APOKASC and LEGACY, we find a bias (and a scatter) of -0.5\% (5\%) and -0.2\% (2\%) in radius, 6\% (5\%) per cent and -2\% (3\%) in mass, and -9\% (16\%) and 7\% (23\%) in age, respectively. Therefore, our machine learning predictions are commensurate with seismic inferences. When applying our model to a sample of stars hosting Jupiter-mass planets, we find the average age estimates for the hosts of Hot Jupiters, Warm Jupiters, and Cold Jupiters to be 1.98, 2.98, and 3.51 Gyr, respectively. These statistical ages of the host stars confirm previous predictions - based on stellar model ages for a relatively small number of hosts, as well as on the average age-velocity dispersion relation - that stars hosting Hot Jupiters are statistically younger than those hosting Warm and Cold Jupiters.

J. Borovicka, P. Spurny, L. Kotkova, S. Molau, D. Tomko, T. Weiland

Meteoroid streams can be complex structures shaped by the processes of their formation and subsequent orbital evolution. The first step of their understanding is mapping their current stage. We used precise data from the European Fireball Network to disentangle the situation with meteor showers active in August and having radiants in the Cygnus-Draco area. In total, 179 fireballs observed between 2016-2024 were analyzed. We confirmed that two showers, $\kappa$ Cygnids and August Draconids, are present. The meteoroid swarm producing $\kappa$ Cygnids is locked in the 5:3 main-motion resonance with Jupiter with orbital period 7.12 years and has a limited extent of $\leq$ 90 degrees in mean anomaly. The shower is therefore markedly active only once or twice during each seven-year period. The orbits have wide range of inclinations, 28-44 degrees. There is a correlation between inclination, perihelion distance, and argument of perihelion due to observational selection effects. The radiant area is almost 30 degrees long in declination. August Draconids have even more extended radiant and can be divided into three branches depending on the position of the perihelion relative to the ecliptic plane. Neither of the showers can be described by a single set of orbital elements. We provide sets of representative orbits and identifications with showers previously reported in the literature. Physical properties of meteoroids and possible parent bodies are also discussed.

Valentina G. Klochkova, Vladimir E. Panchuk, Nonna S. Tavolzhanskaya, Maksim V. Yushkin

To search for and study the instabilities in the atmospheres of selected post-AGB stars, we have performed a long-term high-resolution spectroscopy (R=60000) with the spectrograph NES of the 6-meter BTA telescope. Low-amplitude pulsations, splitting and/or asymmetry of the absorption profiles with a low excitation potential, as well as variability of a complex H$\alpha$ profile have been registered in the optical spectra of single stars associated with the IR sources IRASz02229+6208, IRAS 04296+3429, IRAS 07134+1005, IRAS 07430+1115, IRAS 19500-1709, IRAS 22223+4327, and IRAS 23304+6147 that had previously undergone the 3-d dredge-up. The maximum pulsation amplitude A$_{\rm Vr}$ was detected for the stars in the IRAS 07134+1005 and IRAS 19500-1709 systems, which have the maximum temperatures among the stars studied. Stratification of radial velocity in the atmosphere was found for two stars in the sample. The luminosity of the studied stars was estimated based on the intensity of the IR oxygen triplet OI(7774). Moreover, a luminosity of log${\rm (L/L_{\odot})}\approx$3.1 was obtained for the star in the IRAS 07430+1115 system within the typical values for post-AGB stars luminosity, which eliminates the paradox of the luminosity and the initial mass of this object.

J. S. Sanders, Y. E. Bahar, E. Bulbul, V. Ghirardini, A. Liu, N. Clerc, M. E. Ramos-Ceja, T. H. Reiprich, F. Balzer, J. Comparat, M. Kluge, F. Pacaud, X. Zhang

The first SRG/eROSITA all-sky X-ray survey, eRASS1, resulted in a catalogue of over twelve thousand optically-confirmed galaxy groups and clusters in the western Galactic hemisphere. Using the eROSITA images of these objects, we measure and study their morphological properties, including their concentration, central density and slope, ellipticity, power ratios, photon asymmetry, centroid shift and Gini coefficient. We also introduce new forward-modelled parameters which take account of the instrument point spread function (PSF), which are slosh, which measures how asymmetric the surface brightness distribution is, and multipole magnitudes, which are analogues to power ratios. Using simulations, we find some non forward-modelled parameters are strongly biased due to PSF and data quality. For the same clusters, we find similar values of concentration and central density compared to results by ourselves using Chandra and previous results from XMM-Newton. The population as a whole has log concentrations which are typically around 0.3 dex larger than South Pole Telescope or Planck-selected samples and the deeper eFEDS sample. The exposure time, detection likelihood threshold, extension likelihood threshold and number of counts affect the concentration distribution, but generally not enough to reduce the concentration to match the other samples. The concentration of clusters in the survey strongly affects whether they are detected as a function of redshift and luminosity. We introduce a combined disturbance score based on a Gaussian mixture model fit to several of the parameters. For brighter clusters, around 1/4 of objects are classified as disturbed using this score, which may be due to our sensitivity to concentrated objects.

Touzeau David, Bernardeau Francis, Benabed Karim, Codis Sandrine

In tomographic cosmic-shear observations, the BNT (Bernardeau, Nishimichi, Taruya) transform, Bernardeau et al. (2014), allows to build weak lensing transformed maps for which the contribution from low redshift lenses is nulled. As this transformation depends specifically on the expansion rate of the Universe but is independent of the matter distribution properties, it can be leveraged to extract information from large-scale structure probes at arbitrary non-linear scales, providing constraints on cosmological background evolution. We demonstrate this by proposing a specific null test for stage IV weak lensing projects. Using a Fisher matrix analysis and parameter sampling, we show that this approach can substantially enhance constraints on the dark energy equation of state. Notably, we find that shape noise currently limits this method's effectiveness making significant improvement possible in future designs. A detailed analysis of our null test in the context of the Euclid mission is presented in a companion paper Touzeau et al. (2025).

In tomographic weak lensing surveys, the presence of nulling properties reveals symmetries inherent in the data, which rely solely on the geometrical properties of the Universe. Ensuring its validity thus provides us with constraints on the cosmological parameters that describe the background evolution, particularly the redshift dependence of the cosmological angular distance. This forms the basis of the tomographic cosmic shear nulling test that we introduce here. We outline how such a test can be executed, what it can constrain, and its specific efficiency in constraining cosmological parameters. Additionally, we explore its sensitivity to astrophysical effects such as magnification bias and reduced shear corrections, as well as observational systematics like errors in the mean redshift of the source bins. Our findings indicate that in a scenario akin to that of Euclid, this nulling test can bring significant and complementary constraints on basic cosmological parameters such as $\{\Omega_m,{\rm w}_0\}$, provided that the mean redshift of the bins are known at a level of $10^{-3}$. We conclude that the combination of nulling as a cosmological probe or a consistence test with usual weak lensing and galaxy clustering probes could allow to better keep systematics under control and bring more precise results in the future.

The article "Confirmation of interstellar phosphine towards asymptotic giant branch star IRC+10216" by A. Manna and S. Pal uses ALMA data of the C-star envelope IRC+10216 to claim a confirmation of the detection of PH3 in this source. The article however incorrectly assign an emission feature observed in the ALMA spectrum of IRC+10216 to PH3, while we find that it arises from a highly vibrationally excited state of HCN. Concretely the feature can be confidently assigned to the J=3-2 l=0 transition of HCN in the v1+4v2 vibrational state based on the observation of the l=+2 and l=-2 components of the same rotational transition, J=3-2, with the observed relative intensities in agreement with the relative line strengths. The detection of PH3 in IRC+10216 remains confirmed based on the observation of the J=1-0 and J=2-1 lines with the single-dish telescopes IRAM-30m, ARO SMT-10m, and Herschel (Agundez et al. 2008, 2014; Tenenbaum et al. 2008).

The enigmatic phenomenon of dark energy (DE) is regarded as the elusive entity driving the accelerated expansion of our Universe. A plausible candidate for DE is the non-zero Einstein Cosmological Constant $\Lambda_{E}$ manifested as a constant energy density of the vacuum, yet it seemingly defies gravitational effects. In this work, we interpret the non-zero $\Lambda_{E}$ through the lens of scale-invariant cosmology. We revisit the conformal scale factor $\lambda$ and its defining equations within the Scale-Invariant Vacuum (SIV) paradigm. Furthermore, we address the profound problem of the missing mass across galactic and extragalactic scales by deriving an MOND-like relation, $g \sim \sqrt{a_0\,g_N}$, within the SIV context. Remarkably, the values obtained for $\Lambda_{E}$ and the MOND fundamental acceleration, $a_0$, align with observed magnitudes, specifically, $a_0 \approx 10^{-10} \, \mathrm{m} \, \mathrm{s}^{-2}$ and $\Lambda_{E} \approx 1.8 \times 10^{-52} \, \mathrm{m}^{-2}$. Moreover, we propose a novel early dark energy term, $\tilde{T}_{\mu\nu} \sim \kappa H$, within the SIV paradigm, which holds potential relevance for addressing the Hubble tension. Keywords: cosmology; theory; dark energy; dark matter; MOND; Weyl integrable geometry.

We propose a novel mechanism of primordial black hole (PBH) formation through inverted bubble collapse. In this scenario, bubbles nucleate sparsely in an incomplete first-order phase transition, followed by a bulk phase transition in the rest of the universe that inverts these pre-existing bubbles into false vacuum regions. These spherically symmetric false-vacuum bubbles subsequently collapse to form PBHs. Unlike conventional PBH formation mechanisms associated with domain wall collapse or bubble coalescence, our inverted bubble collapse mechanism naturally ensures spherical collapse. We demonstrate that, when applied to the electroweak phase transition, this mechanism can produce highly monochromatic PBHs with masses up to ${\cal O}(10^{-6}\,\text{-}\,10^{-5}) M_\odot$, which potentially explain the microlensing events observed in the OGLE and Subaru HSC data.

Hydrodynamical simulations are the most accurate way to model structure formation in the universe, but they often involve a large number of astrophysical parameters modeling subgrid physics, in addition to cosmological parameters. This results in a high-dimensional space that is difficult to jointly constrain using traditional statistical methods due to prohibitive computational costs. To address this, we present a fully differentiable approach for cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and a proof-of-concept implementation, diffhydro. By back-propagating through an upwind finite volume scheme for solving the Euler Equations jointly with a dark matter particle-mesh method for Poisson equation, we are able to efficiently evaluate derivatives of the output baryonic fields with respect to input density and model parameters. Importantly, we demonstrate how to differentiate through stochastically sampled discrete random variables, which frequently appear in subgrid models. We use this framework to rapidly sample sub-grid physics and cosmological parameters as well as perform field level inference of initial conditions using high dimensional optimization techniques. Our code is implemented in JAX (python), allowing easy code development and GPU acceleration.

Surface convection is important for the presence of magnetic activity at stars. So far, this convection is thought to be a result of heating from below, where convection cells rise and break up. New models reveal that surface convection is instead strongly driven by cooling from above. We compare two simulations of surface convection, one with a significant heating from below and one without. We obtain surface convection in both cases, and they show similar granulation patterns. The deep convection driven by heating from below is still evolving and asymptotically approaches a steady-state solution. We find that convection from below is not needed at all to form typical photospheric granulation. This indicates the possibility of a surface dynamo acting on stars without a convecting envelope. Even stars without a convecting envelope could therefore exhibit stronger magnetic and coronal activity than expected so far.

Martin O. Canullan-Pascual, Mauro Mariani, Ignacio F. Ranea-Sandoval, Milva G. Orsaria, Fridolin Weber

To model the structure of neutron stars (NSs) theoretically,it is common to consider layers with different density regimes. Matching the equation of state (EoS) for the crust and core and obtaining a suitable description of these extreme conditions are crucial for understanding the properties of these compact objects. In this work, we construct ten different NS EoSs incorporating three distinct crust models, which are connected to the core using a thermodynamically and causally consistent formalism. For cold NSs, we propose a linear relationship between pressure and energy density in a narrow region between the crust and core, effectively establishing an interpolation function in the pressure-baryonic chemical potential plane. We then compare this EoS matching method with the classical approach, which neglects causal and thermodynamic consistency. We solve the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation to obtain the mass-radius relationship and compare our results with observational constraints on NSs. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of the new matching formalism on non-radial oscillation frequencies and damping times. Our findings suggest that the method used to glue the crust and core EoS impacts NS observables, such as the radius, oscillation frequencies, and damping times of non-radial modes, which may be crucial for interpreting future gravitational wave observations from neutron star mergers or isolated pulsars. The effects are particularly noticeable for low-mass NSs, regardless of the specific EoS model chosen. In particular, we find that the $p_1$ oscillation mode exhibits significant differences in frequencies among alternative matching methods, whereas the fundamental $f$-mode remains unaffected by changes in crust models or interpolation schemes.

Amena Faruqi, Grant Kennedy, Rebecca Nealon, Sahl Rowther

We present synthetic optical light curves of the hierarchical HD98800 quadruple system over a decade-long period when the circumbinary disc encircling the system's B binary is expected to eclipse the light from the A binary. We produce and compare light curves of this transit event using hydrodynamical models with different values of the disc's gas mass, dust mass, and $\alpha$-viscosity to determine the observable effect of each parameter. These comparisons provide insight that could aid in the analysis of observational data from the system when the real transit occurs and provide recommendations for how such observations should be made. We find that a higher dust mass or higher value of $\alpha$ correspond to a longer transit, with the gas mass having a more minor effect on the overall shape and duration of the transit. A higher $\alpha$ has an observable effect on the viscous spreading at the outer edge of the disc, though is countered through truncation by the outer binary. It is also shown that long-term interactions between the outer binary and disc can excite spiral arms in the disc, which introduce observable asymmetries to the light curve. Our models suggest that the transit should have begun at the time of writing, but no dimming has yet been observed. It is likely that the disc has a smaller radial extent than our models, due to a lower viscosity than can be simulated with SPH. The transit is expected to last 8-11 years, ending in late 2034 at the latest.

A. Abdul Halim, P. Abreu, M. Aglietta, I. Allekotte, K. Almeida Cheminant, A. Almela, R. Aloisio, J. Alvarez-Muñiz, A. Ambrosone, J. Ammerman Yebra, G.A. Anastasi, L. Anchordoqui, B. Andrada, L. Andrade Dourado, S. Andringa, L. Apollonio, C. Aramo, E. Arnone, J.C. Arteaga Velázquez, P. Assis, G. Avila, E. Avocone, A. Bakalova, F. Barbato, A. Bartz Mocellin, J.A. Bellido, C. Berat, M.E. Bertaina, M. Bianciotto, P.L. Biermann, V. Binet, K. Bismark, T. Bister, J. Biteau, J. Blazek, J. Blümer, M. Boháčová, D. Boncioli, C. Bonifazi, L. Bonneau Arbeletche, N. Borodai, J. Brack, P.G. Brichetto Orchera, F.L. Briechle, A. Bueno, S. Buitink, M. Buscemi, M. Büsken, A. Bwembya, K.S. Caballero-Mora, S. Cabana-Freire, L. Caccianiga, F. Campuzano, J. Caraça-Valente, R. Caruso, A. Castellina, F. Catalani, G. Cataldi, L. Cazon, M. Cerda, B. Čermáková, A. Cermenati, J.A. Chinellato, J. Chudoba, L. Chytka, R.W. Clay, A.C. Cobos Cerutti, R. Colalillo, R. Conceição, A. Condorelli, G. Consolati, M. Conte, F. Convenga, D. Correia dos Santos, P.J. Costa, C.E. Covault, M. Cristinziani, C.S. Cruz Sanchez, S. Dasso, K. Daumiller, B.R. Dawson, R.M. de Almeida, E.-T. de Boone, B. de Errico, J. de Jesús, S.J. de Jong, J.R.T. de Mello Neto, I. De Mitri, J. de Oliveira, D. de Oliveira Franco, F. de Palma, V. de Souza, E. De Vito, A. Del Popolo, O. Deligny, N. Denner, L. Deval, A. di Matteo, C. Dobrigkeit

Diffuse photons of energy above 0.1 PeV, produced through the interactions between cosmic rays and either interstellar matter or background radiation fields, are powerful tracers of the distribution of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. Furthermore, the measurement of a diffuse photon flux would be an important probe to test models of super-heavy dark matter decaying into gamma-rays. In this work, we search for a diffuse photon flux in the energy range between 50 PeV and 200 PeV using data from the Pierre Auger Observatory. For the first time, we combine the air-shower measurements from a 2 km$^2$ surface array consisting of 19 water-Cherenkov surface detectors, spaced at 433 m, with the muon measurements from an array of buried scintillators placed in the same area. Using 15 months of data, collected while the array was still under construction, we derive upper limits to the integral photon flux ranging from 13.3 to 13.8 km$^{-2}$ sr$^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$ above tens of PeV. We extend the Pierre Auger Observatory photon search program towards lower energies, covering more than three decades of cosmic-ray energy. This work lays the foundation for future diffuse photon searches: with the data from the next 10 years of operation of the Observatory, this limit is expected to improve by a factor of $\sim$20.

By reducing variance induced by gravitational lensing, likelihood-based de-lensing techniques have true potential to extract significantly more information from deep and high-resolution Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data than traditional methods. We derive here optimal data compression statistics for the lensed CMB, and clarify the role of each term, demonstrating their direct analogs in the quadratic estimator (QE) framework. We discuss in this light pros and cons of practical implementations, including the MUSE approach, as used in the latest SPT-3G cosmological analysis, and give improvements. We discuss pathways for porting the large robustness and redundancy toolbox of the QE approach to beyond-QE with simple means.

I find that the accretion disk around the neutron star (NS) that enters the core of a massive evolved star in the frame of the common-envelope jets supernova (CEJSN) r-process scenario can penetrate the crust of the NS, mix neutron-rich crust material into the disk, and enrich the jets that the disk launches with the neutron-rich material. As the NS accretes at high rates from the core inside which it revolves, it forms an accretion disk with high density. In the CEJSN r-process scenario, the very high density in the accretion disk results in low electron fraction gas, enabling the r-process. Jets carry the r-process elements out. The new claim in this study is that the high-density accretion disk destroys part of the NS crust and entrains this mass. The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability mixes material from the deeper crust. The total neutron-rich mass that the disk mixes and the jets carry can be up to ~0.01Mo. Enriching the accretion disk with neutron-rich material ensures a low electron fraction as required by the r-process nucleosynthesis and the ejection of massive r-process ejecta, ~0.01-0.03Mo. I strengthen the CEJSN r-process scenario but do not claim it is the main r-process site. I only claim that two or more r-process sites contribute to r-process nucleosynthesis.

Millisecond pulsars are extremely stable natural timekeepers. Pulsar Timing Array experiments, tracking subtle changes in the pulsars' rotation periods, can shed light on the presence of ultralight particles in our Galaxy. In this conference paper, we start by reviewing the most conservative scenario, in which ultralight particles interact only gravitationally. In this setting, we show that Pulsar Timing Arrays are able to constrain the presence of ultralight fields up to a few tenths of the observed dark matter abundance. Then, we consider conformally coupled ultralight candidates, demonstrating that the constraints on the universal scalar coupling of the field to Standard Model particles improve on existing bounds by several orders of magnitude, in the relevant mass range analyzed by Pulsar Timing Arrays. The discussion presented here is based on [1,2].

Gabriel Török, Kateřina Klimovičová, Debora Lančová, Monika Matuszková, Eva Šrámková, Martin Urbanec, Miljenko Čemeljić, René Šprňa, Vladimír Karas

The quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the X-ray variability of both black hole (BH) and neutron star (NS) systems provide a tool for probing strong gravity and dense matter equations of state. Nevertheless, the mechanism of QPO modulation in NS systems, where the amplitudes of QPOs with frequencies approaching kHz range are very high in comparison to BH high-frequency QPOs, remains an unsolved puzzle. Relativistic ray tracing of photons emitted from the immediate vicinity of compact objects has, to date, been used to investigate various mechanisms that explain the observed weak BH QPOs. However, it has not been applied to model the NS QPO signal, which requires incorporating the NS surface and a bright boundary layer (BL) on it. Here, we explore the QPO modulation mechanisms based on the BL obscuration. Using simplified models of axisymmetric oscillations of thick accretion discs (tori), we demonstrate that the disc oscillations drive the high NS QPO amplitudes through BL obscuration, which is relevant especially for vertical oscillations. We also demonstrate that obscuration effects enable the observability of the Keplerian frequency in the case of discs that decay due to instabilities.

Takuto Kiyomoto, Tsutomu Nagayoshi, Shunsuke Sakurai, Mitsunari Takahashi, Tokonatsu Yamamoto, Alice Donini, Yusuke Inome, Yukiho Kobayashi, Daniel Mazin, Razmik Mirzoyan, Seiya Nozaki, Hideyuki Ohoka, Akira Okumura, Takayuki Saito, Ryuji Takeishi, Masahiro Teshima (for the CTAO LST Project)

Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) have been widely used in imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). The Large-Sized Telescopes (LSTs) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), the latest-generation IACTs, are optimized for challenging observations of low-energy gamma rays, specifically in the 20 to 150 GeV range. To this end, PMTs with an exceptionally low afterpulsing probability have been developed and installed. However, the afterpulsing rate increases over time due to the infiltration of atmospheric molecules, particularly helium, into the tube. Interestingly, we found that the afterpulsing rate decreases when PMTs are operated at high voltage and exposed to light -- a condition naturally met during IACT observations. To evaluate the latest instrument response, after five years of operation, we removed several PMTs from the first LST, which is currently the only operational telescope among the CTAO instruments. Our laboratory measurements showed no increase in afterpulsing compared to pre-installation values. This suggests that the decrease in afterpulsing during operation offsets the increase, thereby maintaining the long-term performance of the PMTs.

D. D. Dzhappuev, I. M. Dzaparova, T. A. Dzhatdoev, E. A. Gorbacheva, I. S. Karpikov, M. M. Khadzhiev, N. F. Klimenko, A. U. Kudzhaev, A. N. Kurenya, A. S. Lidvansky, O. I. Mikhailova, V. B. Petkov, E. I. Podlesnyi, N. A. Pozdnukhov, V. S. Romanenko, G. I. Rubtsov, S. V. Troitsky, I. B. Unatlokov, N. A. Vasiliev, A. F. Yanin, K. V. Zhuravleva

The brightest cosmic gamma-ray burst (GRB) ever detected, GRB 221009A, was accompanied by photons of very high energies. These gamma rays may be used to test both the astrophysical models of the burst and our understanding of long-distance propagation of energetic photons, including potential new-physics effects. Here we present the observation of a photon-like air shower with the estimated primary energy of $300^{+43}_{-38}$ TeV, coincident (with the chance probability of $\sim 9\cdot 10^{-3}$) with the GRB in its arrival direction and time. Making use of the upgraded Carpet-3 muon detector and new machine learning analysis, we estimate the probability that the primary was hadronic as $\sim 3 \cdot 10^{-4}$. This is the highest-energy event ever associated with any GRB.

While the (weak) Equivalence Principle (EP) has been rigorously tested within the solar system, its validity on cosmological scales, particularly in the context of dark matter and dark energy, remains uncertain. In this study, we propose a novel method to test EP on cosmological scales by measuring the peculiar acceleration power spectrum of galaxies using the redshift drift technique. We develop an EP estimator, $E_{\rm ep}$, to evaluate the consistency of the peculiar acceleration power spectrum across different tracers. By calculating the ratio of the peculiar acceleration power spectra of tracers, the ensemble average of $E_{\rm ep}$ is expected to be unity if EP holds on cosmological scales for these tracers. We validate this estimator using N-body simulations, focusing on four redshift bins with $z\leq 1.5$ and scales of $k$ in the range of $0.007$ and $0.32$ $h/\rm Mpc$. By measuring $E_{\rm ep}$ using i) different samples of dark matter particle mock data and ii) low-mass and high-mass halo mock data, we find that the measured $E_{\rm ep}$ values are consistent with unity within the $2\sigma$ level, supporting the validity of $E_{\rm ep}$ on the linear cosmological scales. Taking advantage of advanced observing capabilities, such as next-generation facilities that extend beyond the Square Kilometer Array, the proposed method offers a promising approach for future cosmological tests of EP.

We use the CN/CO intensity ratio to obtain the dense gas fraction, $f_{\text{dense}}$, for a sample of 16 Ultra-luminous and Luminous Infrared Galaxies and compare $f_{\text{dense}}$ with a suite of global galaxy properties. We find a significant correlation between $f_{\text{dense}}$ and star formation rate calculated using both infrared luminosities and radio continuum, although there is significant scatter in each relation. We find no trend between global or peak $f_{\text{dense}}$ and merger stage. We find no correlation between global $f_{\text{dense}}$ and X-ray luminosity; however, the correlation becomes significant when we measure $f_{\text{dense}}$ at the location of peak X-ray emission. Our interpretation is that the dense gas is co-localized with strong X-ray emission from an active galactic nuclei or strong central star formation.

The next generation of gravitational wave detectors and electromagnetic telescopes are beckoning the onset of the multi-messenger era and the exciting science that lies ahead. Multi-messenger strong gravitational lensing will help probe some of the most important questions of the Universe in an unprecedented manner. In particular, understanding the nature of gravitational wave sources, the underlying physical processes and mechanisms that produce emissions well before or right until the time of the merger, their associations to the seemingly distinct populations of gamma ray bursts, fast radio bursts and kilonovae. Not to mention, multi-messenger lensing will offer unique probes of test of gravity models and constraints on cosmological parameters complementary to other probes. Enabling multi-messenger science calls for concerted follow-up efforts and development of new and shared resources required in the community.

We have generated 2D-multicomponent surface brightness (SB) modelling for 100 galaxies in the Large Galaxy Atlas (LGA) together with 19 nearby cD galaxies using the near-infrared (NIR) images from 2MASS (J, H and Ks ). Our final sample of 119 galaxies includes cD galaxies, Virgo cluster galaxies, group galaxies, and field galaxies, but 68 % are spiral galaxies. We revisit known scaling relations (SRs) involving structure parameters, as well as those involving supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and ultramassive black holes (UMBHs). Refining the SRs, we revisited the classification of bulges. In this study, we have considered the Fundamental Plane (FP) and its projections, as well as other SRs, such as the colour-magnitude relation (CMR), the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR) and the luminosity-concentration relation (LCR). Classical bulges follow the same relations as elliptical galaxies, while pseudobulges are usually outliers. The NIR colours of classical bulges and pseudobulges indicate that their ages are not radically different despite their spread in luminosity, but we noticed that classical bulges are more luminous than pseudobulges; therefore, this property provides a complementary bulge/pseudobulge classification criterion. We have included pseudobulges from other studies to strengthen our sample's tendencies seen for pseudobulges in our sample. We also revised the SRs for SMBHs and UMBHs, finding that pseudobulges do not follow SRs for early-type galaxies and classical bulges. In addition, the lack of correlation between BHs and discs may indicate these structures have not coevolved. From the revision of SRs, we present a sample of galaxies likely to host SMBHs or UMBHs, which are suitable for dynamical BH mass determination accessible from the ground.

Samuel P.D. Birch, Alexander G. Hayes, J. Taylor Perron

In this chapter we begin with a review of Titan's fluvial and lacustrine landscapes as observed with Cassini remote sensing data, and what the many discoveries have revealed about Titan's surface materials and climate. Yet Cassini remote sensing data are coarse, topographic data are largely lacking, and the absence of in situ field measurements means we have little understanding of what the surface is composed of. At present, our knowledge of Titan's hydrology is comparable to that of Mars in the 1970's during the Viking era. Fortunately, the coming decades promise many new and exciting discoveries that can be achieved through Earth-based experiments, numerical modeling, and a continued commitment to the exploration of Titan by future missions, including both Dragonfly and orbiting assets. We therefore close the chapter with a discussion about what can be done with the current Cassini data and how new data, from both Dragonfly and a potential future orbiter, would allow us to leverage Titan to help solve some of the largest problems both here on Earth and on hydrologic planets and exoplanets more generally.

Aylin Garcia Soto, Girish M. Duvvuri, Elisabeth R. Newton, Ward S. Howard, Alejandro Núñez

M Dwarfs make up the majority of stars, offering an avenue for discovering exoplanets due to their smaller sizes. However, their magnetic activity poses challenges for exoplanet detection, characterization, and planetary habitability. Understanding its magnetic activity, including surface starspots and internal dynamos, is crucial for exoplanet research. In this study, we present short-term variability in four Balmer emission lines \ha, \hb, \hg, and \hd\ for a sample of 77 M dwarfs of varying spectral types, and binarity. Stars were observed using the MDM Observatory's Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph on the 2.4m Telescope and the Modular Spectrograph on the 1.3 m Telescope. These data are combined with TESS photometry to explore the connection between spectroscopic and photometric variability. We observe sporadic short-term variability in Balmer lines for some stars, on timescale $\gtrsim$ 15-min, but much shorter than the stellar rotation period. We calculate periods for stars lacking those measurements, re-evaluated the relationship between amplitude (\rvar)-activity relation for the \ha \ line from \citet{garcia_soto_contemporaneous_2023}, and extended our analysis to the \hb, \hg \ and \hd \ lines, which indicates that the relation becomes increasingly dispersed for higher-order Balmer lines. This is consistent with increased intrinsic variability from lower to higher order lines. Additionally, we compute the Balmer decrement, using \hb \ as the fiducial, for stars where we could measure \hg \ and/or \hd. The Balmer decrement can show distinct patterns during white-light flares, with significant differences even for the same star. We also find evidence for dark spots on \object{TIC 283866910}.

Sudden violations of the slow-roll regime during inflation, a natural prediction of many UV-complete inflationary models, give rise to sharp features in the primordial power spectrum. At large scales, these features provide a unique window into the physics of inflation, with constraints primarily derived from Cosmic Microwave Background observations of linearly evolved primordial fluctuations. However, on smaller scales, it is less clear whether primordial features would survive the late-time nonlinear cosmological evolution, as they are expected to be washed out by mode coupling. In this paper, we run dedicated N-body simulations to tackle this question. We demonstrate that, while oscillatory-like patterns are erased over time by nonlinearities, signatures of primordial sharp features can persist through the nonlinear regime of structure formation. Those take the form of a localised power enhancement or decrease in the matter power spectrum, whose amplitude and position can in principle be used to recover the scale of the primordial feature, and an oscillatory pattern in the halo mass function. While these findings highlight the power for constraining inflationary physics at small scales, they also show the challenges posed by potential degeneracies with other physical processes relevant in the nonlinear regime of structure formation such as non-cold dark matter candidates. Our results open new avenues for probing inflationary physics in large scale structures and galactic physics and emphasise the need for refined theoretical tools to robustly constrain primordial features.

Understanding the large-scale structure of the Universe requires analysis of cosmic clustering and its evolution over time. In this work, we investigate the clustering properties of SDSS blue galaxies, which are excellent tracers of dark matter, along two distinct epochs of the Universe, utilizing estimators like the 2-point angular correlation function (2PACF), the angular power spectra, among others. Considering a model-independent approach, we perform analyses in two disjoint redshift shells, $0 \leq z < 0.06$ and $0.06 \leq z < 0.12$, to investigate the distribution of large cosmic structures. Using Bayesian inference methods, we constrain the parameter that quantifies the galaxy clustering in the 2PACF, enabling us to perform comparisons among different regions on the sky and between different epochs in the Universe regarding the gravitational action on matter structures. Our analyses complement previous efforts to map large-scale structures in the Local Universe. In addition, this study reveals differences regarding the clustering of large cosmic structures comparing two epochs of the Universe, analyses done with diverse estimators. Results reveal, clearly, distinct evolutionary signatures between the two redshift shells. Moreover, we had the opportunity to test the concordance cosmological model under extreme conditions in the highly non-linear Local Universe, computing the amplitude of the angular power spectrum at very small scales. Ultimately, all our analyses serve as a set of consistency tests of the concordance cosmological model, the $\Lambda$CDM.

Brad Koplitz, Sanchayeeta Borthakur, Timothy Heckman, Mansi Padave, Tyler McCabe, Jason Tumlinson, Andrew J. Fox, Guinevere Kauffmann

As part of the Deciphering the Interplay between the Interstellar medium, Stars, and the Circumgalactic medium (DIISC) survey, we present the UV metal absorption features in the Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) near the H I gas disk ($<$4.5$R_\mathrm{HI}$) of 31 nearby galaxies through quasar absorption line spectroscopy. Of the ions under study, Si III $\lambda1206$ was most frequently detected (18 of 31 sight lines), while C II $\lambda1334$ and Si II $\lambda1260$ were detected in 17 and 15 of 31 sight lines, respectively. Many components were consistent with photoionization equilibrium models, most of the cold and cool gas phase clouds were found to have lengths smaller than 2 kpc. Sight lines with smaller impact parameters ($\rho$) normalized by the galaxy's virial radius ($R_\mathrm{vir}$) and H I radius ($R_\mathrm{HI}$) tend to have more components and larger rest-frame equivalent widths ($W_r$) than those that probe the CGM at larger radii. In particular, we find that the location of metals are better traced by $\rho$ / $R_\mathrm{HI}$ rather than the traditional $\rho$ / $R_\mathrm{vir}$. Larger covering fractions are found closer to galaxies, with a radial decline that depends on the $W_r$ limit used. Our results provide new insights into the spatial distribution of metals around the H I disks of low-redshift galaxies.

S. Jang, A. P. Milone, A. F. Marino, M. Tailo, E. Dondoglio, M. V. Legnardi, G. Cordoni, T. Ziliotto, E. P. Lagioia, M. Carlos, A. Mohandasan, E. Bortolan, Y.-W. Lee

Wide-field photometry of Galactic globular clusters (GCs) has been investigated to overcome limitations from the small field of view of the Hubble Space Telescope in the study of multiple populations. In particular, 'chromosome maps' (ChMs) built with ground-based photometry were constructed to identify the first and second generation stars (1G and 2G) over the wide-field of view. The ChMs allow us to derive the fraction of distinct populations in an analyzed field of view. We present here the radial distribution of the 2G fraction in 29 GCs. The distributions show that all the GCs either have a flat distribution or more centrally concentrated 2G stars. Notably, we find that the fraction of 1G stars outside the half-light radius is clearly bifurcated across all mass range. It implies that a group of GCs with lower 1G fractions (hereafter Group II) have efficiently lost their 1G stars in the outermost cluster regions. In fact, in connection with the trends of the radial distribution, most GCs of Group II have spatially mixed populations, while only less massive GCs in Group I (a group with higher 1G fraction) show that feature. Lastly, we investigate links between these two groups and host cluster parameters. We find that most GCs of Group II are distributed along a broader range of galactocentric distances with smaller perigalactic distances < 3.5 kpc. Besides, by using the Gaia data, it is observed that Group II GCs have higher energy on the integrals of motion diagrams than Group I GCs.

Modern science emerged from reasoning over repeatedly-observed planetary motions. We present Gravity-Bench-v1, an environment-based benchmark that challenges AI agents on tasks that parallel this historical development. Gravity-Bench-v1 evaluates agents on the discovery of physics concealed within a dynamic environment, using rigorous gravitational dynamics simulations. Gravity-Bench includes out-of-distribution cases, i.e. with physics that deviates from the real world, to evaluate true scientific generalization capabilities. Agents must plan to collect data within an experimental budget and must perform a dynamic form of data analysis and reasoning to solve tasks efficiently. Our benchmark admits an open-ended space of solutions. PhD-level solutions for each task are provided, to calibrate AI performance against human expertise. Technically at an upper-undergraduate level, our benchmark proves challenging to baseline AI agents. Gravity-Bench-v1 and planned extensions should help map out AI progress towards scientific discovery capabilities.

During the accretion phase of a core-collapse supernova (SN), dark-photon (DP) cooling can be largest in the gain layer below the stalled shock wave. In this way, it could counter-act the usual shock rejuvenation by neutrino energy deposition and thus prevent the explosion. This peculiar energy-loss profile derives from the resonant nature of DP production. The largest cooling and thus strongest constraints obtain for DP masses of 0.1-0.4 MeV, a range corresponding to the photon plasma mass in the gain region. Electron-capture SNe, once observationally unambiguously identified, could provide strong bounds even down to nearly 0.01 MeV. For a coupling strength so small that neutrino-driven explosions are expected to survive, the DP cooling of the core is too small to modify the neutrino signal, i.e., our new argument supersedes the traditional SN1987A cooling bound.

Davide Baiocco, Damiano Marian, Giulio Marino, Paolo Panci, Marco Polini, Alessandro Tredicucci

Polar materials with optical phonons in the meV range are excellent candidates for both dark matter direct detection (via dark photon-mediated scattering) and light dark matter absorption. In this study, we propose, for the first time, the metal halide perovskites MAPbI$_3$, MAPbCl$_3$, and CsPbI$_3$ for these purposes. Our findings reveal that CsPbI$_3$ is the best material, significantly improving exclusion limits compared to other polar materials. For scattering, CsPbI$_3$ can probe dark matter masses down to the keV range. For absorption, it enhances sensitivity to detect dark photon masses below $\sim 10~{\rm meV}$. The only material which has so far been investigated and that could provide competitive bounds is CsI, which, however, is challenging to grow in kilogram-scale sizes due to its considerably lower stability compared to CsPbI$_3$. Moreover, CsI is isotropic while the anisotropic structure of CsPbI$_3$ enables daily modulation analysis, showing that a significant percentage of daily modulation exceeding 1% is achievable for dark matter masses below $40~{\rm keV}$.

The interaction of gravitational waves (GWs) with matter is thought to be typically negligible in the Universe. We identify a possible exception in the case of resonant interactions, where GWs emitted by a background binary system such as an inspiraling supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary causes a resonant response in a stellar-mass foreground binary and the frequencies of the two systems become, and remain, synchronized. We point out that such locking is not only possible, but can significantly reduce the binaries' merger time for $\mathcal{O}(1-10^4)$ binaries in the host galaxy of the merging SMBHs of $10^{9-11}M_{\odot}$ for standard general relativity and even more either in ``wet'' SMBH mergers or in certain modified theories of gravity where the inspiral rate is reduced. This could leave an imprint on the period distribution of stellar mass binaries in post-merger galaxies which could be detectable by future GW detectors, such as LISA.

We investigate the effects of Einsteinian cubic gravity in the strong gravitational regime. In the first part, we explore analytical solutions for a static, spherically symmetric metric, establishing the existence of maximally symmetric de Sitter solutions, as well as asymptotically de Sitter solutions, with an effective cosmological constant. We also study, analytically and numerically, how the horizon properties are affected by cubic gravity. Our results reveal that a positive coupling constant reduces the horizon size, while a negative one increases it. In the second part, we analyze potential observational signatures of cubic terms, focusing on their effects on the bending of light. Specifically, we investigate the angular difference, related to the deflection angle but valid near the source, along with the behavior of the photon sphere. Our findings show that the strongest effects of the cubic terms occur in the strong gravity regime, and there exists a direct relationship between the value of the coupling constant and the photon sphere position, opening up the possibility to constrain cubic gravity with black hole shadows.

We study a class of spectator field models that addresses the eta problem while providing a natural explanation for the observed slight deviation of the spectrum of curvature perturbations from scale-invariance. In particular, we analyze the effects of quantum corrections on the quadratic potential of the spectator field given by its gravitational coupling to the Ricci scalar and the inflaton energy, so-called the Hubble-induced mass term. These quantum corrections create a minimum around which the potential is flatter and to which the spectator field is attracted. We demonstrate that this attractor dynamics can naturally generate the observed slightly red-tilted spectrum of curvature perturbations. Furthermore, focusing on a curvaton model with a quadratic vacuum potential, we compute the primordial non-Gaussianity parameter $f_{\text{NL}}$ and derive a predictive relationship between $f_{\text{NL}}$ and the running of the scalar spectral index. This relationship serves as a testable signature of the model. Finally, we extend the idea to a broader class of models where the spectator field is an angular component of a complex scalar field.

The burgeoning field of multi-messenger astronomy is poised to revolutionize our understanding of the most enigmatic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. At the same time, it has opened a new window of opportunity to probe various particle physics phenomena. This is illustrated here with a few example new physics scenarios, namely, decaying heavy dark matter, pseudo-Dirac neutrinos and light dark sector physics, for which new constraints are derived using recent multi-messenger observations.

Self-gravitating horizonless ultra-compact objects that possess light rings have attracted the attention of physicists and mathematicians in recent years. In the present compact paper we raise the following physically interesting question: Is there a lower bound on the global compactness parameters ${\cal C}\equiv\text{max}_r\{2m(r)/r\}$ of spherically symmetric ultra-compact objects? Using the non-linearly coupled Einstein-matter field equations we explicitly prove that spatially regular ultra-compact objects with monotonically decreasing density functions (or monotonically decreasing radial pressure functions) are characterized by the lower bound ${\cal C}\geq1/3$ on their dimensionless compactness parameters.

Mathieu Kaltschmidt, Javier Redondo, Ken'ichi Saikawa, Alejandro Vaquero

The post-inflationary Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaking scenario provides a unique opportunity to pinpoint the QCD axion dark matter mass, which is a crucial input for laboratory experiments that are designed for probing specific mass ranges. Predicting their mass requires a precise knowledge of how axions are produced from the decay of topological defects in the early Universe that are inevitably formed. In this contribution, we present recent results on the analysis of the spectrum of axions radiated from global strings based on large scale numerical simulations of the cosmological evolution of the PQ field on a static lattice. We highlight several systematic effects that have been overlooked in previous works, such as the dependence on the initial conditions, contaminations due to oscillations in the spectrum, and discretisation effects; some of which could explain the discrepancy in the current literature. Taking these uncertainties into account and performing the extrapolation to cosmologically relevant string tensions, we find that the dark matter mass is predicted to be in the range of $95\,\mu\text{eV} \lesssim m_a \lesssim 450 \, \mu\text{eV}$, which will be probed by some of the next generation direct detection experiments.

We continue our studies of the ghost condensate (GC) with sixth-order dispersion relation. Contrary to the GC with quartic dispersion relation, we find that the correction to the Newtonian potential explicitly depends on the space and time dependence of matter density. At late times when the Newtonian potential becomes time-independent, one obtains similar oscillatory behavior at the distance $\frac{M_\textrm{Pl}}{M^2}$, but this time at the time scale $\frac{M^4}{M_\textrm{Pl}^3}$, where $M^2$ is the ghost field velocity. We also show that the speed of gravitational wave is modified in a frequency dependent manner at momenta close to $\frac{M_\textrm{Pl}}{\sqrt{|\sigma_1|}}$, where $\sigma_1$ is the coefficient of $\gamma^{ij} \nabla_i K_{lr} \nabla_j K^{lr}$ operator in the unitary gauge action.