The field of high redshift galaxy formation has been revolutionised by JWST, which is yielding unprecedented insights on galaxy assembly at early times. Our key aim is to study the physical mechanisms that can explain the unexpected abundance of bright galaxies at $z \geq 11$, as well as their metal enrichment and spectral properties. We also use recent data to determine the key sources of reionisation. To do so, we implement cold gas fractions and star formation efficiencies derived from the SPHINX20 high-resolution radiation-hydrodynamics simulation into DELPHI, a semi-analytic model that tracks the assembly of dark matter halos and their baryonic components from $z \sim 4.5-40$. In addition, we explore two different methodologies to boost galaxy luminosities at $z \geq 11$: a stellar initial mass function (IMF) that becomes increasingly top-heavy with decreasing metallicity and increasing redshift (eIMF model), and star formation efficiencies that increase with increasing redshift (eSFE model). Our key findings are: (i) both the eIMF and eSFE models can explain the abundance of bright galaxies at $z \geq 11$; (ii) dust attenuation plays an important role for the bright-end of the UV LF at $z \leq 11$; (iii) the mass-metallicity relation is in place as early as $z \sim 17$ in all models although its slope is model-dependent; (iv) within the spread of both models and observations, all of our models are in good agreement with current estimates of $\beta$ slopes at $z \sim 5-17$ and Balmer break strengths at $z \sim 6-10$; (v) in the eIMF model, galaxies at $z\geq12$ or with $\rm{M_{UV}}\geq-18$ show values of $\xi_{\rm{ion}} \sim 10^{25.55}~{\rm [Hz~erg^{-1}]}$, twice larger than in other models; (vi) star formation in galaxies below $10^{9}\rm{M_{\odot}}$ is the key driver of reionisation, providing the bulk ($\sim 85\%$) of ionising photons down to its midpoint at $z \sim 7$.
We analyze Hubble Space Telescope (HST) optical imaging of eight low-mass galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN) identified via their photometric variability in \cite{baldassare_search_2020}. We use GALFIT to model the 2D galaxy light profiles, and find a diversity of morphologies. The galaxies with regular morphologies are best fit with pseudo-bulges and disks, rather than classical bulges. We estimate black hole masses using scaling relations and find black hole masses of 10$^{3.7-6.6}$ M$_\odot$. We compare this sample to dwarf galaxies with AGN selected via optical spectroscopy. On average, the variable host galaxies have lower mass black holes. We analyze the brightest point source in each galaxy and find their properties are not entirely consistent with star clusters, indicating that they are likely AGN. These point sources are found to have lower luminosities than spectroscopically selected dwarf AGN, but brighter than the point sources in dwarf galaxies not identified as AGN. Our detailed imaging analysis shows that variability selection has the potential to find lower mass black holes and lower luminosity AGN than optical spectroscopy. These active dwarfs may have been missed by spectroscopic searches due to star formation dilution or low gas content.
Frequency-dependent polarization properties provide crucial insights into the radiation mechanisms and magnetic environments of fast radio bursts (FRBs). We explore an analytical solution of radiative transfer of the polarization properties of FRBs as a strong incoming wave propagates in a homogeneous magnetized plasma. The case of a thermal plasma is studied in more detail. The rotational axis of the polarization spectrum undergoes precession with frequency on the Poincaré sphere when the medium has both strong Faraday rotation and conversion. Such precession on the Poincaré sphere could occur in hot or cold plasma with a strong magnetic field component perpendicular to the line of sight. The analytical solution with the mixing Faraday case offers a more physical description of the physical properties of the magnetic environment of FRBs than the empirical ``generalized Faraday rotation'' method commonly adopted in the literature. Significant absorption can exist in a dense plasma medium, which may give rise to a highly circularly polarized outgoing wave. The frequency-dependent Stokes parameters may be associated with reversing rotation measures or the presence of a persistent radio source around an FRB.
We detail the use of the University of Tasmania's (UTAS) optical and radio telescopes to conduct observations of near-Earth asteroids from 2021 to 2024. The Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex transmitted a radio signal at 7159.45 MHz, with the radar echo detected by the UTAS radio telescopes. The method of accounting for the Doppler shift between the stations and the near-Earth object is described so that others can implement a similar program. We present our results, with confirmed detections of 1994 PC1 and 2003 UC20 asteroids using the Hobart and Katherine 12-m antennas, demonstrating the feasibility of using small radio telescopes for these observations. Additionally, the recently upgraded Ceduna 30 m antenna was used to detect 2024 MK. Data collected from other observatories, such as Tidbinbilla, as well as the UTAS radar tracking of the moon are also presented in the context of demonstrating the means of applying these Doppler corrections and the accuracy of each method. Optical observations conducted in this period are also detailed as they complement radar observations and aid in refining the orbit parameters.
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