We report the masses, sizes, and orbital properties of 86 planets orbiting 55 stars observed by NASA's K2 Mission with follow-up Doppler measurements by the HIRES spectrometer at the W. M. Keck Observatory and the Automated Planet Finder at Lick Observatory. Eighty-one of the planets were discovered from their transits in the K2 photometry, while five were found based on subsequent Doppler measurements of transiting planet host stars. The sizes of the transiting planets range from Earth-size to larger than Jupiter (1-3 REarth is typical), while the orbital periods range from less than a day to a few months. For 32 of the planets, the Doppler signal was detected with significance greater than 5-sigma (51 were detected with >3-sigma significance). An important characteristic of this catalog is the use of uniform analysis procedures to determine stellar and planetary properties. This includes the transit search and fitting procedures applied to the K2 photometry, the Doppler fitting techniques applied to the radial velocities, and the spectral modeling to determine bulk stellar parameters. Such a uniform treatment will make the catalog useful for statistical studies of the masses, densities, and system architectures of exoplanetary systems. This work also serves as a data release for all previously unpublished RVs and associated stellar activity indicators obtained by our team for these systems, along with derived stellar and planet parameters.
We compare measurements of star formation efficiency to cloud-scale gas properties across PHANGS-ALMA. Dividing 67 galaxies into 1.5 kpc scale regions, we calculate the molecular gas depletion time, tau_dep= Sigma_mol/Sigma_SFR, and the star formation efficiency per free-fall time, eff=tau_ff/tau_dep, for each region. Then we test how tau_dep and eff vary as functions of the regional mass-weighted mean molecular gas properties on cloud scales (60-150pc): gas surface density, <Sigma_mol^cloud>, velocity dispersion, <sigma_mol^cloud>, virial parameter, <alpha_vir^cloud>, and gravitational free-fall time, <tau_ff^cloud>. <tau_ff^cloud> and tau_dep correlate positively, consistent with the expectation that gas density plays a key role in setting the rate of star formation. Our fiducial measurements suggest tau_dep \propto <tau_ff^cloud>^0.5 and eff \approx 0.34%, though the exact numbers depend on the adopted fitting methods. We also observe anti-correlations between tau_dep and <Sigma_mol^cloud> and between tau_dep^mol and <sigma_mol^cloud> . All three correlations may reflect the same underlying link between density and star formation efficiency combined with systematic variations in the degree to which self-gravity binds molecular gas in galaxies. We highlight the tau_dep-<sigma_mol^cloud> relation because of the lower degree of correlation between the axes. Contrary to theoretical expectations, we observe an anti-correlation between tau_dep^mol and <alpha_vir^cloud> and no significant correlation between eff and <alpha_vir^cloud>. Our results depend sensitively on the adopted CO-to-H2 conversion factor, with corrections for excitation and emissivity effects in inner galaxies playing an important role. We emphasize that our simple methodology and clean selection allow easy comparison to numerical simulations and highlight this as a logical next direction.
A distinct power-law break is apparent m_AB approximately 21 in the deep Near-Infrared PEARLS-JWST galaxy counts. The break becomes more pronounced at longer wavelengths, with the counts slope flattening smoothly with apparent magnitude in the shortest band used at 0.9 microns, trending towards an increasingly broken slope by the longest wavelength passband of JWST NIRCam, 4.4 microns. This behaviour is remarkably well predicted by the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. We use the model to diagnose the origin of this behaviour. We find that the features that are responsible for the break are: 1) the inherent break in the luminosity function; 2) the change in the volume element with redshift and 3) the redshift-dependent nature of the k-correction. We study the contribution to these effects by early and late-type galaxies, using as a proxy for morphology the bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio. We find that the way in which ellipticals populate the bright end of the luminosity function while spirals dominate the faint end is preserved in the galaxy number counts, with a characteristic stellar mass at the break of approximately 10^10 M_sun. We also find that the shape of the number counts is mainly driven by galaxies with relatively low redshift (z < 2) for the PEARLS observational limit of m_AB < 28. We give a comprehensive description of why the galaxy number counts in the near-infrared PEARLS-JWST observation look the way they do and which population of galaxies is dominant at each apparent magnitude.
The core-collapse supernova remnant (SNR) Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is one of the brightest galactic radio sources with an angular radius of $\sim$ 2.5 $\arcmin$. Although no extension of this source has been detected in the $\gamma$-ray band, using more than 1000 days of LHAASO data above $\sim 0.8$ TeV, we find that its spectrum is significantly softer than those obtained with Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) and its flux near $\sim 1$ TeV is about two times higher. In combination with analyses of more than 16 years of \textit{Fermi}-LAT data covering $0.1 \, \mathrm{GeV} - 1 \, \mathrm{TeV}$, we find that the spectrum above 30 GeV deviates significantly from a single power-law, and is best described by a smoothly broken power-law with a spectral index of $1.90 \pm 0.15_\mathrm{stat}$ ($3.41 \pm 0.19_\mathrm{stat}$) below (above) a break energy of $0.63 \pm 0.21_\mathrm{stat} \, \mathrm{TeV}$. Given differences in the angular resolution of LHAASO-WCDA and IACTs, TeV $\gamma$-ray emission detected with LHAASO may have a significant contribution from regions surrounding the SNR illuminated by particles accelerated earlier, which, however, are treated as background by IACTs. Detailed modelling can be used to constrain acceleration processes of TeV particles in the early stage of SNR evolution.