We present 3 years of high-contrast imaging of the PDS 70 b and c accreting protoplanets with the new extreme AO system MagAO-X as part of the MaxProtoPlanetS survey of H$\alpha$ protoplanets. In 2023 and 2024 our sharp (25-27 mas FWHM); well AO corrected (20-26% Strehl), deep (2-3.6hr) images detect compact (r~30 mas; r~3 au) circumplanetary disks (CPDs) surrounding both protoplanets. Starlight scattering off the dusty outer edges of these CPDs is the likely source of the bright compact continuum light detected within ~30 mas of both planets in our simultaneously obtained continuum 668 nm filter images. After subtraction of contaminating continuum and PSF residuals with pyKLIP ADI and SDI we obtained high-contrast ASDI H$\alpha$ images of both planets in 2022, 2023 and 2024. We find the H$\alpha$ line flux of planet b fell by (8.1$\pm$1.6)x10$^{-16}$ ergs/s/cm$^2$ a factor of 4.6 drop in flux from 2022 to 2023. In March 2024, planet b continued to be faint with just a slight 1.6x rise to an H$\alpha$ line flux of (3.64$\pm$0.87)x10$^{-16}$ ergs/s/cm$^2$. For c we measure a significant increase of (2.74$\pm$0.51)x10$^{-16}$ ergs/s/cm$^2$ from 2023 to 2024 which is a factor of 2.3x increase. So both protoplanets have recently experienced significant H$\alpha$ variability with ~1 yr sampling. In 2024, planet c is brighter than b: as c is brightening and b generally fading. We also tentatively detect one new point source "CC3" inside the inner disk (~49 mas; at PA~295 deg; 2024) with orbital motion roughly consistent with a ~5.6 au orbit.
Current observations indicate that stars with higher rotation rates appear to maintain more surface lithium, and the majority of lithium-rich giants are indeed red clump stars. Hence, we investigate the mechanisms behind lithium enrichment in rotating red clump stars and the pathways to forming lithium-rich red clump stars. Meridional circulation is prevalent in the radiative zone of rotating giants. We model its radial mixing as a diffusion process and derive the corresponding diffusion coefficient based on its material transfer effect. Due to uncertainties in numerical calculations, we consider an average diffusion effect. Additionally, certain limiting conditions for the radial velocity of meridional circulation are incorporated. With varying input rotation velocities, we simulate the lithium evolution for red clump stars with this model. Our results indicate that the material transfer effect due to meridional circulation can efficiently transport beryllium, produced by H burning, into the convective envelope. This meridional circulation can lead to lithium enrichment, with a maximum lithium abundance increment approaching \(3.0\,\rm dex\). Consequently, it is capable of forming both lithium-rich and super lithium-rich red clump stars. The degree of lithium enrichment exhibits a strong positive correlation with the rotation velocity, i.e., faster red clump stars show more surface lithium. Furthermore, our models indicate that lithium-rich red clump stars are relatively young (\(\sim 10^6\,\rm yr\)), which aligns with observation evidences.
The feature of quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) is frequently observed in the light curve of solar and stellar flares. In this letter, we investigated the QPP at a shorter period in high-energy channels of HXRs and Ggamma-ray continuum during an X9.0 flare on October 3, 2024 (SOL2024-10-03T12:08). The X9.0 flare was simultaneously measured by the Hard X-ray Imager, the Konus-Wind, and the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays. The shorter period center at about 1 s was determined by the fast Fourier transform with a Bayesianbased Markov Chain Monte Carlo and the wavelet analysis method. The restructured images show that the HXR sources are mainly separated into two fragments, regarding as double footpoints. Moreover, the footpoints move significantly during the flare QPP. Our results suggest that the intermittent and impulsive energy releases during the powerful flare are mainly caused by the interaction of hot plasma loops that are rooted in double footpoints. Thus, the flare QPP at a shorter period of about 1 s in HXR and Gamma-ray continuum emissions can be well explained by the interacting loop model.
Cold and cool gas (T $\leq 10^4$ K) in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and its interaction with galaxies remain poorly understood. Simulations predict that cold gas flows into galaxies through cosmic filaments, determining the disk formation and galaxy evolution. The cold gas accretion modes in the CGM and their dependence on dark matter halo mass and redshift remain puzzling. Resolving the kiloparsec-scale kinematics and dynamics of cold gas interacting with the disk, dust, and metals in different environments is particularly lacking at z > 2. Here we report two disturbed cold gas structures traced by ultra-strong MgII absorbers (rest-frame equivalent width Wr > 2 Å) exhibiting high kinematic velocities (> 500 km/s) and their environments at z ~ 4.9 and z ~ 2.6. Observations were conducted with VLT/MUSE, JWST/NIRCam, and ALMA to detect Lya and nebular emission lines, as well as dust continuum emission in the vicinity of these two absorbing gas structures. We identify two Lya emitters associated with a strong MgII absorber pair separated by ~1000 km/s at z~ 4.87. The pair exhibits relative differences in metallicity, dust content, and ionization states, suggesting internal metal and dust exchange within the ultra-large cold gas structure. For the strong MgII absorber at z = 2.5652$, we detect a dusty star-forming galaxy at a projected distance of $D = 38$ kpc. This galaxy exhibits prominent HeI, [SIII], and Paschen$\gamma$ lines, along with significant dust continuum. It has a star formation rate of ~ 121 +/- 33 $M_{\odot}$/yr and likely harbors a rotating disk. These findings tentatively suggest that cold gas at high redshifts plays a critical role in driving disk formation and actively participates in the transfer of metals and dust within the overdense regions of the CGM.
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