Electron-scale Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (ESKHI) are found in several astrophysical scenarios. Naturally ESKHI is subject to a background magnetic field, but an analytical dispersion relation and an accurate growth rate of ESKHI under this circumstance are long absent, as former MHD derivations are not applicable in the relativistic regime. We present a generalized dispersion relation of ESKHI in relativistic magnetized shear flows, with few assumptions. ESKHI linear growth rates in certain cases are numerically calculated. We conclude that the presence of an external magnetic field decreases the maximum instability growth rate in most cases, but can slightly increase it when the shear velocity is sufficiently high. Also, the external magnetic field results in a larger cutoff wavenumber of the unstable band and increases the wavenumber of the most unstable mode. PIC simulations are carried out to verify our conclusions, where we also observe the suppressing of kinetic DC magnetic field generation, resulting from electron gyration induced by the external magnetic field.
Most globular clusters in the local group show multiple stellar populations, a pattern defined by variations of several light elements, with some also displaying dispersions in heavy elements. Since helium is the most immediate product of hydrogen burning, almost all models suggest that second-generation stars should show different levels of helium enrichment than first-generation stars. Therefore, investigating helium enrichment in stellar populations of globular clusters can constrain different theoretical models. Using the deep photometry carried out by the {\sl Hubble} Space Telescope, we have analyzed the morphologies of the main sequences of four Large Magellanic Cloud globular clusters, Hodge 11, NGC 1841, NGC 2210, and NGC 2257. We aim to constrain the helium distributions among their main sequence stars. We found a clear broadening of main sequences in all four clusters. After excluding the effects of photometric errors, differential reddening, unresolved binaries, and metallicity dispersions, this broadening would suggest a substantial helium enrichment in their star populations, ranging from $\delta{Y}=0.08$ to $\delta{Y}\geq0.12$, depending on the presumed helium distributions. Helium-enriched stars are comparable in number to normal stars within these clusters, and may even dominate, comprising approximately $\sim$40\% to over 80\% of the total stellar population. However, given the great distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud, it is difficult to rule out the significant impact of crowding, so our results may only represent an upper limit.
We report the confirmation of TOI-6324 b, an Earth-sized (1.059 $\pm$ 0.041 R$_\oplus$) ultra-short-period (USP) planet orbiting a nearby ($\sim$20 pc) M dwarf. Using the newly commissioned Keck Planet Finder (KPF) spectrograph, we have measured the mass of TOI-6324 b 1.17 $\pm$ 0.22 M$_\oplus$. Because of its extremely short orbit of just $\sim$6.7 hours, TOI-6324 b is intensely irradiated by its M dwarf host, and is expected to be stripped of any thick, H/He envelope. We were able to constrain its interior composition and found an iron core mass fraction (CMF = 27$\pm$37%) consistent with that of Earth ($\sim$33%) and other confirmed USPs. TOI-6324 b is the closest to Earth-sized USP confirmed to date. TOI-6324 b is a promising target for JWST phase curve and secondary eclipse observations (Emission Spectroscopy Metric = 25) which may reveal its surface mineralogy, day-night temperature contrast, and possible tidal deformation. From 7 sectors of TESS data, we report a tentative detection of the optical phase curve variation with an amplitude of 42$\pm$28 ppm.
Galaxy mergers are crucial for understanding galaxy evolution, and with large upcoming datasets, automated methods, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), are needed for efficient detection. It is understood that these networks work by identifying deviations from the regular, expected shapes of galaxies, which are indicative of a merger event. Using images from the IllustrisTNG simulations, we aim to check the importance of faint features, source position and shape information present in galaxy merger images on the performance of a CNN merger vs. non-merger classifier. We fit Sérsic profiles to each galaxy in mock images from the IllustrisTNG simulations. We subtract the profiles from the original images to create residual images, and we train three identical CNNs on three different datasets -- original images (CNN1), model images (CNN2), and residual images (CNN3). We found that it is possible to conduct galaxy merger classification based only on faint features, source position and shape information present in residual images and model images, respectively. The results show that the CNN1 correctly classifies 74% of images, while CNN2 70%, and CNN3 68%. Source position and shape information is crucial for pre-merger classification, while residual features are important for post-merger classification. CNN3 classifies post-mergers in the latest merger stage the best out of all three classifiers.
This work presents visual morphological and dynamical classifications for 637 spatially resolved galaxies, most of which are at intermediate redshift ($z\sim0.3$), in the Middle-Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral field spectroscopy (MAGPI) Survey. For each galaxy, we obtain a minimum of 11 independent visual classifications by knowledgeable classifiers. We use an extension of the standard Dawid-Skene bayesian model introducing classifier-specific confidence parameters and galaxy-specific difficulty parameters to quantify classifier confidence and infer reliable statistical confidence estimates. Selecting sub-samples of 86 bright ($r<20$ mag) high-confidence ($>0.98$) morphological classifications at redshifts ($0.2 \le z \le0.4$), we confirm the full range of morphological types is represented in MAGPI as intended in the survey design. Similarly, with a sub-sample of 82 bright high-confidence stellar kinematic classifications, we find that the rotating and non-rotating galaxies seen at low redshift are already in place at intermediate redshifts. We \textit{do not} find evidence that the kinematic morphology-density relation seen at $z\sim0$ is established at $z\sim0.3$. We suggest that galaxies without obvious stellar rotation are dynamically pre-processed sometime before $z\sim0.3$ within lower mass groups before joining denser environments.
HSC 120505.09-000027.9 (J1205$-$0000) is one of the highest redshift ($z=6.72$) dust-reddened quasars (red quasars) known to date. We present an improved analysis of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array data of the [CII] $158\ \rm{\mu m}$ line and the underlying rest-frame far-infrared (FIR) continuum emission, previously reported in Izumi et al. (2021a), toward J1205$-$0000. Red quasars are thought to be a transitional phase from an obscured starburst to a luminous blue quasar, in some cases associated with massive outflows driven by the active galactic nucleus (AGN). J1205$-$0000 has a high FIR luminosity, $L_{\mathrm{FIR}}=2.5\times 10^{12}\ L_{\odot}$ and a total IR luminosity of $L_{\mathrm{TIR}}=3.5\times 10^{12}\ L_{\odot}$, corresponding to a star formation rate (SFR) of $\sim 528\ M_{\odot}\ \mathrm{yr}^{-1}$. With the [CII]-based dynamical mass of $\sim 1 \times 10^{11}~M_\odot$, we conclude that J1205$-$0000 is hosted by a starburst galaxy. In contradiction to Izumi et al. (2021a), our improved analysis shows no hint of a broad component in the [CII] line spectrum. Thus there is no evidence for a host galaxy-scale fast [CII] outflow, despite the fact that J1205$-$0000 has fast nuclear ionized outflows seen in the rest-frame UV. We explore several scenarios for this discrepancy (e.g., early phase of AGN feedback, reliability of the [CII] line as a tracer of outflows), and we claim that it is still too early to conclude that there is no significant negative AGN feedback on star formation in this red quasar.