Significant theoretical and observational efforts are underway to investigate the properties of turbulence in the hot plasma that pervades galaxy clusters. Spectroscopy has been used to study the projected line-of-sight velocities in both the hot intracluster medium and the cold gas phase using optical and X-ray telescopes. In this paper, we characterize the velocity structure functions of the multiphase intracluster medium in a simulated galaxy cluster core and study the effects of projections on the hot and cold phase of the gas. To do so, we use the fiducial run of the XMAGNET suite, a collection of exascale magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of a cool-core cluster, to compute velocity structure functions. The simulation includes radiative cooling as well as a model for active galactic nuclei feedback. Examining three-dimensional and line-of-sight velocity structure functions, we find no clear correlation between the behavior of the hot ($10^6\, \mathrm{K}\, \leq T \leq 10^8 \, \mathrm{K}$) and cold ($T\leq 10^5$ K) phases VSFs. Assuming a power law model for the VSF, we find that the power law index $m$ of the cold phase varies significantly throughout the 4 Gyr simulation time. We compare our VSFs with observations using mock optical and X-ray images, and conclude that projection effects significantly impact the amplitude and power law index of both the hot and cold phases. In the cold phase, applying a Gaussian smoothing filter to model effects of atmospheric seeing increases significantly the power law index of the projected VSF at scales below the filter's kernel size. Moreover, the VSF amplitude and power law index vary significantly depending on the viewing orientation. We conclude that observational biases such as projection effects, atmospheric seeing and the viewing angle cannot be ignored when interpreting line-of-sight velocity structure of the intracluster medium.
We present extensive proper motion measurements of the Crab Nebula made from Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope MegaPrime/MegaCam images taken in 2007, 2016, and 2019. A total of 19974 proper motion vectors with uncertainty $<10$\,mas\,yr$^{-1}$ located over the majority of the Crab Nebula are used to map the supernova remnant's two-dimensional expansion properties that reflect the dynamics of the original explosion, acceleration of ejecta imparted by spin-down energy from the pulsar, and interaction between the ejecta and surrounding cicumstellar material (CSM). The average convergence date we derive is 1105.5 $\pm$ 0.5 CE, which is 15-35 yr earlier compared to most previous estimates. We find that it varies as a function of position angle around the nebula, with the earliest date and smallest proper motions measured along the equator defined by the east and west bays. The lower acceleration of material along the equatorial plane may be indicative of the supernova's interaction with a disk-like CSM geometry. Comparing our measurements to previous analytical solutions of the Crab's expansion and our own numerical simulation using the moving mesh hydrodynamics code \texttt{Sprout}, we conclude that the ejecta have relaxed closer to homologous expansion than expected for the commonly adopted pulsar spindown age of $\tau \sim 700$ yr and a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) still evolving inside the flat part of the ejecta density profile. These findings provide further evidence that the PWN has broken out of the inner flat part of the supernova ejecta density profile and has experienced ``blowout''.
Thermonuclear X-ray bursts occur on the surface of an accreting neutron star (NS), and their characteristics and interplay with the surrounding circumstance could be a clue to understand the nature of the NS and accretion process. For this purpose, Insight-HXMT has performed high cadence observations on the bright thermonuclear X-ray burster--4U~1608--52 during its outburst in July and August 2022; nine bursts were detected, including seven bursts with the photospheric radius expansion (PRE). Time-resolved spectroscopy of the bright PRE bursts reveals that an enhancement of accretion rate or the Comptonization of the burst emission by the corona could reduce the residuals when fitting their spectra with the conventional model--blackbody. The inferred energy increment rate of the burst photon gained from the corona is up to $\sim$40\%, even though the bursts have different peak fluxes and locate at different accretion rates. Moreover, the flux shortage of the rising PRE is observed in the bursts at a high mass accretion rate, but not for the burst with a faint persistent emission, which has been predicted theoretically but first observed in this work. If the flux shortage is due to the disk obscuration, i.e., the burst emission is anisotropic, the phenomenon above could indicate that the anisotropy of the burst emission is accretion rate dependent, which could also be evidence of the truncated disk in the low/hard state.
We report the discovery of a transiting brown dwarf orbiting a low-mass star, TOI-6508b. Today, only ~50 transiting brown dwarfs have been discovered. TOI-6508b was first detected with data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in Sectors 10, 37, and 63. Ground-based follow-up photometric data were collected with the SPECULOOS-South and LCOGT-1.0m telescopes, and RV measurements were obtained with the Near InfraRed Planet Searcher (NIRPS) spectrograph. We find that TOI-6508b has a mass of Mp=72.5+7.6-5.1MJup and a radius of Rp=1.03+/-0.03RJup. Our modeling shows that the data are consistent with an eccentric orbit of 19day and an eccentricity of e=0.28+0.09-0.08. TOI-6508b has a mass ratio of M_BD/Ms=0.40, makes it the second highest mass ratio brown dwarf that transits a low-mass star. The host has a mass of Ms=0.174+/-0.004M_Sun, a radius of Rs=0.205+/-0.006R_Sun, an effective temperature of Teff=2930+/-70K, and a metallicity of [Fe/H]=-0.22+/-0.08. This makes TOI-6508b an interesting discovery that has come to light in a region still sparsely populated.
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